The document contains a schedule for a Java conference happening from October 3rd to 6th. It lists the keynote speeches and technical sessions happening each day, as well as breakout forums (BOF), receptions, and an appreciation event. Many names of speakers and session topics are included for each time slot.
The document discusses the structure and design of JavaFX applications. It explains that JavaFX uses a scene graph to organize visual elements in a tree structure with nodes like stages, scenes, containers and controls. It also covers using FXML to define the view and a controller class to link the view to the model/logic. Stylesheets are used to separate design from code. Common elements like media players, effects and animations are demonstrated.
This document describes a function that takes two arguments and processes them. The function accepts two inputs, performs some operation, and returns a result. In a concise manner, this document outlines a basic function definition and usage.
The document discusses 3D modeling in JavaFX and describes how to create a basic cube shape using a Box primitive. Code is provided to instantiate a new Box object with dimensions of 150 units each way and add it to the scene graph as a child of the parent node. Additional 3D primitives like sphere and cylinder are listed, as well as options for custom meshes, importing models, and viewing 3D content in JavaFX.
This short document discusses getting the process ID (PID) in Panama. It mentions including the unistd.h header file and linking with the unistd.jar library to use the getpid function, as well as potentially needing the shared object for it to work properly.
The document repeatedly discusses the concept of "Japanthink" but provides no further context or details about what Japanthink refers to. It consists solely of the word "Japanthink" printed multiple times.
This document describes a function that takes two arguments and processes them. The function accepts two inputs, performs some operation, and returns a result. In a concise manner, this document outlines a basic function definition and usage.
The document discusses 3D modeling in JavaFX and describes how to create a basic cube shape using a Box primitive. Code is provided to instantiate a new Box object with dimensions of 150 units each way and add it to the scene graph as a child of the parent node. Additional 3D primitives like sphere and cylinder are listed, as well as options for custom meshes, importing models, and viewing 3D content in JavaFX.
This short document discusses getting the process ID (PID) in Panama. It mentions including the unistd.h header file and linking with the unistd.jar library to use the getpid function, as well as potentially needing the shared object for it to work properly.
The document repeatedly discusses the concept of "Japanthink" but provides no further context or details about what Japanthink refers to. It consists solely of the word "Japanthink" printed multiple times.
Project Jigsaw introduces a modular system to Java to address issues with non-modular code. It divides the Java platform API into named modules that clearly define dependencies and exported packages. This avoids issues with classes from sun.* and com.sun.* packages being inaccessible or the huge size of rt.jar. The module system allows modular and non-modular code to coexist through automatic modules and the unnamed module. Tools like jdeps and jlink are provided to help with adoption and management of modules.
El documento describe un proyecto llamado Valhalla que consiste en una lista de puntos con coordenadas x e y. La lista contiene cabeceras y puntos con valores numéricos para x e y.
English follows Japanese.
筑波技術大学アレクサスキル開発チームがJAWS のユーザグループで登壇した内容です.視覚障害者の開発についても少しだけ触れています.
This is a presentation given by the Tsukuba University of Technology Alexa Skills Development Team at a JAWS user group. It also touches briefly on development for visually impaired people.
Guidance for beginners and experts on how to set up a Windows driver developm...Atomu Hidaka
This explains how to build a Windows driver development environment that can be used immediately by beginners and experts alike. The author, who has extensive experience developing various Windows drivers, shows the latest and simplest ways to use Visual Studio and WDK.