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Oxford Graded Readers   2009

CONTENTS                                            PAGE
Take your students’ English further
with an Oxford Graded Reader                           1
Oxford Graded Readers Resources for Teachers          2-4
Oxford Graded Readers Resources for Students           5
Graded reader levels for ESO and Bachillerato          6
Oxford Graded Readers Syllabus                         7
Oxford Bookworms: Read your way to better English    8-10
Oxford Bookworms Level Index                          11
Which Bookworm will you read?                       12-13
Oxford Bookworms Starter Titles                     14-18
Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 Titles                     19-25
Oxford Bookworms Stage 2 Titles                     26-33
Oxford Bookworms Stage 3 Titles                     34-39
Oxford Bookworms Stage 4 Titles                     40-46
Oxford Bookworms Stage 5 Titles                     47-50
Oxford Bookworms Stage 6 Titles                     51-54
Oxford Bookworms Club:
Stories for Reading Circle Titles                     55
Oxford Bookworms Collection Titles                    56
Oxford Dominoes: The structured approach
to reading in English                               57-58
Oxford Dominoes Level Index                           59
Which Dominoes will you read?                         60
Dominoes Starter Level Titles                       61-63
Dominoes Level 1 Titles                             64-66
Dominoes Level 2 Titles                             67-68
Dominoes Level 3 Titles                             69-71
Title Index                                         72-73
Oxford Graded Readers
Take your students’ English further with
an Oxford graded reader
Using a graded reader in class has many benefits for you and
for your students.
• Readers reinforce the acquisition of language presented in
   class, and help to build students’ confidence in reading.
• Many of our readers come with an audio CD containing
   a recording of the story; so not only is reading consolidated
   through listening, but students also improve their listening
   and pronunciation.
• Readers provide extra reading material which is adapted to
   your students’ level
• You can monitor students’ progress with free tests,
   answer keys and activities, all available on your teachers
   Resource CD ROM.

We can offer an extensive range of graded readers to suit
every teacher’s need.

Whatever the genre you prefer or the level you are looking for,
we can provide the perfect choice of graded reader.

Choose Oxford Dominoes for lively full-colour stories with
integrated activities and project work that really get students

Choose Oxford Bookworms for an unrivalled choice of levels
and themes. Classic or contemporary, fact or fiction; we have
a Bookworm for you.

Take a look at the exhaustive choice of graded
readers awaiting you…
Resources for Teachers
                   Oxford Graded Readers Resource CD-ROM

                                                                                                           For Dominoes
                                                                     • Dominoes                            ✽   Tests
                                                                     • Oxford Bookworms Library
                                                                        • Oxford Bookworms Starters        ✽   Answers to the activities in the readers
                                                                        • Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
                                                                        • Oxford Bookworms Playscripts
                                                                        • Oxford Bookworms World Stories   For Oxford Bookworms Library
                                                                     • Bookworms Club Reading Circles
                                                                                                           ✽   Synopses to help you choose the best
                                                                                                               stories for your class
                                                                                                           ✽   Tests
                                                                                                           ✽   Answers to the activities in the readers
                   Contains all the material you need on 1 CD for:                                         ✽   Worksheets (for Bookworms Library
                                                                                                               levels 1 – 4)
                   ✽   Dominoes

                   ✽   Oxford Bookworms Library                                                            For Bookworms Club Reading Circles

                           • Oxford Bookworms Starters                                                     Information and resources for running
                                                                                                           Reading Circles including:
                           • Oxford Bookworms Factfiles
                                                                                                           ✽   Photocopiable Role Sheets and example
                           • Oxford Bookworms Playscripts                                                      Role Sheets
                           • Oxford Bookworms World Stories                                                ✽   Photocopiable Reading Schedule Chart
                                                                                                               and Role Badges
                   ✽   Bookworms Club Reading Circles
                                                                                                           ✽   Expansion Activities
                                                                                                           ✽   Answer to the activities in the readers

PHOTOCOPIABLE                           BOOK SUMMARIES
                                             ACTIVITY WORKSHEETS                    AND BACKGROUND NOTES
                                                  (STAGES 1–4)                           (STAGES 1–4)

                                                                                                           2 GRADED READERS
      FOR EACH TITLE        TESTS FOR EACH TITLE                   FOR EACH TITLE           ANSWERS
Resources for Teachers
                   Oxford Reading Guide
                   Do you want to use an Oxford graded reader with your Oxford course book?
                   Oxford Reading Guides give you everything you need to help you select the reader that matches your course.

                   ✽   Go to Oxford Reading Guides at
                   ✽   Choose the reading guide for your course book
                   ✽   Consult the list of books which link to the level
                       of the course book and the unit topics
                   ✽   Choose the books you want to use                                                                         The Reading
                       as your official class readers                                                                            Guide contains
                                                                           Reading Guides are                                   the Oxford graded
                                                                           available for all levels of the                      readers which
                                                                           ESO or Bachillerato course                           match your course
                                                                           book you are using.                                  book in terms of
                                                                                                                                level and topic.

                                                                                  Summary of the
                                                                                  content of each unit.

Resources for Students
Bookmarks, audio and much more!
 Oxford Bookworms                                                 Audio CDs
 Library Bilingual Bookmarks                                      Listen and read with Oxford Graded R d
                                                                                                   d Readers
                                                                  Audio CDs in class or on the move!
 Oxford Bookworms Library Bilingual Bookmarks contain
                                                                     • Select from the 160 + readers        pronunciation.
 translations of the vocabulary from the English glossary
 at the back of each reader.                                           now available with audio CD.      • Narrated by professional
                                                                     • Includes the full text, as          actors making the listening
 Available in English-Basque, English-Catalan, English-Galician
                                                                       it appears in the book, so          clear and easy to understand
 and English-Spanish.
                                                                       students can follow while           at each level.
 1. DOWNLOAD AND PRINT                                                 listening.                        • Stories by American authors
 Download and print
                                                                     • Recommended for building            are recorded in New York by
 the bookmark for the
                                                                       confidence in reading, and           American actors.
 Oxford Bookworms
 Library book you                                                      for improving listening and
 are reading:                                                     See pages 12-30 and 60 for information on books available with audio CD.
                                                                  Oxford Graded Readers Extra Practice

                                                                                                                                             2 GRADED READERS
 2. FOLD
 Fold along the dotted lines.                                     Keep students engaged in the          • Glossary.
                                                                  stories and help to reinforce         • ‘About the Author’ information.
                                                                  their understanding of the            • Before, While and After reading
                                3. HAPPY READING!
                                Use with your Oxford              key language. They can be               activities.
                                Bookworms                         completed at home or in class.        Available in every Dominoes:
                                Library graded
                                                                                                        • Integrated Activities.
                                reader.                           Available in every Bookworms:
                                                                                                        • Project Work.
                                                                  • An introduction.
Use the table to choose the right
                   Oxford graded readers help you to:
                   ✽   Reinforce the acquisition of language presented in class.                                                                                  ASK your OUP representative
                                                                                                                                                                about this year’s SPECIAL OFFER
                   ✽   Provide reading material adapted to your students’ level.
                   ✽   Monitor their progress with free tests, answer keys and activities.
                   ✽   Consolidate reading through listening: many of our readers come with an audio CD containing a recording of the entire story.

                   Suggested graded reader levels for ESO 1 to 4 and Bachillerato 1 to 2.

                                                                                                                           Bookworms Club-Stories
                       Level                     Series        2 BOOKWORMS*                                                  for Reading Circles

                                   ESO 1                                 Starters                    Starters

                                   ESO 2                            Starters & Level 1          Starters & Level 1                  Bronze                   * Includes:
                                                                                                                                                               •   Oxford Bookworms Library:
                                   ESO 3                              Levels 1 & 2                Levels 1 & 2                 Bronze & Silver                        Oxford Bookworms Starters,
                                                                                                                                                                      Oxford Bookworms Factfiles,
                                   ESO 4                              Levels 2 & 3                Levels 2 & 3                  Silver & Gold                         Oxford Bookworms Playscripts,
                                                                                                                                                                      Oxford Bookworms World Stories.
                               Bachillerato 1                       Levels 3, 4 & 5                  Level 3                    Silver & Gold                  •   Oxford Bookworms Collection

                               Bachillerato 2

                                                                      Levels 5 & 6                                             Gold & Platinum

                   Remember these 3 rules to help learners benefit from reading:                                                                       “Research shows that reading
                   Comfort Learners should not find more than a few unknown words on a page. Read the sample                                           for pleasure helps learners
                   extracts in the next page to find a reader stage your students can read easily.                                                     improve their English.”
                   Choice Choose a book your students will want to read. Consider giving some choice.                                                 Professor Richard Day,
                                                                                                                                                      University of Hawaii and Chair of
                   Enthusiasm Create enthusiasm for reading. Set aside class time for discussing books.                                               the Extensive Reading Foundation
graded reader for your class
   STARTER             Her phone is ringing – but where is it?                                                    present simple
                                                                                                                                        STARTER        1               2               3                4                5               6
                                                                                                                  present continuous

                                                                                                                                        250 HEAD-

                                                                                                                                                     400 HEADWORDS
                                                                                                                                                     STAGE 1

                                                                                                                                                                     700 HEADWORDS
                                                                                                                                                                     STAGE 2

                                                                                                                                                                                     1000 HEADWORDS
                                                                                                                                                                                     STAGE 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                      1400 HEADWORDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                      STAGE 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1800 HEADWORDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       STAGE 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2500 HEADWORDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        STAGE 6
                       Sally gets out of bed and looks in her bag. No phone. She looks under the bed.
   CEF level A1        No phone. Then she looks behind the door. There is her phone. Sally picks up her           can/cannot, must
                       phone and answers it. SALLY’S PHONE                                                        going to (future)
                                                                                                                  simple gerunds

   STAGE 1
                       ‘This is the work of an enemy.’
                       ‘An enemy? What enemy?’ asked Mrs Lodge.
                                                                                                                  past simple
                       ‘I don’t know,’ said the Wise Man, looking at her.
   CEF level A1 / A2   ‘But perhaps you do. I can show the person to you. Do you want me to do that?’
                       THE WITHERED ARM
                                                                                                                  present perfect
   STAGE 2
   700 HEADWORDS       ‘Remember, my friend, the gold was not taken – it was still there, on the floor.
                                                                                                                  will (future)
                                                                                                                  (don’t) have to, must not, could
                       So what kind of thief is that? A very, very stupid one, a thief who murders                comparison of adjectives
                       two women and then when he leaves, forgets to take the gold with him!’                     simple time clauses
   CEF level A2 / B1                                                                                              past continuous
                       THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE                                                              tag questions
                                                                                                                  ask/tell + infinitive
                                                                                                                  should, may
   STAGE 3             He knew Mr Abney was in there, because he could hear him speaking.                         present perfect continuous
                       What was that? Why did Mr Abney try to cry out? Why was the cry suddenly cut               used to
                       off? Had Mr Abney, too, seen the mysterious children? But now everything was               past perfect
   CEF level B1        quiet, and with fear in his heart, Stephen pushed hard against the door until              relative clauses
                       it opened. A PAIR OF GHOSTLY HANDS AND OTHER STORIES                                       indirect statements

                                                                                                                  past perfect continuous
   STAGE 4             Hester did not move, and when she spoke, her voice was a whisper. ‘Don’t                   passive (simple forms)
                                                                                                                  would conditional clauses
                       take your revenge on an innocent child.’ ‘Silly woman!’ he replied, half coldly,           indirect questions
   CEF level B1 / B2   half kindly. ‘If this poor, miserable baby was my own – mine as well as yours!             relatives with where/when
                                                                                                                  clauses of purpose, reason, contrast

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2 GRADED READERS
                       – I would give her the same medicine.’ THE SCARLET LETTER
                                                                                                                  gerunds after prepositions/phrases

   STAGE 5             ‘There’s a very narrow channel that goes through the middle. It’s so small that I hadn’t   future continuous
   1800 HEADWORDS                                                                                                 future perfect
                       noticed it, when I looked at the chart before we sailed. That’s the one I was carried
                                                                                                                  passive (modals, continuous forms)
                       into. If I had been on the sandbank, the Dulcibella would have broken up in three          would have conditional clauses
   CEF level B2        minutes. I was just lucky that day.’ Lucky – and brave, I thought to myself. ‘But what     modals + perfect infinitive
                       makes you think he’s a spy?’ I asked. THE RIDDLE OF THE SANDS                              so/such ... that result clauses

                       My parents had invited all the families from the Joy Luck Club to witness my first
   STAGE 6             public appearance as a musical prodigy. At first, when I stepped up to the piano
                       in front of the audience, I was confident. It was as if I knew, without a doubt,           passive (infinitives, gerunds)
                                                                                                                  advanced modal meanings
                       that the prodigy side of me really did exist. And when I started to play, I was so         clauses of concession, condition
   CEF level B2 / C1
                       caught up in how lovely I looked that I didn’t worry how I would sound. So it was
                       a surprise to me when I hit the first wrong note . . . THE JOY LUCK CLUB
The Oxford Bookworms
                   Read your way to better English
                   Read your way to better English with the new                           Features of Oxford Bookworms include:
                   edition of the world’s best graded readers series.                     • Illustrations to help support the
                                                                                            text (full-colour for all Starters
                   Oxford Bookworms enjoy a world-wide reputation for offering              and Factfiles)
                   high-quality storytelling and a great reading experience.
                                                                                          • Extended Activities section at
                   The highly-acclaimed seven-stage grading system (Starter to              the back of each book
                   Stage 6) helps learners read at a comfortable level.                   • Over 150 books with audio CDs for
                                                                                            you to listen to the complete text
                   Learners can choose from a wide range of classic and modern
                                                                                          • FREE teacher support for every
                   fiction, non-fiction, and plays, including original and adapted texts.
                                                                                            title (see page 2)

                                                                    NEW for 2009

          The unique World Stories
          Oxford Bookworms Library now includes
          World Stories: collections of stories written
          in English from all around the world.
          These unique graded readers feature
          writing from more than twenty countries,
          including Australia, India, Ireland, Malaysia,
          New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and

          Bookworms World Stories provide:

                Cross-cultural material
           Inspiring, co
                      contemporary stories
                            A gentle introduction
                         t International Englishes

                                                           2 GRADED READERS
                            Beautiful illustrations
                                     by artists
                                from around
                                     the world

Award Winners
                                                   British Council
                                              Innovation Award Winner
                                              Bookworms Club – Stories
                                                 for Reading Circles

                       Language Learner
                   Literature Award Winners

Oxford Bookworms Library

     CONTENTS                             PAGE
     Which Bookworm will you read?        12-13
     Oxford Bookworms Starter Titles      14-18
     Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 Titles      19-25
     Oxford Bookworms Stage 2 Titles      26-33
     Oxford Bookworms Stage 3 Titles      34-39
     Oxford Bookworms Stage 4 Titles      40-46
     Oxford Bookworms Stage 5 Titles      47-50
     Oxford Bookworms Stage 6 Titles      51-54
     Oxford Bookworms Club:
     Stories for Reading Circle Titles    55
     Oxford Bookworms Collection Titles   56

                                                  2 GRADED READERS
Which Bookworm will you read? Choose from
                                                                                    CLASSICS                           CRIME & MYSTERY                           FACTFILES                             FANTASY & HORROR
                   Key to symbols                                                      A Connecticut Yankee in King    N Girl on a Motorcycle                                                          N New York Café
                                                                                         Arthur’s Court
                                                                                                                                                                     ULLY UPDA
                                                                                                                         Give Us the Money                                                             N Starman

                                                                                       The Ransom of Red Chief         I Mystery in London                       F                                       Vampire Killer
                      CD Pack
                                                                                                                       I Oranges in the Snow                          Factfiles
                                                                                                                                                                            ew photos
                                                                                                                       N Police TV                               New text, n dio CD
                                                                                                                                                                   and an au
                      Although suitable for all ages, these titles are
                      particularly appropriate for younger learners

                                                                                    The Adventures of Tom Sawyer       Love or Money?                            Animals in Danger                     Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp
                    There are three kinds of Starter:                               The Withered Arm                   Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son        Deserts NEW                           The Monkey’s Paw
                    Comic Strip, Narrative, and Interactive.

                                                                          STAGE 1
                                                                                                                       Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings    England                               The Omega Files – Short Stories
                                                                                                                       Sister Love and Other Crime Stories       London                                The Phantom of the Opera
                       Comic Strip stories are told through small
                                                                                                                                                                 New York                              Under the Moon
                       amounts of text, mostly in speech bubbles,
                       and very closely supported by illustrations.                                                                                              Titanic NEW                           The Wizard of Oz

                    N Narrative stories have colour illustrations
                      which provide a lot of support.                               Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland   Death in the Freezer                      The Beautiful Game NEW                The Canterville Ghost
                                                                                    Huckleberry Finn                   The Murders in the Rue Morgue             Climate Change NEW                    Dracula
                     I Interactive stories allow the reader to                      The Jungle Book                    Sherlock Holmes Short Stories             Ireland                               Five Children and It
                                                                          STAGE 2

                       choose which path to take through the                        Love among the Haystacks                                                     Rainforests                           The Mystery of Allegra
                       story. Colour illustrations provide a lot                    Robinson Crusoe                                                              Seasons and Celebrations              The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories
                       of support.                                                  Tales from Longpuddle                                                                                              Return to Earth
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Voodoo Island
                                                                                                                                                                                                       The Year of Sharing

                                                                                    The Call of the Wild               As the Inspector Said and Other Stories   Australia and New Zealand             Frankenstein
                   The Bookworms Library offers a
                                                                                    A Christmas Carol                  Goldfish                                   Information Technology                Moondial
                   choice of different types of text:                                                                  The Last Sherlock Holmes Story            Martin Luther King                    A Pair of Ghostly Hands and Other Stories
                                                                                    Ethan Frome
                                                                          STAGE 3

                                                                                    The Three Strangers and                                                      Recycling                             The Picture of Dorian Gray
                    NEW Factfiles are non-fiction books. They                           Other Stories                                                              The USA                               The Star Zoo
                    provide up-to-date information supported                        Through the Looking-Glass                                                                                          Tales of Mystery and Imagination
                    by high-quality colour photos, and are a                        The Wind in the Willows
                    good choice for the CLIL classroom.
                                                                                    Cranford                           The Big Sleep                             Disaster!                             Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
                    Playscripts offer plays, or dramatic                            Gulliver’s Travels                 Death of an Englishman                    Great Crimes                          The Songs of Distant Earth and
                    scripts, which can be used for reading or                       Lord Jim                           The Hound of the Baskervilles             The History of the English Language     Other Stories
                                                                          STAGE 4

                    for performance. Performance notes and                          Persuasion                         A Morbid Taste for Bones                  Nelson Mandela                        The Unquiet Grave – Short Stories

                    character lists are included.                                   The Scarlet Letter                                                                                                 The Whispering Knights
                                                                                    Silas Marner
                                                                                    A Tale of Two Cities
                    Starter readers, and Classics, Crime &                          Washington Square
                    Mystery, Fantasy & Horror, Human Interest,
                    Thriller & Adventure, True Stories, and World                   The Age of Innocence               The Dead of Jericho                                                             Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
                    Stories offer stories, or fictional narrative.                   David Copperfield                   Deadlock                                                                        Ghost Stories
                                                                          STAGE 5

                                                                                    Far from the Madding Crowd         King’s Ransom                                                                   I, Robot – Short Stories
                    • True Stories tell stories of real people’s lives.             Great Expectations
                                                                                    Sense and Sensibility
                    • NEW World Stories are short stories written
                                                                                    Wuthering Heights
                      in English from around the world. They offer
                      great reading and opportunities for making                    Barchester Towers                  American Crime Stories                                                          The Fly and Other Horror Stories
                      cross-cultural connections.                                   Jane Eyre                          Deadheads                                                                       Meteor and Other Stories
                                                                          STAGE 6

                                                                                    Oliver Twist
                                                                                    A Passage to India NEW
                                                                                    Pride and Prejudice
                                                                                    Tess of the d’Urbevilles
    12                                                                              Vanity Fair
books graded by level, theme, and category
   HUMAN INTEREST                               PLAYSCRIPTS                            THRILLER & ADVENTURE          TRUE STORIES                        WORLD STORIES
   N    The Girl with Red Hair   NEW                                                   N Drive into Danger
        King Arthur                                                                      Escape                                                                             Stories
   N    Red Roses                                                                      N The Fifteenth Character                                         NEW Wonsdof short

        Robin Hood                                                                     N Last Chance                                                     Collectio    around
   N    Sally’s Phone                                                                  N Orca                                                            stories from d
        Star Reporter                                                                    Taxi of Terror                                                        the worl
    I   Survive!                                                                       I The White Stones
   Christmas in Prague                          The Butler Did It and Other Plays      Goodbye, Mr Hollywood         The Coldest Place on Earth          The Meaning of Gifts:
   Little Lord Fauntleroy NEW                   Five Short Plays                       The President’s Murderer      The Elephant Man                      Stories from Turkey
   A Little Princess                            A Ghost in Love and Other Plays        White Death                   Mary, Queen of Scots

                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAGE 1
   The Lottery Winner                           The Murder of Mary Jones                                             Mutiny on the Bounty
   One-Way Ticket – Short Stories               Sherlock Holmes: Two Plays                                           Ned Kelly: A True Story
   Remember Miranda                                                                                                  Pocahontas
                                                                                                                     The Witches of Pendle

   Anne of Green Gables                         Hamlet                                 Dead Man’s Island             Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery   Changing their Skies:
   The Children of the New Forest               The Importance of Being Earnest        Ear-rings from Frankfurt      The Death of Karen Silkwood           Stories from Africa
   Matty Doolin                                 Much Ado About Nothing                                               Grace Darling                       Cries from the Heart:
                                                                                                                                                           Stories from Around the World

                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAGE 2
   New Yorkers – Short Stories                  One Thousand Dollars and Other Plays                                 Henry VIII and his Six Wives
   The Piano                                    Romeo and Juliet                                                     The Love of a King
   Stories from the Five Towns                                                                                       William Shakespeare
   A Stranger at Green Knowe
   Too Old to Rock and Roll and Other Stories

   The Card                                                                            Chemical Secret               The Brontë Story                    Dancing with Strangers:
   Go, Lovely Rose and Other Stories                                                   The Crown of Violet           Rabbit-Proof Fence                    Stories from Africa
   Love Story                                                                          Justice                                                           The Long White Cloud:
                                                                                                                                                           Stories from New Zealand

                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAGE 3
   The Railway Children                                                                Kidnapped
   The Secret Garden                                                                   On the Edge                                                       Playing with Fire: Stories from the
                                                                                                                                                           Pacific Rim
   Tooth and Claw – Short Stories                                                      The Prisoner of Zenda                                                             NEW
   ‘Who, Sir? Me, Sir?’                                                                Skyjack!
                                                                                       Wyatt’s Hurricane

   The African Queen                                                                   The Eagle of the Ninth        Desert, Mountain, Sea               Doors to a Wilder Place:
   Black Beauty                                                                        The Moonspinners                                                    Stories from Australia
   A Dubious Legacy                                                                    Mr Midshipman Hornblower                                          Land of My Childhood:
                                                                                                                                                           Stories from South Asia

                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAGE 4
   Little Women                                                                        Reflex
   Lorna Doone                                                                         The Silver Sword                                                  The Price of Peace: Stories from Africa

                                                                                                                                                                                                             2 GRADED READERS
   Three Men in a Boat                                                                 The Thirty-Nine Steps                                                                               NEW
                                                                                       Treasure Island
                                                                                       We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea

   The Accidental Tourist                                                              Brat Farrar                                                       Treading on Dreams:
   The Bride Price                                                                     The Riddle of the Sands                                             Stories from Ireland

                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAGE 5
   The Garden Party and other Stories                                                  This Rough Magic
   Heat and Dust
   Jeeves and Friends – Short Stories

   Cold Comfort Farm                                                                   The Enemy                     Cry Freedom
   Decline and Fall                                                                    Night Without End
   Dublin People – Short Stories                                                       The Woman in White

                                                                                                                                                                                                   STAGE 6
   The Joy Luck Club


                                                STARTER                 BESTSELLERS
                                                250 HEADWORDS           STARTERS
                                                CEF level A1
 Comic Strip Starters Average word count: 950
                         250 Headwords | A1 |

                                                                        • Sally’s Phone
                                                Full colour
                                                illustrations to        • Mystery in London
                                                support the story
                                                                        • Girl on a Motorcycle
                                                Comic Strip
                                                Starters                • Orca

                                                Average word            • King Arthur
                                                count: 950
                                                Ideal for students                                   CLASSICS                           THRILLER & ADVENTURE           CRIME & MYSTERY                   HUMAN INTEREST                     CLASSICS
                                                who need more
                                                support with their                               A Connecticut Yankee in            Escape                         Give us the Money                 King Arthur                       The Ransom of Red
                                                reading, and                                     King Arthur’s Court                Phillip Burrows and            Maeve Clarke                      Janet Hardy-Gould                 Chief
                                                beginners who prefer                             Mark Twain                         Mark Foster                                                                                        O. Henry
                                                a very short text                                Retold by Alan Hines                                                                                                                  Retold by Paul Shipton

                                                                                                 Comic Strip                        Comic Strip                    Comic Strip                       Comic Strip                       Comic Strip

                                                                                                 Hank Morgan is a happy             ‘I’m not a thief. I’m an       ‘Every day is the same.           It is the year 650 in             Bill and Sam arrive in
                                                                                                 young man in Connecticut,          innocent man,’ shouts          Nothing exciting ever             England. There is war             the small American town
                                                                                                 USA in 1879 until one day          Brown. He is angry             happens to me,’ thinks            everywhere because the            of Summit with only two
                                                 Book          5,10 €                            someone runs into his              because he is in prison        Adam one boring Monday            old king is dead and he           hundred dollars, but they
                                                                                                 office and shouts, ‘Come            and the prison guards hate     morning.                          has no son. Only when             need more and Sam has
                                                                                                 quickly, Boss! Two men             him. Then one day Brown           But today is not the           the new king comes can            an idea for making a lot of
                                                                                                 are fighting.’ After this,          has an idea. It is dangerous   same. When he helps a             the fighting stop and the          money. When things start
                                                                                                 something very strange             – very dangerous.              beautiful young woman             strange, magical story of         to go very wrong, both men
                                                                                                 happens to him, and his life                                      because some men want             King Arthur begin. But            soon regret their visit – and
                                                                                                 changes forever.                                                  to take her bag, life gets        first, Merlin the ancient          their idea.
                                                                                                                                                                   exciting and very, very           magician has to find a way
                                                                                                                                                                   dangerous.                        of finding the next king . . .

                                                                                                      Word count 890                    Word count 930                 Word count 690                    Word count 1,140                   Word count 890
                                                                                                      Book 978 0 19 423411 5            Book 978 0 19 423412 2         Book 978 0 19 423413 9            Book 978 0 19 423414 6             Book 978 0 19 423415 3
                                                                                                      Suitable for young learners                                      Suitable for young learners       Suitable for young learners        Suitable for young learners

                                                                                                                                  Comic Strip Starters Average word count: 950
                                                                                                                                  250 Headwords | A1 |
    HUMAN INTEREST                    HUMAN INTEREST                    THRILLER & ADVENTURE          FANTASY & HORROR

Robin Hood                        Star Reporter                     Taxi of Terror                Vampire Killer
John Escott                       John Escott                       Phillip Burrows and           Paul Shipton
                                                                    Mark Foster

Comic strip                       Comic strip                       Comic strip                   Comic strip

 ‘You’re a brave man, but          ‘There’s a new girl in            ‘How does it work?’ Jack     ‘I am a vampire killer
I am afraid for you,’ says        town,’ says Joe, and soon         asks when he opens his        . . . and now I need help,’
Lady Marian to Robin of           Steve is out looking for her.     present – a mobile phone.     says Professor Fletcher
Locksley. She is afraid              Marietta is easy to            Later that night, Jack        to Colin. Colin needs a job
because Robin does not            find in a small town, but          is a prisoner in a taxi in    and he needs money – but
like Prince John’s new            every time he sees her            the empty streets of the      do vampires exist or is the
taxes and wants to do             something goes wrong . . .        dark city. He now tries his   professor crazy?
something for the poor            and his day goes from bad         mobile phone for the first
people of Nottingham.             to worse.                         time. Can it save his life?
When Prince John hears
this, Robin is suddenly in
great danger.

                                                                                                                                2 BOOKWORMS
    Word count 960                    Word count 960                    Word count 970                Word count 1,160
    Book 978 0 19 423416 0            Book 978 0 19 423417 7            Book 978 0 19 423418 4        Book 978 0 19 423419 1
    Suitable for young learners       Suitable for young learners

                                                                                                                                                           BESTSELLER                                NEW

                                                250 HEADWORDS
                                                CEF level A1
 Narrative Starters Average word count: 1,540
                        250 Headwords | A1 |

                                                Full colour
                                                illustrations to
                                                support the story

                                                Average word
                                                                                                                                                                                 HUMAN INTEREST
                                                count: 1,540                   THRILLER & ADVENTURE            THRILLER & ADVENTURE              CRIME & MYSTERY                                                 THRILLER & ADVENTURE              FANTASY & HORROR

                                                Stories told through       Drive into Danger               The Fifteenth Character           Girl on a Motorcycle            The Girl with Red Hair          Last Chance                       New York Café
                                                a narrative, with the      Rosemary Border                 Rosemary Border                   John Escott                     Christine Lindop                Phillip Burrows and               Michael Dean
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Mark Foster
                                                support of illustrations
                                                                           Narrative                       Narrative                         Narrative                       Narrative                       Narrative                         Narrative
                                                All Narrative Starters
                                                are available on
                                                audio CD                   ‘I can drive a truck,’ says      ‘It’s an interesting job,’        ‘Give me the money,’           Every day people come to        ‘How can Mr Frank                 It is the year 2030, and an
                                                                           Kim on her first day at          says Sally about her work         says the robber to the Los      Mason’s store – old people,     be angry now?’ thinks             email message arrives
                                                                           work in the office. When         at Happy Hills.                   Angeles security guard.         young people, men and           Mike happily. His film is          at New York Café: ‘I want
                                                                           Kim’s passenger Andy                And today is a very           The guard looks at the gun      women.                          good and he is the only           to help people and make
                                                                           finds something strange          exciting day because              and hands over the money.         From his office, and in        cameraman on the volcano.         them happy!’
                                                                           under the truck things          Zapp the famous singer            The robber has long blond       the store, Mark watches         Now he can go home.                   But not everybody is
                                                CD Pack                    get dangerous – very            is coming. Everybody is           hair and rides a motorcycle     them. And when they leave          But then he finds Jenny         happy about the email,
                                                (Book + CD) 5,95    €      dangerous.                      having a wonderful time.          – and a girl with long blond    the store, he forgets them.     and she is dying. Rocks           and soon the police and
                                                                                                           But suddenly something            hair arrives at Kenny’s           Then one day a girl with      start to move and Mike is         the President are very
                                                                                                           goes very, very wrong.            motel – on a motorcycle. Is     red hair comes to the store,    afraid. Can they get off the      interested in the New York
                                                                                                                                             she the robber?                 and everything changes for      volcano alive? And what           Café.
                                                                                                                                                                             Mark. Now he can’t forget       happens to Mike’s camera
                                                                                                                                                                             that beautiful face, those      and film?
                                                                                                                                                                             green eyes, and that red
                                                                                                                                                                             hair . . .

                                                                               Word count 1,400                Word count 1,400                                                  Word count 1,702                Word count 1,928                  Word count 1,600
                                                                                                                                                 Word count 1,300
                                                                               CD Pack 978 0 19 423439 9       CD Pack 978 0 19 423657 7                                         CD Pack 978 0 19 423659 1       CD Pack 978 0 19 423443 6         CD Pack 978 0 19 423445 0
                                                                                                                                                 CD Pack 978 0 19 423441 2
                                                                                                               Suitable for young learners       American English                                                American English                  American English

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Suitable for young learners       Suitable for young learners
                                                                                                     FINALIST: The Language

                                                                                                   Learner Literature Award 2004

                                                                                                                                                                     Narrative Starters Average word count: 1,540
                                                                                                                                                                     250 Headwords | A1 |
    THRILLER & ADVENTURE              CRIME & MYSTERY                 HUMAN INTEREST                  HUMAN INTEREST                   FANTASY & HORROR

Orca                              Police TV                       Red Roses                       Sally’s Phone                    Starman
Phillip Burrows and               Tim Vicary                      Christine Lindop                Christine Lindop                 Phillip Burrows and
Mark Foster                                                                                                                        Mark Foster

Narrative                         Narrative                       Narrative                       Narrative                        Narrative

When Tonya and her                 ‘Every day someone steals      ‘Who is the man with the        Sally is always running          The empty centre of
friends decide to sail            money from people near          roses in his hand?’ thinks      – and she has her phone          Australia. The sun is hot
around the world they want        the shops. We must stop         Anna. ‘I want to meet him.’     with her all the time: at        and there are not many
to see exciting things and        this,’ says Dan, a police         ‘Who is the girl with the     home, on the train, at work,     people. And when Bill
visit exciting places.            officer.                         guitar?’ thinks Will. ‘I like   at lunchtime, and at the         meets a man, alone,
   But one day, they meet            The police use TV            her. I want to meet her.’       shops.                           standing on an empty road
an orca – a killer whale –        cameras but it is not easy        But they do not meet.            But then one afternoon        a long way from anywhere,
one of the most dangerous         because there are so many         ‘There are lots of men!’      suddenly she has a               he is surprised and
animals in the sea. And life      suspects – who is the           says Anna’s friend Vicki,       different phone . . . and it     worried.
gets a little too exciting.       robber?                         but Anna cannot forget          changes her life.                   And Bill is right to be
                                                                  Will. And then one rainy                                         worried. Because there is
                                                                  day . . .                                                        something strange about
                                                                                                                                   the man he meets. Very
                                                                                                                                   strange . . .

                                                                                                                                                                   2 BOOKWORMS
    Word count 1,600                  Word count 1,500                Word count 1,700                Word count 1,400                 Word count 1,600
    CD Pack 978 0 19 423447 4         CD Pack 978 0 19 423449 8       CD Pack 978 0 19 423651 5       CD Pack 978 0 19 423653 9        CD Pack 978 0 19 423655 3

    Suitable for young learners                                       American English


                                                  250 HEADWORDS
                                                  CEF level A1
 Interactive Starters Average word count: 1,635
                          250 Headwords | A1 |

                                                  Full colour
                                                  illustrations to
                                                  support the story

                                                  Average word
                                                  count: 1,635                CRIME & MYSTERY               CRIME & MYSTERY                   HUMAN INTEREST                    THRILLER & ADVENTURE

                                                  The reader chooses      Mystery in London             Oranges in the Snow               Survive!                          The White Stones
                                                  which path to take      Helen Brooke                  Phillip Burrows and               Helen Brooke                      Lester Vaughan
                                                                                                        Mark Foster
                                                  through the story
                                                                          Interactive                   Interactive                       Interactive                       Interactive

                                                                          Six women are dead            ‘Everything’s ready now.          You are in a small plane,          ‘The people on this island
                                                                          because of the Whitechapel    We can do the experiment,’        going across the Rocky            don’t like archaeologists,’
                                                                          Killer. Now another woman     says your assistant Joe.          Mountains. Suddenly, the          the woman on the ferry
                                                   Book          5,10 €   lies in a London street and      You are the famous             engine starts to make             says. You only want to study
                                                                          there is blood everywhere.    scientist Mary Durie              strange noises . . .              the 4,500 year-old Irish
                                                                          She is very ill.              working in a laboratory in           Soon you are alone, in         megalithic stones, but very
                                                                             You are the famous         Alaska. When you discover         the snow, at the top of a         soon strange things begin
                                                                          detective Mycroft Pound;      something very new and            mountain, and it is very,         to happen to you. Can you
                                                                          can you catch the killer      valuable, other people want       very cold. Can you find your       solve the mystery in time?
                                                                          before he escapes?            to try to steal your idea         way out of the mountain?
                                                                                                        – can you stop them before
                                                                                                        they escape?

                                                                              Word count 1,450              Word count 1,710                  Word count 1,540                  Word count 1,850
                                                                              Book 978 0 19 423428 3        Book 978 0 19 423429 0            Book 978 0 19 423430 6            Book 978 0 19 423431 3
                                                                                                            Suitable for young learners       Suitable for young learners


STAGE 1                   BESTSELLERS
400 HEADWORDS             STAGE 1
CEF level A1/A2           • The Phantom of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         STAGE 1
                            the Opera
Average story length:
40 pages                  • The Adventures
                            of Tom Sawyer
Average word count:
5,200                     • The Elephant Man

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Stage 1 Average word count: 5,200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          400 Headwords | A1/A2 |
All Stage 1 readers       • England
are available on
audio CD                  • Love or Money?

                                                     CLASSICS                          FANTASY & HORROR                  FACTFILES                         PLAYSCRIPTS                      HUMAN INTEREST
                          PLAYSCRIPTS           The Adventures of                  Aladdin and the                   Animals in Danger                 The Butler Did It and            Christmas in Prague
                                                Tom Sawyer                         Enchanted Lamp                    Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter       Other Plays                      Joyce Hannam
                          • Five Short Plays    Mark Twain                         Retold by Judith Dean                                               Bill Bowler
                                                Retold by Nick Bullard                                                                                 Retold by Clare West
                          • The Butler Did It
                            and Other Plays
                                                Tom Sawyer does not                In a city in Arabia there         People love and need              How do you get a licence         In a house in Oxford three
CD Pack                   • Sherlock Holmes:
                                                like school. He does not           lives a boy called Aladdin.       animals. They keep them           if you want to keep a            people are having breakfast
                            Two Plays
(Book + CD) 6,40      €                         like work, and he never            He is poor and often              in their homes and on their       monkey? What can you do          – Carol, her husband Jan,
                                                wants to get out of bed in         hungry, but one day he            farms. They enjoy going to        if your wife has a lover?        and his father Josef. They
                                                the morning. But he likes          finds an old lamp. When            zoos, and watching animals        How can you see into the         are talking about Prague,
                                                swimming and fishing, and           he rubs the lamp, smoke           on films and on TV. Little         future? Where can you go         because Carol wants
                                                having adventures with his         comes out of it, and then         children love to play with        for an exciting but cheap        them all to go there for
                                                friends. And he has a lot of       out of the smoke comes a          toy animals.                      holiday somewhere hot            Christmas.
                                                adventures. One night, he          magical jinnee.                      But people are a great         and far away? How can you           Josef was born in
                                                and his friend Huck Finn go           With the jinnee’s help,        danger to animals too.            persuade your girlfriend or      Prague, but he left his
                                                to the graveyard to look for       Aladdin is soon rich, with        They take their land, and         boyfriend to marry you?          home city when he was a
                                                ghosts.                            gold and jewels and many          cut down the trees where              The characters in these      young man. He is an old
                                                   They don’t see any              fine things. But can he win        animals have their homes.         six original short plays         man now, and he would like
                                                ghosts that night. They            the love of the Sultan’s          They pollute the rivers           are looking for answers          to see Prague again before
                                                see something worse                daughter, the beautiful           and seas, and kill big            to these questions. While        he dies. But he is afraid. He
                                                than a ghost – much,               Princess Badr-al-Budur?           animals for their skins or        trying to solve their            still remembers another
                                                much worse . . .                                                     for medicine. Now there           problems, people get into        Christmas in Prague,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2 BOOKWORMS
                                                                                                                     are about 7,000 species of        some very funny situations.      many long years ago – a
                                                                                                                     animals in danger. What           Each play gives an amusing       Christmas that changed his
                                                                                                                     can we do to protect the          view of life today, and there    life for ever . . .
                                                                                                                     animals of the world –            is often an unexpected
                                                                                                                     from us?                          ending.

                                                     Word count 5,825                  Word count 5,240                  Word count 5,140                   Word count 5,925                Word count 4,720
                                                     CD Pack 978 0 19 478868 7         CD Pack 978 0 19 478869 4         CD Pack 978 0 19 423576 1          CD Pack 978 0 19 423511 2       CD Pack 978 0 19 478870 0
                                                     American English                  Suitable for young learners       Suitable for young learners
                                                     Suitable for young learners                                                                                                                                          19
NEW                                                      BESTSELLER
             STAGE 1
          400 Headwords | A1/A2 |
 Stage 1 Average word count: 5,200

                                         TRUE STORIES                     FACTFILES                         TRUE STORIES                    FACTFILES                         PLAYSCRIPTS                     PLAYSCRIPTS

                                     The Coldest Place on             Deserts                           The Elephant Man                England                           Five Short Plays                A Ghost in Love and
                                     Earth                            Janet Hardy-Gould                 Tim Vicary                      John Escott                       Martyn Ford                     Other Plays
                                     Tim Vicary                                                                                                                                                           Michael Dean

                                     In the summer of 1910, a         Look at a desert, and what        He is not beautiful. His        Twenty-five million people         What do you do if you have      Do you believe in ghosts?
                                     race began. A race to be the     do you see? Nothing much          mother does not want him,       come to England every             a boring job in a restaurant,   Jerry doesn’t. He’s a
                                     first man at the South Pole,      – just a hot, flat, dry place,     children run away from          year, and some never go           serving fast food to people     nineteen-year-old American,
                                     in Antarctica. Robert Falcon     with lots of sand, and no         him. People laugh at him,       out of London.                    who have no time to eat?        who just wants a good
                                     Scott, an Englishman, left       animals or people.                and call him ‘The Elephant         But England is full of            What if you dream            holiday with his friend, Brad.
                                     London in his ship, the                 But look again.            Man’.                           interesting places to visit       of travelling to other          They are travelling round the
                                     Terra Nova, and began the        There are deserts with               Then someone speaks          and things to do. There are       countries, but your friends     north of England by bicycle.
                                     long journey south. Five         mountains, and deserts            to him – and listens to him!    big noisy cities with great       just laugh? Do you stay at      But strange things begin to
                                     days later, another ship         with snow. There are              At the age of 27, Joseph        shops and theatres, and           home with them?                 happen in the small hotel
                                     also began to travel south.      millions of people – some         Merrick finds a friend for       quiet little villages. You           Perhaps you hear that        where they are staying. First,
                                     And on this ship was Roald       live in towns, and some           the first time in his life.      can visit old castles and         someone has bought the          Brad seems to think that
                                     Amundsen, a Norwegian.           move across the desert all           This is a true and           beautiful churches – or           last bag of salt in town.       he has been there before.
                                         But Antarctica is the        the time. There are plants        tragic story. It is also a      go to festivals with music        Do you buy a bag from him       And then a girl called Ellen
                                     coldest place on earth, and      that live for hundreds of         famous film.                     twenty-four hours a day.          at a high price?                appears . . .
                                     it is a long, hard journey       years, and animals that can                                          You can have an English           Our world is full of these      The first of these three
                                     over the ice to the South        sleep for months under                                            afternoon tea, walk on long       kinds of problems. They         original plays is set in the
                                     Pole. Some of the travellers     the ground. When you                                              white beaches, watch a            make life interesting, and      seventeenth century, and

                                     never returned home.             look closely, the desert is                                       great game of football, or        sometimes very funny.           the other two take place in
                                         This is the story of Scott   a wonderful place, full of                                        visit a country house. Yes,       These five short plays show      modern times. In each play,
                                     and Amundsen, and of their       exciting things . . .                                             England has something for         people trying to decide         a ghost comes back from the
                                     famous and dangerous                                                                               everybody – what has it got       what to do in unexpected        dead to change the lives of
                                     race.                                                                                              for you?                          situations.                     living people.

                                         Word count 5,500                 Word count 5,200 (approx)         Word count 5,400                Word count 4,640                  Word count 4,828                Word count 5,561
                                         CD Pack 978 0 19 478871 7        CD Pack 978 0 19 423630 0         CD Pack 978 0 19 478872 4       CD Pack 978 0 19 423578 5         CD Pack 978 0 19 423512 9       CD Pack 978 0 19 423513 6
                                                                          Suitable for young learners                                       Suitable for young learners

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Oxford Graded Readers 1

  • 2. CONTENTS PAGE Take your students’ English further with an Oxford Graded Reader 1 Oxford Graded Readers Resources for Teachers 2-4 Oxford Graded Readers Resources for Students 5 Graded reader levels for ESO and Bachillerato 6 Oxford Graded Readers Syllabus 7 Oxford Bookworms: Read your way to better English 8-10 Oxford Bookworms Level Index 11 Which Bookworm will you read? 12-13 Oxford Bookworms Starter Titles 14-18 Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 Titles 19-25 Oxford Bookworms Stage 2 Titles 26-33 Oxford Bookworms Stage 3 Titles 34-39 Oxford Bookworms Stage 4 Titles 40-46 Oxford Bookworms Stage 5 Titles 47-50 Oxford Bookworms Stage 6 Titles 51-54 Oxford Bookworms Club: Stories for Reading Circle Titles 55 Oxford Bookworms Collection Titles 56 Oxford Dominoes: The structured approach to reading in English 57-58 Oxford Dominoes Level Index 59 Which Dominoes will you read? 60 Dominoes Starter Level Titles 61-63 Dominoes Level 1 Titles 64-66 Dominoes Level 2 Titles 67-68 Dominoes Level 3 Titles 69-71 Title Index 72-73
  • 3. Oxford Graded Readers Take your students’ English further with an Oxford graded reader Using a graded reader in class has many benefits for you and for your students. • Readers reinforce the acquisition of language presented in class, and help to build students’ confidence in reading. • Many of our readers come with an audio CD containing a recording of the story; so not only is reading consolidated through listening, but students also improve their listening and pronunciation. • Readers provide extra reading material which is adapted to your students’ level • You can monitor students’ progress with free tests, answer keys and activities, all available on your teachers Resource CD ROM. We can offer an extensive range of graded readers to suit every teacher’s need. Whatever the genre you prefer or the level you are looking for, we can provide the perfect choice of graded reader. Choose Oxford Dominoes for lively full-colour stories with integrated activities and project work that really get students involved. Choose Oxford Bookworms for an unrivalled choice of levels and themes. Classic or contemporary, fact or fiction; we have a Bookworm for you. Take a look at the exhaustive choice of graded readers awaiting you…
  • 4. Resources for Teachers Oxford Graded Readers Resource CD-ROM For Dominoes • Dominoes ✽ Tests • Oxford Bookworms Library • Oxford Bookworms Starters ✽ Answers to the activities in the readers • Oxford Bookworms Factfiles • Oxford Bookworms Playscripts • Oxford Bookworms World Stories For Oxford Bookworms Library • Bookworms Club Reading Circles ✽ Synopses to help you choose the best stories for your class ✽ Tests ✽ Answers to the activities in the readers Contains all the material you need on 1 CD for: ✽ Worksheets (for Bookworms Library levels 1 – 4) ✽ Dominoes ✽ Oxford Bookworms Library For Bookworms Club Reading Circles 2 GRADED READERS • Oxford Bookworms Starters Information and resources for running Reading Circles including: • Oxford Bookworms Factfiles ✽ Photocopiable Role Sheets and example • Oxford Bookworms Playscripts Role Sheets • Oxford Bookworms World Stories ✽ Photocopiable Reading Schedule Chart and Role Badges ✽ Bookworms Club Reading Circles ✽ Expansion Activities ✽ Answer to the activities in the readers 16 2
  • 6. Resources for Teachers Oxford Reading Guide Do you want to use an Oxford graded reader with your Oxford course book? Oxford Reading Guides give you everything you need to help you select the reader that matches your course. ✽ Go to Oxford Reading Guides at ✽ Choose the reading guide for your course book ✽ Consult the list of books which link to the level of the course book and the unit topics ✽ Choose the books you want to use The Reading as your official class readers Guide contains Reading Guides are the Oxford graded available for all levels of the readers which ESO or Bachillerato course match your course book you are using. book in terms of level and topic. 2 GRADED READERS Summary of the content of each unit. 4
  • 7. Resources for Students Bookmarks, audio and much more! Oxford Bookworms Audio CDs Library Bilingual Bookmarks Listen and read with Oxford Graded R d d Readers Audio CDs in class or on the move! Oxford Bookworms Library Bilingual Bookmarks contain • Select from the 160 + readers pronunciation. translations of the vocabulary from the English glossary at the back of each reader. now available with audio CD. • Narrated by professional • Includes the full text, as actors making the listening Available in English-Basque, English-Catalan, English-Galician it appears in the book, so clear and easy to understand and English-Spanish. students can follow while at each level. 1. DOWNLOAD AND PRINT listening. • Stories by American authors Download and print • Recommended for building are recorded in New York by the bookmark for the confidence in reading, and American actors. Oxford Bookworms Library book you for improving listening and are reading: See pages 12-30 and 60 for information on books available with audio CD. Oxford Graded Readers Extra Practice 2 GRADED READERS 2. FOLD Fold along the dotted lines. Keep students engaged in the • Glossary. stories and help to reinforce • ‘About the Author’ information. their understanding of the • Before, While and After reading 3. HAPPY READING! Use with your Oxford key language. They can be activities. Bookworms completed at home or in class. Available in every Dominoes: Library graded • Integrated Activities. reader. Available in every Bookworms: • Project Work. • An introduction. 5
  • 8. Use the table to choose the right Oxford graded readers help you to: ✽ Reinforce the acquisition of language presented in class. ASK your OUP representative about this year’s SPECIAL OFFER ✽ Provide reading material adapted to your students’ level. ✽ Monitor their progress with free tests, answer keys and activities. ✽ Consolidate reading through listening: many of our readers come with an audio CD containing a recording of the entire story. Suggested graded reader levels for ESO 1 to 4 and Bachillerato 1 to 2. Bookworms Club-Stories Level Series 2 BOOKWORMS* for Reading Circles ESO 1 Starters Starters ESO 2 Starters & Level 1 Starters & Level 1 Bronze * Includes: • Oxford Bookworms Library: ESO 3 Levels 1 & 2 Levels 1 & 2 Bronze & Silver Oxford Bookworms Starters, Oxford Bookworms Factfiles, ESO 4 Levels 2 & 3 Levels 2 & 3 Silver & Gold Oxford Bookworms Playscripts, Oxford Bookworms World Stories. Bachillerato 1 Levels 3, 4 & 5 Level 3 Silver & Gold • Oxford Bookworms Collection Bachillerato 2 2 GRADED READERS Levels 5 & 6 Gold & Platinum Remember these 3 rules to help learners benefit from reading: “Research shows that reading Comfort Learners should not find more than a few unknown words on a page. Read the sample for pleasure helps learners extracts in the next page to find a reader stage your students can read easily. improve their English.” Choice Choose a book your students will want to read. Consider giving some choice. Professor Richard Day, University of Hawaii and Chair of Enthusiasm Create enthusiasm for reading. Set aside class time for discussing books. the Extensive Reading Foundation 6
  • 9. graded reader for your class STARTER Her phone is ringing – but where is it? present simple STARTER 1 2 3 4 5 6 250 HEADWORDS present continuous WORDS 250 HEAD- STARTERS 400 HEADWORDS STAGE 1 700 HEADWORDS STAGE 2 1000 HEADWORDS STAGE 3 1400 HEADWORDS STAGE 4 1800 HEADWORDS STAGE 5 2500 HEADWORDS STAGE 6 Sally gets out of bed and looks in her bag. No phone. She looks under the bed. imperative CEF level A1 No phone. Then she looks behind the door. There is her phone. Sally picks up her can/cannot, must phone and answers it. SALLY’S PHONE going to (future) simple gerunds STAGE 1 400 HEADWORDS ‘This is the work of an enemy.’ ‘An enemy? What enemy?’ asked Mrs Lodge. past simple ‘I don’t know,’ said the Wise Man, looking at her. CEF level A1 / A2 ‘But perhaps you do. I can show the person to you. Do you want me to do that?’ THE WITHERED ARM present perfect STAGE 2 700 HEADWORDS ‘Remember, my friend, the gold was not taken – it was still there, on the floor. will (future) (don’t) have to, must not, could So what kind of thief is that? A very, very stupid one, a thief who murders comparison of adjectives two women and then when he leaves, forgets to take the gold with him!’ simple time clauses CEF level A2 / B1 past continuous THE MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE tag questions ask/tell + infinitive should, may STAGE 3 He knew Mr Abney was in there, because he could hear him speaking. present perfect continuous 1000 HEADWORDS What was that? Why did Mr Abney try to cry out? Why was the cry suddenly cut used to off? Had Mr Abney, too, seen the mysterious children? But now everything was past perfect causative CEF level B1 quiet, and with fear in his heart, Stephen pushed hard against the door until relative clauses it opened. A PAIR OF GHOSTLY HANDS AND OTHER STORIES indirect statements past perfect continuous STAGE 4 Hester did not move, and when she spoke, her voice was a whisper. ‘Don’t passive (simple forms) 1400 HEADWORDS would conditional clauses take your revenge on an innocent child.’ ‘Silly woman!’ he replied, half coldly, indirect questions CEF level B1 / B2 half kindly. ‘If this poor, miserable baby was my own – mine as well as yours! relatives with where/when clauses of purpose, reason, contrast 2 GRADED READERS – I would give her the same medicine.’ THE SCARLET LETTER gerunds after prepositions/phrases STAGE 5 ‘There’s a very narrow channel that goes through the middle. It’s so small that I hadn’t future continuous 1800 HEADWORDS future perfect noticed it, when I looked at the chart before we sailed. That’s the one I was carried passive (modals, continuous forms) into. If I had been on the sandbank, the Dulcibella would have broken up in three would have conditional clauses CEF level B2 minutes. I was just lucky that day.’ Lucky – and brave, I thought to myself. ‘But what modals + perfect infinitive makes you think he’s a spy?’ I asked. THE RIDDLE OF THE SANDS so/such ... that result clauses My parents had invited all the families from the Joy Luck Club to witness my first STAGE 6 public appearance as a musical prodigy. At first, when I stepped up to the piano 2500 HEADWORDS in front of the audience, I was confident. It was as if I knew, without a doubt, passive (infinitives, gerunds) advanced modal meanings that the prodigy side of me really did exist. And when I started to play, I was so clauses of concession, condition CEF level B2 / C1 caught up in how lovely I looked that I didn’t worry how I would sound. So it was a surprise to me when I hit the first wrong note . . . THE JOY LUCK CLUB 7
  • 10. The Oxford Bookworms Read your way to better English Read your way to better English with the new Features of Oxford Bookworms include: edition of the world’s best graded readers series. • Illustrations to help support the text (full-colour for all Starters Oxford Bookworms enjoy a world-wide reputation for offering and Factfiles) high-quality storytelling and a great reading experience. • Extended Activities section at The highly-acclaimed seven-stage grading system (Starter to the back of each book Stage 6) helps learners read at a comfortable level. • Over 150 books with audio CDs for you to listen to the complete text Learners can choose from a wide range of classic and modern • FREE teacher support for every fiction, non-fiction, and plays, including original and adapted texts. title (see page 2) 2 GRADED READERS NEW for 2009 8
  • 11. Library The unique World Stories Oxford Bookworms Library now includes World Stories: collections of stories written in English from all around the world. These unique graded readers feature writing from more than twenty countries, including Australia, India, Ireland, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, and Tanzania. Bookworms World Stories provide: Cross-c Cross-cultural material Inspiring, co contemporary stories A gentle introduction to t International Englishes 2 GRADED READERS Beautiful illustrations by artists from around the world 9
  • 12. Award Winners British Council Innovation Award Winner Bookworms Club – Stories for Reading Circles 2 GRADED READERS Language Learner Literature Award Winners 10
  • 13. Oxford Bookworms Library CONTENTS PAGE Which Bookworm will you read? 12-13 Oxford Bookworms Starter Titles 14-18 Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 Titles 19-25 Oxford Bookworms Stage 2 Titles 26-33 Oxford Bookworms Stage 3 Titles 34-39 Oxford Bookworms Stage 4 Titles 40-46 Oxford Bookworms Stage 5 Titles 47-50 Oxford Bookworms Stage 6 Titles 51-54 Oxford Bookworms Club: Stories for Reading Circle Titles 55 Oxford Bookworms Collection Titles 56 2 GRADED READERS 11
  • 14. Which Bookworm will you read? Choose from CLASSICS CRIME & MYSTERY FACTFILES FANTASY & HORROR Key to symbols A Connecticut Yankee in King N Girl on a Motorcycle N New York Café Arthur’s Court TED ULLY UPDA Give Us the Money N Starman STARTER The Ransom of Red Chief I Mystery in London F Vampire Killer CD Pack I Oranges in the Snow Factfiles ew photos N Police TV New text, n dio CD and an au Although suitable for all ages, these titles are particularly appropriate for younger learners The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Love or Money? Animals in Danger Aladdin and the Enchanted Lamp There are three kinds of Starter: The Withered Arm Sherlock Holmes and the Duke’s Son Deserts NEW The Monkey’s Paw Comic Strip, Narrative, and Interactive. STAGE 1 Sherlock Holmes and the Sport of Kings England The Omega Files – Short Stories Sister Love and Other Crime Stories London The Phantom of the Opera Comic Strip stories are told through small New York Under the Moon amounts of text, mostly in speech bubbles, and very closely supported by illustrations. Titanic NEW The Wizard of Oz N Narrative stories have colour illustrations which provide a lot of support. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Death in the Freezer The Beautiful Game NEW The Canterville Ghost Huckleberry Finn The Murders in the Rue Morgue Climate Change NEW Dracula I Interactive stories allow the reader to The Jungle Book Sherlock Holmes Short Stories Ireland Five Children and It STAGE 2 choose which path to take through the Love among the Haystacks Rainforests The Mystery of Allegra story. Colour illustrations provide a lot Robinson Crusoe Seasons and Celebrations The Pit and the Pendulum and Other Stories of support. Tales from Longpuddle Return to Earth Voodoo Island The Year of Sharing The Call of the Wild As the Inspector Said and Other Stories Australia and New Zealand Frankenstein The Bookworms Library offers a A Christmas Carol Goldfish Information Technology Moondial choice of different types of text: The Last Sherlock Holmes Story Martin Luther King A Pair of Ghostly Hands and Other Stories Ethan Frome STAGE 3 The Three Strangers and Recycling The Picture of Dorian Gray NEW Factfiles are non-fiction books. They Other Stories The USA The Star Zoo provide up-to-date information supported Through the Looking-Glass Tales of Mystery and Imagination by high-quality colour photos, and are a The Wind in the Willows good choice for the CLIL classroom. Cranford The Big Sleep Disaster! Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Playscripts offer plays, or dramatic Gulliver’s Travels Death of an Englishman Great Crimes The Songs of Distant Earth and scripts, which can be used for reading or Lord Jim The Hound of the Baskervilles The History of the English Language Other Stories STAGE 4 for performance. Performance notes and Persuasion A Morbid Taste for Bones Nelson Mandela The Unquiet Grave – Short Stories 2 GRADED READERS character lists are included. The Scarlet Letter The Whispering Knights Silas Marner A Tale of Two Cities Starter readers, and Classics, Crime & Washington Square Mystery, Fantasy & Horror, Human Interest, Thriller & Adventure, True Stories, and World The Age of Innocence The Dead of Jericho Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Stories offer stories, or fictional narrative. David Copperfield Deadlock Ghost Stories STAGE 5 Far from the Madding Crowd King’s Ransom I, Robot – Short Stories • True Stories tell stories of real people’s lives. Great Expectations Sense and Sensibility • NEW World Stories are short stories written Wuthering Heights in English from around the world. They offer great reading and opportunities for making Barchester Towers American Crime Stories The Fly and Other Horror Stories cross-cultural connections. Jane Eyre Deadheads Meteor and Other Stories STAGE 6 Oliver Twist A Passage to India NEW Pride and Prejudice Tess of the d’Urbevilles 12 Vanity Fair
  • 15. books graded by level, theme, and category HUMAN INTEREST PLAYSCRIPTS THRILLER & ADVENTURE TRUE STORIES WORLD STORIES N The Girl with Red Hair NEW N Drive into Danger King Arthur Escape Stories N Red Roses N The Fifteenth Character NEW Wonsdof short rl STARTER Robin Hood N Last Chance Collectio around N Sally’s Phone N Orca stories from d Star Reporter Taxi of Terror the worl I Survive! I The White Stones Christmas in Prague The Butler Did It and Other Plays Goodbye, Mr Hollywood The Coldest Place on Earth The Meaning of Gifts: Little Lord Fauntleroy NEW Five Short Plays The President’s Murderer The Elephant Man Stories from Turkey A Little Princess A Ghost in Love and Other Plays White Death Mary, Queen of Scots STAGE 1 The Lottery Winner The Murder of Mary Jones Mutiny on the Bounty One-Way Ticket – Short Stories Sherlock Holmes: Two Plays Ned Kelly: A True Story Remember Miranda Pocahontas The Witches of Pendle Anne of Green Gables Hamlet Dead Man’s Island Agatha Christie, Woman of Mystery Changing their Skies: The Children of the New Forest The Importance of Being Earnest Ear-rings from Frankfurt The Death of Karen Silkwood Stories from Africa Matty Doolin Much Ado About Nothing Grace Darling Cries from the Heart: Stories from Around the World STAGE 2 New Yorkers – Short Stories One Thousand Dollars and Other Plays Henry VIII and his Six Wives The Piano Romeo and Juliet The Love of a King Stories from the Five Towns William Shakespeare A Stranger at Green Knowe Too Old to Rock and Roll and Other Stories The Card Chemical Secret The Brontë Story Dancing with Strangers: Go, Lovely Rose and Other Stories The Crown of Violet Rabbit-Proof Fence Stories from Africa Love Story Justice The Long White Cloud: Stories from New Zealand STAGE 3 The Railway Children Kidnapped The Secret Garden On the Edge Playing with Fire: Stories from the Pacific Rim Tooth and Claw – Short Stories The Prisoner of Zenda NEW ‘Who, Sir? Me, Sir?’ Skyjack! Wyatt’s Hurricane The African Queen The Eagle of the Ninth Desert, Mountain, Sea Doors to a Wilder Place: Black Beauty The Moonspinners Stories from Australia A Dubious Legacy Mr Midshipman Hornblower Land of My Childhood: Stories from South Asia STAGE 4 Little Women Reflex Lorna Doone The Silver Sword The Price of Peace: Stories from Africa 2 GRADED READERS Three Men in a Boat The Thirty-Nine Steps NEW Treasure Island We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea The Accidental Tourist Brat Farrar Treading on Dreams: The Bride Price The Riddle of the Sands Stories from Ireland STAGE 5 The Garden Party and other Stories This Rough Magic Heat and Dust Jeeves and Friends – Short Stories Cold Comfort Farm The Enemy Cry Freedom Decline and Fall Night Without End Dublin People – Short Stories The Woman in White STAGE 6 The Joy Luck Club 13
  • 16. STARTER BESTSELLER STARTER BESTSELLERS 250 HEADWORDS STARTERS CEF level A1 Comic Strip Starters Average word count: 950 250 Headwords | A1 | • Sally’s Phone Full colour illustrations to • Mystery in London support the story • Girl on a Motorcycle Comic Strip Starters • Orca Average word • King Arthur count: 950 Ideal for students CLASSICS THRILLER & ADVENTURE CRIME & MYSTERY HUMAN INTEREST CLASSICS who need more support with their A Connecticut Yankee in Escape Give us the Money King Arthur The Ransom of Red reading, and King Arthur’s Court Phillip Burrows and Maeve Clarke Janet Hardy-Gould Chief beginners who prefer Mark Twain Mark Foster O. Henry a very short text Retold by Alan Hines Retold by Paul Shipton Comic Strip Comic Strip Comic Strip Comic Strip Comic Strip Hank Morgan is a happy ‘I’m not a thief. I’m an ‘Every day is the same. It is the year 650 in Bill and Sam arrive in young man in Connecticut, innocent man,’ shouts Nothing exciting ever England. There is war the small American town USA in 1879 until one day Brown. He is angry happens to me,’ thinks everywhere because the of Summit with only two Book 5,10 € someone runs into his because he is in prison Adam one boring Monday old king is dead and he hundred dollars, but they office and shouts, ‘Come and the prison guards hate morning. has no son. Only when need more and Sam has quickly, Boss! Two men him. Then one day Brown But today is not the the new king comes can an idea for making a lot of are fighting.’ After this, has an idea. It is dangerous same. When he helps a the fighting stop and the money. When things start something very strange – very dangerous. beautiful young woman strange, magical story of to go very wrong, both men happens to him, and his life because some men want King Arthur begin. But soon regret their visit – and changes forever. to take her bag, life gets first, Merlin the ancient their idea. exciting and very, very magician has to find a way dangerous. of finding the next king . . . 2 BOOKWORMS Word count 890 Word count 930 Word count 690 Word count 1,140 Word count 890 Book 978 0 19 423411 5 Book 978 0 19 423412 2 Book 978 0 19 423413 9 Book 978 0 19 423414 6 Book 978 0 19 423415 3 Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners 14
  • 17. STARTER Comic Strip Starters Average word count: 950 250 Headwords | A1 | HUMAN INTEREST HUMAN INTEREST THRILLER & ADVENTURE FANTASY & HORROR Robin Hood Star Reporter Taxi of Terror Vampire Killer John Escott John Escott Phillip Burrows and Paul Shipton Mark Foster Comic strip Comic strip Comic strip Comic strip ‘You’re a brave man, but ‘There’s a new girl in ‘How does it work?’ Jack ‘I am a vampire killer I am afraid for you,’ says town,’ says Joe, and soon asks when he opens his . . . and now I need help,’ Lady Marian to Robin of Steve is out looking for her. present – a mobile phone. says Professor Fletcher Locksley. She is afraid Marietta is easy to Later that night, Jack to Colin. Colin needs a job because Robin does not find in a small town, but is a prisoner in a taxi in and he needs money – but like Prince John’s new every time he sees her the empty streets of the do vampires exist or is the taxes and wants to do something goes wrong . . . dark city. He now tries his professor crazy? something for the poor and his day goes from bad mobile phone for the first people of Nottingham. to worse. time. Can it save his life? When Prince John hears this, Robin is suddenly in great danger. 2 BOOKWORMS Word count 960 Word count 960 Word count 970 Word count 1,160 Book 978 0 19 423416 0 Book 978 0 19 423417 7 Book 978 0 19 423418 4 Book 978 0 19 423419 1 Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners 15
  • 18. STARTER BESTSELLER NEW STARTER 250 HEADWORDS CEF level A1 Narrative Starters Average word count: 1,540 250 Headwords | A1 | Full colour illustrations to support the story Narrative Starters Average word HUMAN INTEREST count: 1,540 THRILLER & ADVENTURE THRILLER & ADVENTURE CRIME & MYSTERY THRILLER & ADVENTURE FANTASY & HORROR Stories told through Drive into Danger The Fifteenth Character Girl on a Motorcycle The Girl with Red Hair Last Chance New York Café a narrative, with the Rosemary Border Rosemary Border John Escott Christine Lindop Phillip Burrows and Michael Dean Mark Foster support of illustrations Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative All Narrative Starters are available on audio CD ‘I can drive a truck,’ says ‘It’s an interesting job,’ ‘Give me the money,’ Every day people come to ‘How can Mr Frank It is the year 2030, and an Kim on her first day at says Sally about her work says the robber to the Los Mason’s store – old people, be angry now?’ thinks email message arrives work in the office. When at Happy Hills. Angeles security guard. young people, men and Mike happily. His film is at New York Café: ‘I want Kim’s passenger Andy And today is a very The guard looks at the gun women. good and he is the only to help people and make finds something strange exciting day because and hands over the money. From his office, and in cameraman on the volcano. them happy!’ under the truck things Zapp the famous singer The robber has long blond the store, Mark watches Now he can go home. But not everybody is CD Pack get dangerous – very is coming. Everybody is hair and rides a motorcycle them. And when they leave But then he finds Jenny happy about the email, (Book + CD) 5,95 € dangerous. having a wonderful time. – and a girl with long blond the store, he forgets them. and she is dying. Rocks and soon the police and But suddenly something hair arrives at Kenny’s Then one day a girl with start to move and Mike is the President are very goes very, very wrong. motel – on a motorcycle. Is red hair comes to the store, afraid. Can they get off the interested in the New York she the robber? and everything changes for volcano alive? And what Café. Mark. Now he can’t forget happens to Mike’s camera that beautiful face, those and film? green eyes, and that red hair . . . 2 BOOKWORMS Word count 1,400 Word count 1,400 Word count 1,702 Word count 1,928 Word count 1,600 Word count 1,300 CD Pack 978 0 19 423439 9 CD Pack 978 0 19 423657 7 CD Pack 978 0 19 423659 1 CD Pack 978 0 19 423443 6 CD Pack 978 0 19 423445 0 CD Pack 978 0 19 423441 2 Suitable for young learners American English American English American English Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners 16
  • 19. BESTSELLER FINALIST: The Language BESTSELLER STARTER Learner Literature Award 2004 Narrative Starters Average word count: 1,540 250 Headwords | A1 | THRILLER & ADVENTURE CRIME & MYSTERY HUMAN INTEREST HUMAN INTEREST FANTASY & HORROR Orca Police TV Red Roses Sally’s Phone Starman Phillip Burrows and Tim Vicary Christine Lindop Christine Lindop Phillip Burrows and Mark Foster Mark Foster Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative Narrative When Tonya and her ‘Every day someone steals ‘Who is the man with the Sally is always running The empty centre of friends decide to sail money from people near roses in his hand?’ thinks – and she has her phone Australia. The sun is hot around the world they want the shops. We must stop Anna. ‘I want to meet him.’ with her all the time: at and there are not many to see exciting things and this,’ says Dan, a police ‘Who is the girl with the home, on the train, at work, people. And when Bill visit exciting places. officer. guitar?’ thinks Will. ‘I like at lunchtime, and at the meets a man, alone, But one day, they meet The police use TV her. I want to meet her.’ shops. standing on an empty road an orca – a killer whale – cameras but it is not easy But they do not meet. But then one afternoon a long way from anywhere, one of the most dangerous because there are so many ‘There are lots of men!’ suddenly she has a he is surprised and animals in the sea. And life suspects – who is the says Anna’s friend Vicki, different phone . . . and it worried. gets a little too exciting. robber? but Anna cannot forget changes her life. And Bill is right to be Will. And then one rainy worried. Because there is day . . . something strange about the man he meets. Very strange . . . 2 BOOKWORMS Word count 1,600 Word count 1,500 Word count 1,700 Word count 1,400 Word count 1,600 CD Pack 978 0 19 423447 4 CD Pack 978 0 19 423449 8 CD Pack 978 0 19 423651 5 CD Pack 978 0 19 423653 9 CD Pack 978 0 19 423655 3 Suitable for young learners American English 17
  • 20. STARTER BESTSELLER STARTER 250 HEADWORDS CEF level A1 Interactive Starters Average word count: 1,635 250 Headwords | A1 | Full colour illustrations to support the story Interactive Starters Average word count: 1,635 CRIME & MYSTERY CRIME & MYSTERY HUMAN INTEREST THRILLER & ADVENTURE The reader chooses Mystery in London Oranges in the Snow Survive! The White Stones which path to take Helen Brooke Phillip Burrows and Helen Brooke Lester Vaughan Mark Foster through the story Interactive Interactive Interactive Interactive Six women are dead ‘Everything’s ready now. You are in a small plane, ‘The people on this island because of the Whitechapel We can do the experiment,’ going across the Rocky don’t like archaeologists,’ Killer. Now another woman says your assistant Joe. Mountains. Suddenly, the the woman on the ferry Book 5,10 € lies in a London street and You are the famous engine starts to make says. You only want to study there is blood everywhere. scientist Mary Durie strange noises . . . the 4,500 year-old Irish She is very ill. working in a laboratory in Soon you are alone, in megalithic stones, but very You are the famous Alaska. When you discover the snow, at the top of a soon strange things begin detective Mycroft Pound; something very new and mountain, and it is very, to happen to you. Can you can you catch the killer valuable, other people want very cold. Can you find your solve the mystery in time? before he escapes? to try to steal your idea way out of the mountain? – can you stop them before they escape? 2 BOOKWORMS Word count 1,450 Word count 1,710 Word count 1,540 Word count 1,850 Book 978 0 19 423428 3 Book 978 0 19 423429 0 Book 978 0 19 423430 6 Book 978 0 19 423431 3 Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners 18
  • 21. BEST-SELLING BESTSELLER PLAYSCRIPT STAGE 1 BESTSELLERS 400 HEADWORDS STAGE 1 CEF level A1/A2 • The Phantom of STAGE 1 the Opera Average story length: 40 pages • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Average word count: 5,200 • The Elephant Man Stage 1 Average word count: 5,200 400 Headwords | A1/A2 | All Stage 1 readers • England are available on audio CD • Love or Money? CLASSICS FANTASY & HORROR FACTFILES PLAYSCRIPTS HUMAN INTEREST BEST-SELLING PLAYSCRIPTS The Adventures of Aladdin and the Animals in Danger The Butler Did It and Christmas in Prague Tom Sawyer Enchanted Lamp Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter Other Plays Joyce Hannam • Five Short Plays Mark Twain Retold by Judith Dean Bill Bowler Retold by Nick Bullard Retold by Clare West • The Butler Did It and Other Plays Tom Sawyer does not In a city in Arabia there People love and need How do you get a licence In a house in Oxford three CD Pack • Sherlock Holmes: like school. He does not lives a boy called Aladdin. animals. They keep them if you want to keep a people are having breakfast Two Plays (Book + CD) 6,40 € like work, and he never He is poor and often in their homes and on their monkey? What can you do – Carol, her husband Jan, wants to get out of bed in hungry, but one day he farms. They enjoy going to if your wife has a lover? and his father Josef. They the morning. But he likes finds an old lamp. When zoos, and watching animals How can you see into the are talking about Prague, swimming and fishing, and he rubs the lamp, smoke on films and on TV. Little future? Where can you go because Carol wants having adventures with his comes out of it, and then children love to play with for an exciting but cheap them all to go there for friends. And he has a lot of out of the smoke comes a toy animals. holiday somewhere hot Christmas. adventures. One night, he magical jinnee. But people are a great and far away? How can you Josef was born in and his friend Huck Finn go With the jinnee’s help, danger to animals too. persuade your girlfriend or Prague, but he left his to the graveyard to look for Aladdin is soon rich, with They take their land, and boyfriend to marry you? home city when he was a ghosts. gold and jewels and many cut down the trees where The characters in these young man. He is an old They don’t see any fine things. But can he win animals have their homes. six original short plays man now, and he would like ghosts that night. They the love of the Sultan’s They pollute the rivers are looking for answers to see Prague again before see something worse daughter, the beautiful and seas, and kill big to these questions. While he dies. But he is afraid. He than a ghost – much, Princess Badr-al-Budur? animals for their skins or trying to solve their still remembers another much worse . . . for medicine. Now there problems, people get into Christmas in Prague, 2 BOOKWORMS are about 7,000 species of some very funny situations. many long years ago – a animals in danger. What Each play gives an amusing Christmas that changed his can we do to protect the view of life today, and there life for ever . . . animals of the world – is often an unexpected from us? ending. Word count 5,825 Word count 5,240 Word count 5,140 Word count 5,925 Word count 4,720 CD Pack 978 0 19 478868 7 CD Pack 978 0 19 478869 4 CD Pack 978 0 19 423576 1 CD Pack 978 0 19 423511 2 CD Pack 978 0 19 478870 0 American English Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners 19
  • 22. NEW BESTSELLER BEST-SELLING BESTSELLER PLAYSCRIPT STAGE 1 400 Headwords | A1/A2 | Stage 1 Average word count: 5,200 TRUE STORIES FACTFILES TRUE STORIES FACTFILES PLAYSCRIPTS PLAYSCRIPTS The Coldest Place on Deserts The Elephant Man England Five Short Plays A Ghost in Love and Earth Janet Hardy-Gould Tim Vicary John Escott Martyn Ford Other Plays Tim Vicary Michael Dean In the summer of 1910, a Look at a desert, and what He is not beautiful. His Twenty-five million people What do you do if you have Do you believe in ghosts? race began. A race to be the do you see? Nothing much mother does not want him, come to England every a boring job in a restaurant, Jerry doesn’t. He’s a first man at the South Pole, – just a hot, flat, dry place, children run away from year, and some never go serving fast food to people nineteen-year-old American, in Antarctica. Robert Falcon with lots of sand, and no him. People laugh at him, out of London. who have no time to eat? who just wants a good Scott, an Englishman, left animals or people. and call him ‘The Elephant But England is full of What if you dream holiday with his friend, Brad. London in his ship, the But look again. Man’. interesting places to visit of travelling to other They are travelling round the Terra Nova, and began the There are deserts with Then someone speaks and things to do. There are countries, but your friends north of England by bicycle. long journey south. Five mountains, and deserts to him – and listens to him! big noisy cities with great just laugh? Do you stay at But strange things begin to days later, another ship with snow. There are At the age of 27, Joseph shops and theatres, and home with them? happen in the small hotel also began to travel south. millions of people – some Merrick finds a friend for quiet little villages. You Perhaps you hear that where they are staying. First, And on this ship was Roald live in towns, and some the first time in his life. can visit old castles and someone has bought the Brad seems to think that Amundsen, a Norwegian. move across the desert all This is a true and beautiful churches – or last bag of salt in town. he has been there before. But Antarctica is the the time. There are plants tragic story. It is also a go to festivals with music Do you buy a bag from him And then a girl called Ellen coldest place on earth, and that live for hundreds of famous film. twenty-four hours a day. at a high price? appears . . . it is a long, hard journey years, and animals that can You can have an English Our world is full of these The first of these three over the ice to the South sleep for months under afternoon tea, walk on long kinds of problems. They original plays is set in the Pole. Some of the travellers the ground. When you white beaches, watch a make life interesting, and seventeenth century, and 2 BOOKWORMS never returned home. look closely, the desert is great game of football, or sometimes very funny. the other two take place in This is the story of Scott a wonderful place, full of visit a country house. Yes, These five short plays show modern times. In each play, and Amundsen, and of their exciting things . . . England has something for people trying to decide a ghost comes back from the famous and dangerous everybody – what has it got what to do in unexpected dead to change the lives of race. for you? situations. living people. Word count 5,500 Word count 5,200 (approx) Word count 5,400 Word count 4,640 Word count 4,828 Word count 5,561 CD Pack 978 0 19 478871 7 CD Pack 978 0 19 423630 0 CD Pack 978 0 19 478872 4 CD Pack 978 0 19 423578 5 CD Pack 978 0 19 423512 9 CD Pack 978 0 19 423513 6 Suitable for young learners Suitable for young learners 20