This document provides an overview of the gross anatomy and functional localization of the brain. It describes the lobes, sulci and gyri of the cerebral cortex. Key points include:
1) The cerebral hemispheres are divided into frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes by fissures and sulci. The central sulcus separates the frontal and parietal lobes.
2) Functional areas include the primary motor area in the precentral gyrus, which controls voluntary movement, and the primary sensory area in the postcentral gyrus, which receives sensory input.
3) The prefrontal area is responsible for personality, behavior, feeling, planning and judgment. Damage to Bro
There are 12 pairs of cranial nerves in the brain with motor and/or sensory nuclei in the brain stem. Each cranial nerve has its own nucleus of origin or termination. These nuclei are arranged medio-laterally and include somatic, visceral, special, and general fibers. The medio-lateral arrangement includes sensory, special visceral efferent, general visceral efferent, general visceral afferent, special visceral afferent, general somatic afferent, and special somatic afferent. Cranial nerve nuclei are located in the midbrain, pons, and medulla.
The cerebellum is located in the posterior cranial fossa behind the pons and medulla. It has three layers - an outer molecular layer, middle Purkinje layer, and inner granular layer. It receives input from mossy fibers and climbing fibers and its output projects to deep cerebellar nuclei. The cerebellum coordinates muscle contractions and maintains equilibrium, and also has roles in sensory processing and cognition.
The brachial plexus is formed by the ventral rami of cervical and thoracic spinal nerves C5-T1. It provides motor and sensory innervation to the upper limb. It forms trunks, divisions, and cords which branch into individual nerves that innervate specific muscles and skin areas. Anatomical variations are common and can impact techniques for brachial plexus blockade, which is used for surgeries on the shoulder, arm, elbow, and forearm. Injuries to different parts of the plexus can cause distinct nerve palsies like Erb's palsy or Klumpke's paralysis.
The document describes the various muscles of the back, including their origins, insertions, innervation, and actions. It discusses the superficial, intermediate, and deep back muscles, categorizing them as extrinsic or intrinsic muscles. Key muscles described include the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, erector spinae group, rotatores, multifidus, semispinalis, and the suboccipital muscles.
The cerebellum is located in the posterior cranial fossa behind the brain stem. It is connected to the brainstem via three cerebellar peduncles and contains over half of the brain's neurons despite making up only 10% of the total brain volume. The cerebellum coordinates movement and balance and has a laminated appearance due to numerous transverse fissures dividing its surface into lobes and lobules. It receives input from various sources via the peduncles and outputs to deep cerebellar nuclei which connect to motor centers in the thalamus and brainstem.
The internal capsule is a compact bundle of fibers that connects different regions of the brain. It has three parts - the anterior limb, genu, and posterior limb. It contains association fibers connecting different cortical regions, projection fibers connecting the cortex to other gray matter structures, and commissural fibers connecting the left and right hemispheres. The internal capsule receives its blood supply from the lateral striate branches of the middle cerebral artery, medial striate branches of the anterior cerebral artery, and the anterior choroidal artery from the internal carotid artery.
Cervical Fascia & Posterior Triangle (Anatomy of the Neck)Dr. Sherif Fahmy
This document discusses the anatomy of the cervical fascia and structures of the neck. It describes the superficial and deep cervical fascia, including the platysma muscle, superficial veins and nerves, and superficial lymph nodes contained within. The deep cervical fascia forms the investing layer and contains the spinal accessory nerve and inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle. The posterior triangle of the neck is also described, with its boundaries, floor, roof and contents such as muscles, nerves, arteries, veins and lymph nodes.
The document discusses the basal ganglia, which are a group of subcortical gray matter structures in the cerebrum that include the corpus striatum, amygdala, and claustrum. It describes the main components and connections of the basal ganglia, including the striatum, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nucleus. The basal ganglia are involved in coordinating movement through connections with the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and brainstem. Disorders like Parkinson's disease can result from basal ganglia dysfunction and cause issues like tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia.
The third ventricle is a midline cavity located between the two thalami and hypothalami. It communicates with the lateral ventricles via the foramen of Monroe and with the fourth ventricle via the cerebral aqueduct. The third ventricle's roof is formed by the fornix and tela choroidea, while its floor extends from the optic chiasm to the posterior perforated substance. The third ventricle can be accessed surgically through various anterior or posterior approaches between brain structures such as the fornix.
The brachial plexus is a network of nerves formed by the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal nerves that provides motor innervation to the muscles of the upper limb and sensory innervation to the skin of the upper limb. It is divided into 5 parts - roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and branches. The document proceeds to describe each part in detail and lists the minor branches of the brachial plexus, their spinal root contributions, and motor and sensory functions. The blood supply of the brachial plexus is also summarized.
This document contains 100 multiple choice questions related to neuroanatomy. The questions cover topics such as: brain lobes and their functions, cranial nerves and nuclei, sensory and motor pathways, vascular lesions and their effects, and clinical signs of upper and lower motor neuron lesions. The questions are numbered from 100 to 1.
Cerebral cortex (frontal and parietal lobe)Aakriti Dhakal
The document discusses the structure and function of the cerebral cortex. It begins by describing the layers of the cerebral cortex - the outer gray matter layer that folds to form gyri and sulci. It then discusses the different types of brain tissue - gray matter containing neuron bodies and white matter containing axons. It provides details on the four lobes of the cerebrum and their functions, including the frontal lobe which controls voluntary movement and higher cognitive functions. It focuses particularly on the motor and prefrontal areas of the frontal lobe and their roles in muscle control, speech, emotion, and decision making.
1. The document describes the venous drainage of the brain, which occurs through intracranial dural venous sinuses and internal jugular veins in the neck.
2. It outlines the characteristic features of brain venous drainage, including that it does not have an arterial pattern, the veins have extremely thin walls without muscular tissue, and they do not have valves.
3. The document then provides details on the different groups of cerebral veins that drain the surface of the brain hemispheres and their connections to various dural venous sinuses.
The sacral plexus is formed from the lumbosacral trunk and the first through fourth sacral ventral rami. It provides motor and sensory nerves to the posterior thigh, lower leg, foot, and pelvis. The most clinically important branches are the sciatic, tibial, and peroneal nerves. The sacral plexus innervates muscles like the gluteals, hamstrings, and muscles of the lower leg and foot. It also provides cutaneous innervation to the posterior thigh, leg, foot, and perineum.
The basal ganglia are sub-cortical brain structures that include the corpus striatum, globus pallidus, thalamus, subthalamic nuclei, and substantia nigra. The corpus striatum is divided into the caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus. The basal ganglia receive input from the cerebral cortex and thalamus and send output to the thalamus, brainstem, and other structures. They play an important role in controlling voluntary motor activity, timing and scaling of movements, and maintaining muscle tone and posture. Disorders of the basal ganglia can cause either hypokinetic or hyperkinetic movement abnormalities.
The parietal lobe is located at the top of the brain and is responsible for processing sensory information and integrating it with motor commands. It has clear boundaries defined by sulci and gyri. The parietal lobe can be divided into anterior and posterior zones, with the anterior zone processing somatic sensations and the posterior zone integrating visual and somatosensory information for movement. The parietal lobe plays an important role in functions like processing tactile information, visual control of movement, and spatial awareness.
this is a presentation on atlanto-axial and atlanto-occipital joints. after reading this, most of you will know about atlas and axis, joint type, anatomy of joint, movements allowed by joint and its clinical considerations.
The cerebellum has three main parts - the vermis, two hemispheres, and four lobes. It receives sensory input from the spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebral cortex. There are three layers in the cerebellar cortex - molecular layer, purkinje cell layer, and granular layer. The cerebellum is connected to the brainstem via three cerebellar peduncles and plays a role in motor coordination and balance.
The skull has three cranial fossae: the anterior contains the frontal bone and lesser wing of sphenoid with foramina for vessels and nerves like the olfactory foramina. The middle cranial fossa contains the sphenoid bone with optic canal and superior orbital fissure. The posterior cranial fossa is the largest and contains the cerebellum, with openings like the internal acoustic meatus and jugular foramen. Fractures in different areas can impact structures passed through related foramina.
The fourth ventricle is located in the posterior cranial fossa between the pons and cerebellum. It has an triangular outline in sagittal section and rhomboidal shape in horizontal section. It contains five recesses and has superior, inferior, and lateral angles. Its boundaries include the inferior cerebellar peduncle laterally and superior cerebellar peduncle superiorly. It has a roof formed by the convergence of superior cerebellar peduncles and floor formed by the posterior surfaces of the pons and medulla, featuring a median sulcus and medial eminence.
This document summarizes the descending tracts of the spinal cord, which transmit signals from the brain to the spinal cord. It describes the major descending tracts, including the corticospinal, reticulospinal, tectospinal, rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, and olivospinal tracts. It provides details on the origin, pathway, termination, and functions of each tract. The document also briefly discusses intersegmental tracts, decerebrate rigidity, and Renshaw cells.
The Brainstem lies at the base of the brain and the top of the spinal cord.
The brainstem is located in the posterior cranial fossa.
The brainstem is the structure that connects the cerebrum of the brain to the spinal cord and cerebellum.
Provides a pathway for tracts running between higher and lower neural centers.
Divided into 3 major divisions:
pons, and
medulla oblongata.
It is responsible for many vital functions of life, such as breathing, consciousness, blood pressure, heart rate, and sleep.
It contains many critical collections of white and grey matter.
The grey matter within the brainstem consists of nerve cell bodies and form many important brainstem nuclei. Ten of the twelve cranial nerves arise from their cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem.
The white matter tracts of the brainstem include axons of nerves traversing their course to different structures. These tracts travel both to the brain (afferent) and from the brain (efferent) such as the somatosensory pathways and the corticospinal tracts, respectively.
Mid Brain
The midbrain is continuous with the cerebral hemisphere.
The upper posterior (i.e. rear) portion of the midbrain is called the tectum, which means "roof."
The surface of the tectum is covered with four bumps representing two paired structures: the superior and inferior colliculi.
The superior colliculi are involved in eye movements and visual processing, while the inferior colliculi are involved in auditory processing.
Another important nucleus, the substantia nigra, is located here.
The substantia nigra is rich in dopamine neurons and is considered part of the basal ganglia.
An important pathway for tracts that run from the cerebrum down to the medulla and spinal cord, as well as for tracts that travel up into the brain.
It also forms important connections with the cerebellum via fibre bundles known as the cerebellar peduncles.
Posteriorly, the pons and medulla are separated from the cerebellum by the fourth ventricle.
Home to several nuclei for cranial nerves.
The point where the brainstem connects to the spinal cord.
Contains a nucleus called the nucleus of the solitary tract that is crucial for our survival (receives information about blood flow, along with information about levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, from the heart and major blood vessels).
When this information suggests a discordance with bodily needs (e.g. blood pressure is too low), there are reflexive actions initiated in the nucleus of the solitary tract to bring things back to within the desired range.
Blood Supply
The brain stem receives its blood supply exclusively from the posterior circulation, including the vertebrae and basilar artery.
The medulla receives its blood supply from the vertebral via medial and lateral perforating arteries.
The pons and midbrain receive their blood from the basilar via the medial and lateral perforating arteries.
The thalamus is a paired, oval structure located in the diencephalon that serves as a relay center for sensory and motor signals to and from the cerebral cortex. It is divided into several nuclei that process different sensory modalities. The thalamus receives input from various areas and projects to specific regions of the cortex. Damage to certain thalamic nuclei can disrupt motor control, sensory processing, and cause syndromes like thalamic pain. Surgical procedures targeting thalamic nuclei have been used to treat chronic pain conditions.
Anatomy of lumbosacral plexus (by Murtaza Syed)Murtaza Syed
This document provides an overview of the anatomy of the lumbosacral plexus, which is formed from the combination of the lumbar and sacral plexuses. It describes the roots, branches, divisions, and terminal branches that form the various nerves. These include the femoral, obturator, superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, and sciatic nerves. It also outlines the motor and sensory distributions of the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus to the lower limbs and related structures.
This document summarizes the arterial supply and venous drainage of the brain and spinal cord. It discusses how the brain receives blood from the internal carotid and vertebral arteries, which connect at the circle of Willis to provide an interconnected blood supply. It describes the branches of these arteries and their territories. It also outlines the venous drainage pathways and discusses the blood-brain barrier. For the spinal cord, it explains that the anterior and posterior spinal arteries are the main arterial supply, along with segmental arteries.
The document provides an overview of the blood supply of the brain and sectional anatomy of the brain for dental students. It discusses the branches of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries, areas supplied by the cerebral arteries, and veins that drain the brain. Key structures in coronal and axial brain sections are identified, including the ventricles, basal ganglia, internal capsule, hippocampus, and limbic system. The objectives are to understand the vascularization and cross-sectional anatomy of the brain.
This document contains a list of lecture topics for various courses including endodontics, prosthodontics, oral pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, forensic dentistry and orthodontics. The lectures are divided by instructor and cover subjects such as endodontic infections, instrumentation, tooth morphology, preprosthetic surgery, retentions, sequelae of ill-fitting dentures, periodontal treatments, endo-perio lesions, furcation involvement, selecting and arranging teeth, trial dentures, waxing and processing, radiographic techniques, detection of caries, assessment of apical tissues, growth and development, malocclusion, radiographic anatomy, extraoral views, principles of radiography, dentistry and
The document discusses the basal ganglia, which are a group of subcortical gray matter structures in the cerebrum that include the corpus striatum, amygdala, and claustrum. It describes the main components and connections of the basal ganglia, including the striatum, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nucleus. The basal ganglia are involved in coordinating movement through connections with the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and brainstem. Disorders like Parkinson's disease can result from basal ganglia dysfunction and cause issues like tremors, rigidity, and bradykinesia.
The third ventricle is a midline cavity located between the two thalami and hypothalami. It communicates with the lateral ventricles via the foramen of Monroe and with the fourth ventricle via the cerebral aqueduct. The third ventricle's roof is formed by the fornix and tela choroidea, while its floor extends from the optic chiasm to the posterior perforated substance. The third ventricle can be accessed surgically through various anterior or posterior approaches between brain structures such as the fornix.
The brachial plexus is a network of nerves formed by the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal nerves that provides motor innervation to the muscles of the upper limb and sensory innervation to the skin of the upper limb. It is divided into 5 parts - roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and branches. The document proceeds to describe each part in detail and lists the minor branches of the brachial plexus, their spinal root contributions, and motor and sensory functions. The blood supply of the brachial plexus is also summarized.
This document contains 100 multiple choice questions related to neuroanatomy. The questions cover topics such as: brain lobes and their functions, cranial nerves and nuclei, sensory and motor pathways, vascular lesions and their effects, and clinical signs of upper and lower motor neuron lesions. The questions are numbered from 100 to 1.
Cerebral cortex (frontal and parietal lobe)Aakriti Dhakal
The document discusses the structure and function of the cerebral cortex. It begins by describing the layers of the cerebral cortex - the outer gray matter layer that folds to form gyri and sulci. It then discusses the different types of brain tissue - gray matter containing neuron bodies and white matter containing axons. It provides details on the four lobes of the cerebrum and their functions, including the frontal lobe which controls voluntary movement and higher cognitive functions. It focuses particularly on the motor and prefrontal areas of the frontal lobe and their roles in muscle control, speech, emotion, and decision making.
1. The document describes the venous drainage of the brain, which occurs through intracranial dural venous sinuses and internal jugular veins in the neck.
2. It outlines the characteristic features of brain venous drainage, including that it does not have an arterial pattern, the veins have extremely thin walls without muscular tissue, and they do not have valves.
3. The document then provides details on the different groups of cerebral veins that drain the surface of the brain hemispheres and their connections to various dural venous sinuses.
The sacral plexus is formed from the lumbosacral trunk and the first through fourth sacral ventral rami. It provides motor and sensory nerves to the posterior thigh, lower leg, foot, and pelvis. The most clinically important branches are the sciatic, tibial, and peroneal nerves. The sacral plexus innervates muscles like the gluteals, hamstrings, and muscles of the lower leg and foot. It also provides cutaneous innervation to the posterior thigh, leg, foot, and perineum.
The basal ganglia are sub-cortical brain structures that include the corpus striatum, globus pallidus, thalamus, subthalamic nuclei, and substantia nigra. The corpus striatum is divided into the caudate nucleus and lentiform nucleus. The basal ganglia receive input from the cerebral cortex and thalamus and send output to the thalamus, brainstem, and other structures. They play an important role in controlling voluntary motor activity, timing and scaling of movements, and maintaining muscle tone and posture. Disorders of the basal ganglia can cause either hypokinetic or hyperkinetic movement abnormalities.
The parietal lobe is located at the top of the brain and is responsible for processing sensory information and integrating it with motor commands. It has clear boundaries defined by sulci and gyri. The parietal lobe can be divided into anterior and posterior zones, with the anterior zone processing somatic sensations and the posterior zone integrating visual and somatosensory information for movement. The parietal lobe plays an important role in functions like processing tactile information, visual control of movement, and spatial awareness.
this is a presentation on atlanto-axial and atlanto-occipital joints. after reading this, most of you will know about atlas and axis, joint type, anatomy of joint, movements allowed by joint and its clinical considerations.
The cerebellum has three main parts - the vermis, two hemispheres, and four lobes. It receives sensory input from the spinal cord, brainstem, and cerebral cortex. There are three layers in the cerebellar cortex - molecular layer, purkinje cell layer, and granular layer. The cerebellum is connected to the brainstem via three cerebellar peduncles and plays a role in motor coordination and balance.
The skull has three cranial fossae: the anterior contains the frontal bone and lesser wing of sphenoid with foramina for vessels and nerves like the olfactory foramina. The middle cranial fossa contains the sphenoid bone with optic canal and superior orbital fissure. The posterior cranial fossa is the largest and contains the cerebellum, with openings like the internal acoustic meatus and jugular foramen. Fractures in different areas can impact structures passed through related foramina.
The fourth ventricle is located in the posterior cranial fossa between the pons and cerebellum. It has an triangular outline in sagittal section and rhomboidal shape in horizontal section. It contains five recesses and has superior, inferior, and lateral angles. Its boundaries include the inferior cerebellar peduncle laterally and superior cerebellar peduncle superiorly. It has a roof formed by the convergence of superior cerebellar peduncles and floor formed by the posterior surfaces of the pons and medulla, featuring a median sulcus and medial eminence.
This document summarizes the descending tracts of the spinal cord, which transmit signals from the brain to the spinal cord. It describes the major descending tracts, including the corticospinal, reticulospinal, tectospinal, rubrospinal, vestibulospinal, and olivospinal tracts. It provides details on the origin, pathway, termination, and functions of each tract. The document also briefly discusses intersegmental tracts, decerebrate rigidity, and Renshaw cells.
The Brainstem lies at the base of the brain and the top of the spinal cord.
The brainstem is located in the posterior cranial fossa.
The brainstem is the structure that connects the cerebrum of the brain to the spinal cord and cerebellum.
Provides a pathway for tracts running between higher and lower neural centers.
Divided into 3 major divisions:
pons, and
medulla oblongata.
It is responsible for many vital functions of life, such as breathing, consciousness, blood pressure, heart rate, and sleep.
It contains many critical collections of white and grey matter.
The grey matter within the brainstem consists of nerve cell bodies and form many important brainstem nuclei. Ten of the twelve cranial nerves arise from their cranial nerve nuclei in the brainstem.
The white matter tracts of the brainstem include axons of nerves traversing their course to different structures. These tracts travel both to the brain (afferent) and from the brain (efferent) such as the somatosensory pathways and the corticospinal tracts, respectively.
Mid Brain
The midbrain is continuous with the cerebral hemisphere.
The upper posterior (i.e. rear) portion of the midbrain is called the tectum, which means "roof."
The surface of the tectum is covered with four bumps representing two paired structures: the superior and inferior colliculi.
The superior colliculi are involved in eye movements and visual processing, while the inferior colliculi are involved in auditory processing.
Another important nucleus, the substantia nigra, is located here.
The substantia nigra is rich in dopamine neurons and is considered part of the basal ganglia.
An important pathway for tracts that run from the cerebrum down to the medulla and spinal cord, as well as for tracts that travel up into the brain.
It also forms important connections with the cerebellum via fibre bundles known as the cerebellar peduncles.
Posteriorly, the pons and medulla are separated from the cerebellum by the fourth ventricle.
Home to several nuclei for cranial nerves.
The point where the brainstem connects to the spinal cord.
Contains a nucleus called the nucleus of the solitary tract that is crucial for our survival (receives information about blood flow, along with information about levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, from the heart and major blood vessels).
When this information suggests a discordance with bodily needs (e.g. blood pressure is too low), there are reflexive actions initiated in the nucleus of the solitary tract to bring things back to within the desired range.
Blood Supply
The brain stem receives its blood supply exclusively from the posterior circulation, including the vertebrae and basilar artery.
The medulla receives its blood supply from the vertebral via medial and lateral perforating arteries.
The pons and midbrain receive their blood from the basilar via the medial and lateral perforating arteries.
The thalamus is a paired, oval structure located in the diencephalon that serves as a relay center for sensory and motor signals to and from the cerebral cortex. It is divided into several nuclei that process different sensory modalities. The thalamus receives input from various areas and projects to specific regions of the cortex. Damage to certain thalamic nuclei can disrupt motor control, sensory processing, and cause syndromes like thalamic pain. Surgical procedures targeting thalamic nuclei have been used to treat chronic pain conditions.
Anatomy of lumbosacral plexus (by Murtaza Syed)Murtaza Syed
This document provides an overview of the anatomy of the lumbosacral plexus, which is formed from the combination of the lumbar and sacral plexuses. It describes the roots, branches, divisions, and terminal branches that form the various nerves. These include the femoral, obturator, superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, and sciatic nerves. It also outlines the motor and sensory distributions of the nerves of the lumbosacral plexus to the lower limbs and related structures.
This document summarizes the arterial supply and venous drainage of the brain and spinal cord. It discusses how the brain receives blood from the internal carotid and vertebral arteries, which connect at the circle of Willis to provide an interconnected blood supply. It describes the branches of these arteries and their territories. It also outlines the venous drainage pathways and discusses the blood-brain barrier. For the spinal cord, it explains that the anterior and posterior spinal arteries are the main arterial supply, along with segmental arteries.
The document provides an overview of the blood supply of the brain and sectional anatomy of the brain for dental students. It discusses the branches of the internal carotid and vertebral arteries, areas supplied by the cerebral arteries, and veins that drain the brain. Key structures in coronal and axial brain sections are identified, including the ventricles, basal ganglia, internal capsule, hippocampus, and limbic system. The objectives are to understand the vascularization and cross-sectional anatomy of the brain.
This document contains a list of lecture topics for various courses including endodontics, prosthodontics, oral pathology, microbiology, pharmacology, forensic dentistry and orthodontics. The lectures are divided by instructor and cover subjects such as endodontic infections, instrumentation, tooth morphology, preprosthetic surgery, retentions, sequelae of ill-fitting dentures, periodontal treatments, endo-perio lesions, furcation involvement, selecting and arranging teeth, trial dentures, waxing and processing, radiographic techniques, detection of caries, assessment of apical tissues, growth and development, malocclusion, radiographic anatomy, extraoral views, principles of radiography, dentistry and
The document provides information about the cerebellum including its anatomical subdivisions, development, functional organization, and connections. It discusses the phylogenetic organization of the spinocerebellum, pontocerebellum, and vestibulocerebellum. It also summarizes the functions of the archicerebellum, paleocerebellum, and neocerebellum as well as cerebellar abnormalities caused by lesions in different areas.
The document discusses brain anatomy, specifically focusing on sulci and gyri. It provides definitions for sulci as depressions in the brain surface and gyri as ridges surrounded by sulci. Several major sulci are named, including the interhemispheric fissure, sylvian fissure, parieto-occipital fissure, and central sulcus. The four main lobes of the brain - frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital - are also described based on their positioning relative to sulci. Each lobe contains gyri and sulci, and key structures like the precentral and postcentral gyri are identified.
The document describes the structure and functions of the brain, including:
- The cerebrum is divided into four lobes - frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal.
- The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of gray matter. It is divided into cortical regions that control functions like movement, speech, senses, and cognition.
- The frontal lobe is involved in reasoning, emotions, and personality. Damage to Phineas Gage's frontal lobe altered his personality and behavior.
This document provides an overview of key topics in neuroscience as an introduction to a PsyD program. It covers the central and peripheral nervous systems, including their relative sizes in different animals. It also discusses the general relationships between the central, peripheral, and visceral nervous systems. Additionally, it outlines the basic divisions of the central nervous system and provides labeling for important neuroanatomy terms and directions. Diagrams are included to illustrate representative neurons and synapses, as well as the anatomy of specific brain structures such as the cerebral cortex, ventricles, hippocampus, thalamus, cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord.
Anatomia humana unidad iii tema 4 sistema nervioso, cerebelo, iv ventriculo. ...erikanarino
Este documento describe la anatomía y función del cerebelo. Explica que el cerebelo se divide filogenéticamente en arquicerebelo, paleocerebelo y neocerebelo. Describe que el arquicerebelo controla el equilibrio, mientras que el paleocerebelo controla los movimientos gruesos y el neocerebelo controla los movimientos finos y delicados. También describe las fibras aferentes, eferentes y intrínsecas del cerebelo y los tres pedúnculos cerebelosos y sus conexiones.
The document is a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ansari for BDS-II students about the cerebrum. It discusses the objectives of understanding white matter, deep nuclei, and fiber tracts. It describes the composition and functions of the white matter including projection fibers that connect distant regions, commissural fibers that cross the midline, and association fibers that connect nearby regions within the same hemisphere. Important fiber tracts and structures are identified and explained such as the internal capsule, corpus callosum, and basal ganglia. The roles of the basal ganglia and dopamine in focusing attention are also summarized.
The document provides an overview of neuroanatomy, beginning with the divisions of the nervous system into the central and peripheral nervous systems. It then describes the structures and components of the central nervous system in detail, including the brainstem, cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord. Key topics covered include the meninges, ventricular system, blood supply, ascending and descending tracts in the spinal cord, and functional areas of the cerebral cortex.
This document provides an overview of a neuroanatomy lab covering the basal ganglia and hemispheres. It lists recommended neuroanatomy websites for reference and outlines sections that will be covered, including the basal ganglia, horizontal and coronal sections of the hemispheres. Images are provided from the Digital Anatomist Project at the University of Washington to illustrate key structures like the caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, ventricles and white matter tracts in different views.
O documento descreve as principais partes do sistema nervoso central humano, incluindo a medula espinhal, bulbo raquidiano, protuberância anular, cerebelo e meninges. Detalha as características e funções de cada estrutura, como a medula espinhal conduzir sinais entre o cérebro e o sistema nervoso periférico, e o bulbo raquidiano controlar funções autônomas vitais.
A 53-year-old woman presented to the emergency department late at night with altered mental status. She had a headache throughout the day and became confused in the late night hours. A CT scan showed sinus disease but no abnormalities in the brain. A lumbar puncture revealed cloudy cerebrospinal fluid. The patient was diagnosed with meningitis that likely originated from a sinus infection that spread bacteria into the cranial cavity and infected the meninges, causing her confusion.
O documento descreve as normas de segurança e conduta no laboratório de anatomia, incluindo a obrigatoriedade do uso de jalecos, sapatos fechados e luvas. Também proíbe o uso de celulares, alimentação sobre as bancadas e remoção de peças anatômicas para fora do laboratório.
The document discusses different types of facial clefts that can occur during tongue and palate development. It identifies bilateral lip cleft as occurring when the maxillary process fails to fuse with the median nasal process. Median lip cleft results from the medial nasal processes failing to fuse with one another. Oblique facial cleft is caused by a failure of fusion between the lateral nasal process and the maxillary process. Lateral facial cleft happens when the mandibular process fails to fuse with the maxillary process.
The document discusses the early embryological development of the head, face and oral cavity. It describes how the morula differentiates into a blastocyst containing an inner cell mass and outer trophoblast. The blastocyst implants and forms a bilaminar embryo containing ectoderm and endoderm, which then undergoes gastrulation to form the three germ layers. The neural tube develops from the ectoderm and segments to form the brain regions. Neural crest cells emerge and migrate to various areas, contributing to tissues of the head. The pharyngeal arches and pouches form and develop derivatives including muscles and glands.
El cerebelo se ubica en la fosa craneal posterior. Está compuesto de sustancia gris y blanca. La sustancia gris incluye la corteza cerebelosa y varios núcleos. La corteza cerebelosa contiene células de Purkinje y granulares. La sustancia blanca contiene fibras aferentes y eferentes. El cerebelo recibe información de la corteza cerebral, médula espinal y núcleos vestibulares, y envía señales a través de los núcleos cerebelosos al tron
This document discusses brain dominance and its implications for learning and tutoring. It explains that most people have a dominant side of the brain - either left or right - that influences their preferred learning styles. The left brain favors logical, sequential thinking while the right brain is more visual and intuitive. Stress can also impact learning by causing the brain to use different memory systems. The document provides tips for tutors to incorporate understanding of brain dominance into their sessions, such as using step-by-step problems for left-brain learners and diagrams/visuals for right-brain learners. It encourages tutors to apply diverse strategies to engage both brain hemispheres.
El documento describe la anatomía del tronco encefálico y cerebro. El tronco encefálico incluye el mesencéfalo, puente y bulbo, y contiene centros de control de la respiración, circulación y nervios craneales. El cerebelo controla el movimiento muscular de forma inconsciente. El cerebro se divide en diencéfalo y telencéfalo. El diencéfalo incluye el talamo, hipotálamo y epitalamo, involucrados en funciones autonómicas, comportamiento y ritmos
The nervous system is divided into the supratentorial and infratentorial divisions based on the location of the tentorium. The diencephalon is supratentorial while the brainstem is infratentorial. Neurons consist of a cell body with dendrites that carry impulses toward the cell body and an axon that carries impulses away. All nerves in the peripheral nervous system contain a neurilemma membrane. Gray matter lacks myelin while white matter contains myelinated nerves. The brain is divided into lobes including the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes.
Normal & abnormal radiology of brain part iMohammed Fathy
This document provides an overview of the anatomy of the central nervous system (CNS). It describes in detail the structures of the skull, meninges, dural sinuses, cerebrospinal fluid circulation, parts of the brain including the cerebrum, cerebral hemispheres, lobes, sulci and gyri, brainstem, cerebellum, limbic system, and suprasellar region. The document focuses on the anatomical structures and their locations within the CNS.
Anatomy of meninges, ventricles, cerebrospinal fluidMBBS IMS MSU
The document discusses the meninges, ventricles, cerebrospinal fluid, and blood supply of the brain. It describes the three layers of the meninges - the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater. It explains the structure and functions of the dura mater septa including the falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli, and diaphragma sellae. It also describes the ventricles, cerebrospinal fluid formation and circulation, as well as the blood supply and drainage of the dura mater.
The document describes the anatomy and vasculature of the central nervous system. It discusses the meninges, cerebrum, brainstem, cerebellum, ventricular system, cerebral circulation, and cranial nerves. Key structures include the lateral ventricles, thalamus, hypothalamus, pons, medulla, posterior communicating artery, anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, and posterior cerebral artery. Clinical effects of lesions to these areas are also outlined.
The cerebrum is the largest part of the forebrain and is divided into left and right cerebral hemispheres. Each hemisphere has four lobes - frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital - which are involved in different cognitive functions like motor control, sensory processing, memory, and vision. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer and consists of grey matter, while the deeper white matter contains axons connecting different areas. Key structures include the lateral ventricles and basal ganglia. Brodmann's areas map the histological regions of the cortex.
Lecture 2 from a college level neuropharmacology course taught in the spring 2012 semester by Brian J. Piper, Ph.D. ([email protected]) at Willamette University. Includes major areas of the central nervous system, anatomical terminology, brain imaging techniques
The meninges are three layers that cover and protect the brain. From outer to inner they are the dura, arachnoid, and pia. The cerebral spinal fluid flows between the arachnoid and pia layers, nourishing and protecting the brain and spinal cord. The pia is the innermost layer and extends into the brain's sulci.
The document describes the meninges of the brain and spinal cord. It discusses the three layers of meninges - the dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater. It provides details on the dura mater including its venous sinuses and arterial supply. It also describes the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid and venous drainage of the brain through veins and dural sinuses.
This document discusses the structure and pathways of the brain and spinal cord. It begins by describing the lobes and functional areas of the cerebral cortex, including motor, sensory, auditory, visual, and language areas. It then discusses the ventricles, basal ganglia, commissural fibers, and limbic system. Finally, it classifies neural pathways as association, commissural, or projection pathways, with ascending pathways transmitting sensory information and descending pathways controlling movement.
lecture 4 from a college level introduction to psychology course taught Fall 2011 by Brian J. Piper, Ph.D. ([email protected]) at Willamette University, includes about 15 major brain areas, anatomical terminology, brain imaging procedures (CT, MRI, EEG, PET)
Anatomy of Cerebellum professor dr saeed abuel makareem _ Relevant Connection...ssuser6e679b
Prof. Ahmed Fathalla Ibrahim
Professor of Anatomy
College of Medicine
King Saud University
E-mail: [email protected]
At the end of the lecture, students should:
❑Describe the external features of the cerebellum
(lobes, fissures).
❑Describe briefly the internal structure of the
❑List the name of cerebellar nuclei.
❑Relate the anatomical to the functional
subdivisions of the cerebellum.
❑Describe the important connections of each
❑Describe briefly the main effects in case of lesion
of the cerebellum
Blood supply of cerebellum
Nerve supply of cerebellum
How to understand anatomy of the brain
Most important information about brain anatomy brain cortex and lobes and gyrus
Visual region in the brain
The document summarizes the main parts and functions of the human brain. It describes the brain stem as the oldest part that controls vital functions like breathing and heart rate. It then discusses the cerebellum which coordinates movement. The two main parts of the forebrain are the diencephalon, which includes the thalamus and hypothalamus, and the cerebrum, which is the largest part and controls higher functions through its four lobes and cortex. Motor and sensory functions are localized in different areas of the cortex.
The document describes the anatomy and development of the brain. It discusses that the brain begins as a single-celled zygote that divides and forms into three germ layers. Thickening in the ectoderm forms the neural plate which folds to become the neural tube, dividing into the brain and spinal cord. The brain consists of the cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum. Various imaging modalities can be used to image the detailed structures and anatomy of the brain.
Cerebrum and sulcus and gyri and their functional areasOmpriyaS
The document provides details about the cerebrum, including its external features, sulci and gyri, functional areas, and white matter. It notes that the cerebrum is the largest part of the human brain and is heavily convoluted. It describes locations of the frontal, occipital, and temporal poles as well as surfaces, borders, and lobes of the cerebrum. Functional areas include motor, sensory, and association areas. The white matter contains commissural, projection, and association fibers that connect different regions of the cerebral cortex.
The document discusses the main parts of the brain and nervous system. It describes how the brain is divided into left and right hemispheres that control opposite sides of the body. It outlines the four main regions of the cerebral cortex - occipital, temporal, parietal and frontal. It also discusses key structures like the cerebellum, spinal cord, and important neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins.
How the brain works and does not work - Erin Legion Hall - March 8 2012jdspafford
1. The brain is a complex organ that is highly sensitive to injury.
2. It integrates sensory information from different modalities and interprets this information to create our perception of reality.
3. The brain is divided between the left and right hemispheres which have specialized but interconnected functions important for tasks, context, and perspective.
4. A critical feature of the human brain that enabled culture is mirror neurons, which allow for imitation, empathy, language, and motor planning.
The document provides an overview of the bones and structures of the head and neck region. It describes the bones that make up the skull such as the frontal bone, maxilla, occipital bone and temporal bone. It also outlines the cranial nerves, muscles of facial expression, branches of the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels of the neck. Key anatomical regions like the triangles of the neck are defined along with the muscles that occupy each region.
The document describes the anatomy of the sella and juxtasellar regions. It discusses the sphenoid bone and sella turcica, which contains the pituitary fossa. The pituitary gland sits within the sella and has relationships with nearby structures like the cavernous sinus and optic chiasm. Other areas described include the diencephalon containing the thalamus, epithalamus, hypothalamus and subthalamus. The document also discusses the limbic system, basal ganglia, midbrain, hindbrain, cerebellum and various commissures of the brain.
The document outlines an 8-lab radiology practical schedule covering topics like operating an x-ray machine, processing films, digital films, extraoral views, panoramic x-rays, and practicing taking periapical and bitewing/occlusal x-rays. It also lists a prosthodontics practical on setting maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. The document was sent by Doha Mohamed as the BDS3 representative.
The document contains the midyear exam material schedule for various subjects including endodontics, prosthodontics, orthodontics, microbiology, pharmacology and more. The schedule lists the lecture topics, dates, and lecturers. Subjects include tooth morphology, occlusion, endodontic instruments, radiography, local anesthesia, microbial diseases, and malocclusion analysis.
The document outlines the midyear practical material for the Department of Health Sciences (DHS) and the Department of Clinical Practice (DCP). For DHS, it lists 8 radiology labs covering topics like x-ray machines, film processing, and digital films. It also lists 4 orthodontic analyses including space analysis and malocclusion classification. For DCP, it specifies setting maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth as the prosthodontics topic.
This document contains a schedule of lectures for midyear exam material covering various dental subjects including endodontics, prosthodontics, oral pathology, microbiology, and public health dentistry. The schedule lists over 150 lectures delivered by 20 different instructors on topics such as instrumentation, tooth morphology, occlusion, radiography, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology, and more. Student representatives are also included.
This document contains a schedule of lectures for the BDS3 (first semester) program. It lists over 50 lectures across various topics in dentistry including complete dentures, periodontology, endodontics, radiology, oral pathology, microbiology, pharmacology and more. The lectures are delivered by multiple instructors including Dr. Ammar, Dr. Batool, Dr. Natheer, Dr. Sheela, Dr. Omer, Dr. Hasaneen, Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Priyanker, Dr. Saad, Dr. Sasil, Dr. Maha, Dr. Deb, and Dr. Nihar.
The document outlines the midyear practical material for radiology and prosthodontics students. For radiology, it involves 8 labs covering topics like using the x-ray machine, processing films, digital films, extraoral views, orthopantomograms, and practicing radiography techniques. For prosthodontics, it involves setting maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth. The document was prepared by Doha Mohamed, a BDS3 representative.
The document contains a schedule of lectures for BDS3 (First semester) students. It lists over 50 lectures on topics including waxing and impression procedures, occlusion, periodontology, prosthodontics, oral radiology, microbiology, pharmacology, and forensic dentistry. The lectures are delivered by multiple faculty members including Dr. Ammar, Dr. Batool, Dr. Omer, Prof. Rani, Dr. Naheer, Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Priyanker, Dr. Saad, Dr. Deb, Dr. Nihar, Dr. Hiba, Dr. Suhail, Dr. Maha, and Dr. Nazish. The schedule provides information on lecture
The document provides a schedule of lectures for BDS3 (First semester) students. It lists the lecturers and topics covered for a variety of subjects including prosthodontics, periodontology, oral medicine, radiology, microbiology, pharmacology and anatomy. The schedule covers over 50 lectures across these topics from multiple lecturers including Dr. Ammar, Dr. Batool, Dr. Omer, Prof. Rani, Dr. Natheer, Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Priyanker, Dr. Saad, Dr. Nihar, Dr. Hiba and Dr. Maha. The document was last updated on 18/10/2012.
The document provides a schedule of lectures for BDS3 (First semester) students. It lists the lecturers and topics covered for a variety of subjects including prosthodontics, periodontology, oral medicine, radiology, microbiology, pharmacology and anatomy. The schedule covers over 50 lectures across these topics from multiple lecturers including Dr. Ammar, Dr. Batool, Dr. Omer, Prof. Rani, Dr. Natheer, Dr. Ahmed, Dr. Priyanker, Dr. Saad, Dr. Nihar, Dr. Hiba and Dr. Maha. The document appears to be an updated schedule from October 18th, 2012.
This document outlines the lecture topics being covered by various professors for different dental courses. It lists lectures on periodontal diseases, radiology techniques, prosthodontics, pharmacology, microbiology, and more. The lectures cover introductory topics, clinical examinations, disease models, impression techniques, and other essential course material. Multiple professors are teaching different components of the various dental courses to provide students a comprehensive education.
This document outlines the lecture topics being covered by various dental faculty members. Dr. Priyanker will cover topics related to growth and development and occlusion. Dr. Saad will discuss radiographic techniques and anatomy. Dr. Ahmed will teach lectures on orofacial sensation and pain. Dr. Maha will cover pharmacology topics including pharmacokinetics, dynamics, and the autonomic nervous system. Dr. Nihar will introduce microbiology and teach about viruses and host-parasite interactions. Dr. Deb and Dr. Hiba will lecture on bacteria structure/genetics and fungi/parasites respectively. Multiple faculty including Dr. Batool, Dr. Omer, and Dr. Ammar will
This document outlines the lecture topics for various courses in the first semester of a BDS3 (third year dentistry) program. It lists the lecture topics covered by different professors for courses on dental prosthodontics, oral pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, and other subjects. The lectures cover topics like impression techniques, maxillofacial relationships, pain mechanisms, periodontal diseases, radiographic views, and microbiological classifications. The document was last updated on October 3rd, 2012 and was prepared by the BDS3 class representative.
This document provides a schedule for BDS3 courses including lecturers and topics. It lists lectures for subjects like periodontology, pharmacology, microbiology, oral radiology, and growth and development. The schedule shows lecturers, lecture topics, and was last updated on September 20, 2012. It also includes the BDS3 representative and was intended for dental students in their third year of undergraduate study.
This document provides an outline of final material topics to be covered by different instructors for dental students. It lists over 70 topics across various body systems, dental specialties and sciences that will be taught. Instructors are assigned specific topics including periodontics, operative dentistry, oral pathology, biochemistry, anatomy and physiology. The topics range from disease processes to dental treatment techniques to biological sciences.
This document contains an outline of material to be covered by different dental faculty members. It is organized into sections based on specialty or subject area. The sections include topics on periodontology, operative dentistry procedures, oral pathology, biochemistry, general studies, head and brain anatomy, physiology, and neuroanatomy. Each faculty member's section lists the main topics or lectures they will present on.
This document contains a list of lecture topics organized by instructor for various dental courses, including periodontics, operative dentistry, oral pathology, biochemistry, behavioral science, anatomy, and physiology. Key topics include cavity preparation techniques, dental materials, management of dental caries, oral histology, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, neuroanatomy, digestive physiology, and the lymphatic system. Over 100 individual lectures are outlined between 15 different instructors.
This document contains a list of topics to be covered in final year 2 courses divided among different instructors. It includes topics related to operative dentistry, periodontology, oral pathology, radiology, dental structure and development, biochemistry, behavioral science, head and neck anatomy, and neuroanatomy. The topics cover various body systems, dental specialties, and clinical skills.
This document contains a schedule for the 2nd semester of a BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) program. It lists the lecture topics to be covered by different professors in courses such as Dental Clinical Practice (DCP), Dental Health Sciences (DHS), General Studies (GS), Head and Neck Anatomy (HB). Topics include periodontics, dental adhesion, oral radiography, oral histology, neuroanatomy, and the anatomy of various head and neck regions. The document appears to be a class schedule that was last updated on April 19, 2012 and was prepared by the BDS2 class representative.
The document outlines the topics to be covered on Midterm 2 for various dental courses. It lists the instructors and 1-3 topics each instructor will cover related to basic dental concepts, adhesion, periodontics, pathology, minimal intervention dentistry, neuropsychiatry, head and neck anatomy including the infraorbital fossa, oral cavity, orbit, digestive system, temporomandibular joint, and neck triangles.
This document outlines the lecture topics for various courses in the 2nd semester of a BDS program. It lists the lecturers and their topics for courses in Chronic Periodontitis, Dental Adhesion, Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases, Minimal Intervention Dentistry, Cementum, Alveolar Bone, Periodontal Ligament, Carbohydrates, Anxiety Disorders, InfraTemporal Fossa, Orbit, Posterior Triangle, Digestive System, Mouth Physiology, Esophagus, Gastric Secretions, and Temporomandibular Joint. The document was last updated on March 8, 2012.
**HIV Treatment: A Comprehensive Overview**
## Introduction
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a major global health challenge that affects millions of people. While there is no cure for HIV, advancements in medical research have led to effective treatment options that allow individuals with HIV to lead healthy lives. The primary treatment for HIV is antiretroviral therapy (ART), which helps to control the virus and prevent its progression to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This document explores the various aspects of HIV treatment, including its history, types of medications, effectiveness, side effects, challenges, and future developments.
## History of HIV Treatment
The history of HIV treatment dates back to the 1980s when the first cases of AIDS were identified. Researchers quickly began searching for treatments to combat the virus. In 1987, the first antiretroviral drug, zidovudine (AZT), was approved. While it provided some benefits, AZT had significant toxicity and limited long-term efficacy. Over time, scientists developed new classes of antiretroviral drugs, leading to the combination therapy approach, which has dramatically improved patient outcomes.
## Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
### How ART Works
ART consists of a combination of drugs that target different stages of the HIV lifecycle. These medications reduce the viral load (the amount of HIV in the blood) to undetectable levels, thereby preventing the virus from weakening the immune system. ART also reduces the risk of HIV transmission to others.
### Classes of Antiretroviral Drugs
There are several classes of antiretroviral drugs, each working in different ways to inhibit the replication of HIV:
1. **Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs)** - These drugs block reverse transcriptase, an enzyme HIV uses to convert its RNA into DNA. Examples include zidovudine (AZT), lamivudine (3TC), and tenofovir (TDF).
2. **Non-Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs)** - NNRTIs bind directly to reverse transcriptase and inhibit its function. Examples include efavirenz and nevirapine.
3. **Protease Inhibitors (PIs)** - These drugs prevent HIV from maturing and becoming infectious by inhibiting the protease enzyme. Examples include lopinavir and atazanavir.
4. **Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors (INSTIs)** - These drugs prevent HIV from integrating its genetic material into human DNA. Examples include raltegravir and dolutegravir.
5. **Entry Inhibitors** - These drugs prevent HIV from entering human cells. Examples include maraviroc (CCR5 antagonist) and enfuvirtide (fusion inhibitor).
6. **Pharmacokinetic Enhancers** - These drugs improve the effectiveness of other antiretroviral medications by increasing their concentration in the bloodstream. An example is ritonavir.
## Effectiveness of HIV Treatment
### Viral Suppression
When taken consistently, ART can reduce the viral load to undetectable levels. Studies have shown that individuals with u
🔬 Introduction: Understanding Type IV Hypersensitivity
Type IV hypersensitivity is a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), unlike immediate hypersensitivity reactions (Types I-III). 🕒
It is T-cell mediated rather than antibody-driven. This means it involves CD4+ T helper cells (Th1, Th17) and CD8+ cytotoxic T cells rather than IgE, IgG, or IgM. 🦠
The response takes 24-72 hours after exposure to an antigen, which is why it is called delayed. ⏳
Examples include contact dermatitis, tuberculosis (TB) skin reactions, granulomatous inflammation, and transplant rejection. 🏥
🧬 Pathophysiology: How It Works?
1. Sensitization Phase (First Exposure) 🏗️
The antigen (e.g., nickel, TB antigen, or poison ivy urushiol) is processed by antigen-presenting cells (APCs) like macrophages and dendritic cells.
These APCs present the antigen on MHC-II molecules to naïve CD4+ T cells, activating them. ⚡
CD4+ T cells differentiate into Th1 (mainly) and Th17 cells, producing cytokines like IFN-γ and TNF-α.
2. Effector Phase (Second Exposure) 🎯
Upon re-exposure, memory Th1 cells release cytokines (IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-2), activating macrophages. 🔥
Macrophages become hyperactivated, releasing enzymes, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and inflammatory mediators, leading to tissue destruction. 💣
In some cases, CD8+ T cells also get activated and kill infected or abnormal cells directly. 🗡️
📌 Types of Type IV Hypersensitivity Reactions
There are four major subtypes based on mechanisms and clinical presentations:
1️⃣ Contact Hypersensitivity (Eczema & Contact Dermatitis) 🤲🔴
Triggers: Poison ivy, nickel, latex, fragrances, hair dye. 🌿💍🧤
Mechanism: Small molecules (haptens) bind to skin proteins → APCs present them → Th1 cells activate macrophages → local inflammation and rash.
Example: Poison ivy reaction (blisters, redness, itching).
2️⃣ Tuberculin-Type Hypersensitivity (Mantoux Test) 💉🦠
Triggers: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Histoplasma, Brucella.
Mechanism: Injected PPD (Purified Protein Derivative) activates memory Th1 cells → Macrophages release cytokines → Local induration and erythema within 48-72 hours.
Example: Mantoux (PPD) Test for tuberculosis.
3️⃣ Granulomatous Hypersensitivity (Chronic Inflammation) 🦠⏳
Triggers: TB, Leprosy, Sarcoidosis, Crohn’s disease, Schistosomiasis.
Mechanism: Persistent antigenic stimulation → Th1 cells release IFN-γ → Macrophages transform into epithelioid cells and multinucleated giant cells → Granuloma formation (walling off infection).
Example: TB granuloma with caseous necrosis.
4️⃣ T-cell Mediated Cytotoxicity (Graft Rejection & Autoimmunity) 🏥⚔️
Triggers: Organ transplants, viral infections, Type 1 Diabetes, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.
Mechanism: CD8+ T cells recognize infected or foreign cells and kill them via perforins and granzymes.
The integumentary system is the largest organ system of the human body, serving as the body's first line of defense against environmental hazards. It includes the skin, hair, nails, glands, and sensory receptors. This system plays a vital role in protection, thermoregulation, sensation, excretion, and vitamin D synthesis. Understanding its structure and function is crucial for comprehending how the body interacts with its surroundings.
Structure of the Integumentary System
The integumentary system comprises two main components:
The Skin (Cutaneous Membrane)
Accessory Structures (Hair, Nails, and Glands)
The Skin
The skin, also called the cutaneous membrane, consists of three primary layers:
1. Epidermis
The epidermis is the outermost layer of the skin, composed of stratified squamous epithelium. It lacks blood vessels and is primarily made of keratinocytes, which produce the protective protein keratin. Other important cells in the epidermis include:
Melanocytes – produce melanin, which protects against UV radiation.
Langerhans cells – involved in immune response.
Merkel cells – associated with sensory neurons for touch perception.
The epidermis has five distinct layers (from deep to superficial):
Stratum basale (germinativum) – contains basal cells responsible for generating new keratinocytes.
Stratum spinosum – provides structural integrity.
Stratum granulosum – where keratinization begins.
Stratum lucidum – found only in thick skin (palms and soles).
Stratum corneum – the outermost layer made of dead keratinized cells.
2. Dermis
The dermis is the thicker, connective tissue layer beneath the epidermis. It consists of collagen and elastic fibers, providing strength and flexibility. The dermis has two layers:
Papillary Layer – composed of loose areolar connective tissue; contains dermal papillae, capillaries, and sensory receptors.
Reticular Layer – made of dense irregular connective tissue; contains sweat glands, hair follicles, and blood vessels.
3. Hypodermis (Subcutaneous Layer)
The hypodermis is a layer of adipose and connective tissue that insulates the body, stores energy, and provides cushioning. It connects the skin to underlying muscles and bones.
Functions of the Integumentary System
The skin performs several essential functions, including:
1. Protection
The skin acts as a physical barrier against microorganisms, dehydration, UV radiation, and harmful chemicals. The acid mantle (low pH) of the skin inhibits bacterial growth.
2. Thermoregulation
The skin helps maintain body temperature through:
Sweating (eccrine and apocrine glands) – evaporative cooling.
Vasodilation – blood vessels widen to release heat.
Vasoconstriction – blood vessels narrow to retain heat.
Goosebumps (arrector pili muscles) – create an insulating layer.
3. Sensation
The skin contains specialized sensory receptors:
Meissner’s corpuscles – detect light touch.
Pacinian corpuscles – sense deep pressure and vibration.
Merkel cells –
A bitewing radiograph is a dental x-ray that focuses on the crowns of the upper and lower teeth in a specific area, primarily used to detect decay between teeth, bone loss and changes in the gum line.
TRAGEDIES IN PHASE 1 CLINICAL TRIAL Dr ankush goyalDr Ankush goyal
Phase 1 Clinical Trials: An Overview
Phase 1 clinical trials are the first stage of testing a new drug or treatment in humans. These trials primarily assess the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of the investigational drug. Conducted on a small group of healthy volunteers (typically 20–100) or, in certain cases, patients with the target disease, Phase 1 trials aim to determine:
1. Safety and Tolerability – Identifying potential side effects and the maximum tolerated dose.
2. Pharmacokinetics (PK) – Studying drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME).
3. Pharmacodynamics (PD) – Understanding the drug’s biological effects and mechanism of action.
4. Dose Escalation and Determination – Establishing the optimal dosage for further trials.
These trials are usually open-label (no placebo control) and can be conducted in different designs, such as single ascending dose (SAD), multiple ascending dose (MAD), and food effect studies. While most drugs fail in this phase due to safety concerns, successful candidates proceed to Phase 2 trials, where efficacy is further evaluated.
In this presentation, explore the transformative power of mindfulness and meditation in promoting mental clarity, reducing stress, and enhancing overall well-being. Learn how these practices can help you achieve a balanced, focused, and calm mind, leading to improved emotional health and increased productivity. Discover practical techniques to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine for lasting positive effects on your life.
PARKINSON’S USMLE style question by dr ankush goyalDr Ankush goyal
Parkinsonism refers to a clinical syndrome characterized by a combination of motor and non-motor symptoms that resemble Parkinson’s disease (PD). It results from dysfunction in the basal ganglia, particularly due to dopamine deficiency in the substantia nigra.
Key Features of Parkinsonism:
1. Bradykinesia – Slowness of movement with difficulty in initiating and executing voluntary movements.
2. Rigidity – Increased muscle tone, presenting as either:
Lead-pipe rigidity (uniform resistance)
Cogwheel rigidity (intermittent resistance with a ratchet-like quality)
3. Tremor – Resting tremor, typically "pill-rolling" (4-6 Hz), that improves with movement.
4. Postural Instability – Impaired balance leading to a higher risk of falls.
Causes of Parkinsonism:
1. Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease (PD) – The most common cause, due to progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra.
2. Drug-Induced Parkinsonism – Caused by dopamine-blocking agents (e.g., antipsychotics, metoclopramide, reserpine).
3. Atypical Parkinsonian Syndromes (Parkinson-plus syndromes) – Progressive conditions with additional features beyond classic Parkinsonism, such as:
Multiple System Atrophy (MSA)
Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP)
Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD)
Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB)
4. Vascular Parkinsonism – Due to multiple small strokes affecting the basal ganglia.
5. Toxic or Metabolic Causes – Includes manganese poisoning, carbon monoxide exposure, Wilson’s disease.
6. Post-Encephalitic Parkinsonism – Rare, seen in survivors of encephalitis lethargica.
Clinical Evaluation – Based on cardinal motor symptoms.
Response to Levodopa – Helps differentiate PD from other causes.
Neuroimaging (MRI, DaTscan) – Useful in atypical cases.
Pharmacological Treatment:
Levodopa (with carbidopa)
Dopamine agonists (pramipexole, ropinirole)
MAO-B inhibitors (selegiline, rasagiline)
COMT inhibitors (entacapone)
Anticholinergics (for tremors)
Non-Pharmacological Treatment:
Physiotherapy, speech therapy
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in selected cases
Understanding the Impact of Revalidation on UK Healthcare Professionals.pdfMedical Apprisal
Revalidation UK is a vital process ensuring healthcare professionals maintain high standards, enhancing patient safety and public trust. This mandatory assessment promotes continuous professional development, requiring practitioners to demonstrate competence, adhere to ethical guidelines, and engage in reflective practice. Despite challenges like administrative burdens and balancing clinical duties, revalidation fosters lifelong learning and accountability. Employers and regulatory bodies play a key role in supporting professionals through training, mentorship, and streamlined appraisal processes. As technology advances, revalidation UK will evolve to simplify compliance and enhance accessibility. By embracing revalidation, healthcare professionals contribute to a safer, more effective healthcare system, reinforcing trust and excellence in patient care across the UK.
Yasser’s Electrocardiographic Palpitations Wave with Bilobed Apical Floating ...YasserMohammedHassan1
Bilobed Apex heart with Floating Heart syndrome is an innovative cardiovascular and radiological discovery. The Bilobed Apex heart with Floating Heart syndrome with "Yasser’s Electrocardiographic Palpitations Waves" and off-phenomenon post-amiodarone IVB injection are remarkable innovative constellations. "Yasser’s Electrocardiographic Palpitations Waves" was shortly described as a superficial upright wave associated with unusual palpitations. Bilobed Apex heart with Floating Heart has no known cause. It is mostly congenital. The senses of sudden heart stoppage, generalized fatigue, vertigo, acute confusion, generalized body relaxation, a sense of separation from the environment, and a sense of no abnormality within minutes of amiodarone IVB injection are an off phenomenon.
Drugs acting on Respiratory System: Expectorants and Antitussives.pptxSivaGanesh552177
The topic "Expectorants and Antitussives" is covered under Unit I of the Pharmacology of drugs acting on the Respiratory System, which is included in the course of Pharmacology III with course code BP602
Drugs acting on Respiratory System: Expectorants and Antitussives.pptxSivaGanesh552177
1. The Brain I
Gross Anatomy and Functional
(for dental students)
Dr.Akram Abood Jaffar
Assistant Professor of Anatomy
M.B.Ch.B., M.Sc., Ph.D.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
2. Objectives
he cerebrum
escribe the gross anatomical features of the cerebral cortex on the lateral, medial and inferior surfaces of the cerebral
dentify the poles (frontal, occipital and temporal poles) and the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere: frontal, parietal, temporal, and
occipital. Locate the boundaries between the lobes.
numerate fissures of the brain and the main sulci and gyri in each lobe.
ifferentiate the central sulcus from the precentral and postcentral sulci.
dentify: superior and inferior frontal sulci, supeiror, middle and inferior frontal gyri; interparietal sulcus; superior and inferior
parietal lobules; superior and inferior temporal sulci; superior, middle and inferior temporal gyri; parahippocampal gyrus, collateral
sulcus, gyrus rectus, rhinal sulcus, uncus, olfactory sulcus, anterior perforated substance, preoccipital notch, calcarine sulcus,
parieto-occipital sulcus, cingulate gyrus, cingulate sulcus, paracentral lobule, H-shaped gyri.
dentify, define, and describe the parts of the corpus callosum sagittal and coronal sections of the brain.
escribe the position of the insula.
iscuss the location of main functional areas of the cerebral cortex and the effect of their damage: primary motor area, profrontal
area, motor speech area, sensory speech area, primary sensory area, visula area, olfactory area, auditory area.
ppreciate that the representation in the cerebral cortex is related to the functional importance.
Further reading
iscuss the concept of cerebral dominance and its relation to handedness.
he cerebellum:
Dr. Akram Jaffar
• Snell RS (2010): Clinical Neuroanatomy. 7th Ed. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.
escribe the position of the cerebellum and the connection of its peducles with the brain stem.
efine gross features of the cerebellum: folia, sulci, vermis, tonsil, vallecula
Dr. Akram Jaffar
3. Gross anatomy of the cerebral hemisphere
• The cerebral hemispheres are covered superiorly by the bones of the vault of the skull.
• Inferiorly they lie on the bones of the parietal
anterior and middle cranial fossae.
• The tentorium cerebelli separates
the cerebral hemispheres posteriorly
from the cerebellum.
cerebellum Posterior
Tentorium Anterior cranial
cerebelli fossa
Middle cranial fossa
• Thus the tentorium cerebelli forms a tent for the cerebellum (a roof) and a floor for
Dr. Akram Jaffar
the posterior part of the cerebral hemispheres.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
4. Gross anatomy of the cerebral hemisphere
• The cerebral hemispheres lie on
either side of the mid-sagittal plane.
Cerebral hemisphere
Cerebral hemisphere
The hemispheres are partly
separated by the median
longitudinal fissure
Mid-sagitta Inferior view
Median plane
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Superior view
Dr. Akram Jaffar
5. Median longitudinal fissure
• A sickle-shaped fold of dura called the
falx cerebri lies in the median
longitudinal fissure.
• The hemispheres are joined
together by a band of nerve fibers
called the corpus callosum.
Corpus callosum
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Coronal section
Dr. Akram Jaffar
6. Gross anatomy of the cerebral hemisphere
• The hemispheres have an outer
layer of grey matter called the
cerebral cortex.
• Most of the neurons in the CNS are
found in the cortex.
• Collections of neurons situated deeply
are called nuclei.
White matter
Dr. Akram Jaffar
grey matter
Dr. Akram Jaffar
7. Sulci and gyri
• The cortex is greatly convoluted: the grooves are called sulci (Sing. = sulcus).
• The sulci separate ridges of brain tissue called gyri (Sing. = gyrus).
• The convolutions of the cortex increase its surface area so that about 2/3rd of the
total surface area is hidden in the sulci.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
8. Poles and surfaces of the hemisphere
• Each hemisphere has frontal, • Each hemisphere has lateral,
occipital and temporal poles. medial and inferior surfaces
occipital temporal
pole pole
Lateral surface
Medial surface
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Inferior surface
Dr. Akram Jaffar
9. Lobes of the hemisphere
• Each hemisphere has frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes.
• The lobes are named after the
closely related bones of the skull
Parietal lobe
Frontal lobe
Temporal lobe
Frontal parietal
bone bone
temporal occipital
bone bone
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
10. Features of the lateral surface
• A deep lateral sulcus divides the frontal and parietal lobes from the temporal lobe.
Central sulcus
• The central sulcus
divides the frontal
and parietal lobes. frontal parietal
lobe lobe
Lateral sulcus
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
11. Features of the lateral surface
• Precentral gyrus
– anterior to the central
– in the frontal lobe. frontal parietal
lobe lobe
r us
– limited anteriorly by a
precentral sulcus that
al gy
runs parallel to the
tr al
central sulcus.
ent r
• Postcentral gyrus
– posterior to the central
– located in the parietal temporal
lobe. lobe
– limited posteriorly by a
postcentral sulcus that
runs parallel to the central
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
12. Features of the lateral surface
• The parietal lobe posterior to the postcentral sulcus is divided by the intraparietal
sulcus into a superior and inferior parietal lobules
r us
Superior frontal Su
gyrus r io
al gy
parietal ta
tr al
frontal l lo
ent r
Middle frontal bu
lobe lobe le
Inferior frontal
• In the frontal lobe, two horizontal sulci divide the surface into superior, middle, and
Dr. Akram Jaffar
inferior frontal gyri.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
13. Features of the lateral surface
• In the temporal lobe, the sulci divide the surface into superior, middle and inferior
temporal gyri.
r us
Superior frontal Su
gyrus r io
al gy
parietal ta
tr al
frontal l lo
ent r
Middle frontal bu
lobe lobe le
Inferior frontal
lobe Superior
Middle gyrus
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
14. The insula
• The margins of the lateral sulcus overlap a
buried (deeply placed) area of the cerebral
cortex called the insula.
Lateral sulcus
Coronal section
• The insula can be seen
only when the lips of the
lateral selcus are
separated away from
each other.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Horizontal section
Dr. Akram Jaffar
15. Features of the medial surface
• The corpus callosum is a band of nerve fibers joining the two cerebral hemispheres.
• In midsagittal section,
the corpus callosum,
has the shape of a
hook lying horizontally.
genu splenium
• The pointed portion is the rostrum (beak)
• The bend is the genu (knee)
• The horizontal part is the body
• The expanded posterior end is the splenium
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
16. Features of the medial surface
• The cingulate gyrus lies above
Central sulcus
and parallel to the corpus
• The central sulcus, unlike
the pre- and post-central
sulci, extends on the
medial surface. body
genu splenium
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
17. Features of the medial surface
• The calcarine sulcus extends horizontally Central sulcus Parieto-
backwards from behind the splenium of the occipital
corpus callosum to the occipital pole. sulcus
genu splenium
• The parieto-occipital sulcus passes obliquely
upwards from about the middle of the calcarine
sulcus to the superior margin of the medial
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
18. The pre-occipital notch
o On the inferior margin there is a notch produced by the petrous temporal bone
called the preoccipital notch.
o An imaginary line can be drawn from the superior margin (where the parieto-occipital
sulcus extends) to the preoccipital notch on the inferior magin.
o This imaginary line divides the occipital lobe from the parietal and temporal lobes
Parieto-occipital sulcus
lobe occipital
Petrous temporal
bone Preoccipital notch
Pre-occipital notch
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
19. Features of the inferior surface
• The inferior surface is separated from the
midbrain by the hippocampal sulcus
• The parahippocampal gyrus borders
the hippocampal sulcus.
• The parahippocampal gyrus is
separated laterally by the
collateral sulcus from the rest
of the cortex of the temporal
lobe. midbrain
• Anteriorly the parahippocampal temporal
gyrus has a short recurved part lobe
called the uncus.
Collateral sulcus
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
20. Functional localization in the cerebral cortex
• Different areas of the cerebral cortex are functionally specialized.
• The simple division of cortical areas into motor and sensory areas is not exactly true,
as these occupy only a small part of the total surface area.
• The remaining areas are called association areas.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
21. Frontal lobe
Primary motor area
o The primary motor area is the major source of projection fibers to the low lying brain
stem and spinal cord.
o In the precentral
r us
gyrus and extends
al gy
to the medial
surface of the
ent r
hemisphere. lobe
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
22. Frontal lobe
Primary motor area
• Somatotopic representation in the primary motor area is in the form of an inverted
homunculus in which the size of the bodily regions is related to the motor skill
involved rather than to the bulk of the body region.
• Thus the tongue, larynx, face
and hand areas are
disproportionately large.
• The trunk and lower
extremities representation is
small in proportion to the
actual size and located
superiorly and on the medial
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
23. Frontal lobe
Primary motor area
• The primary motor area controls voluntary movements on the contralateral side of
the body
• Destruction paralysis
• Excessive stimulation produces
epileptic convulsions.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
24. Frontal lobe
Prefrontal area
• A large area in the anterior part of the frontal cortex.
• Responsible for the
makeup of the
behavior, feeling,
planning, and
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
25. Frontal lobe
Motor speech area
• Situated in the inferior frontal gyrus of the dominant
hemisphere, i.e. on the left side in right-handed individuals.
Broca’s area
• It forms the speech by its
connections with the Paul Broca
adjacent motor areas for 1824 - 1880
the muscles of the mouth,
pharynx and larynx.
• Its destruction results
in paralysis of speech
(motor aphasia) in
which the language is
understood but it
cannot be expressed in
speech or writing.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
26. Parietal lobe
Primary sensory area
• Occupies the postcentral gyrus, extending to the medial side of the cerebral
• Receives fibers originating from the contralateral side of the body.
o The somatotopic
representation is in
the form of an
tr al
inverted frontal
homunculus. lobe lobe
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Destruction cause loss of sensation
Dr. Akram Jaffar
27. Parietal lobe
Sensory speech area
• Is located in the inferior parietal lobule. It is also called Wernicke’s area.
• Like the motor speech area, it exists
only on the dominant hemisphere.
• It is concerned with
understanding of language,
written or spoken. parietal
• It receives impulses
from the visual cortex parietal
and the auditory lobule
cortex (input),
understand them Auditory
(processing), and is cortex
connected to the temporal
motor speech area lobe
• Its damage results in sensory aphasia: the inability to understand written and
Dr. Akram Jaffar
spoken language. The patient is able to see the words but is unable to understand
them or to copy them.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
28. Temporal lobe
Primary auditory area
• The primary auditory area is located on superior temporal gyrus.
• It receives auditory input bilaterally; thus a unilateral damage produces some
(partial) deafness in both ears with the greater loss in the contralateral ear.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
29. Functional localization in the occipital lobe
• The primary visual area lies in the walls
and floor of the posterior part of the
calcarine sulcus extending to the occipital
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
30. Primary visual area
• There is an inverted representation of the visual fields:
– the left visual field projects to the right visual cortex and vice versa.
– the upper visual field projects to the lower part of the visual cortex and vice versa.
• The region of the retina concerned with highest visual resolution (macula) has an
extensive representation and occupies the posterior third of the primary visual area.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
31. Cerebral dominance left right
– Most of the functions of the cerebral cortex are
related equally to both cerebral hemispheres.
– Language tend to be lateralized: the
hemisphere that is more important for
the comprehension and production of
language is called the dominant
– The non-dominant
hemisphere although inferior
in language functions is
superior in other functions.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
32. Cerebral dominance left right
– In most individuals the left hemisphere is dominant.
– The dominant hemisphere is
concerned with handedness
(writing) and speech (more than
90% of people are right-
handed). But the majority of the
left handers are left dominant.
– The dominant hemisphere is
concerned with language,
mathematical and analytical
– The non-dominant hemisphere
is concerned with spatial and
pictorial concepts and the
recognition of faces and music.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
34. Position & peduncles of the cerebellum
• Lies in the posterior cranial
fossa inferior to the tentorium
cerebelli. Tentorium cerebelli
• Is attached to the back of the
brain stem by three paired
bundles of fibers: superior,
middle, and inferior cerebellar
4th ventricle
Superior cerebellar
Middle cerebellar
Inferior cerebellar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
35. Gross appearance of the cerebellum
• Two cerebellar hemispheres joined by a narrow median vermis.
• The inferior surface shows a deep groove, the vallecula, the floor of which is
formed by the inferior aspect of the vermis.
• The tonsil is a partly detached lobule overhanging the inferior vermis on each
vermis vermis
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Ventral view
Dorsal view
Dr. Akram Jaffar
36. Gross appearance of the cerebellum
• The cortex, which is greatly convoluted.
• The sulci are parallel and the ridges between them are called the folia.
• In some places deep fissures are present.
• The cerebellum forms the roof for the fourth ventricle.
4th ventricle
4th ventricle
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Horizontal section of the cerebellum at the middle cerebellar peduncle
Dr. Akram Jaffar
37. Cerebellar nuclei
• Four pairs of nuclei.
• The largest is the dentate nucleus.
• Cerebellar afferents project to the cerebellar cortex, whose output is mostly to the
cerebellar nuclei in which efferent fibers originate.
Dentate nucleus
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Dr. Akram Jaffar
38. Fissures & lobes of the cerebellum
Dorsal view
• Primary fissure:
– Located on the superior surface. Primary fissure
– Separates the anterior lobe from Anterior lobe
the middle (posterior) lobe.
• Horizontal fissure
– Located posteriorly within the Middle lobe
middle lobe.
• The uvulo-nodular fissure
– Located on the inferior surface.
– Separates the middle lobe from
the flocculo-nodular lobe. Uvulo-nodular fissure
Flocculo-nodular lobe
Horizontal fissure
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Ventral view
Dr. Akram Jaffar
39. Functional lobes of the cerebellum
Dorsal view
• Vestibulocerebellum:
– Flocculonodular lobe mainly.
– Maintains equilibrium.
• Spinocerebellum:
– Anterior lobe mainly.
– Concerned with unconscious pontocerebellum
• Pontocerebellum:
– Middle lobe mainly.
– Coordination of fine movements.
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Ventral view
Dr. Akram Jaffar
40. Cerebellar control and dysfunction
• Each cerebellar hemisphere controls the same side
of the body either because of ipsilateral projection cerebellum
of some fibers or because other fibers cross twice.
• Since the cerebellum is concerned with:
– Coordination of muscular activity ≠ ataxia
(in-coordination of movement)
– Proprioception ≠ hypotonia and tremor
– Equilibrium ≠ vertigo.
Spinal cord
Dr. Akram Jaffar
Ataxia Vertigo Tremor
Dr. Akram Jaffar