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Database mapping of XBRL instance
documents based on the WIP taxonomy
Using Altova MapForce or RaptorXML+XBRL Server
Presented by: Alexander Falk
March 1, 2016
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
XBRL → Database Mapping of WIP: Overview
MapForce can be used to graphically design the
XBRL → Database Mapping rules/logic.
Alternatively, if more control & programming is
desired, XBRL instance documents can be
analyzed and processed by RaptorXML+XBRL
Server and data can be extracted into a
database via Python scripts
If desired, FlowForce and MapForce Server can
be used as a workflow & mapping engine to
automate either of the above processes using
date/time and/or event triggers (e.g. a WIP
instance document arriving in a certain directory)
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
A sample target database
For the purpose of this demonstration, we created a very simple target DB
that has just one table with columns that closely model the WIP spreadsheet:
Clearly, any real-world database will be more
complex and have a relational database model
involving multiple tables, but the same technology
we will demonstrate here can be applied to
mapping the data from XBRL to any number of
relational tables.
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Quick introduction to MapForce
MapForce allows you to drop data sources, such as an XBRL-
formatted WIP report, into a design surface.
To develop a mapping from one data format to another, you
then simply draw connecting lines – much like connecting
circuits on a circuit board
The library pane on the left offers a palette of functions that
allow you to transform the data or add conversions and
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Adding an XBRL data source
When you use an XBRL formatted
WIP report as the data source in
MapForce, the WIP Taxonomy is
automatically processed and you
can show the structure of the XBRL
WIP either as raw concepts or
based on the XBRL financial table
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Locate and expand the surety:WorkInProcessTable
The WIP taxonomy is based on and includes
the full US-GAAP taxonomy, so there are
many financial statement presentations
Scroll down to the bottom of the XBRL control
in MapForce and locate the 910100 –
Disclosure – Work in Process presentation
Expand that node by clicking on the plus in
front, then click on the
surety:WorkInProcessTable XBRL table
and hit the * key on the numeric keypad to
expand all its children
This is the graphical representation of the
source XBRL instance data that we will be
mapping from. On the right side of each
element/fact is a triangle where you can start
connections from the source to the target.
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Adding a database target
Adding a database target involves first
connecting to a database source using
the connection wizard
Then you select which tables from that
database you want to use in your
mapping project – we‘ll pick „contract“
This creates
a database
object in our
project that
looks like
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Start making connections
Now we can start
making connections
from the source to the
target to create our
We‘re focusing on the
and will connect that to
each row in the contract
table in the DB
Start drawing lines from
the triangle nodes on
the left XBRL object to
the triangle nodes on
the right database table
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Add datatype conversions where necessary
Sometimes you may find that the datatypes in the XBRL instance and
in your target database are not compatible and you’ll get an error
message in the mapping validation:
New Design1: Mapping validation failed - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
surety:ContractNumberAxis.domain => ContracNumberAxis_domain: Incompatible datatypes.
There are no valid values of the source type that are valid values of the target type.
Source: mf:node Target: sqlite:integer
If that happens, add a manual conversion from the function library on
the left – sometimes it is even more practical to convert to an
intermediate datatype, like string
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Make more connections, then start looking at the output
MapForce includes on-demand
output preview as well as an
interactive visual debugger that
makes developing these
mappings very easy
Once you‘ve made a few more
connections, it is time to start
looking at the output
Since our target is a database, the output preview will be SQL commands that
will be executed against the database server:
Clearly, that doesn‘t look quite right yet. We have three contracts in our WIP
example XBRL instance, yet we‘re trying to create six rows in the database
with only some columns being filled with values and the rest being NULL...
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Duration contexts vs. Instant contexts
The reason for these six rows being created is that MapForce has found six
contexts* in the XBRL instance document, and it has mapped each to a row in the
So we need to understand the structure of our XBRL document a bit better: for
each contract we have an instant context and a duration context in the XBRL file,
because each contract is associated with data that is reported as an instant, such
as % Complete; or reported as a duration such as Earned Contract Revenue,
from Inception to Dec 31, 2014
Fortunately, we can easily resolve this in MapForce and map them both to the
same row in the database using the ContractNumberAxis as the primary key
To do that, we right click on the contract table in our database object on the right
and pick Add Duplicate Input After, which gives us two instances of the table that
we can now map to separately from instant vs. duration contexts:
* All facts have an associated context which defines the reporting entity and time period,
and it also defines dimensional information.
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Next step: filter contexts and map them differently
Now that we have two representations of the table on the right, we can
filter XBRL contexts depending on if they are instant or duration and map
them differently – as long as we keep the primary key connected to both:
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Database Table Actions
Since we‘re now mapping two separate contexts to the same table in the
database, we also have to tell MapForce what database table actions to
perform based on the primary key
We do that by clicking the small button to the right of each contract table
and specify the database actions in the following dialog
We simply Insert another Action column before the “Insert All” column
and specify that we want to Update the data if the primary key matches,
otherwise we insert a new row into the DB
For all the input data items we then elect
to insert the “mapped value” into the database
This will allow us to map some elements/facts
from one context and then grab other facts
from a different context as long as the primary
key matches
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Calculations and if-else statements
Last, but not least, you sometimes may need to do more complex
calculations or map values differently depending on what inputs you
have. We will look at one example of how to do that
In our XBRL taxonomy we have two separate facts that report billings
over or under cost and earnings, but we want to map them to just one
database field using either positive or negative values:
We can do that by multiplying one of them by -1 and then use an if-else
statement to map one or the other to the target column in the database,
depending on if that fact exists in the source XBRL:
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Putting it all together
Here is the complete mapping that we have now created with all
components and logic included:
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Looking at the final result
If we now switch to the Output tab we get a SQL Script that we can
execute against the database and we see the following output, which
produces precisely three rows in the target database as shown below
INSERT INTO "contract" ("ContracNumberAxis_domain", "ContractNum", "ContractName", "ForPeriodEarnedRevenue", "ForPeriodCosts",
"ForPeriodGrossProfit") VALUES (1, 200, 'Really Big Contract', 3740588, 2855269, 885319)
-->>> OK. 1 row(s).
INSERT INTO "contract" ("ContracNumberAxis_domain", "ContractNum", "ContractName", "ForPeriodEarnedRevenue", "ForPeriodCosts",
"ForPeriodGrossProfit") VALUES (2, 201, 'Contract 201', 319663, 185925, 133738)
-->>> OK. 1 row(s).
INSERT INTO "contract" ("ContracNumberAxis_domain", "ContractNum", "ContractName", "ForPeriodEarnedRevenue", "ForPeriodCosts",
"ForPeriodGrossProfit") VALUES (3, 208, 'C_208', 2193165, 3505674, -1312509)
-->>> OK. 1 row(s).
UPDATE "contract" SET "EstRevenue" = 29831262, "EstCosts" = 22771956, "EstGrossProfit" = 7059306, "FromInceptEarnedRevenue" = 12113470,
"FromInceptIncurredCosts" = 9246924, "FromInceptGrossProfit" = 2866546, "FromInceptContractBillings" = 11987630, "EstimatedCostToComplete" =
13525032, "PercentageComplete" = 40.60663037, "UnderOverBillings" = 125840 WHERE ("contract"."ContracNumberAxis_domain"=1)
-->>> OK. 1 row(s).
UPDATE "contract" SET "EstRevenue" = 4765875, "EstCosts" = 3915859, "EstGrossProfit" = 850016, "FromInceptEarnedRevenue" = 4761592,
"FromInceptIncurredCosts" = 3912340, "FromInceptGrossProfit" = 849252, "FromInceptContractBillings" = 4748777, "EstimatedCostToComplete" = 3519,
"PercentageComplete" = 0.99, "UnderOverBillings" = 12815 WHERE ("contract"."ContracNumberAxis_domain"=2)
-->>> OK. 1 row(s).
UPDATE "contract" SET "EstRevenue" = 12187491, "EstCosts" = 13500000, "EstGrossProfit" = -1312509, "FromInceptEarnedRevenue" = 2193165,
"FromInceptIncurredCosts" = 3505674, "FromInceptGrossProfit" = -1312509, "FromInceptContractBillings" = 2476537, "EstimatedCostToComplete" =
9994326, "PercentageComplete" = 0.18, "UnderOverBillings" = -283372 WHERE ("contract"."ContracNumberAxis_domain"=3)
-->>> OK. 1 row(s).
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Summary of MapForce data mapping approach
As we have demonstrated here, it is easy to develop a data mapping
from an XBRL-formatted WIP report to a database using MapForce
This data mapping can now be applied to any XBRL instance document
that uses the same taxonomy!
The mapping process for new instances can either be done interactively
using MapForce itself
Or it can be automated by using MapForce Server and FlowForce Server
to have the mapping be executed either based on a time-trigger or an
event-trigger (e.g. when a WIP instance document is received in a
certain directory).
MapForce Server and FlowForce Server can be deployed either in your
local IT infrastructure or in the cloud. They are available for Linux and
Windows operating systems.
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Alternative approach: RaptorXML+XBRL Server
If more control, a more advance programming logic, or more complexity
in the data model is required, or if the number of XBRL-formatted WIP
reports to be ingested is huge so that performance optimizations for
parallel processing are required, there is an alternative approach that we
Altova’s RaptorXML+XBRL Server is an XBRL processing engine that is
focused on high-speed and parallel processing on modern multi-core CPUs to
achieve advanced throughput for XBRL validation
It is currently used by large regulators, e.g. Bank of Indonesia, to process
massive quantities of XBRL documents that arrive from banks
Offers a full API so that the XBRL processing can be tailored to your needs
RaptorXML+XBRL Server comes with a built-in Python interpreter that allows
a developer to add post-validation programming logic
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
How to get started with RaptorXML+XBRL Server
We have recently published the full sources for an example XBRL-to-
database mapping project that is using RaptorXML+XBRL Server.
This example is based on downloading the EDGAR company
financial filings from the SEC, processing them, and writing them to a
SQL database.
Using these sample sources can provide a great template for how to
process XBRL instance documents for WIP, too:
1. Download, clone, or fork the sources from GitHub:
2. Download and install the RaptorXML+XBRL Server software from here:
3. You can request a free 30-day license key-code for all Altova products
© 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved.
Thank You!
Safe Harbor Statement
The presentation made during this meeting and other statements by Altova may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of U.S. Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 including without
limitation plans with respect to future business or product strategy. Although Altova believes that these statements are based on reasonable assumptions within the bounds of its knowledge of its business
and operations, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties. By making these forward looking statements, the company undertakes no obligation to update
these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this presentation. Additionally, Altova may revise its projections or plans as required during the course of its business. Actual results may differ
materially from forward-looking statements or historical performance due to the factors discussed in this presentation and elsewhere. Potential factors that could impact results include such include
increased competitive pressures, changes in general economic conditions, difficulties in the timely development of new products and services or other changes.
Altova, MobileTogether, MissionKit, XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, UModel, DatabaseSpy, DiffDog, SchemaAgent, SemanticWorks, Authentic, and AltovaXML are trademarks and/or registered
trademarks of Altova, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. The names of and reference to other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
For more information, please see our blog and website:
Altova is a proud member of XBRL.US and the Center for Data Quality

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Database mapping of XBRL instance documents from the WIP taxonomy

  • 1. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Database mapping of XBRL instance documents based on the WIP taxonomy Using Altova MapForce or RaptorXML+XBRL Server Presented by: Alexander Falk March 1, 2016
  • 2. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. XBRL → Database Mapping of WIP: Overview MapForce can be used to graphically design the XBRL → Database Mapping rules/logic. Alternatively, if more control & programming is desired, XBRL instance documents can be analyzed and processed by RaptorXML+XBRL Server and data can be extracted into a database via Python scripts If desired, FlowForce and MapForce Server can be used as a workflow & mapping engine to automate either of the above processes using date/time and/or event triggers (e.g. a WIP instance document arriving in a certain directory)
  • 3. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. A sample target database For the purpose of this demonstration, we created a very simple target DB that has just one table with columns that closely model the WIP spreadsheet: Clearly, any real-world database will be more complex and have a relational database model involving multiple tables, but the same technology we will demonstrate here can be applied to mapping the data from XBRL to any number of relational tables.
  • 4. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Quick introduction to MapForce MapForce allows you to drop data sources, such as an XBRL- formatted WIP report, into a design surface. To develop a mapping from one data format to another, you then simply draw connecting lines – much like connecting circuits on a circuit board The library pane on the left offers a palette of functions that allow you to transform the data or add conversions and calculations
  • 5. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Adding an XBRL data source When you use an XBRL formatted WIP report as the data source in MapForce, the WIP Taxonomy is automatically processed and you can show the structure of the XBRL WIP either as raw concepts or based on the XBRL financial table defined.
  • 6. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Locate and expand the surety:WorkInProcessTable The WIP taxonomy is based on and includes the full US-GAAP taxonomy, so there are many financial statement presentations included Scroll down to the bottom of the XBRL control in MapForce and locate the 910100 – Disclosure – Work in Process presentation Expand that node by clicking on the plus in front, then click on the surety:WorkInProcessTable XBRL table and hit the * key on the numeric keypad to expand all its children This is the graphical representation of the source XBRL instance data that we will be mapping from. On the right side of each element/fact is a triangle where you can start connections from the source to the target.
  • 7. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Adding a database target Adding a database target involves first connecting to a database source using the connection wizard Then you select which tables from that database you want to use in your mapping project – we‘ll pick „contract“ This creates a database object in our mapping project that looks like this
  • 8. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Start making connections Now we can start making connections from the source to the target to create our mapping We‘re focusing on the ContractNumberAxis and will connect that to each row in the contract table in the DB Start drawing lines from the triangle nodes on the left XBRL object to the triangle nodes on the right database table object...
  • 9. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Add datatype conversions where necessary Sometimes you may find that the datatypes in the XBRL instance and in your target database are not compatible and you’ll get an error message in the mapping validation: New Design1: Mapping validation failed - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) surety:ContractNumberAxis.domain => ContracNumberAxis_domain: Incompatible datatypes. There are no valid values of the source type that are valid values of the target type. Source: mf:node Target: sqlite:integer If that happens, add a manual conversion from the function library on the left – sometimes it is even more practical to convert to an intermediate datatype, like string
  • 10. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Make more connections, then start looking at the output MapForce includes on-demand output preview as well as an interactive visual debugger that makes developing these mappings very easy Once you‘ve made a few more connections, it is time to start looking at the output Since our target is a database, the output preview will be SQL commands that will be executed against the database server: Clearly, that doesn‘t look quite right yet. We have three contracts in our WIP example XBRL instance, yet we‘re trying to create six rows in the database with only some columns being filled with values and the rest being NULL...
  • 11. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Duration contexts vs. Instant contexts The reason for these six rows being created is that MapForce has found six contexts* in the XBRL instance document, and it has mapped each to a row in the database So we need to understand the structure of our XBRL document a bit better: for each contract we have an instant context and a duration context in the XBRL file, because each contract is associated with data that is reported as an instant, such as % Complete; or reported as a duration such as Earned Contract Revenue, from Inception to Dec 31, 2014 Fortunately, we can easily resolve this in MapForce and map them both to the same row in the database using the ContractNumberAxis as the primary key To do that, we right click on the contract table in our database object on the right and pick Add Duplicate Input After, which gives us two instances of the table that we can now map to separately from instant vs. duration contexts: * All facts have an associated context which defines the reporting entity and time period, and it also defines dimensional information.
  • 12. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Next step: filter contexts and map them differently Now that we have two representations of the table on the right, we can filter XBRL contexts depending on if they are instant or duration and map them differently – as long as we keep the primary key connected to both:
  • 13. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Database Table Actions Since we‘re now mapping two separate contexts to the same table in the database, we also have to tell MapForce what database table actions to perform based on the primary key We do that by clicking the small button to the right of each contract table and specify the database actions in the following dialog We simply Insert another Action column before the “Insert All” column and specify that we want to Update the data if the primary key matches, otherwise we insert a new row into the DB For all the input data items we then elect to insert the “mapped value” into the database This will allow us to map some elements/facts from one context and then grab other facts from a different context as long as the primary key matches
  • 14. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Calculations and if-else statements Last, but not least, you sometimes may need to do more complex calculations or map values differently depending on what inputs you have. We will look at one example of how to do that In our XBRL taxonomy we have two separate facts that report billings over or under cost and earnings, but we want to map them to just one database field using either positive or negative values: surety:BillingsInExcessOfCostAndEarnings surety:CostsAndEarningsInExcessOfBillings We can do that by multiplying one of them by -1 and then use an if-else statement to map one or the other to the target column in the database, depending on if that fact exists in the source XBRL:
  • 15. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Putting it all together Here is the complete mapping that we have now created with all components and logic included:
  • 16. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Looking at the final result If we now switch to the Output tab we get a SQL Script that we can execute against the database and we see the following output, which produces precisely three rows in the target database as shown below INSERT INTO "contract" ("ContracNumberAxis_domain", "ContractNum", "ContractName", "ForPeriodEarnedRevenue", "ForPeriodCosts", "ForPeriodGrossProfit") VALUES (1, 200, 'Really Big Contract', 3740588, 2855269, 885319) -->>> OK. 1 row(s). INSERT INTO "contract" ("ContracNumberAxis_domain", "ContractNum", "ContractName", "ForPeriodEarnedRevenue", "ForPeriodCosts", "ForPeriodGrossProfit") VALUES (2, 201, 'Contract 201', 319663, 185925, 133738) -->>> OK. 1 row(s). INSERT INTO "contract" ("ContracNumberAxis_domain", "ContractNum", "ContractName", "ForPeriodEarnedRevenue", "ForPeriodCosts", "ForPeriodGrossProfit") VALUES (3, 208, 'C_208', 2193165, 3505674, -1312509) -->>> OK. 1 row(s). UPDATE "contract" SET "EstRevenue" = 29831262, "EstCosts" = 22771956, "EstGrossProfit" = 7059306, "FromInceptEarnedRevenue" = 12113470, "FromInceptIncurredCosts" = 9246924, "FromInceptGrossProfit" = 2866546, "FromInceptContractBillings" = 11987630, "EstimatedCostToComplete" = 13525032, "PercentageComplete" = 40.60663037, "UnderOverBillings" = 125840 WHERE ("contract"."ContracNumberAxis_domain"=1) -->>> OK. 1 row(s). UPDATE "contract" SET "EstRevenue" = 4765875, "EstCosts" = 3915859, "EstGrossProfit" = 850016, "FromInceptEarnedRevenue" = 4761592, "FromInceptIncurredCosts" = 3912340, "FromInceptGrossProfit" = 849252, "FromInceptContractBillings" = 4748777, "EstimatedCostToComplete" = 3519, "PercentageComplete" = 0.99, "UnderOverBillings" = 12815 WHERE ("contract"."ContracNumberAxis_domain"=2) -->>> OK. 1 row(s). UPDATE "contract" SET "EstRevenue" = 12187491, "EstCosts" = 13500000, "EstGrossProfit" = -1312509, "FromInceptEarnedRevenue" = 2193165, "FromInceptIncurredCosts" = 3505674, "FromInceptGrossProfit" = -1312509, "FromInceptContractBillings" = 2476537, "EstimatedCostToComplete" = 9994326, "PercentageComplete" = 0.18, "UnderOverBillings" = -283372 WHERE ("contract"."ContracNumberAxis_domain"=3) -->>> OK. 1 row(s).
  • 17. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Summary of MapForce data mapping approach As we have demonstrated here, it is easy to develop a data mapping from an XBRL-formatted WIP report to a database using MapForce This data mapping can now be applied to any XBRL instance document that uses the same taxonomy! The mapping process for new instances can either be done interactively using MapForce itself Or it can be automated by using MapForce Server and FlowForce Server to have the mapping be executed either based on a time-trigger or an event-trigger (e.g. when a WIP instance document is received in a certain directory). MapForce Server and FlowForce Server can be deployed either in your local IT infrastructure or in the cloud. They are available for Linux and Windows operating systems.
  • 18. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Alternative approach: RaptorXML+XBRL Server If more control, a more advance programming logic, or more complexity in the data model is required, or if the number of XBRL-formatted WIP reports to be ingested is huge so that performance optimizations for parallel processing are required, there is an alternative approach that we offer: Altova’s RaptorXML+XBRL Server is an XBRL processing engine that is focused on high-speed and parallel processing on modern multi-core CPUs to achieve advanced throughput for XBRL validation It is currently used by large regulators, e.g. Bank of Indonesia, to process massive quantities of XBRL documents that arrive from banks Offers a full API so that the XBRL processing can be tailored to your needs RaptorXML+XBRL Server comes with a built-in Python interpreter that allows a developer to add post-validation programming logic
  • 19. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. How to get started with RaptorXML+XBRL Server We have recently published the full sources for an example XBRL-to- database mapping project that is using RaptorXML+XBRL Server. This example is based on downloading the EDGAR company financial filings from the SEC, processing them, and writing them to a SQL database. Using these sample sources can provide a great template for how to process XBRL instance documents for WIP, too: 1. Download, clone, or fork the sources from GitHub: 2. Download and install the RaptorXML+XBRL Server software from here: 3. You can request a free 30-day license key-code for all Altova products
  • 20. © 2015 Altova GmbH. All Rights Reserved. Thank You! Safe Harbor Statement The presentation made during this meeting and other statements by Altova may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of U.S. Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995 including without limitation plans with respect to future business or product strategy. Although Altova believes that these statements are based on reasonable assumptions within the bounds of its knowledge of its business and operations, forward-looking statements are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties. By making these forward looking statements, the company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for revisions or changes after the date of this presentation. Additionally, Altova may revise its projections or plans as required during the course of its business. Actual results may differ materially from forward-looking statements or historical performance due to the factors discussed in this presentation and elsewhere. Potential factors that could impact results include such include increased competitive pressures, changes in general economic conditions, difficulties in the timely development of new products and services or other changes. Altova, MobileTogether, MissionKit, XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, UModel, DatabaseSpy, DiffDog, SchemaAgent, SemanticWorks, Authentic, and AltovaXML are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Altova, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. The names of and reference to other companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. For more information, please see our blog and website: Altova is a proud member of XBRL.US and the Center for Data Quality