Sally D. Hacker

Department of Integrative Biology
3029 Cordley Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
Telephone: 541-737-3707
[email protected]

BS, University of Washington
MS, University of Maine
PhD, Brown University

I am a community ecologist interested in natural and managed coastal communities. The theme that guides my work is an interest in species interactions and how they influence the structure, function, and services of communities. Understanding the factors controlling community structure and function is a major goal of community ecologists both for basic and applied reasons. From a basic perspective, ecologists want to know how natural communities work, what role species play in controlling how they work, and how physical conditions modulate these interactions. From an applied perspective, ecologists want to use information about how communities work to better understand the consequences of species losses (extinction) and additions (introduced, invasive species).

My research investigates the magnitude and importance of native and non-native species interactions on community structure, function, and services under different spatial and temporal scales. There are three major themes or areas of concentration in my research:

  1. The mechanisms important to community structure and function at local and regional spatial scales in dune, estuary and rocky intertidal communities.
  2. The protective role of ecosystems in mitigating coastal vulnerability from climate change.
  3. The invasion, modification, and restoration dynamics of invasive coastal vegetation.