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Dr. Murali. U. M.S; M.B.A
Assoc. Prof. of Surgery
Learning Outcomes
 List out the Criteria for admission of Burns patient.
 Outline the fluid resuscitative methods of burns.
 Evaluate the definitive & local management of burns.
 Discuss about the effects of Non-thermal burn injury.
 Immediate Care & Criteria
 Fluids & Others
 LocalTreatment
 Surgical options
 Non –Thermal injury
Immediate [ Pre-hospital Care ]
 Remove from source of injury
 Clothing to be removed
 Cool the burn wound – 10 mts – no
cold H2o
 Check for other injury
 Ensure rescuer safety
 Elevation
Hospital Care
 A – Airway / Assessment
 B – Breathing & ventilation
 C – Circulation
 D - Disability
 E – Exposure
 F – Fluid resuscitation
 G – Girth ( Circumference )
 H – Hand
 I - Inhalation injury
Criteria – Admission
 Airway burns of any type
 Burns in extremes of age
 Burns requiring FR & Surgery
 Pts. social background is not good
 All electric / deep chemical burns
Outcome – Major Determinants
 Percentage surface area involved
 Depth of burns
 Presence of an inhalational injury
Area – Lund & Browder Chart
Age-yrs 0 1 5 10 15 Adult
A-Head 9 8 6 5 4 3
B-Thigh 2 3 4 4 4 4
C-Leg 2 2 3 3 3 3
Area – Wallace’s – “ Rule of 9 ”
Management of burns
Depth of Burns
Depth Cause Surface/colour Pain sensation
Superficial Sun, flash, minor
Dry, minor blisters,
erythema, brisk
capillary return
Scald Moist, reddened
with broken
blisters, brisk
capillary return
thickness- deep
(deep dermal)
Scald, minor flame
Moist white
slough, red
mottled, sluggish
capillary return
Full thickness Flame, severe
scald or flame
Dry, charred
capillary return
Burn causes – Likely depth
Cause of Burn Depth of Burn
Scald Superficial
Flash Burns Deep Dermal
Flame Burns Mixed deep dermal + Full thickness
Alkali Burns Deep dermal + Full thickness
Acid Burns Weak – Superficial / Strong – Deep dermal
Electric Burns Full thickness
Inhalation Injury – Dangers
 Inhaled hot gases - supraglottic airway burns & laryngeal
 Inhaled steam - subglottic burns and loss of respiratory
 Inhaled smoke particles - chemical alveolitis and respiratory
 Inhaled poisons, such as carbonmonoxide, can cause
metabolic poisoning
 Full-thickness burns to the chest can cause mechanical
blockage to rib movement.
Inhalation Injury
 A history of being trapped in the presence of
smoke or hot gases.
 Burns on the palate or nasal mucosa, or loss of
all the hairs in the nose.
 Deep burns around the mouth and neck.
 Presents as Hoarseness of voice / Stridor.
 Early elective intubation is safest
 Delay can make intubation very
difficult due to swelling
 Be ready to perform an emergency
cricothyroidotomy if intubation is
Fluid Resuscitation
 Children > 10%TBSA / Adults > 15%TBSA
 IV access - Central vein access
 Ringer lactate without dextrose fluid of
 Monitor urinary output
Fluids used
 First 24 hrs = Crystalloids – given / Saline, RL, Hartmann’s fluid
 After 24 hrs upto 30 – 48 hrs = Colloids Plasma , Dextrans , Haemaccel
 Blood transfusion – after 48 hrs
Parkland Formula – Commonly used
 4ml x % burn x kg = volume [ml] - 24 hrs
 Max. % = 50%
 First 8 hrs ½ of vol. – Rest in next 16 hrs
 Next 24 hrs = ½ of first day fluids
Muir & Burclay Formula – Colloids
 0.5 x % burn x = 1 portion
 3 portions = first 12 hrs
 2 portions = second 12 hrs
 1 portion = third 12 hrs
Fluids – Children - DNS
 100 ml / kg for 24 hours for the first 10 kg.
 50 ml kg / for the next 10 kg.
 20 ml kg / for 24 hours for each kilogram over 20 kg body weight.
Other General Measures
 Monitoring the patient
 Catheterization – Monitor urine output
 Tetanus toxoid / H2 blockers
 NGT – Aspiration & Enteral feeding
 Antibiotics – Culture
 TPN – If necessary
 Intensive nursing care
Eschar - Treatment
 Charred, denatured, full thickness
deep burns with contracted dermis
 Circumferential eschar – Limbs /
 Tourniquet effect – compartment
 Incising the whole length of full
thickness burns in midaxial line -
Management of burns
Full Thickness & Deep dermal burns
 1% silver sulphadiazine cream
 0.5% silver nitrate solution
 Sulfamylon - Mafenide acetate
 Cerum nitrate
Sup.Thickness & Mixed dermal burns
 Heal – irrespective of dressing
 Simple dressings –
Vaseline gauze
Silicon sheet / Hydrocolloids
 Biological
Natural – Aminio.memb
Synthetic – Biobrane
 No intramuscular, subcutaneous injections
 Small burns – Paracetamol, NSAID
 Large burns - Intravenous opiates
 Burns patients need extra feeding
 A nasogastric tube should be used in all patients with burns
over 20%TBSA
 A number of different formulae are available to calculate the
energy requirements of patients
 The nutritional balance monitored by measuring weight and
nitrogen balance
Control of Infection
 Burns patients are immunocompromised
 They are susceptible to infection from many routes
 Sterile precautions must be rigorous
 Swabs should be taken regularly
 A rise in white blood cells count, thrombocytosis and
increased catabolism are warnings of infection.
 Intensive nursing care
 Physiotherapy – elevation, splintages, exercise
 Psychological - counseling
Surgery – Deep burns
 Deep dermal burns – tangential shaving & SSG
 All but the smallest full-thickness burns need
 Topical adrenaline (DILUTED) reduces bleeding
 All burnt tissue needs to be excised
 Stable cover should be applied at once to
reduce burn load
Delayed Scar Management
 Transposition flaps and Z-plasties
with or without tissue expansion are
 Full-thickness grafts and free flaps –
needed for large or difficult areas
 Hypertrophy - treated with pressure
 Pharma.treatment of itch is
Electrical Burns
 LV – injuries cause small, localized, deep burns
 Cause cardiac arrest without significant direct
myocardial damage
 HV – injuries damage by flash / conduction
(internal burn)
 Myocardium may be directly damaged without
pacing interruption
 Limbs – fasciotomies or amputation
 Look for and treat acidosis and myoglobinuria
Chemical Burns
 Acid burn occurs in skin, soft tissues and
 Alkali burns occur in oral cavity and
 Initial treatment is dilution with water
 Late neutralisation is done, if required by
0.2% acetic acid in alkali burns.
Na.bicarbonate / calcium gluconate
10% gel, topical ziphrin solution in acid
Radiation Burns
 Local burns causing ulceration need
excision and vascularised flap cover-
usually with free flaps.
 Systemic overdose needs supportive
Breathing & Body image
Urine Output
Rule of nines & Resuscitation
Shock & Silverdiazine
1.What will be the % if both legs,the groin
and the front chest and abdomen were burned?
 A 35%
 B 45%
 C 55%
 D 65%
2.Which of the following statements
regarding burns treatment is false?
 A .The simplest and most commonly used crystalloid is Ringer’s lactate.
 B. Oral fluids containing no salt are essential when given as fluid replacement in
 C. Human albumin solution is a colloid which reduces protein leak out of cells,
thereby helping to reduce oedema.
 D. The Parkland formula is the most widely used formula and calculates the fluid
replacement in the first 24 h.
3. A 25-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after sustaining
burns during a fire in his apartment. He has blistering &erythema of his
face, left upper extremity, and chest with frank charring of his right
upper extremity. He is agitated, hypotensive & tachycardiac. Which one
of the following statements concerning this patient’s initial wound
management is correct?
 A .Topical antibiotics should not be used, as they will encourage growth of resistant organisms
 B. Early excision of facial and hand burns is especially important
 C. Escharotomy should only be performed if neurologic impairment is imminent
 D. Excision of areas of third-degree or of deep second-degree burns usually takes place 3–7 days after
 E. Split-thickness skin grafts over the eschar of third-degree burns should be performed immediately
in order to prevent fluid loss.
4. Which one of the following statements
regarding the above burn patient is correct?
 A . High-dose penicillin should be administered prophylactically
 B.Tetanus prophylaxis is not necessary if the patient has been immunized in the
previous 3 years
 C.This burn can be estimated at 60% total body surface area using the “rule of nines”
 D.The most sensitive indicator of adequacy of fluid resuscitation is heart rate
 E.This patient should undergo immediate intubation for airway protection and
oxygen administration
3.A women weighing 45 kg, with 35% burns of II
° is brought to the casualty. What will be the
fluid resuscitative methods for next 2 days.
“ Surgical Triad ”
Measure thrice, think twice, cut once.
Thank U

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Management of burns

  • 1. MANAGEMENT OF BURNS Dr. Murali. U. M.S; M.B.A Assoc. Prof. of Surgery
  • 2. Learning Outcomes  List out the Criteria for admission of Burns patient.  Outline the fluid resuscitative methods of burns.  Evaluate the definitive & local management of burns.  Discuss about the effects of Non-thermal burn injury.
  • 3. Objectives  Immediate Care & Criteria  Fluids & Others  LocalTreatment  Surgical options  Non –Thermal injury
  • 4. Immediate [ Pre-hospital Care ]  Remove from source of injury  Clothing to be removed  Cool the burn wound – 10 mts – no cold H2o  Check for other injury  Ensure rescuer safety  Elevation
  • 5. Hospital Care  A – Airway / Assessment  B – Breathing & ventilation  C – Circulation  D - Disability  E – Exposure  F – Fluid resuscitation  G – Girth ( Circumference )  H – Hand  I - Inhalation injury
  • 6. Criteria – Admission  Airway burns of any type  Burns in extremes of age  Burns requiring FR & Surgery  Pts. social background is not good  All electric / deep chemical burns
  • 7. Outcome – Major Determinants  Percentage surface area involved  Depth of burns  Presence of an inhalational injury
  • 8. Area – Lund & Browder Chart Age-yrs 0 1 5 10 15 Adult A-Head 9 8 6 5 4 3 B-Thigh 2 3 4 4 4 4 C-Leg 2 2 3 3 3 3
  • 9. Area – Wallace’s – “ Rule of 9 ”
  • 11. Depth of Burns Depth Cause Surface/colour Pain sensation Superficial Sun, flash, minor scald Dry, minor blisters, erythema, brisk capillary return Painful Partial thickness- superficial (superficial dermal) Scald Moist, reddened with broken blisters, brisk capillary return Painful Partial thickness- deep (deep dermal) Scald, minor flame contact Moist white slough, red mottled, sluggish capillary return Painless Full thickness Flame, severe scald or flame contact Dry, charred whitish.Absent capillary return Painless
  • 12. Burn causes – Likely depth Cause of Burn Depth of Burn Scald Superficial Flash Burns Deep Dermal Flame Burns Mixed deep dermal + Full thickness Alkali Burns Deep dermal + Full thickness Acid Burns Weak – Superficial / Strong – Deep dermal Electric Burns Full thickness
  • 13. Inhalation Injury – Dangers  Inhaled hot gases - supraglottic airway burns & laryngeal oedema  Inhaled steam - subglottic burns and loss of respiratory epithelium  Inhaled smoke particles - chemical alveolitis and respiratory failure  Inhaled poisons, such as carbonmonoxide, can cause metabolic poisoning  Full-thickness burns to the chest can cause mechanical blockage to rib movement.
  • 14. Inhalation Injury RECOGNITION INITIAL MANAGEMENT  A history of being trapped in the presence of smoke or hot gases.  Burns on the palate or nasal mucosa, or loss of all the hairs in the nose.  Deep burns around the mouth and neck.  Presents as Hoarseness of voice / Stridor.  Early elective intubation is safest  Delay can make intubation very difficult due to swelling  Be ready to perform an emergency cricothyroidotomy if intubation is delayed
  • 15. Fluid Resuscitation  Children > 10%TBSA / Adults > 15%TBSA  IV access - Central vein access  Ringer lactate without dextrose fluid of choice  Monitor urinary output
  • 16. Fluids used  First 24 hrs = Crystalloids – given / Saline, RL, Hartmann’s fluid ( PASSTHROUGH CAPILLARY WALL EASILY )  After 24 hrs upto 30 – 48 hrs = Colloids Plasma , Dextrans , Haemaccel (TO COMPENSATE PLASMA LOSS )  Blood transfusion – after 48 hrs
  • 17. Parkland Formula – Commonly used  4ml x % burn x kg = volume [ml] - 24 hrs  Max. % = 50%  First 8 hrs ½ of vol. – Rest in next 16 hrs  Next 24 hrs = ½ of first day fluids
  • 18. Muir & Burclay Formula – Colloids  0.5 x % burn x = 1 portion  3 portions = first 12 hrs  2 portions = second 12 hrs  1 portion = third 12 hrs
  • 19. Fluids – Children - DNS  100 ml / kg for 24 hours for the first 10 kg.  50 ml kg / for the next 10 kg.  20 ml kg / for 24 hours for each kilogram over 20 kg body weight.
  • 20. Other General Measures  Monitoring the patient  Catheterization – Monitor urine output  Tetanus toxoid / H2 blockers  NGT – Aspiration & Enteral feeding  Antibiotics – Culture  TPN – If necessary  Intensive nursing care
  • 21. Eschar - Treatment  Charred, denatured, full thickness deep burns with contracted dermis  Circumferential eschar – Limbs / Neck ↓  Tourniquet effect – compartment syndrome ↓  Incising the whole length of full thickness burns in midaxial line - Escharotomy
  • 23. Full Thickness & Deep dermal burns  1% silver sulphadiazine cream  0.5% silver nitrate solution  Sulfamylon - Mafenide acetate cream  Cerum nitrate
  • 24. Sup.Thickness & Mixed dermal burns  Heal – irrespective of dressing  Simple dressings – Vaseline gauze Silicon sheet / Hydrocolloids  Biological Natural – Aminio.memb Synthetic – Biobrane
  • 25. Analgesia  No intramuscular, subcutaneous injections  Small burns – Paracetamol, NSAID  Large burns - Intravenous opiates
  • 26. Nutrition  Burns patients need extra feeding  A nasogastric tube should be used in all patients with burns over 20%TBSA  A number of different formulae are available to calculate the energy requirements of patients  The nutritional balance monitored by measuring weight and nitrogen balance
  • 27. Control of Infection  Burns patients are immunocompromised  They are susceptible to infection from many routes  Sterile precautions must be rigorous  Swabs should be taken regularly  A rise in white blood cells count, thrombocytosis and increased catabolism are warnings of infection.
  • 28. Others  Intensive nursing care  Physiotherapy – elevation, splintages, exercise  Psychological - counseling
  • 29. Surgery – Deep burns  Deep dermal burns – tangential shaving & SSG  All but the smallest full-thickness burns need surgery  Topical adrenaline (DILUTED) reduces bleeding  All burnt tissue needs to be excised  Stable cover should be applied at once to reduce burn load
  • 30. Delayed Scar Management  Transposition flaps and Z-plasties with or without tissue expansion are useful  Full-thickness grafts and free flaps – needed for large or difficult areas  Hypertrophy - treated with pressure garments  Pharma.treatment of itch is important
  • 31. Electrical Burns  LV – injuries cause small, localized, deep burns  Cause cardiac arrest without significant direct myocardial damage  HV – injuries damage by flash / conduction (internal burn)  Myocardium may be directly damaged without pacing interruption  Limbs – fasciotomies or amputation  Look for and treat acidosis and myoglobinuria
  • 32. Chemical Burns  Acid burn occurs in skin, soft tissues and GIT.  Alkali burns occur in oral cavity and oesophagus.  Initial treatment is dilution with water (Hydrotherapy).  Late neutralisation is done, if required by 0.2% acetic acid in alkali burns. Na.bicarbonate / calcium gluconate 10% gel, topical ziphrin solution in acid burns.
  • 33. Radiation Burns  Local burns causing ulceration need excision and vascularised flap cover- usually with free flaps.  Systemic overdose needs supportive treatment.
  • 34. BURNS Breathing & Body image Urine Output Rule of nines & Resuscitation Nutrition Shock & Silverdiazine
  • 36. 1.What will be the % if both legs,the groin and the front chest and abdomen were burned?  A 35%  B 45%  C 55%  D 65%
  • 37. 2.Which of the following statements regarding burns treatment is false?  A .The simplest and most commonly used crystalloid is Ringer’s lactate.  B. Oral fluids containing no salt are essential when given as fluid replacement in burns.  C. Human albumin solution is a colloid which reduces protein leak out of cells, thereby helping to reduce oedema.  D. The Parkland formula is the most widely used formula and calculates the fluid replacement in the first 24 h.
  • 38. 3. A 25-year-old man is brought to the emergency room after sustaining burns during a fire in his apartment. He has blistering &erythema of his face, left upper extremity, and chest with frank charring of his right upper extremity. He is agitated, hypotensive & tachycardiac. Which one of the following statements concerning this patient’s initial wound management is correct?  A .Topical antibiotics should not be used, as they will encourage growth of resistant organisms  B. Early excision of facial and hand burns is especially important  C. Escharotomy should only be performed if neurologic impairment is imminent  D. Excision of areas of third-degree or of deep second-degree burns usually takes place 3–7 days after injury  E. Split-thickness skin grafts over the eschar of third-degree burns should be performed immediately in order to prevent fluid loss.
  • 39. 4. Which one of the following statements regarding the above burn patient is correct?  A . High-dose penicillin should be administered prophylactically  B.Tetanus prophylaxis is not necessary if the patient has been immunized in the previous 3 years  C.This burn can be estimated at 60% total body surface area using the “rule of nines”  D.The most sensitive indicator of adequacy of fluid resuscitation is heart rate  E.This patient should undergo immediate intubation for airway protection and oxygen administration
  • 40. 3.A women weighing 45 kg, with 35% burns of II ° is brought to the casualty. What will be the fluid resuscitative methods for next 2 days.
  • 41. “ Surgical Triad ” Measure thrice, think twice, cut once. Thank U