SlideShare a Scribd company logo
(Shutter Stock, n.d.)

        Social Isolation
                                                 (Geezaweezer, 2011)

  Interacting with Technology
        Over Real People

   Use of Technology Indoors

Early Childhood and Technology
                           (Christensen, 2011)
(Christakis, 2004)

 Children have computer knowledge as
             early as age 2
  Children use 8 hrs. of entertainment
           technology a day
 75% have a television/computer in their

               Can lead to:
   ADHD, Autism, coordination/sensory
disorder, anxiety, depression, obesity, and
                  diabetes                                  (O’Brien, 2012)

                         (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010)

                                                                                         (Christakis, 2004)
• Hard to form real human
• Reduced community
• Lack of physical activity
• Vitamin D deficiency (from
  the sun)         (Christakis, 2004)   (David, 2009)
(Pyxelated, 2008)
(Christensen, 2011)

                                             “When I don’t have my cell phone, it feels
                                             like I am missing a limb because I feel so
                                             disconnected from all the people who I think
                                             are calling me, but really they aren’t half the
                                             “It’s second nature to check my
                                             Facebook or email; it is very hard for me
                                             not to go on the Internet.”
                                                                            (University of Maryland, 2010)

(Blog Catalog, 2011)

                                                                    University of Maryland, 2010

     Share your information
        Share your ideas
 Stop superficial conversations
  Connect to the other person
Communicate in person instead of
      over the internet            (Bird, 2009)
A greater ability to communicate with
                                       more people, despite long distances
                                       Easier ways see what is going on and
                                          get involved in the community

                       (Manon, 2010)            Help and support for
When we become involved we               illnesses, injuries, and emotional
meet new people and are able                            issues
  to form connections with
                                        Information at our fingertips to get
 people who share our same
                                                tasks done easier

                                                                  (Rainie & Smith, 2012)
(Polson, 2008)
(Breakthrough, n.d.)
(Breakthrough, n.d.)

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Our Dependence on Technology is Causing Social Isolation

  • 2. Conversational Depth Social Isolation (Geezaweezer, 2011) Interacting with Technology Over Real People Use of Technology Indoors Early Childhood and Technology (Christensen, 2011)
  • 3. (Christakis, 2004) Children have computer knowledge as early as age 2 Children use 8 hrs. of entertainment technology a day 75% have a television/computer in their bedroom Can lead to: ADHD, Autism, coordination/sensory disorder, anxiety, depression, obesity, and diabetes (O’Brien, 2012) (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2010) (Christakis, 2004)
  • 4. • Hard to form real human bonds • Reduced community involvement • Lack of physical activity • Vitamin D deficiency (from the sun) (Christakis, 2004) (David, 2009)
  • 6. (Christensen, 2011) “When I don’t have my cell phone, it feels like I am missing a limb because I feel so disconnected from all the people who I think are calling me, but really they aren’t half the time.” “It’s second nature to check my Facebook or email; it is very hard for me not to go on the Internet.” (University of Maryland, 2010) (Blog Catalog, 2011) University of Maryland, 2010
  • 7. (Miller,2008) Share your information Share your ideas Stop superficial conversations Connect to the other person Communicate in person instead of over the internet (Bird, 2009)
  • 8. A greater ability to communicate with more people, despite long distances Easier ways see what is going on and get involved in the community (Manon, 2010) Help and support for When we become involved we illnesses, injuries, and emotional meet new people and are able issues to form connections with Information at our fingertips to get people who share our same interests tasks done easier (Rainie & Smith, 2012)

Editor's Notes

  • #3: The House of Social Isolation: The pattern of social isolation starts with technology reliance in childhood, causing us to stay indoors. The downfall is society is not interacting or communicating well with others.