Kimberly Myers is a certified workforce development professional with over 9 years of experience providing career counseling, coaching, and job seeker services. She has expertise in teaching and facilitation, identifying employment barriers, and helping individuals develop career paths and employment plans. Her professional experience includes roles as a Career Broker and WorkSource Specialist where she helped customers with job searching, resume writing, and skills assessments. She also previously worked as an Employment Specialist where she helped developmentally delayed individuals develop career paths and find employment.
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Workforce Development Resume
1. Kimberly J. Myers<br />425.773.4206<br />[email protected]<br />WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONAL<br />Certified Workforce Development Professional with 9 years experience as a Career and Employment Specialist. Provide career counseling, coaching, and job seeker services. Deep and rich knowledge of workforce development systems and WorkSource partners, labor market trends, and training and funding options. Cross-functional experience in education, job development, working with diverse populations including developmentally delayed individuals. Strong background in teaching, training and coaching in individual and classroom environments.EXPERTISETeaching & FacilitationIdentification of Employment BarriersIdentify Career PathsIndividual Employment PlansTraining and Retraining StrategiesSkills AnalysisNeeds IdentificationPROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE & ACHIEVEMENTS<br />Career Broker (WSS4)2010 – present<br />WorkSource Specialist (WSS3)2009 - 2010<br />WORKSOURCE PIERCE, Tacoma, WA<br />Provide career management and job seeking services to universal population with a focus on helping customers find suitable employment. Duties include a combination of the following intake procedures: initial assessment, eligibility verification, job search and orientation one on one and in classroom instruction, development and regular follow-up in executing customer’s individual service plans. Facilitate customer access to supportive services, community resources, training/education and employment services as well as job search mechanics, i.e.:<br />Job search techniques
5. Job matching and referralRecruited as Career Broker by Business Services Team to orchestrate the creation of a new position, as part of Washington State Employment Security Department’s plan to reduce high unemployment and ensure greater individual access to WorkSource services.<br />Achievements:<br />Developed initial outreach plan to utilize existing resources to inform long-term Unemployment Claimants of access to WorkSource services
6. Executed outreach program to over 400 Extended Benefits claimants in the first week of implementation
7. Extended one-on-one core and intensive assistance to 100% of interested claimants within first two weeks of initial contact
8. Initiated Career Broker program and related workshops including Power Hub, You’re Hired, Extended Benefits Orientation, Hiring Academy and Mature Workers Orientation Employment Specialist2006 - 2009<br />HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, Des Moines, WA<br />Case Manager and job coach for developmentally delayed individuals on their path to individual employment. Developed and maintained service plans listing recommended work services and activities for students. Coordinated with case managers, support network and students in assessing student assets and needs. Provided comprehensive and inclusive supported education and vocational training for students with disabilities with the goal of identifying a clear career path and successful employment placement.<br />Achievements:<br />Achieved a 95% placement rate for students on caseload in paid or unpaid trial work experiencesJob Coach/ Trainer2002 - 2006<br />DESERET INDUSTRIES, Salt Lake City, UT / Shoreline, WA<br />Recruited by Director to facilitate a revitalization of manufacturing department in a not for profit job training facility. Provided training and job readiness preparation in addition to supervising production department of 10 – 15 vocationally impaired and disabled individuals. Evaluated and coached trainees, providing work skills training and preparing them for competitive outside employment. Implemented Individual Self-Reliance Plans and monitored trainees' progress, observing their work behaviors and productivity and giving feedback when necessary. Assisted trainees in identifying and receiving skills training courses needed to achieve vocational goals. Implemented specific behavior modification and job carving/job matching techniques designed to help trainees become work-adjusted and employable.<br />Achievements:<br />Implemented new procedures for assessing production quality, ensuring all manufactured products are made to standard
9. Assisted in the design and building of new, higher efficiency workstations to increase productivity, resulting in higher product output for entire department