I have had a hard time finding good quilt patterns for novelty prints the past couple times I purchased them. I made up this pattern so that I could show off the novelty, but still keep the quilt simple to finish.
Here is my pattern sheet I made myself just in case anyone wants it.
I designed these "U" squares and sewed them together first. They were relatively easy compared to many quilt squares out there. Aaaaanndd...that is the only photo I took during the construction phase apparently. So, on to the finished product!
I used a 90x90" black microfiber blanket for the back as a replacement for minky since I didn't buy enough from the fabric store months ago. Being in this quarantine has made purchasing fabric inconvenient, expensive, and in some cases, impossible. I purchased the blanket on Amazon for about $26 and cut off the hemmed edges before putting it up on the quilter. When using these blankets, plus batting, the blanket is THICK. It ended up about 6 lbs, so good for those loving a little weight to their blanket. I still prefer actual minky for the blankets, but they work in a pinch.
Choosing the thread was rough. The minky was black, but the front of the quilt was about 50%/50% black and white. Actually, I just realized I could have used Red, lol. I don't profess to have a fully functioning brain....ever. In the end, I chose to quilt with black on top and bottom. I kept the pattern loose to keep the quilt soft. Tighter quilting designs make for a stiff quilt. Also, my quilting set-up is pretty touch and go, so really I always quilt with this free-motion pattern, lol. One day we will upgrade the machine and table, but not today.
And here we go, all done! I didn't want the work of adding the black strips between blocks in the beginning, but it really sets everything apart and shows off those novelty prints. I couldn't have been more pleased with the finished product.
So, Happy Birthday Dad. I hope you loved your quilt!
Now on to the next project!
Between Etsy orders I have been designing shelves for our little sets of nerdy toys, lol. More on that later! Have a great night ;0}