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Sample Essay on Leadership Studies
The current work environment poses diverse challenges that
undermine the functions of the executive. High performers often
exhibit high level leadership characteristics as well as a strong sense of
self drive. They not only comprehend the nature of challenges that they
encounter but also possess sufficient skills, knowledge, and expertise to
effectively address them. Such individuals often have unique
capabilities with some of their strengths being their flexibility and
adaptability. Of utmost importance is the fact that these individuals
often welcome new ideas and are capable of easily addressing
emerging concerns. These abilities and qualifications enable them to
navigate the problematic social and economic environments without
necessarily compromising on the full benefits as well as opportunities
that a particular setting presents. For these individuals, leadership skills
are imperative as they can offer a clear sense of self direction. To this
effect, this paper will delve deeper into my leadership interests,
capacities, and vision and also highlight the distinctive techniques that I
intend to use in order to further develop my leadership capacities.
Leadership Interests and Capacities
I intend to establish and operate a successful corporate business in the
future, and as the sole owner of this enterprise, I will have to manage
employees from multicultural backgrounds. It is my desire to become
the most successful leader of my business entity and I am aware that
every successful organization usually acknowledges the essence of
partnering with one other in enhancing performance levels. As a matter
of fact, it is impossible for modern day organizations to operate
independently (Wheatley, 2009). This is because they need to seek
assistance from other organizations so as to operate more effectively. It
would thus be imperative to place a lot of emphasis on establishing
mutually beneficial relations with other corporations as well. To
achieve this, there is need to understand the nature and purpose of
these organizations and I expect to gain practical leadership skills and
knowledge from this learning process .
I am well aware that successful organizations rely on their leaders for
guidance and direction. Due to my credibility and integrity, I believe
that I will be in a position to offer the best kind of leadership because
these qualities will be essential in helping me to handle the diverse
challenges at the work place in an objective manner. Without a doubt,
employees in a multicultural work setting will often experience conflicts
due to their diverse attitudes, interests, abilities, beliefs, and practices.
Through leadership education, I have amassed the skills and knowledge
necessary for handling workplace conflicts effectively. Such practice is
essential in ensuring justice and fairness at the work place (Wheatley,
2009). In the face of conflict, I believe I will be able to help my
employees to resolve their issues and also maintain a conducive
working environment. I will also nurture their trust by making sure that
I fulfill all my promises to them and addressing their problems
accordingly. Additionally, I intend to set achievable goals for both the
individual employees and the organization at large.
My optimism and positive attitude in the face of adversity are also ideal
attributes that I consider useful in leading my organization. With such a
high turbulence in the current corporate environment, leaders ought to
exercise a high degree of optimism so that they can be able to address
challenges and still perform well. Specifically, it is quite important to
exercise optimism as it can help to inspire my employees as well.
Generally, motivated employees tend to perceive problems positively
and actually consider them as potential opportunities for growth and
development and I will use this aspect to foster a learning culture
within my organization and develop idyllic skills and expertise. In the
long run, this can be beneficial for the organization, especially
considering that the highly dynamic corporate environment. Inevitably,
my dedicated workforce will remain diligent and dedicated to achieving
both their individual and organizational goals because of the optimism
and motivation. My optimism will also also come in handy when
handling matter such as staff turnover which have the potential to
harm the wellbeing of the organization and result in the wastage of
Hard work and commitment are other vital abilities that will help me to
steer my organization in the right direction. I am naturally a hard-
working person who is very focused and through leadership training, I
have learnt the importance of setting quality goals and dedicating my
time to achieve them. From a theoretical perspective, Northouse (2013)
asserts that in many leaders the quality of hard work tends to be
matched equally with commitment and ambition. I intend to commit
myself fully in order to make sure that my organization broadens its
operations to both national and regional spheres. In combination with
my persistence, these attributes will enable me to fulfill both my
individual and organizational goals. Of importance as well is the fact
that this will compel me to focus on sustainable growth and
developments which will entail appreciating the contributions of my
employees to the wellbeing of the organization.
Finally, some of the key desirable leadership qualities are strong
interpersonal and communication skills and these can empower me to
drive my organization towards sustainable development. In this regard,
I am capable of establishing and nurturing strong and positive
relationships at all levels and I understand only too well that my
organization will be composed of a social environment where various
individuals from diverse backgrounds will be working together for the
common good. To attain this common good and any goals set, these
employees will require the cooperation of their co workers as well as
my direction. I will therefore seek to establish and maintain a conducive
working atmosphere that is devoid of unnecessary conflicts. In order to
develop such an environment I will have to establish effective
communication and my superb communication skills, will come in
handy in ensuring constant flow of information and sharing. Wheatley
(2009) asserts that information flow and sharing fosters understanding
and also empowers the employees such that they act on informed
decisions. Ultimately, it helps to eliminate sources and incidences of
conflicts that may negatively affect employee performance and overall
productivity within the organizations.
Leadership Vision
In terms of leadership vision, I will seek to enhance the capacities of
organizations as well as individuals in order to empower them so that
they can deal with change in a proactive manner. This is founded upon
the recognition and acknowledgement that modern day organizations
face challenges that are complex and dynamic in nature. Furthermore,
the implications that such challenges may have on the wellbeing of
both the employees and organizations are far reaching and this has
been blamed for obstructing entrepreneurs from venturing into
businesses successfully. Building the capacities of both individuals and
organizations is a sustainable way of empowering them to handle
change effectively (Northouse, 2013). Skills learnt from capacity
building programs are essential in applying creative and critical thinking
when faced with challenging situations at the workplace. Tailored
solutions and personalized attention are necessary especially
considering the complexity of most of the problems. Through education
and training in leadership, individuals at all levels are empowered and
given the sole responsibility of addressing the concerns that they
encounter. When faced with the challenging scenarios, they ought to
understand that conventional models may not suitably address the
concerns at hand in an effective manner hence the need to formulate
feasible solutions that are best suited for resolving emergent concerns
with ease.
Developing Leadership Capacities
At this point, it is important to note that in the face of the current
corporate environment, the concept of leadership cannot be static.
Instead, it assumes a dynamic shape and evolves with the changing
needs of the corporate world. Therefore, I will have no choice but to
undertake practices that aim at enhancing my leadership competencies
and building my capacities to desirable levels at all times. To this effect,
I will have to pursue further studies in the field of leadership and upon
my completion of undergraduate studies, I intend to further my
education to the Master’s level. Considering the fundamental
importance of education in improving capacities and expertise, I will
focus on business management and related courses so that I attain
specialized skills in my field of specification.
Additionally, I will examine and re-examine my leadership style with the
aim of identifying weaknesses that undermine credible organizational
management. According to Northouse (2013), well-regarded tools
including the Personal Motivation and Engagement Tool, Myers Briggs
Type Indicator Tool and the DISC Tool are effective in evaluation of the
credibility of different leadership styles. Specifically, these tools are
designed to enable leaders to comprehend their behaviors, value
systems and problem solving tendencies. Information gained from such
tools empowers them to identify areas that derail management and
initiate important communication procedures that can help them to
improve accordingly. Essentially, leaders can make objective decisions
through the results of self analyses, especially with regard to improving
their performance.
I will also welcome external critical reviews on my leadership activities
in a bid to improve my leadership. I will do this by gathering
observations from external parties with regard to my leadership
capacities and any shortcomings. Northouse (2013) asserts that
leadership that is refined from different points of view yields better
results. Since I intend to establish trustworthy relations with certain
individuals within the organization from the onset, I am positive of
obtaining objective, honest and worthwhile feedback through external
review process. In order to make this review process as beneficial as
possible, it will be imperative for me to take into account the
perceptions of respected mentors, colleagues, and/or coaches.
Finally, it is my plan to enhance my leadership capacities through
establishing a work place environment that supports teamwork
initiatives. This will entail fostering a secure environment that facilitates
and encourages honest and open discussions at all times even with
regard to complex issues. It is commonly agreed that in many cases
leaders tend to be blind when it comes to their leadership weaknesses
and shortcomings. However, I intend to use these forums to gain
insightful information regarding the ideal leadership from the
perspectives of my employees who I believe will have competencies in
various fields and hence comprehend the requirements and dynamics
of these particular fields. By learning from them, I will be able to adopt
leadership styles that effectively address the needs of my organization.
The inherent information sharing will certainly be geared towards
building capacities and enhancing performance in the process.
Leaders who thrive in spite of the current challenges faced within the
work environment possess sufficient skills and competencies. They
further comprehend the nature of the business environment and devise
feasible means through which they can address the anticipated
challenges in a timely and effective manner. When I complete my
undergraduate studies, I am personally interested in establishing a
successful corporate entity with a diverse work force. Since I will be
responsible for leading this work force, I will have to employ my
abilities including integrity, credibility, optimism, commitment, hard
work, and dedication, in order to inspire my teams and make sure that
they uphold optimal performance at all times. My leadership vision will
entail improving the capacities of personnel and organizations to
empower them so that they can handle the emergent challenges
proactively. My plans are to enhance my leadership capacities by
acquiring further education, training, and also receiving critical reviews
from credible sources. Most importantly, I intend to establish a
conducive working environment for my employees by not only
maintaining effective communication, but also gaining from the
feedback of subordinates and mentors.
In case of any complications writing a sample essay on Leadership
Studies, do not fret. Let be your best helper. We
promise finest services online.
Northouse, G. (2013). Leadership: theory and practice, Sixth Edition.
New York: Sage Publications.
Wheatley, J. (2009). Finding our way: Leadership for an uncertain
time. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
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Sample essay on leadership studies

  • 1. Sample Essay on Leadership Studies Introduction The current work environment poses diverse challenges that undermine the functions of the executive. High performers often exhibit high level leadership characteristics as well as a strong sense of self drive. They not only comprehend the nature of challenges that they encounter but also possess sufficient skills, knowledge, and expertise to effectively address them. Such individuals often have unique capabilities with some of their strengths being their flexibility and adaptability. Of utmost importance is the fact that these individuals often welcome new ideas and are capable of easily addressing emerging concerns. These abilities and qualifications enable them to navigate the problematic social and economic environments without necessarily compromising on the full benefits as well as opportunities that a particular setting presents. For these individuals, leadership skills are imperative as they can offer a clear sense of self direction. To this effect, this paper will delve deeper into my leadership interests, capacities, and vision and also highlight the distinctive techniques that I intend to use in order to further develop my leadership capacities. Leadership Interests and Capacities I intend to establish and operate a successful corporate business in the future, and as the sole owner of this enterprise, I will have to manage employees from multicultural backgrounds. It is my desire to become the most successful leader of my business entity and I am aware that every successful organization usually acknowledges the essence of partnering with one other in enhancing performance levels. As a matter of fact, it is impossible for modern day organizations to operate independently (Wheatley, 2009). This is because they need to seek assistance from other organizations so as to operate more effectively. It
  • 2. would thus be imperative to place a lot of emphasis on establishing mutually beneficial relations with other corporations as well. To achieve this, there is need to understand the nature and purpose of these organizations and I expect to gain practical leadership skills and knowledge from this learning process . I am well aware that successful organizations rely on their leaders for guidance and direction. Due to my credibility and integrity, I believe that I will be in a position to offer the best kind of leadership because these qualities will be essential in helping me to handle the diverse challenges at the work place in an objective manner. Without a doubt, employees in a multicultural work setting will often experience conflicts due to their diverse attitudes, interests, abilities, beliefs, and practices. Through leadership education, I have amassed the skills and knowledge necessary for handling workplace conflicts effectively. Such practice is essential in ensuring justice and fairness at the work place (Wheatley, 2009). In the face of conflict, I believe I will be able to help my employees to resolve their issues and also maintain a conducive working environment. I will also nurture their trust by making sure that I fulfill all my promises to them and addressing their problems accordingly. Additionally, I intend to set achievable goals for both the individual employees and the organization at large. My optimism and positive attitude in the face of adversity are also ideal attributes that I consider useful in leading my organization. With such a high turbulence in the current corporate environment, leaders ought to exercise a high degree of optimism so that they can be able to address challenges and still perform well. Specifically, it is quite important to exercise optimism as it can help to inspire my employees as well. Generally, motivated employees tend to perceive problems positively and actually consider them as potential opportunities for growth and development and I will use this aspect to foster a learning culture within my organization and develop idyllic skills and expertise. In the long run, this can be beneficial for the organization, especially
  • 3. considering that the highly dynamic corporate environment. Inevitably, my dedicated workforce will remain diligent and dedicated to achieving both their individual and organizational goals because of the optimism and motivation. My optimism will also also come in handy when handling matter such as staff turnover which have the potential to harm the wellbeing of the organization and result in the wastage of resources. Hard work and commitment are other vital abilities that will help me to steer my organization in the right direction. I am naturally a hard- working person who is very focused and through leadership training, I have learnt the importance of setting quality goals and dedicating my time to achieve them. From a theoretical perspective, Northouse (2013) asserts that in many leaders the quality of hard work tends to be matched equally with commitment and ambition. I intend to commit myself fully in order to make sure that my organization broadens its operations to both national and regional spheres. In combination with my persistence, these attributes will enable me to fulfill both my individual and organizational goals. Of importance as well is the fact that this will compel me to focus on sustainable growth and developments which will entail appreciating the contributions of my employees to the wellbeing of the organization. Finally, some of the key desirable leadership qualities are strong interpersonal and communication skills and these can empower me to drive my organization towards sustainable development. In this regard, I am capable of establishing and nurturing strong and positive relationships at all levels and I understand only too well that my organization will be composed of a social environment where various individuals from diverse backgrounds will be working together for the common good. To attain this common good and any goals set, these employees will require the cooperation of their co workers as well as my direction. I will therefore seek to establish and maintain a conducive working atmosphere that is devoid of unnecessary conflicts. In order to
  • 4. develop such an environment I will have to establish effective communication and my superb communication skills, will come in handy in ensuring constant flow of information and sharing. Wheatley (2009) asserts that information flow and sharing fosters understanding and also empowers the employees such that they act on informed decisions. Ultimately, it helps to eliminate sources and incidences of conflicts that may negatively affect employee performance and overall productivity within the organizations. Leadership Vision In terms of leadership vision, I will seek to enhance the capacities of organizations as well as individuals in order to empower them so that they can deal with change in a proactive manner. This is founded upon the recognition and acknowledgement that modern day organizations face challenges that are complex and dynamic in nature. Furthermore, the implications that such challenges may have on the wellbeing of both the employees and organizations are far reaching and this has been blamed for obstructing entrepreneurs from venturing into businesses successfully. Building the capacities of both individuals and organizations is a sustainable way of empowering them to handle change effectively (Northouse, 2013). Skills learnt from capacity building programs are essential in applying creative and critical thinking when faced with challenging situations at the workplace. Tailored solutions and personalized attention are necessary especially considering the complexity of most of the problems. Through education and training in leadership, individuals at all levels are empowered and given the sole responsibility of addressing the concerns that they encounter. When faced with the challenging scenarios, they ought to understand that conventional models may not suitably address the concerns at hand in an effective manner hence the need to formulate feasible solutions that are best suited for resolving emergent concerns with ease.
  • 5. Developing Leadership Capacities At this point, it is important to note that in the face of the current corporate environment, the concept of leadership cannot be static. Instead, it assumes a dynamic shape and evolves with the changing needs of the corporate world. Therefore, I will have no choice but to undertake practices that aim at enhancing my leadership competencies and building my capacities to desirable levels at all times. To this effect, I will have to pursue further studies in the field of leadership and upon my completion of undergraduate studies, I intend to further my education to the Master’s level. Considering the fundamental importance of education in improving capacities and expertise, I will focus on business management and related courses so that I attain specialized skills in my field of specification. Additionally, I will examine and re-examine my leadership style with the aim of identifying weaknesses that undermine credible organizational management. According to Northouse (2013), well-regarded tools including the Personal Motivation and Engagement Tool, Myers Briggs Type Indicator Tool and the DISC Tool are effective in evaluation of the credibility of different leadership styles. Specifically, these tools are designed to enable leaders to comprehend their behaviors, value systems and problem solving tendencies. Information gained from such tools empowers them to identify areas that derail management and initiate important communication procedures that can help them to improve accordingly. Essentially, leaders can make objective decisions through the results of self analyses, especially with regard to improving their performance. I will also welcome external critical reviews on my leadership activities in a bid to improve my leadership. I will do this by gathering observations from external parties with regard to my leadership capacities and any shortcomings. Northouse (2013) asserts that leadership that is refined from different points of view yields better
  • 6. results. Since I intend to establish trustworthy relations with certain individuals within the organization from the onset, I am positive of obtaining objective, honest and worthwhile feedback through external review process. In order to make this review process as beneficial as possible, it will be imperative for me to take into account the perceptions of respected mentors, colleagues, and/or coaches. Finally, it is my plan to enhance my leadership capacities through establishing a work place environment that supports teamwork initiatives. This will entail fostering a secure environment that facilitates and encourages honest and open discussions at all times even with regard to complex issues. It is commonly agreed that in many cases leaders tend to be blind when it comes to their leadership weaknesses and shortcomings. However, I intend to use these forums to gain insightful information regarding the ideal leadership from the perspectives of my employees who I believe will have competencies in various fields and hence comprehend the requirements and dynamics of these particular fields. By learning from them, I will be able to adopt leadership styles that effectively address the needs of my organization. The inherent information sharing will certainly be geared towards building capacities and enhancing performance in the process. Conclusion Leaders who thrive in spite of the current challenges faced within the work environment possess sufficient skills and competencies. They further comprehend the nature of the business environment and devise feasible means through which they can address the anticipated challenges in a timely and effective manner. When I complete my undergraduate studies, I am personally interested in establishing a successful corporate entity with a diverse work force. Since I will be responsible for leading this work force, I will have to employ my abilities including integrity, credibility, optimism, commitment, hard work, and dedication, in order to inspire my teams and make sure that
  • 7. they uphold optimal performance at all times. My leadership vision will entail improving the capacities of personnel and organizations to empower them so that they can handle the emergent challenges proactively. My plans are to enhance my leadership capacities by acquiring further education, training, and also receiving critical reviews from credible sources. Most importantly, I intend to establish a conducive working environment for my employees by not only maintaining effective communication, but also gaining from the feedback of subordinates and mentors. In case of any complications writing a sample essay on Leadership Studies, do not fret. Let be your best helper. We promise finest services online.
  • 8. References Northouse, G. (2013). Leadership: theory and practice, Sixth Edition. New York: Sage Publications. Wheatley, J. (2009). Finding our way: Leadership for an uncertain time. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc. - See more at: on-leadership-studies/#sthash.GJM3MAOf.dpuf