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Refractive error
Adequate correlation between axial length and refractive
Parallel light rays fall on the retina (no accommodation)
Ametropia (Refractive error)
Mismatch between axial length and refractive power
Parallel light rays don’t fall on the retina (no
Nearsightedness (Myopia)
Farsightedness (Hyperopia)
Emmetropic eye
object closer than 6 M send divergent light that focus behind retina ,
adaptative mechanism of eye is increase refractive power by accommod
 theory
contraction of ciliary muscle -->decrease tension in zonule fibers --
>elasticity of lens capsule mold lens into spherical shape -->greater dio
ptic power -->divergent rays are focused on retina
contraction of ciliary muscle is supplied by parasympathetic third nerve
Refractive error
Parallel rays converge at a focal point anterior to the retina
Etiology : not clear , genetic factor
excessive long globe (axial myopia) : more common
excessive refractive power (refractive myopia)
Refractive error
Benign myopia (school age myopia)
onset 10-12 years , myopia increase until the child stops growing in
Progressive and malignant myopia
 myopia increase rapidly each year and is associated with vitreous
opacities , fluidity of vitreous and chorioretinal change
rate of increase in amount of myopia generally about 20 years of age
Congenital myopia
Myopia > 10 D
Increase slowly each year
Special forms : nuclear sclerosis , keratoconus , spherophakia
Blurred distance vision
Squint in an attempt to improve uncorrected visual acuity when
gazing into the distance
Amblyopia – uncorrected myopia > 10 D
Morphologic changes
deep anterior chamber
atrophy of ciliary muscle
vitreous may collapse prematurely -->opacification
fundus change : loss of pigment in RPE , large disc and white crescent-
shaped area on temporal side , RPE atrophy in macular area , posterior st
aphyloma , retinal degeneration-->hole-->increase risk of RD
Treatment : concave lenses, clear lens extraction
Refractive error
Parallel rays converge at a focal point posterior to the retina
Etiology : not clear , inherited
excessive short globe (axial hyperopia) : more common
insufficient refractive power (refractive hyperopia)
Refractive error
Special forms : lens dislocation , postoperative aphakia
hyperopic persons must accommodate when gazing into
distance to bring focal point on to the retina
distance vision is impaired in high refractive error( > 3 D) and
in older patient
visual acuity at near tends to blur relatively early
nature of blur is vary from inability to read fine print to near vision is clear but
suddenly and intermittently blur
blurred vision is more noticeable if person is tired , printing is weak or light
asthenopic symptoms : eyepain, headache in frontal region, burning
sensation in the eyes, blepharoconjunctivitis
accommodative esotropia : because accommodation is linked to
convergence -->ET
Amblyopia – uncorrected hyperopia > 5D
Fundus in axial hyperopia may reveal pseudooptic neuritis
(indistinct disc margin, no physiologic cup, may elevate disc)
DDx from optic neuritis by > 4 D , no enlarged blind spot, no
passive congestion of vein
Treatment : convex lenses, keratorefractive surgery, refreactive
lensectomy with IOL, phakic IOL
Refractive error
Parallel rays come to focus in 2 focal lines rather than a single
focal point
Etiology : heredity
Cause : refractive media is not spherical-->refract differently
along one meridian than along meridian perpendicular to it-->2
focal points ( punctiform object is represent as 2 sharply defined
Refractive error
Regular astigmatism : power and orientation of principle
meridians are constant
With the rule astigmatism , Against the rule astigmatism , Oblique
 Simple or Compound myopic astigmatism , Simple or Compound
hyperopic astigmatism , Mixed astigmatism
Irregular astigmatism : power and orientation of principle
meridians change across the pupil
Refractive error
Refractive error
asthenopic symptoms ( headache , eyepain)
blurred vision
distortion of vision
head tilting and turning
Amblyopia – uncorrected astigmatism > 1.5 D
Regular astigmatism :cylinder lenses with or without spherical
lenses(convex or concave), Sx
Irregular astigmatism : rigid CL , surgery
Refractive error
Physiologic loss of accommodation in advancing age
deposit of insoluble proteins in lens in advancing age--
>elasticity of lens progressively decrease-->decrease accom
around 45 years of age , accommodation become less than 3
D-->reading is possible at 40-50 cm-->difficultly reading fin
e print , headache , visual fatigue
convex lenses in near vision
Reading glasses
Bifocal glasses
Trifocal glasses
Progressive power glasses
Difference in refractive power between 2 eyes
refractive correction often leads to different image sizes on the 2
retinas( aniseikonia)
aniseikonia depend on degree of refractive anomaly and type of
closer to the site of refraction deficit the correction is made-->less
retinal image changes in size
Glasses : magnified or minified 2% per 1 D
Contact lens : change less than glasses
Tolerate aniseikonia ~ 5-8%
Symptoms : usually congenital and often asymptomatic
anisometropia > 4 D-->contact lens
unilateral aphakia-->contact lens or intraocular lens
Correction of refractive errors
Far point
point on the visual axis conjugate to the retina when
accommodation is completely relaxed
placing an object or imaging an object at far point will cause
a clear image of that object to be relayed to the retina
use correcting lenses to form an image of infinity at the far
point , correcting the eye for distance
Refractive error
Types of optical correction
Spectacle lenses
Monofocal lenses : spherical lenses , cylindrical lenses
Multifocal lenses
Contact lenses
higher quality of optical image and less influence on the size of
retinal image than spectacle lenses
indication : cosmetic , athletic activities , occupational , irregular
corneal astigmatism , high anisometropia , corneal disease
Contact lenses
disadvantages : careful daily cleaning and disinfection , expense
complication : infectious keratitis , giant papillary conjunctivitis ,
corneal vascularization , severe chronic conjunctivitis
Intraocular lenses
replacement of cataract crystalline lens
give best optical correction for aphakia , avoid significant
magnification and distortion caused by spectacle lenses
Surgical correction
Keratorefractive surgery :RK, AK, PRK, LASIK, ICR,
Intraocular surgery : clear lens extraction (with or without
IOL), phakic IOL

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Refractive error

  • 2. Emmetropia Adequate correlation between axial length and refractive power Parallel light rays fall on the retina (no accommodation)
  • 3. Ametropia (Refractive error) Mismatch between axial length and refractive power Parallel light rays don’t fall on the retina (no accommodation) Nearsightedness (Myopia) Farsightedness (Hyperopia) Astigmatism Presbyopia :NOT REFFERECTIVE ERROR
  • 4. Accommodation Emmetropic eye object closer than 6 M send divergent light that focus behind retina , adaptative mechanism of eye is increase refractive power by accommod ation  theory contraction of ciliary muscle -->decrease tension in zonule fibers -- >elasticity of lens capsule mold lens into spherical shape -->greater dio ptic power -->divergent rays are focused on retina contraction of ciliary muscle is supplied by parasympathetic third nerve
  • 6. Myopia Parallel rays converge at a focal point anterior to the retina Etiology : not clear , genetic factor Causes excessive long globe (axial myopia) : more common excessive refractive power (refractive myopia)
  • 8. Myopia Forms Benign myopia (school age myopia) onset 10-12 years , myopia increase until the child stops growing in height Progressive and malignant myopia interchangeable  myopia increase rapidly each year and is associated with vitreous opacities , fluidity of vitreous and chorioretinal change rate of increase in amount of myopia generally about 20 years of age
  • 9. Myopia Congenital myopia Myopia > 10 D Increase slowly each year
  • 10. Myopia Special forms : nuclear sclerosis , keratoconus , spherophakia Symptoms Blurred distance vision Squint in an attempt to improve uncorrected visual acuity when gazing into the distance Headache Amblyopia – uncorrected myopia > 10 D
  • 11. Myopia Morphologic changes deep anterior chamber atrophy of ciliary muscle vitreous may collapse prematurely -->opacification fundus change : loss of pigment in RPE , large disc and white crescent- shaped area on temporal side , RPE atrophy in macular area , posterior st aphyloma , retinal degeneration-->hole-->increase risk of RD Treatment : concave lenses, clear lens extraction
  • 13. Hyperopia Parallel rays converge at a focal point posterior to the retina Etiology : not clear , inherited Causes excessive short globe (axial hyperopia) : more common insufficient refractive power (refractive hyperopia)
  • 15. Hyperopia Special forms : lens dislocation , postoperative aphakia hyperopic persons must accommodate when gazing into distance to bring focal point on to the retina Symptoms distance vision is impaired in high refractive error( > 3 D) and in older patient
  • 16. Hyperopia Symptoms visual acuity at near tends to blur relatively early nature of blur is vary from inability to read fine print to near vision is clear but suddenly and intermittently blur blurred vision is more noticeable if person is tired , printing is weak or light inadequate asthenopic symptoms : eyepain, headache in frontal region, burning sensation in the eyes, blepharoconjunctivitis accommodative esotropia : because accommodation is linked to convergence -->ET Amblyopia – uncorrected hyperopia > 5D
  • 17. Hyperopia Fundus in axial hyperopia may reveal pseudooptic neuritis (indistinct disc margin, no physiologic cup, may elevate disc) DDx from optic neuritis by > 4 D , no enlarged blind spot, no passive congestion of vein Treatment : convex lenses, keratorefractive surgery, refreactive lensectomy with IOL, phakic IOL
  • 19. Astigmatism Parallel rays come to focus in 2 focal lines rather than a single focal point Etiology : heredity Cause : refractive media is not spherical-->refract differently along one meridian than along meridian perpendicular to it-->2 focal points ( punctiform object is represent as 2 sharply defined lines)
  • 21. Astigmatism Classification Regular astigmatism : power and orientation of principle meridians are constant With the rule astigmatism , Against the rule astigmatism , Oblique astigmatism  Simple or Compound myopic astigmatism , Simple or Compound hyperopic astigmatism , Mixed astigmatism Irregular astigmatism : power and orientation of principle meridians change across the pupil
  • 24. Astigmatism Symptoms asthenopic symptoms ( headache , eyepain) blurred vision distortion of vision head tilting and turning Amblyopia – uncorrected astigmatism > 1.5 D Treatment Regular astigmatism :cylinder lenses with or without spherical lenses(convex or concave), Sx Irregular astigmatism : rigid CL , surgery
  • 26. Presbyopia Physiologic loss of accommodation in advancing age deposit of insoluble proteins in lens in advancing age-- >elasticity of lens progressively decrease-->decrease accom modation around 45 years of age , accommodation become less than 3 D-->reading is possible at 40-50 cm-->difficultly reading fin e print , headache , visual fatigue
  • 27. Presbyopia Treatment convex lenses in near vision Reading glasses Bifocal glasses Trifocal glasses Progressive power glasses
  • 28. Anisometropia Difference in refractive power between 2 eyes refractive correction often leads to different image sizes on the 2 retinas( aniseikonia) aniseikonia depend on degree of refractive anomaly and type of correction closer to the site of refraction deficit the correction is made-->less retinal image changes in size
  • 29. Anisometropia Glasses : magnified or minified 2% per 1 D Contact lens : change less than glasses Tolerate aniseikonia ~ 5-8% Symptoms : usually congenital and often asymptomatic Treatment anisometropia > 4 D-->contact lens unilateral aphakia-->contact lens or intraocular lens
  • 30. Correction of refractive errors Far point point on the visual axis conjugate to the retina when accommodation is completely relaxed placing an object or imaging an object at far point will cause a clear image of that object to be relayed to the retina use correcting lenses to form an image of infinity at the far point , correcting the eye for distance
  • 32. Types of optical correction Spectacle lenses Monofocal lenses : spherical lenses , cylindrical lenses Multifocal lenses Contact lenses higher quality of optical image and less influence on the size of retinal image than spectacle lenses indication : cosmetic , athletic activities , occupational , irregular corneal astigmatism , high anisometropia , corneal disease
  • 33. Contact lenses disadvantages : careful daily cleaning and disinfection , expense complication : infectious keratitis , giant papillary conjunctivitis , corneal vascularization , severe chronic conjunctivitis Intraocular lenses replacement of cataract crystalline lens give best optical correction for aphakia , avoid significant magnification and distortion caused by spectacle lenses
  • 34. Surgical correction Keratorefractive surgery :RK, AK, PRK, LASIK, ICR, thermokeratoplasty Intraocular surgery : clear lens extraction (with or without IOL), phakic IOL