A warm welcome to SkillsActive Uk, we hope you are well and thriving in these challenging times. Stay safe.
Skills Active UK is the Sector Skills Council and Standard Setting Body for...
We encompass 5 sub-sectors-
- Sport & Recreation
- Health & Fitness
- The Outdoors
- Playwork
- Caravan industry
Each of the sub-sectors play an important role in the UK economy and lie at the heart of the agenda to improve community cohesion and promote healthy lifestyles
Skills Active Uk is recognised by government as the Sector Skills Council (SSC) . For more than twenty years we have been developing National Occupational Standards (NOS) that form the basis of qualifications across the UK.
We work closely with Expert Working Group (EWG) comprised of sector specialists to develop National Occupational Standards (NOS). NOS specify UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively.
NOS specify UK Standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively.
NOS are developed by Standard Setting organisations who consult employers and stakeholders across each of the UK nations, the result is a set of NOS that are suitable for use across the UK. The NOS are approved on a four-nation basis, they are developed as individual measures of competence but they are grouped in Suites.
If you have nationally recognised qualifications and extensive experience in the sport and fitness sector, apply to be part of the review of the Welsh Apprenticeships. For more details email [email protected] by 31st August 2022.
If you are looking to start teaching, we offer a Level 3 Award in Education & Training, (AET). Contract us for more details and the next start date