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Home remedies for sleep apnea
Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea /home-remedies-for-sleep-apnea/
Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea That Can Speed up Healing Sleep
Apnea Naturally
Home remedies for sleep apnea is starting to
seem like an urban legend. Many are finding out
that all the different kinds of sleep apnea cures to
look into can be tiresome.
So usually if a person can’t find help soon enough
they will seek out a doctor. This doctor will
automatically prescribe a sleep study to be
conducted and either a CPAP machine or surgery
will be suggested .
The medical industry is not willing to give out
information about natural herbs and will just go to
CPAP therapy as the solution. Getting your body
healthy is the best way to cure this dysfunction.
Be careful of prestigious authoritative figures
telling you that you have to do it their way and
expect you to believe them based on their status.
Listen to your gut and you will find the medical
industry is only good for fixing things such as a broken arm or leg.
Having A Diary Of Your Day Is One Of The Original Home Remedies For
Sleep Apnea To Help Find Out Where You Are And Where You Need To Start
The first thing that you need to start doing is find all the things that you think “are bad for you” that
you may do too much of. Then find all the things that you “do good“ that you don’t do enough of.
So for example: If you make a daily diary of things you eat and do daily you can really start to see
patterns. One of the best types of sleep apnea home remedies is to make sure you are not doing too much
of one thing repeatedly that’s bad for you. As well as not doing enough of certain things that are beneficial
to your body and life.
When the bad out-weights the good you get in trouble. The best way to explain this is to show some
example days…. One being the bad day causing problems and the other being the good day that makes
you better if followed daily.
Example diary entry of a normal bad day causing sleep apnea to worsen:
Wake up - Didn’t eat breakfast
8:00am - Drove to coffee shop got pastry and espresso
9:00am - Got to work and sit down and drink coffee with lots of regular sugar and a pastry and eat a candy
bar from vending machine and a doughnut from the break room
12:00 noon - Eat at fast food with lots of regular salt cause lunch wasn’t long enough or planned out good
12;30 - Decided to go back and sit and watch a video or two cause your too tired to do anything else
1:00pm - Sitting and working no walking or stretching or exercise
2:00pm - Get a soda and coffee with lots of sugar or energy drink to wake up
3:00pm - Get another candy bar and chips to snack on until dinner
5:00pm - Drive home and go straight outside to smoke a cigarette and make a alcoholic drink
6:00pm - Eat dinner of pizza ordered in as too tired to cook and had not gone shopping yet.
8:00pm – Watch a movie or TV and drink a few more beers or alcoholic drinks
9:00pm - Eat During TV
11:00pm - Eat after watching TV or late night snack and go to bed
Example diary entry of a normal good day of beneficial things to help heal sleep apnea:
Wake up - Eat breakfast with foods that nourish your body as well as taking minerals and vitamins to help
body heal even faster. Such as plain greek yogurt with macadamia nuts, plain hemp hearts, flax seeds,
granola, oats, cranberries, and real grade A or B maple syrup to sweeten.
8:00am - Take healthy drink to work such as water or kombucha and eat live raw vegetables with a little
dressing to dip.
9:00am - Got to work skip eating the gluten and trans fat doughnuts or sugary pastries at coffee house
12:00 noon - Planned lunch the night before and is all foods that heal like fermented kimchi or sauerkraut
with hamburger meat without a gluten wheat bun and eat with raw onions, pickles, tomatoes and lettuce
and ave a side of coleslaw or chicken with steamed kale and broccoli and light sauce without gluten or a lot
of preservatives. Season with pink Himalayan or sea salt never regular table salt
12;30 - Go for a walk in nature and soak up some sun and clear your mind instead of sitting and watching
a video on the rest of lunch break
1:00pm - Stand up and walk around and detox your body and stretch and do light exercise by your work
2:00pm - Get a water or tea possibly coffee with no cream or sugar and do a 5 min meditation to revive
mind and body
3:00pm - Eat on nuts or celery with almond butter and dried cranberries or gluten free granola in plain
yogurt with real maple syrup until dinner
5:00pm - Drive to store and get fresh vegetables and fruits and drinks for the night and the next day
6:00pm - Go home and make dinner that is 80% steamed or raw vegetables or blended green leafy
vegetables poured over meat or gluten free pasta.
8:00pm – Go out and exercise by walking or working out
9:00pm - Come home and wind down and read a book and don’t look at a computer screen or tv screen or
mobile device. Sip on chamomile tea
11:00pm - Meditate and breath and just relax and envision how you want to sleep and the next day.
As you can see the days are drastically different than each other but can be done in the same time that you
could be poisoning yourself daily. The more you write down days like this the better. Also it’s very important
to track how you slept that night.
Soon you can start pinpointing the habit or foods that is causing your body to not get what it needs. This is
what is causing the malfunction to occur during sleep. Yes this may take a while but who cares it needs to
be done slowly. You will find it sooner than you think.
The main point to see is the core of the problem is something negative or possibly a particular habit or
routine that is done daily that is causing a body mineral and vitamin deficiency.
Just simply changing your routine with good healthier choices will start a chain reaction and enable your
body to reverse the dysfunction. This particular malfunction happens due to certain deficiencies in the body
causing the main problem.
An example:
The Bad Day lunch the person would sit an watch videos inside.
The Good Day lunch the person then decides to go for a walk outside in the sun and nature.
Why Does This Matter?
This doesn’t seem like a big difference and many may disregard this as non sense but that would be
wrong for thinking that. The first person is creating a worse sleep pattern by looking at more computer
screens. This person could possibly be getting stressed out by what he or she watches. Also this person is
sitting and not stretching or walking not allowing the body to detox by moving. Lastly this person stays
indoors with artificial light robbing them of essential natural Vitamin D.
Still Why Does This Matter?
So in the healthy day by just making this one simple change, it can start a chain reaction. So by going for
a walk outside this person is now detoxing their body while walking. As well as getting fresh oxygen,
while de-stressing their mind and giving their eyes a break from a computer screen and also getting
natural Vitamin D from the sun.
This is just a simple little example of what changing your routine and
tracking the results can do. Then you can go back and investigate what
actually may have caused a specific thing to happen and the possible
reasons why.
This is just the beginning of all the different home remedies for sleep
apnea there are lots of others to choose from. Many have had success
with a variety of different treatments. This is not a one size fits all type
People get sleep apnea for many reasons and have different bodies and reactions. One thing is for sure if
you use natural methods, you may not cure yourself but you at least wont hurt anything and will just leave
healthier than before if your wrong.
Here Are Some Of The Best Herbal Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea
These herbal home remedies for sleep apnea will not be effective without diet change and lifestyle change.
So if you want to keep eating the Standard American Diet or (S.A.D) full of saturated fat and gluten and
preservatives bad sugars and salts you will have to start using a CPAP machine and take medications and
possibly get surgery if it gets bad.
#1 Eucalyptus and/or tea tree Oil - Try diluting a few drops of either oil in bowl of steaming water and
cover your head with a moist towel and inhale through your mouth and nose for at least 15 mins
#2 Cinnamon powder – Cinnamon is known to clear respiratory passages that have mucus deposits
clogging them. Add fresh ground cinnamon powder to a glass of lukewarm water and stir. Sip this water
slowly, this will help melt away mucous deposits.
#3 Turmeric powder - This is very effective in helping out with respiratory problems. It can be taken in
warm water in the powdered form taken before bed. You can make tea from boiling fresh pieces of the root
and drink throughout the day.
#4 Boswellia – Is known for being a strong anti inflammatory and helpful with sleep apnea
#5 Garlic - it improves blood vessel elasticity and blood circulation as well as lowers blood glucose levels
and has anti-inflammatory effects.
#6 Ginkgo – lack of oxygen and glucose in the brain can cause damage but by taking ginkgo you can
reverse this damage
#7 Passionflower – It relaxes the nervous system and is known to calm down body muscles for good
sleep. You can take this herb in a tea or supplement pill form.
#8 Gotu kola - Well known for improving circulation and has been known to be helpful in sleep apnea
#9 Hawthorn berries - These berries are known for improving strength of the heart and lowering blood
pressure and improving nutrient and oxygen delivery to all bodily tissues.
#10 Lobelia & Thyme – Both of these support deep, even paced breathing, it should be
used together with the herb Meadowsweet to get rid of any mild nauseous feelings.
#11 American Skullcap – This has good sedative qualities and is taken along side passion flower for
treating sleep apnea.
#12 Good Quality Essential Oil Dabbed On Skin – This has been known to increase the oxygen levels
in your blood. Your oxygen levels drop when you struggle to breathe at night with sleep apnea. Try putting
just a little essential oil like a couple drops of the kind that you like the most ( don’t overdo it).
Sleep Apnea Home Remedies Can Be As Simple As Eliminating Something Negative
Research has stated that northern Europeans such as Irish people have a higher percentage of gluten
intolerance. Gluten is now becoming a problem for many others including those who have not been
diagnosed as gluten intolerant. Gluten has been the reason for many peoples sleep apnea to be caused or
to exacerbate symptoms.
If you feel like your looking puffy it can be a sign that your having an allergic reaction which can cause
sleep apnea to occur. Many have claimed that when they went gluten free their sleep apnea stopped.
Also getting rid of a poor un firm mattress and broke down pillow can help. Raising the head of your bed as
well as sleeping propped up with a foam wedge can also help a lot when still trying to figure out the main
cause of your sleep apnea.
Sleep Apnea Home Remedies That Just Involve Taking Higher Doses Of Vitamins
There is also speculation that high amounts of vitamin C can dramatically help sleep apnea if not cure it.
Vitamin C is a natural antitoxin and antihistamine. 3000-4000mg of C has been known to really help sleep
apnea symptoms. This needs to be taken regularly and in much higher amounts than the daily allowance.
I can’t cover exactly how to take vitamin C in this article plus it should possibly be discussed with a natural
health professional, as everybody has different needs. I can tell you that you can take very high doses of
vitamin C in the right forms. I’m going to break down some facts below so you can be the judge.
If you are taking anything higher than 2000-3000mg of vitamin C it is considered a mega dose and should
be taken using sodium asorbate crystals. This is typically taken through an I.V. and is not absorbic acid,
you can however take up to 3000mg of regular absorbic acid C.
Americans eating the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) typically will have high acidity in their gut. If you
have high acidity in your gut and take 10,000 mg of vitamin C you are likely to have other mild side effects
such as
Loose stools
There are clinics that focus on health that offer intravenous Vitamin C mega doses using ascorbate liquid.
There are people that have been given 250,000 Plus+mg of sodium ascorbate liquid vitamin C without any
side effects.
You need to watch out where you get your information as many will tell you that high doses of vitamin C
causes kidney stones which is a myth. You just want to steer clear of calcium ascorbate vitamin C when
taking mega doses.
Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea Can Work But Need To Be Done Consistently With The Proper Types Of Natural Medicine, At Usually Higher Doses Than
Most Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea Would Say To Use.

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Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea

  • 1. Home remedies for sleep apnea Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea /home-remedies-for-sleep-apnea/ Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea That Can Speed up Healing Sleep Apnea Naturally Home remedies for sleep apnea is starting to seem like an urban legend. Many are finding out that all the different kinds of sleep apnea cures to look into can be tiresome. So usually if a person can’t find help soon enough they will seek out a doctor. This doctor will automatically prescribe a sleep study to be conducted and either a CPAP machine or surgery will be suggested . The medical industry is not willing to give out information about natural herbs and will just go to CPAP therapy as the solution. Getting your body healthy is the best way to cure this dysfunction. Be careful of prestigious authoritative figures telling you that you have to do it their way and expect you to believe them based on their status. Listen to your gut and you will find the medical industry is only good for fixing things such as a broken arm or leg. Having A Diary Of Your Day Is One Of The Original Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea To Help Find Out Where You Are And Where You Need To Start Investigating! The first thing that you need to start doing is find all the things that you think “are bad for you” that you may do too much of. Then find all the things that you “do good“ that you don’t do enough of. So for example: If you make a daily diary of things you eat and do daily you can really start to see patterns. One of the best types of sleep apnea home remedies is to make sure you are not doing too much of one thing repeatedly that’s bad for you. As well as not doing enough of certain things that are beneficial to your body and life. When the bad out-weights the good you get in trouble. The best way to explain this is to show some example days…. One being the bad day causing problems and the other being the good day that makes you better if followed daily. Example diary entry of a normal bad day causing sleep apnea to worsen: Wake up - Didn’t eat breakfast 8:00am - Drove to coffee shop got pastry and espresso
  • 2. 9:00am - Got to work and sit down and drink coffee with lots of regular sugar and a pastry and eat a candy bar from vending machine and a doughnut from the break room 12:00 noon - Eat at fast food with lots of regular salt cause lunch wasn’t long enough or planned out good enough 12;30 - Decided to go back and sit and watch a video or two cause your too tired to do anything else 1:00pm - Sitting and working no walking or stretching or exercise 2:00pm - Get a soda and coffee with lots of sugar or energy drink to wake up 3:00pm - Get another candy bar and chips to snack on until dinner 5:00pm - Drive home and go straight outside to smoke a cigarette and make a alcoholic drink 6:00pm - Eat dinner of pizza ordered in as too tired to cook and had not gone shopping yet. 8:00pm – Watch a movie or TV and drink a few more beers or alcoholic drinks 9:00pm - Eat During TV 11:00pm - Eat after watching TV or late night snack and go to bed Example diary entry of a normal good day of beneficial things to help heal sleep apnea: Wake up - Eat breakfast with foods that nourish your body as well as taking minerals and vitamins to help body heal even faster. Such as plain greek yogurt with macadamia nuts, plain hemp hearts, flax seeds, granola, oats, cranberries, and real grade A or B maple syrup to sweeten. 8:00am - Take healthy drink to work such as water or kombucha and eat live raw vegetables with a little dressing to dip. 9:00am - Got to work skip eating the gluten and trans fat doughnuts or sugary pastries at coffee house 12:00 noon - Planned lunch the night before and is all foods that heal like fermented kimchi or sauerkraut with hamburger meat without a gluten wheat bun and eat with raw onions, pickles, tomatoes and lettuce and ave a side of coleslaw or chicken with steamed kale and broccoli and light sauce without gluten or a lot of preservatives. Season with pink Himalayan or sea salt never regular table salt 12;30 - Go for a walk in nature and soak up some sun and clear your mind instead of sitting and watching a video on the rest of lunch break 1:00pm - Stand up and walk around and detox your body and stretch and do light exercise by your work space 2:00pm - Get a water or tea possibly coffee with no cream or sugar and do a 5 min meditation to revive mind and body 3:00pm - Eat on nuts or celery with almond butter and dried cranberries or gluten free granola in plain yogurt with real maple syrup until dinner 5:00pm - Drive to store and get fresh vegetables and fruits and drinks for the night and the next day 6:00pm - Go home and make dinner that is 80% steamed or raw vegetables or blended green leafy vegetables poured over meat or gluten free pasta. 8:00pm – Go out and exercise by walking or working out 9:00pm - Come home and wind down and read a book and don’t look at a computer screen or tv screen or mobile device. Sip on chamomile tea 11:00pm - Meditate and breath and just relax and envision how you want to sleep and the next day. As you can see the days are drastically different than each other but can be done in the same time that you could be poisoning yourself daily. The more you write down days like this the better. Also it’s very important to track how you slept that night. Soon you can start pinpointing the habit or foods that is causing your body to not get what it needs. This is what is causing the malfunction to occur during sleep. Yes this may take a while but who cares it needs to be done slowly. You will find it sooner than you think.
  • 3. The main point to see is the core of the problem is something negative or possibly a particular habit or routine that is done daily that is causing a body mineral and vitamin deficiency. Just simply changing your routine with good healthier choices will start a chain reaction and enable your body to reverse the dysfunction. This particular malfunction happens due to certain deficiencies in the body causing the main problem. An example: The Bad Day lunch the person would sit an watch videos inside. The Good Day lunch the person then decides to go for a walk outside in the sun and nature. Why Does This Matter? This doesn’t seem like a big difference and many may disregard this as non sense but that would be wrong for thinking that. The first person is creating a worse sleep pattern by looking at more computer screens. This person could possibly be getting stressed out by what he or she watches. Also this person is sitting and not stretching or walking not allowing the body to detox by moving. Lastly this person stays indoors with artificial light robbing them of essential natural Vitamin D. Still Why Does This Matter? So in the healthy day by just making this one simple change, it can start a chain reaction. So by going for a walk outside this person is now detoxing their body while walking. As well as getting fresh oxygen, while de-stressing their mind and giving their eyes a break from a computer screen and also getting natural Vitamin D from the sun. This is just a simple little example of what changing your routine and tracking the results can do. Then you can go back and investigate what actually may have caused a specific thing to happen and the possible reasons why. This is just the beginning of all the different home remedies for sleep apnea there are lots of others to choose from. Many have had success with a variety of different treatments. This is not a one size fits all type thing. People get sleep apnea for many reasons and have different bodies and reactions. One thing is for sure if you use natural methods, you may not cure yourself but you at least wont hurt anything and will just leave healthier than before if your wrong. Here Are Some Of The Best Herbal Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea These herbal home remedies for sleep apnea will not be effective without diet change and lifestyle change. So if you want to keep eating the Standard American Diet or (S.A.D) full of saturated fat and gluten and preservatives bad sugars and salts you will have to start using a CPAP machine and take medications and possibly get surgery if it gets bad. #1 Eucalyptus and/or tea tree Oil - Try diluting a few drops of either oil in bowl of steaming water and cover your head with a moist towel and inhale through your mouth and nose for at least 15 mins #2 Cinnamon powder – Cinnamon is known to clear respiratory passages that have mucus deposits
  • 4. clogging them. Add fresh ground cinnamon powder to a glass of lukewarm water and stir. Sip this water slowly, this will help melt away mucous deposits. #3 Turmeric powder - This is very effective in helping out with respiratory problems. It can be taken in warm water in the powdered form taken before bed. You can make tea from boiling fresh pieces of the root and drink throughout the day. #4 Boswellia – Is known for being a strong anti inflammatory and helpful with sleep apnea #5 Garlic - it improves blood vessel elasticity and blood circulation as well as lowers blood glucose levels and has anti-inflammatory effects. #6 Ginkgo – lack of oxygen and glucose in the brain can cause damage but by taking ginkgo you can reverse this damage #7 Passionflower – It relaxes the nervous system and is known to calm down body muscles for good sleep. You can take this herb in a tea or supplement pill form. #8 Gotu kola - Well known for improving circulation and has been known to be helpful in sleep apnea #9 Hawthorn berries - These berries are known for improving strength of the heart and lowering blood pressure and improving nutrient and oxygen delivery to all bodily tissues. #10 Lobelia & Thyme – Both of these support deep, even paced breathing, it should be used together with the herb Meadowsweet to get rid of any mild nauseous feelings. #11 American Skullcap – This has good sedative qualities and is taken along side passion flower for treating sleep apnea. #12 Good Quality Essential Oil Dabbed On Skin – This has been known to increase the oxygen levels in your blood. Your oxygen levels drop when you struggle to breathe at night with sleep apnea. Try putting just a little essential oil like a couple drops of the kind that you like the most ( don’t overdo it). Sleep Apnea Home Remedies Can Be As Simple As Eliminating Something Negative Research has stated that northern Europeans such as Irish people have a higher percentage of gluten intolerance. Gluten is now becoming a problem for many others including those who have not been diagnosed as gluten intolerant. Gluten has been the reason for many peoples sleep apnea to be caused or to exacerbate symptoms. If you feel like your looking puffy it can be a sign that your having an allergic reaction which can cause sleep apnea to occur. Many have claimed that when they went gluten free their sleep apnea stopped. Also getting rid of a poor un firm mattress and broke down pillow can help. Raising the head of your bed as well as sleeping propped up with a foam wedge can also help a lot when still trying to figure out the main cause of your sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea Home Remedies That Just Involve Taking Higher Doses Of Vitamins There is also speculation that high amounts of vitamin C can dramatically help sleep apnea if not cure it.
  • 5. Vitamin C is a natural antitoxin and antihistamine. 3000-4000mg of C has been known to really help sleep apnea symptoms. This needs to be taken regularly and in much higher amounts than the daily allowance. I can’t cover exactly how to take vitamin C in this article plus it should possibly be discussed with a natural health professional, as everybody has different needs. I can tell you that you can take very high doses of vitamin C in the right forms. I’m going to break down some facts below so you can be the judge. If you are taking anything higher than 2000-3000mg of vitamin C it is considered a mega dose and should be taken using sodium asorbate crystals. This is typically taken through an I.V. and is not absorbic acid, you can however take up to 3000mg of regular absorbic acid C. Americans eating the Standard American Diet (S.A.D) typically will have high acidity in their gut. If you have high acidity in your gut and take 10,000 mg of vitamin C you are likely to have other mild side effects such as Loose stools Nausea Vomiting There are clinics that focus on health that offer intravenous Vitamin C mega doses using ascorbate liquid. There are people that have been given 250,000 Plus+mg of sodium ascorbate liquid vitamin C without any side effects. You need to watch out where you get your information as many will tell you that high doses of vitamin C causes kidney stones which is a myth. You just want to steer clear of calcium ascorbate vitamin C when taking mega doses. Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea Can Work But Need To Be Done Consistently With The Proper Types Of Natural Medicine, At Usually Higher Doses Than Most Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea Would Say To Use.