This document summarizes a presentation about mapping XBRL instance documents to a database using Altova MapForce or RaptorXML+XBRL Server based on a WIP taxonomy. It demonstrates mapping an XBRL-formatted work in process report to a simple database table using MapForce to graphically design the mapping logic and preview output. It also discusses using RaptorXML+XBRL Server for more complex mappings or high volume processing with its API and built-in Python support.
These are the slides for the keynote address I gave at the NIEM Town Hall meeting in February 2010, covering the use of Altova tools for IEPD development for the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM).
How To Download and Process SEC XBRL Data Directly from EDGARAlexander Falk
This document discusses downloading XBRL data directly from the SEC's EDGAR database, organizing the downloaded files, processing and validating the XBRL filings, and extracting useful financial information and ratios from the filings. It describes accessing SEC RSS feeds to download ZIP files containing XBRL exhibits filed since 2005, parsing the RSS feeds to get the ZIP file names, and organizing the downloaded files by date, CIK number, and ticker for easy access. It also demonstrates using the RaptorXML validation engine to validate batches of filings and extract financial ratios using a Python script passed to RaptorXML's built-in Python interpreter.
In these slides, Jan Steemann, core member of the ArangoDB project, introduced to the idea of native multi-model databases and how this approach can provide much more flexibility for developers, software architects & data scientists.
XBRL reporting is becoming a norm rather than an exception for a lot of companies. This document introduces XBRL, how it is enabled and works in 11i and R12 and how it can be viewed. This standardized powerful reporting option is a must-know for all users supporting financial users.
Brief introduction to Cerved data, the role of data scientist in Cerved and how a data scientist can take advantage from graph database.
Stefano Gatti: Born in 1970, has been involved for more than 15 years in several big data and technologies driven projects in leading business information companies like Lince and Cerved. He is very fond of agile metodologies, trying to apply them at all organizational levels. In last years he is strongly engaged in facilitating in Cerved the spread of innovation and the taking advantage from the new big and smart data technologies especially from a business usage perspective. datatelling, open innovation, partnership with smart actors of worldwide data driven innovation ecosystem are his actual mantra. Nunzio Pellegrino: Data Scientist in Cerved, as part of Innovation team, with focus on extract value from data and resolve problems with the latest technologies available. I’ve a degree in Statistics with background in Machine Learning. I’ve being worked primarily in Data Integration and Business Intelligence projects for 3 years. In this moment, I’m product owner of a web application based on GraphDB and involved in Italian Open Data projects. I’m a R enthusiastic, Python practitioner and fascinated of graph ecosystem.
Paper by Paco Nathan (Mesosphere) and Girish Kathalagiri (AgilOne) presented at the PMML Workshop (2013-08-11) at KDD 2013 in Chicago
The paper uses Open Data from the City of Chicago to build predictive models for crime based on seasonality, geolocation, and other factors. The modeling illustrates use of the Pattern library in Cascading to import PMML -- in this case, the use of model chaining to create ensembles.
The document discusses stream processing and provides an overview of Hazelcast Jet. It begins with explaining why streaming is useful and describes different streaming approaches like event-driven programming. It then provides details on Hazelcast Jet, including its concepts of pipelines and jobs. The document also discusses open data standards like GTFS and demonstrates a sample streaming pipeline that enriches public transportation data from open APIs.
Boulder/Denver BigData: Cluster Computing with Apache Mesos and CascadingPaco Nathan
Presentation to the Boulder/Denver BigData meetup 2013-09-25
Overview of Enterprise Data Workflows with Cascading; code samples in Cascading, Cascalog, Scalding; Lingual and Pattern Examples; An Evolution of Cluster Computing based on Apache Mesos, with use cases
ACM Bay Area Data Mining Workshop: Pattern, PMML, HadoopPaco Nathan
ACM: Hands-On Workshop for Predictive Modeling and Enterprise Data Workflows with PMML and Cascading
Graph analytics in Linkurious EnterpriseLinkurious
Graph algorithms provide tools to extract insights from graph data. From detecting anomalies to understanding what are the key elements in a network or finding communities, graph algorithms reveal information that would otherwise remain hidden. Learn about:
- The most popular graph algorithms and what they can be used for;
- The benefits of using graph analytics with Linkurious Enterprise;
- How to integrate graph analytics in Linkurious Enterprise.
This document summarizes the key new features in Spark 2.0, including a new Spark Session entry point that unifies SQLContext and HiveContext, unified Dataset and DataFrame APIs, enhanced SQL features like subqueries and window functions, built-in CSV support, machine learning pipeline persistence across languages, approximate query functions, whole-stage code generation for performance improvements, and initial support for structured streaming. It provides examples of using several of these new features and discusses Combient's role in helping customers with analytics.
Graphs are everywhere! Distributed graph computing with Spark GraphXAndrea Iacono
This document discusses GraphX, a graph processing system built on Apache Spark. It defines what graphs are, including vertices and edges. It explains that GraphX uses Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) to keep data in memory for iterative graph algorithms. GraphX implements the Pregel computational model where each vertex can modify its state, receive and send messages to neighbors each superstep until halting. The document provides examples of graph algorithms and notes when GraphX is well-suited versus a graph database.
Evaluation of TPC-H on Spark and Spark SQL in ALOJADataWorks Summit
The Evaluation of TPC-H on Spark and Spark SQL in ALOJA was conducted at the Big Data Lab to obtain the master degree in Management Information Systems at the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Furthermore, the analysis was partially accomplished in collaboration and close coordination with the Barcelona Super Computer Center.
The intention of this research was the integration of a TPC-H on Spark Scala benchmark into ALOJA, an open-source and public platform for automated and cost-efficient benchmarks and to perform an evaluation on the runtime of Spark Scala with or without Hive Metastore compared to Spark SQL. Various alternate file formats with different applied compressions on underlying data and its impact are evaluated. The conducted performance evaluation exposed diverse and captivating outcomes for both benchmarks. Further investigations attempt to detect possible bottlenecks and other irregularities. The aim is to provide an explanation to enhance knowledge of Spark’s engine based on examining the physical plans. Our experiments show, inter alia, that: (1) Spark Scala performs better in case of heavy expression calculation, (2) Spark SQL is the better choice in case of strong data access locality in combination with heavyweight parallel execution. In conclusion, diverse results were observed with the consequence that each API has its advantages and disadvantages.
Surprisingly, our findings are well spread between Spark SQL and Spark Scala and contrary to our expectations Spark Scala did not outperform Spark SQL in all aspects but support the idea that applied optimizations appear to be implemented in a different way by Spark for its core and its extension Spark SQL. The API on top of Spark provides extra information about the underlying structured data, which is probably used to perform additional optimizations.
In conclusion, our research demonstrates that there are differences in the generation of query execution plans that goes hand-in-hand with similar discoveries leading to inefficient joins, and it underlines the importance of our benchmark to identify disparities and bottlenecks.
Raphael Radowitz, Quality Specialist, SAP Labs Korea
1) MACPA sought to leverage XBRL to increase efficiencies and transparency in their financial reporting.
2) With the help of an intern, MACPA mapped their financial data to the XBRL GL and GAAP taxonomies using Altova tools.
3) MACPA now uses their XBRL data to automate reporting tasks and populate a financial dashboard, allowing more frequent analysis.
This document outlines the development of a taxonomy for big data. It discusses how taxonomies represent types of processes, objects, characteristics, and relationships. The big data taxonomy would include big data processes, characteristics, information artifacts, information bearers, and relationships between elements. The document provides examples of relating processes to products and information artifact lifecycles. It also gives an example use case applying taxonomy terms to the domain of human genome data.
The document discusses data grids, which aggregate distributed computing, storage, and network resources to provide unified access to large datasets shared worldwide. A taxonomy is presented for classifying data grids based on their organization, data transport, data replication and storage, and resource allocation and scheduling. Several technologies are classified within this taxonomy, including their approaches to data transport, replication, and scheduling. The document concludes by discussing how Genesis II could be classified within this taxonomy.
Taxonomy Management, Automatic Metadata Tagging & Auto Classification in Shar...William LaPorte
1) The document discusses automatic metadata tagging and auto-classification in SharePoint to solve problems with manually tagging records, including inefficiencies and exposure of private information.
2) It presents COMPU-DATA International's solution of using taxonomies to automatically tag documents with metadata like security and retention tags upon upload based on the document's content.
3) The automatic tagging allows for records to be classified and stored according to retention policies, improves search precision, and reduces costs compared to manual tagging.
The document discusses different types of data and storage systems. It begins by defining structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are described as being optimized for structured data through the use of schemas and SQL. While RDBMS work well with structured data, their rigid schemas can make adding or extending data difficult for large datasets.
The Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) was developed by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to address the lack of taxonomic information and expertise, known as the "taxonomic impediment", which undermines conservation efforts. The GTI aims to facilitate access to taxonomic knowledge to inform decision-making. It has a program of work comprising 19 activities within 5 operational objectives focused on assessing needs, building capacity, facilitating information access, generating taxonomic information to support CBD thematic programs, and cross-cutting issues. Parties to the CBD and other organizations collaborate under the GTI to advance global taxonomic research and training.
A comparison between several no sql databases with comments and notesJoão Gabriel Lima
This document provides a comparison of several NoSQL databases. It begins with an introduction to NoSQL databases and their advantages over traditional SQL databases in providing high performance and availability at the cost of weaker consistency. It then discusses challenges in comparing NoSQL databases due to the lack of an official taxonomy. The document selects Hbase and Cassandra, both wide column store databases built on Hadoop, for comparison based on usage, implementation, ease of use and testing.
Taxonomies are essential to making the web "go". Information architects and content strategists can use and promote taxonomy within their organizations to increase findability and usability of a website. Learn more about taxonomies and see some great examples.
Successful Content Management Through Taxonomy And Metadata Designsarakirsten
The document discusses taxonomy and metadata design for content management. It defines taxonomy and metadata, and explains how taxonomies can provide structure to unstructured information and enable findability. It discusses different types of taxonomies including traditional vs. business taxonomies. The document outlines best practices for taxonomy design such as defining use cases, audience, and governance as well as controlling depth and breadth. It proposes a workshop concept to develop taxonomies through identifying topics, verbs, nouns, and creating a starter taxonomy.
This white paper from Digité discusses the limitations of project portfolio management (PPM) tools and argues that application lifecycle management (ALM) tools are needed to provide reliable data to PPM systems from operational processes. PPM tools are best suited for executive-level decision making but do not address process and data issues at the operational level. Successful PPM requires clean, automated processes and bottom-up organizational change. Integrating ALM tools with PPM can provide project visibility, reduce data collection overhead, and increase productivity across the organization.
Gamut Infosystems launches new software to manage the housing owner’s association. This would help the committee members and the residents to execute a hassle-free apartment management.
For more details :
Practical examples of cloud-based system integrationVesa Kotilainen
Youredi: Practical examples of cloud-based system integration
Jaakko Elovaara's presentation at Re:Imagine Microsoft Partner Event 2014
September 24th 2014
Boulder/Denver BigData: Cluster Computing with Apache Mesos and CascadingPaco Nathan
Presentation to the Boulder/Denver BigData meetup 2013-09-25
Overview of Enterprise Data Workflows with Cascading; code samples in Cascading, Cascalog, Scalding; Lingual and Pattern Examples; An Evolution of Cluster Computing based on Apache Mesos, with use cases
ACM Bay Area Data Mining Workshop: Pattern, PMML, HadoopPaco Nathan
ACM: Hands-On Workshop for Predictive Modeling and Enterprise Data Workflows with PMML and Cascading
Graph analytics in Linkurious EnterpriseLinkurious
Graph algorithms provide tools to extract insights from graph data. From detecting anomalies to understanding what are the key elements in a network or finding communities, graph algorithms reveal information that would otherwise remain hidden. Learn about:
- The most popular graph algorithms and what they can be used for;
- The benefits of using graph analytics with Linkurious Enterprise;
- How to integrate graph analytics in Linkurious Enterprise.
This document summarizes the key new features in Spark 2.0, including a new Spark Session entry point that unifies SQLContext and HiveContext, unified Dataset and DataFrame APIs, enhanced SQL features like subqueries and window functions, built-in CSV support, machine learning pipeline persistence across languages, approximate query functions, whole-stage code generation for performance improvements, and initial support for structured streaming. It provides examples of using several of these new features and discusses Combient's role in helping customers with analytics.
Graphs are everywhere! Distributed graph computing with Spark GraphXAndrea Iacono
This document discusses GraphX, a graph processing system built on Apache Spark. It defines what graphs are, including vertices and edges. It explains that GraphX uses Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) to keep data in memory for iterative graph algorithms. GraphX implements the Pregel computational model where each vertex can modify its state, receive and send messages to neighbors each superstep until halting. The document provides examples of graph algorithms and notes when GraphX is well-suited versus a graph database.
Evaluation of TPC-H on Spark and Spark SQL in ALOJADataWorks Summit
The Evaluation of TPC-H on Spark and Spark SQL in ALOJA was conducted at the Big Data Lab to obtain the master degree in Management Information Systems at the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany. Furthermore, the analysis was partially accomplished in collaboration and close coordination with the Barcelona Super Computer Center.
The intention of this research was the integration of a TPC-H on Spark Scala benchmark into ALOJA, an open-source and public platform for automated and cost-efficient benchmarks and to perform an evaluation on the runtime of Spark Scala with or without Hive Metastore compared to Spark SQL. Various alternate file formats with different applied compressions on underlying data and its impact are evaluated. The conducted performance evaluation exposed diverse and captivating outcomes for both benchmarks. Further investigations attempt to detect possible bottlenecks and other irregularities. The aim is to provide an explanation to enhance knowledge of Spark’s engine based on examining the physical plans. Our experiments show, inter alia, that: (1) Spark Scala performs better in case of heavy expression calculation, (2) Spark SQL is the better choice in case of strong data access locality in combination with heavyweight parallel execution. In conclusion, diverse results were observed with the consequence that each API has its advantages and disadvantages.
Surprisingly, our findings are well spread between Spark SQL and Spark Scala and contrary to our expectations Spark Scala did not outperform Spark SQL in all aspects but support the idea that applied optimizations appear to be implemented in a different way by Spark for its core and its extension Spark SQL. The API on top of Spark provides extra information about the underlying structured data, which is probably used to perform additional optimizations.
In conclusion, our research demonstrates that there are differences in the generation of query execution plans that goes hand-in-hand with similar discoveries leading to inefficient joins, and it underlines the importance of our benchmark to identify disparities and bottlenecks.
Raphael Radowitz, Quality Specialist, SAP Labs Korea
1) MACPA sought to leverage XBRL to increase efficiencies and transparency in their financial reporting.
2) With the help of an intern, MACPA mapped their financial data to the XBRL GL and GAAP taxonomies using Altova tools.
3) MACPA now uses their XBRL data to automate reporting tasks and populate a financial dashboard, allowing more frequent analysis.
This document outlines the development of a taxonomy for big data. It discusses how taxonomies represent types of processes, objects, characteristics, and relationships. The big data taxonomy would include big data processes, characteristics, information artifacts, information bearers, and relationships between elements. The document provides examples of relating processes to products and information artifact lifecycles. It also gives an example use case applying taxonomy terms to the domain of human genome data.
The document discusses data grids, which aggregate distributed computing, storage, and network resources to provide unified access to large datasets shared worldwide. A taxonomy is presented for classifying data grids based on their organization, data transport, data replication and storage, and resource allocation and scheduling. Several technologies are classified within this taxonomy, including their approaches to data transport, replication, and scheduling. The document concludes by discussing how Genesis II could be classified within this taxonomy.
Taxonomy Management, Automatic Metadata Tagging & Auto Classification in Shar...William LaPorte
1) The document discusses automatic metadata tagging and auto-classification in SharePoint to solve problems with manually tagging records, including inefficiencies and exposure of private information.
2) It presents COMPU-DATA International's solution of using taxonomies to automatically tag documents with metadata like security and retention tags upon upload based on the document's content.
3) The automatic tagging allows for records to be classified and stored according to retention policies, improves search precision, and reduces costs compared to manual tagging.
The document discusses different types of data and storage systems. It begins by defining structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data. Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are described as being optimized for structured data through the use of schemas and SQL. While RDBMS work well with structured data, their rigid schemas can make adding or extending data difficult for large datasets.
The Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) was developed by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to address the lack of taxonomic information and expertise, known as the "taxonomic impediment", which undermines conservation efforts. The GTI aims to facilitate access to taxonomic knowledge to inform decision-making. It has a program of work comprising 19 activities within 5 operational objectives focused on assessing needs, building capacity, facilitating information access, generating taxonomic information to support CBD thematic programs, and cross-cutting issues. Parties to the CBD and other organizations collaborate under the GTI to advance global taxonomic research and training.
A comparison between several no sql databases with comments and notesJoão Gabriel Lima
This document provides a comparison of several NoSQL databases. It begins with an introduction to NoSQL databases and their advantages over traditional SQL databases in providing high performance and availability at the cost of weaker consistency. It then discusses challenges in comparing NoSQL databases due to the lack of an official taxonomy. The document selects Hbase and Cassandra, both wide column store databases built on Hadoop, for comparison based on usage, implementation, ease of use and testing.
Taxonomies are essential to making the web "go". Information architects and content strategists can use and promote taxonomy within their organizations to increase findability and usability of a website. Learn more about taxonomies and see some great examples.
Successful Content Management Through Taxonomy And Metadata Designsarakirsten
The document discusses taxonomy and metadata design for content management. It defines taxonomy and metadata, and explains how taxonomies can provide structure to unstructured information and enable findability. It discusses different types of taxonomies including traditional vs. business taxonomies. The document outlines best practices for taxonomy design such as defining use cases, audience, and governance as well as controlling depth and breadth. It proposes a workshop concept to develop taxonomies through identifying topics, verbs, nouns, and creating a starter taxonomy.
This white paper from Digité discusses the limitations of project portfolio management (PPM) tools and argues that application lifecycle management (ALM) tools are needed to provide reliable data to PPM systems from operational processes. PPM tools are best suited for executive-level decision making but do not address process and data issues at the operational level. Successful PPM requires clean, automated processes and bottom-up organizational change. Integrating ALM tools with PPM can provide project visibility, reduce data collection overhead, and increase productivity across the organization.
Gamut Infosystems launches new software to manage the housing owner’s association. This would help the committee members and the residents to execute a hassle-free apartment management.
For more details :
Practical examples of cloud-based system integrationVesa Kotilainen
Youredi: Practical examples of cloud-based system integration
Jaakko Elovaara's presentation at Re:Imagine Microsoft Partner Event 2014
September 24th 2014
This document discusses customizing the Scrum process for a startup company. It describes the author's experience being assigned the Product Owner and Scrum Master roles without previous Scrum experience. The author learned Scrum and implemented it in their own way for their company. The document then provides an overview of key Scrum concepts like sprints, product backlogs, daily standups, sprint reviews, and retrospectives. It also discusses tools that can be used to support the Scrum process.
The document describes an alumni leadership masterclass event focused on building alumni identity, engagement, and networks. The one-day event in New Delhi includes sessions on alumni relations best practices, branding, use of technology, communications strategies, and a case study. Speakers include experts from educational and alumni relations backgrounds. The target audience is educational institutions seeking to strengthen alumni ties and engagement. Attendees will learn how to better utilize alumni relationships and build influential alumni networks.
Hireology wants to share our top tips on conducting a phone interview: what to ask, what not to ask, possibly illegal interview questions, and pro tips to get the best answers from your candidates.
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Integrate City Government, City Infrastructure and Citizens to help create a Smart City that improves the quality of life for citizens, enhances economic development, and fosters sustainability.
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Why Are More Australians Shopping Small Business?Cashflow Manager
Australians are becoming more aware that small businesses are vital to the national economy, according to results from the second annual Westpac Australia Day Index. The survey found that 49% of Australians believe supporting the local economy is the most important thing they can do by buying from Australian small businesses. 58% believe small businesses are the backbone of the Australian economy. Nine in 10 Australians feel loyalty toward small businesses. Australians are shopping small and being especially loyal to grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants, and bakeries/butchers because they want to support their community, independent shops celebrate their town's uniqueness, they receive great customer service, and local shop owners know their products.
The document discusses how companies can use data analytics to gain insights into their workforce and improve human resource processes and outcomes. It describes how more than 60% of companies are investing in data and analytics tools but only 14% are doing significant statistical analysis. Capturing and analyzing additional data from various stages of the employee lifecycle can help with recruitment, onboarding, performance management, learning and development, engagement, and exiting processes. Taking a "3D view" of the workforce through comprehensive data analytics can deliver benefits like replicating high performers, increasing engagement and revenue, and gaining a competitive advantage.
Next generation technologies are changing how people interact with organizations and consume information across various devices and contexts. These paradigm shifts require rethinking how user experiences are designed in applications to emphasize context, portability, integration, mobility and connectedness. Real estate developers are leveraging new technologies like mobile, social media, and augmented reality to develop innovative digital experiences that simplify complex real estate projects and make them relatable for customers.
This tutorial describes how to create a network graph from World Bank contract data to visualize the relationships between companies and projects. The document outlines data cleaning steps like removing dollar signs from numeric fields. It then explains how to export selected columns to CSV and rename them in a format suitable for the network analysis tool Gephi, in order to explore connections between suppliers, projects, and contract amounts.
This document discusses extracting and using information from XBRL instance documents. It notes that extracting specific pieces of data is straightforward with XBRL, as it was designed for reuse of financial information. However, properly interpreting and validating the extracted data requires understanding concepts, contexts, taxonomies, and XBRL rules. The document provides a basic example using VBA macros to extract a fact value from an XBRL document into an Excel spreadsheet, but cautions that reliably using XBRL data for analysis requires considering many additional complexities.
The document discusses how Hadoop MapReduce handles buffering and spilling of key-value pairs from mappers to reducers. It explains that mappers buffer data in memory until the buffer exceeds a threshold percentage, at which point a spill thread is started to write the data to disk. The spill process can block the mapper if the buffer fills up before the spill completes. Tuning configuration parameters like io.sort.mb and io.sort.spill.pct can reduce the number of spills.
This document summarizes the data flow process from ECC to BW/BI. It shows the number of records in different queues like LBWQ, SMQ1, and RSA7 before and after running a V3 job. The summary steps are:
1) Records are first seen in LBWQ/SMQ1 after transactions are posted in ECC.
2) A V3 job is started which transfers records from LBWQ/SMQ1 to RSA7.
3) Before the V3 job, RSA7 shows 32 records but LBWQ/SMQ1 shows multiple records.
4) After the successful completion of the V3 job, RSA7 shows an increased number of
Beginner's guide create a custom 'copy' planning function typeNaveen Kumar Kotha
This document provides a step-by-step guide to creating a custom "Copy" planning function in SAP BW. It explains how to set up the environment, create a custom class, define the planning function type in transaction RSPLF1, integrate the function into a planning application, create and execute a planning sequence, modify the function code, debug and test, and transport the custom function. The guide aims to help users avoid obstacles in customizing planning functions and provide a working example to copy actual sales data from one year to a plan for the next year.
Solving the weak spots of serverless with directed acyclic graph modelVeselin Pizurica
So far Finite State Machine (AWS Step Functions) and Flow Engines have been used functions orchestration. They both have difficulties in dealing with modelling complex logic, stream merging, async processing, task coordination, state sharing, data dependency etc. In this talk I will present a novel approach to serverless orchestration based on Directed Acyclic Graph model.
Tableau interview questions and answerskavinilavuG
Tableau offers five main products including Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, Tableau Online, Tableau Reader, and Tableau Public. Filters in Tableau come in three types: quick filters, context filters, and data source filters. To remove the "All" option from an auto-filter in Tableau, right click the filter and uncheck the "Show all option" in customize. Tableau extracts can be used anywhere without a connection, allowing visualizations to be built without connecting to the database.
The document introduces Oracle Template Builder, which allows users to easily create RTF templates for Oracle XML Publisher. It provides functions like inserting data fields, tables, forms and charts from an XML data source. The quick tutorial walks through creating a basic template for an outstanding customer balance letter using sample XML data, including inserting fields, previewing the template, building a repeating table, and inserting a chart. It highlights new features in versions 5.6.2 and 5.5 like XML schema support, drag-and-drop field insertion, and extracting translations.
The document discusses various questions and answers related to ABAP and SAP. It provides explanations for topics such as user exits, how to debug SAPscript, copying standard tables, validating input fields in module programs, getting material data based on plant, and more. User exits allow custom code to be added to SAP applications without modifying core code, and there are different types like menu exits, screen exits, and function module exits.
The document discusses the creation of a data warehouse for MIDFLORIDA to help them monitor for compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act. Key points:
1) The data warehouse will utilize Kimball's methodology to build dimensional data marts from transactional data in order to facilitate analysis and reporting on suspicious banking activities.
2) Dimensions like customers, accounts, and products will be slowly changing to track historical changes, while facts tables will aggregate transactions into daily and monthly snapshots.
3) SAP BusinessObjects tools like Data Integrator, Universe Designer, and Desktop Intelligence will be used to extract, transform, load, and report on the data.
4) Historical data will be automatically
The document discusses TabPy, which allows users to execute Python scripts within Tableau. It provides instructions on installing TabPy and connecting it to Tableau. Using Python functions like SCRIPT_REAL, SCRIPT_STR, and SCRIPT_INT, users can pass data from Tableau to Python scripts to perform advanced analytics like machine learning. An example dashboard is described that uses TabPy and Python to analyze Seattle police incident data and identify crime hotspots based on criteria like the number of incidents and their proximity.
This document provides a summary of several technical blogs and notebooks demonstrating data science use cases. It includes code samples for tasks like time series analysis of financial data, demand forecasting, anomaly detection, and personalized shopping experiences using Apache Spark. Specific use cases discussed include merging trade and quote time series data, calculating metrics like VWAP, detecting potential market manipulation through order flow imbalance analysis, and leveraging Koalas to improve productivity while scaling pandas workflows on Spark.
BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) is a tool that monitors business processes and services. It collects data, applies rules, and reports information to users. When issues arise, BAM can trigger actions like emailing administrators. The document then discusses how to set up a sample use case where employee data from a BPEL process is streamed to a BAM adapter and dashboard report. The steps include creating data objects, reports, and configuring the BAM adapter and BPEL sensor to interface the applications.
BAM (Business Activity Monitoring) is a tool that monitors business processes and services. It collects data, applies rules, and reports information to users. When issues arise, BAM can trigger actions like emailing administrators. The document then discusses how to set up a sample use case where employee data from a BPEL process is streamed to a BAM data object using an adapter. This data is then visualized in a BAM report showing employee count by department in a 3D bar chart. The steps include creating the data object, report, configuring the adapter, and setting up a BPEL sensor and action to stream data to BAM.
Quick Development and Deployment of Industrial Applications using Excel/VBA, ...Alkis Vazacopoulos
Presented in this document is a description of how to develop and deploy industrial applications in a timely fashion using Excel/VBA as the user-interface (UI) and systems-integration (SI) system, IMPL as the industrial modeller and CPLEX as the commercial solver. A small jobshop scheduling example is overviewed to help describe to some extent, the details of this advanced decision-making application where this type of problem can be found in both the manufacturing and process industries.
The purpose of developing and deploying quickly is to acquire feedback from the end-users, to assess the difficulty and tractability of the problem, to ascertain the expected costs and benefits of the application and to address any other issues and requirements regarding the project as a whole as soon as possible. For some projects, proof-of-concepts, prototypes and/or pilots are also useful and these should also be performed ASAP as well using the same approach highlighted here. Ultimately, once a business problem solution has been achieved and full or partial benefits have been captured, then a more robust and sophisticated end-user experience and system architecture can be implemented in the operating system and computer programming environment of choice which will hopefully enhance and maintain the solution over its expected life-cycle.
This document discusses how Excel Online and Power BI can be used for collaborative data analysis and insights. Key points include:
- Excel Online allows multiple users to work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously in real-time. Advanced features like drag-fill and formatting can also be used online.
- Power BI tools like PowerPivot, PivotTables, slicers, and cross-drilling enable users to analyze large datasets, visualize relationships, filter data, and gain insights.
- Charts, maps, and scenes can be created to visualize and share insights. Power Query simplifies data discovery, access, and incorporation into existing models from online sources.
The community meetup was held Wednesday March 19, 2025 @ 9:00 AM PST.
The OpenMetadata 1.7 Release Community Meeting is here! We're excited to showcase our brand-new user experience and operational workflows, especially when it comes to getting started with OpenMetadata more quickly. We also have a Community Spotlight with Gorgias, an ecommerce conversational AI platform, and how they use OpenMetadata to manage their data assets and facilitate discovery with AI.
Release 1.7 Highlights:
🎨 Design Showcase: Brand-new UX for improved productivity for data teams
🚀 Day 1 Experience: AI agents to auto document, tier, classify PII, & test quality
🔍 Search Relevancy: Customizable search for more contextual, precise results
🔄 Lineage Improvements: Scalable visualization of services, domains, & products
🗑️ Domain Enhancements: Improved tag & glossary management across domains
🤖 Reverse Metadata: Sync metadata back to sources for consistent governance
👤 Persona UI Customization: Views & workflows tailored to user responsibilities
➕ …And more!
Community Spotlight:
Antoine Balliet & Anas El Mhamdi, Senior Data Engineers from Gorgias, will share data management learnings with OpenMetadata, including data source coverage, asset discovery, and data assistance. Gorgias is the Conversational AI platform for ecommerce that drives sales and resolves support inquiries. Trusted by over 15,000 ecommerce brands, Gorgias supports growing independent shops to globally recognizable retailers.
Monthly meeting to present new and up-coming releases, discuss questions and hear from community members.
Microsoft Project GraphRAG-
LLM-Derived Knowledge Graph
The Global AI Bootcamp Bulgaria 2025 is an event sponsored by various organizations. The presentation is led by Artem Chernevskiy and focuses on Project GraphRAG, which is a Microsoft Solution Accelerator licensed under MIT. The project aims to transform large language models into large conceptual models, addressing the limitations of vector embeddings.
The presentation covers topics such as the evolution of large language models, the benefits of knowledge graphs, and the differences between vector databases and knowledge graphs. It also highlights the auto-tuning capabilities of GraphRAG for rapid adaptation to new domains and provides use cases for the technology.
All rights to the content in this presentation are reserved to their respective authors. The materials, including text, images, and graphics, are provided for informational purposes only. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or modification without prior written consent is prohibited.
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