
Check out this custom painted SEGA Dreamcast featuring Street Fighter 3rd Strike

We have see many custom-painted SEGA Dreamcasts in our day, and this latest project from M.A.L. Custom Consoles takes our breath away. Their latest creation features beautiful artwork from Street Fighter 3rd Strike, with Chun-Li at the center of the Dreamcast and Ryu on the controller.

The Dreamcast’s power light and controller ports shine a cool, electric blue, and the bottom of the console has a black and blue splatter signature by M.A.L Custom Consoles.

You can check out the rest of M.A.L’s work by clicking here 

You can check out the console in the gallery below!

Marcin Gulik

Been a gamer all my life. Studied Sociology and Criminology in college, and traveled for a bit. I like long walks on the beach and I like to listen to... (wait wrong site....) Sega Dreamcast and Shenmue all the way!

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