
We are always committed to providing a high quality publishing service to our authors and bringing the latest development to the scientific community. Inquiries and submissions should be sent to [email protected]. We will respond as promptly as we can.

Dr. Aloy’s Core Essential Series (DACES) Hematology

Author: Dr. Aloysius O. Ikwuka

ISBN: 978-1-958293-09-6


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Spin Supercurrent in Biophysics

Author: Liudmila Boldyreva

ISBN: 978-1-958293-01-0


Purchase Information:
If you want to order the book, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected].

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Dr. Aloy's Core Essential Series (DACES) Medical Genetics

Author: Dr. Aloysius O. Ikwuka

ISBN: 978-1-958293-02-7


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Dr. Aloy’s Core Essential Series (DACES) Immunology

Author: Dr. Aloysius O. Ikwuka

ISBN: 978-978-795-866-7


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Thailand’s and Global Perspectives of COVID-19

A Theory of Spin Vortices in a Physical Vacuum Consisting of Quantum Oscillators

Author: Liudmila B. Boldyreva

ISBN: 1-5275-6455-X

Release Date: April 16, 2021

Pages: 262

In April 2021, Cambridge Scholars Publishing published the book by Liudmila B. Boldyreva. “A Theory of Spin Vortices in a Physical Vacuum Consisting of Quantum Oscillators”.

“The book is intended for people who are interested in scientific literature and/or specialize in areas, such as physics (matter waves, quantum correlation, electromagnetism, superconductivity, ball lightning, and the effect of cavity structures), astronomy (dark energy, dark matter, and cosmic microwave backgrounds), biophysics (the effect of biologically active substances in ultra-low doses and low-intensity physical factors on biological systems), and parapsychology. This book does not contain lots of complicated mathematical formulas and special terms; it is intended for readers who are educated to college level.”

The link to the Cambridge Scholars site where the book is described and where it can be bought is as follows:

In addition to journals and conferences, SciEP publishes books that feature cutting-edge, high quality research in a variety of subject areas by authors across nations. We accept a range of product types including reference books, monographs, handbooks and academic textbooks to suit different subject areas, information types and customer needs.

We are always committed to providing a high quality publishing service to our authors and bringing the latest development to the scientific community.

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5Fast Publication

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Publication process:

Submission-Initial Review-Peer Review-Revision-Decision-Typesetting and Proof Reading-Payment-Publication


Inquiries and submissions should be sent to [email protected]. We will respond as promptly as we can.


Just published:

A Theory of Spin Vortices in a Physical Vacuum Consisting of Quantum Oscillators

The model described in this book explains many physical phenomena (matter waves, quantum correlations, vector magnetic potential, superluminal near-field dipole electromagnetic fields, transmutation of chemical elements, the action of biologically active substances in ultra-low doses on biological systems, effect of cavity structures, potency of some magic rites), some of them having no physical explanation as yet.

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Social Science

Scientific community and society encompasses research and material which directly concerns, or is relevant to, members of the community of scientists in particular or society at large.

Agriculture & Food Sciences

Food science is a study concerned with all technical aspects of food, beginning with harvesting or slaughtering, and ending with its cooking and consumption.

Mathematics & Physics

Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through spacetime, along with related concepts such as energy and force.

Medicine & Healthcare

The health sciences study all aspects of health, disease and healthcare. This field of study aims to develop knowledge, interventions and technology for use in healthcare to improve the treatment of patients.