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Sample Budget for School-Age Program1

This sample budget represents 12 months of operation, which includes full-time
service during the summer (10 weeks) and part-time service during the school
year (42 weeks). These forms should only be used as guidelines as you develop
a budget for your school-age care program.


        This form provides a summary of the program expenses by category
        (Program Expense column) and anticipated revenue for the budget
        period (Revenue Statement), providing a picture of a balanced budget.
        Numbers for each budget expense category are transferred from the
        Budget Narrative (see below) to the Budget Summary Form and Budget
        Narrative Form which follow.

        The purpose of the Budget Narrative is to provide adequate explanations,
        justifications and detail of program expenditures. This Sample Budget
        represents only the expenses assigned to a school-age care program (or
        cost center). When expenses are shared among program components in
        a multi-service organization, the school-age care program’s costs can be
        shown as a percentage of the total cost. This will provide a more accurate
        picture of the costs for just the school-age program. Below is an
        explanation of information included in each budget category of the Sample

        This category lists administrative, child-care and other program staff. It
        indicates the position/title, and number of staff for each position/title, the
        percentage of time they will work or number of hours they will work per
        week, their annual salary or wages per hour, and the number of weeks
        they will be employed in the program. It should include calculations for
        determining amounts and separate costs of summer personnel from
        school term personnel.
                Example: Teacher - 35 hrs/wk x $10/hr x 42 weeks = $14,700

 Excerpted and adapted with permission from R. Newman, Module 6, Creating and Managing Budgets in School-
Age Programs, Arkansas OST Training Modules, 2009. Certification curriculum originally developed by the SD
Department of Social Services, Office of Child Care Services and Roberta L. Newman, 2004. Budget Material
Developed by Southeastern Pennsylvania School Age Child Care Project.

     This category lists benefits and provides detail on how benefits are
     calculated. Social Security Insurance (F.I.C.A.), Unemployment
     Insurance, and Worker’s Compensation must be included as part of
     a benefit package. Other benefits may also apply. Fringe benefits
     are based on a certain percentage of employee salaries. This
     percentage may change from year to year. It is important to
     determine an accurate fringe benefit % when preparing a budget
     each year. Actual numbers from previous years will be helpful as
     well as current regulations applying to benefits.
     Example: Fringe = 18% of salaries & includes: F.I.C.A., Worker’s
     Compensation, State Unemployment Insurance (S.U.I.), and Health

     This category lists legal and CPA’s (audits), as well as other
     consultants that receive a fee for service. Include type of service,
     daily or hourly fees and projected number of days or hours of
     service. Show calculations for determining the amount for the

     This category indicates costs for Office Supplies; Educational,
     Recreational,   Classroom     or    other    Program    Supplies;
     Health/Medical Supplies; Cleaning Supplies; Food (including
     snacks) as well as other consumable supplies. Show how each
     amount was calculated. In the sample budget, supplies include any
     single non consumable item costing less than $500.
     Arts & Crafts Supplies - 10 children x $30/mo x 12 mos = $3,600
     2 storage cabinets - 2 cabinets x $250/each = $500

     This category lists equipment to be purchased and estimated cost
     for each item; equipment rental and the estimated cost of rent for
     each item; and the estimated cost of maintenance and repair of
     equipment. Separate Office Equipment from Program Equipment.
     List freight expenses separately and include the formula used for
     arriving at the amount for freight. In the sample budget, equipment
     is any single non consumable item costing $500 or more.

     This category itemizes expenses related to staff travel and
     children’s field trips and provides calculations for projected travel
     Example: Field Trips (bus rental) - 3 trips x $150/trip = $450

     This category itemizes expenses related to Staff Training. List
     types of training staff will be attending and estimated costs for each
     type of training.

     This category itemizes expenses related to advertising and
     promotion of your program and/or recruitment of children or staff for
     the program. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item
     (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.)
     Example: 10 ads in local papers - 10 ads x $25/each = $250

     This category itemizes expenses related to the printing or
     reproduction of materials. Indicate how you arrived at the amount
     for each item (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.)
     Example: 1000 Brochures @ $200 per 1000 = $200

     Under this category, list expenses related to insurance costs
     required to operate the program (i.e. liability insurance, accident
     insurance, etc.). List types of insurance and estimated costs for the
     program term.
     Example: Program Liability - $63/child x 10 children = $630

     Under this category, itemize expenses related to space rental,
     utilities, etc. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item
     (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.). If expenses are in-kind contributions,
     list approximate value and reflect as an in-kind contribution in the
     Revenue Statement.

     Example: Phone $75/mo x 12 mos = $900

               Under this category, itemize other operational expenses not
               covered in the previous categories. Indicate how you arrived at the
               amount for each item (i.e., estimates, formulas, etc.)

               Example: Postage - $15/mo x 12 mos = $180

       M.      OTHER
               Under this category, itemize expenses not reflected in other
               categories. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item
               (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.)

               Example: Criminal History/Child Abuse Clearances – 2 staff
               checks x $20 each = $40

                                BUDGET SUMMARY
Beginning July 1, 2009 Ending June 30, 2010


A. PERSONNEL                        $57,670
B. FRINGE BENEFITS                  $10,381
C. CONSULTANTS                       $3,100
D. SUPPLIES                         $17,996
E. EQUIPMENT                         $3,354
F. TRAVEL                            $2,430
G. STAFF TRAINING                     $445
H. ADVERTISING/PROMOTION              $450
I. PRINTING/REPRODUCTION              $563
J. INSURANCE                         $1,890
K. OCCUPANCY                         $5,100
L. OTHER OPERATING                    $225
M. OTHER EXPENSES                       $60
                   TOTALS          $103,664

Revenue Statement

Amounts From:

Parent Fees                         $65,097
State Subsidies                     $15,120
Private Foundations                  $5,000
Fundraising Events                   $1,200
Private Donations                     $500
Grants                              $12,500
Registration                          $750
CACFP                                $3,150
In-kind                                $347
                        TOTAL      $103,664

  (Adapted from Material Developed by Southeastern Pennsylvania School Age Child Care Project)

                                                                 Budget Item   Subtotal/Total
Budgeted Items with Explanations                                  Amounts        Amounts
  1 Director $2,750 x 3 mos                                        $8,250
  1 Teacher $12/hr x 40 hrs/wk x 10 wks                            $4,800
  1 Asst. Teacher $8.50/hr x 40 hrs/wk x 10 wks                    $3,400

School Year
  1 Director $3,000/mo x 9 mos x 50%                              $13,500
  1 Teacher $12/hr x 35 hrs/wk x 42 wks                           $17,640
  1 Asst. Teacher $8.50/hr x 20 hrs/wk x 42 wks                    $7,140
  1 Aide $7/hr x 10 hrs/wk x 42 wks                                $2,940        $57,670

Fringe Benefits
   Total salaries x 18% ($60,470 x 18%)                           $10,381        $10,381
      Workman’s Compensation
      Health Insurance

    Audit (CPAs)                                                    $500
    Legal                                                          $1,000
    Dance Instructor $50/session x 20 sessions                     $1,000
    Storyteller $150 x 4 sessions                                   $600           $3,100

     Office Supplies $100/mo x 12 mos x 50%                         $600
     Snacks                                                        $5,720
         Summer 30 children x 50 days x $2.85
         School Year 30 children x 180 days x $.2675
     Arts & Craft Supplies 30 children x $10/child x 12 mos        $3,600
     Games $25/game x 20 games                                      $500
     Small Sports Equipment (balls, parachute, jump ropes,          $585
         Frisbees, etc.)
     Program Supplies (pencils, puzzles, paper) $20/child x 30      $600
     Locking Storage Cabinet 2 x $395 plus 14% S/H                  $901
     Chairs 30 chairs x $40/chair                                  $1,200
     Tables 5 tables x $150/table                                   $750
     Rugs 2 rugs @ $150/rug                                         $300
     Dramatic Play Supplies (hats, clothes, props, etc.)            $750
     Science Supplies                                               $500
     Legos, Knex, other manipulatives                               $500
     Books 25 books x $20/book                                      $500
     Microwave Oven                                                 $500
     Stereo/CD Player                                               $250
     CD Section 20 CDs X $12                                        $240

(Adapted from Material Developed by Southeastern Pennsylvania School Age Child Care Project)

                                                               Budget Item   Subtotal/Total
Budgeted Items with Explanations                                Amounts        Amounts
  Ping Pong Table                                                 $500
  Triple Fold-n-Lock Storage Unit on Wheels with trays            $779
  Woodworking Project Center                                      $525
  Refrigerator                                                    $525
  3 Tier Locker Set                                              $1,025          $3,354

   Field Trips 6 x $150/trip                                      $900
   Theater Tickets 34 x $15/ea x 2 performances                  $1,020
   Baseball/Sports Event Tickets 34 x $15 ea                      $510           $2,430

Staff Training
   First Aid/CPR 2 Staff x $150                                   $300
   Hot Ideas for Cold Days 2 Staff x $20 ea                        $40
   Beating the Heat 4 Staff x $20 ea                               $80
   Administrative Roundtables 5 Sessions x $5 ea                   $25            $445

  Ads in local paper 4 ads x $150/ea                              $600            $600

   Program Brochures 1,000 copies x $.50                          $500
   Flyers 2,500 copies x $.025                                     $63            $563

   Liability $63/child x 30 children                             $1,890          $1,890

Renovation/Capitol                                                  $0               $0

  Rent $1,200/mo x 25% x 12 mos                                  $3,600
  Utilities $300/mo x 25% x 12 mos                                $900
  Phone $200/mo x 25% x 12 mos                                    $600           $5,100

Other Operating
  Postage $75/mo x 25% x 12 mos                                   $225            $225

  Criminal History/Child Abuse Clearances (3 Staff x $20 ea)       $60             $60


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  • 1. BUDGET RESOURCE Sample Budget for School-Age Program1 BUDGET CATEGORY DEFINITIONS & INSTRUCTIONS This sample budget represents 12 months of operation, which includes full-time service during the summer (10 weeks) and part-time service during the school year (42 weeks). These forms should only be used as guidelines as you develop a budget for your school-age care program. I. BUDGET SUMMARY This form provides a summary of the program expenses by category (Program Expense column) and anticipated revenue for the budget period (Revenue Statement), providing a picture of a balanced budget. Numbers for each budget expense category are transferred from the Budget Narrative (see below) to the Budget Summary Form and Budget Narrative Form which follow. II. BUDGET NARRATIVE The purpose of the Budget Narrative is to provide adequate explanations, justifications and detail of program expenditures. This Sample Budget represents only the expenses assigned to a school-age care program (or cost center). When expenses are shared among program components in a multi-service organization, the school-age care program’s costs can be shown as a percentage of the total cost. This will provide a more accurate picture of the costs for just the school-age program. Below is an explanation of information included in each budget category of the Sample Budget. A. PERSONNEL This category lists administrative, child-care and other program staff. It indicates the position/title, and number of staff for each position/title, the percentage of time they will work or number of hours they will work per week, their annual salary or wages per hour, and the number of weeks they will be employed in the program. It should include calculations for determining amounts and separate costs of summer personnel from school term personnel. Example: Teacher - 35 hrs/wk x $10/hr x 42 weeks = $14,700 1 Excerpted and adapted with permission from R. Newman, Module 6, Creating and Managing Budgets in School- Age Programs, Arkansas OST Training Modules, 2009. Certification curriculum originally developed by the SD Department of Social Services, Office of Child Care Services and Roberta L. Newman, 2004. Budget Material Developed by Southeastern Pennsylvania School Age Child Care Project. 1
  • 2. B. FRINGE BENEFITS This category lists benefits and provides detail on how benefits are calculated. Social Security Insurance (F.I.C.A.), Unemployment Insurance, and Worker’s Compensation must be included as part of a benefit package. Other benefits may also apply. Fringe benefits are based on a certain percentage of employee salaries. This percentage may change from year to year. It is important to determine an accurate fringe benefit % when preparing a budget each year. Actual numbers from previous years will be helpful as well as current regulations applying to benefits. Example: Fringe = 18% of salaries & includes: F.I.C.A., Worker’s Compensation, State Unemployment Insurance (S.U.I.), and Health Insurance. C. CONSULTANTS This category lists legal and CPA’s (audits), as well as other consultants that receive a fee for service. Include type of service, daily or hourly fees and projected number of days or hours of service. Show calculations for determining the amount for the category. D. SUPPLIES This category indicates costs for Office Supplies; Educational, Recreational, Classroom or other Program Supplies; Health/Medical Supplies; Cleaning Supplies; Food (including snacks) as well as other consumable supplies. Show how each amount was calculated. In the sample budget, supplies include any single non consumable item costing less than $500. Examples: Arts & Crafts Supplies - 10 children x $30/mo x 12 mos = $3,600 2 storage cabinets - 2 cabinets x $250/each = $500 E. EQUIPMENT This category lists equipment to be purchased and estimated cost for each item; equipment rental and the estimated cost of rent for each item; and the estimated cost of maintenance and repair of equipment. Separate Office Equipment from Program Equipment. List freight expenses separately and include the formula used for arriving at the amount for freight. In the sample budget, equipment is any single non consumable item costing $500 or more. 2
  • 3. F. TRAVEL This category itemizes expenses related to staff travel and children’s field trips and provides calculations for projected travel costs. Example: Field Trips (bus rental) - 3 trips x $150/trip = $450 G. STAFF TRAINING This category itemizes expenses related to Staff Training. List types of training staff will be attending and estimated costs for each type of training. H. ADVERTISING/PROMOTION This category itemizes expenses related to advertising and promotion of your program and/or recruitment of children or staff for the program. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.) Example: 10 ads in local papers - 10 ads x $25/each = $250 I. PRINTING/REPRODUCTION This category itemizes expenses related to the printing or reproduction of materials. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.) Example: 1000 Brochures @ $200 per 1000 = $200 J. INSURANCE Under this category, list expenses related to insurance costs required to operate the program (i.e. liability insurance, accident insurance, etc.). List types of insurance and estimated costs for the program term. Example: Program Liability - $63/child x 10 children = $630 K. OCCUPANCY EXPENSES Under this category, itemize expenses related to space rental, utilities, etc. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.). If expenses are in-kind contributions, list approximate value and reflect as an in-kind contribution in the Revenue Statement. Example: Phone $75/mo x 12 mos = $900 3
  • 4. L. OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES Under this category, itemize other operational expenses not covered in the previous categories. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item (i.e., estimates, formulas, etc.) Example: Postage - $15/mo x 12 mos = $180 M. OTHER Under this category, itemize expenses not reflected in other categories. Indicate how you arrived at the amount for each item (i.e. estimates, formulas, etc.) Example: Criminal History/Child Abuse Clearances – 2 staff checks x $20 each = $40 BUDGET SUMMARY Beginning July 1, 2009 Ending June 30, 2010 Expenditures BUDGET CATEGORIES PROGRAM EXPENSE A. PERSONNEL $57,670 B. FRINGE BENEFITS $10,381 C. CONSULTANTS $3,100 D. SUPPLIES $17,996 E. EQUIPMENT $3,354 F. TRAVEL $2,430 G. STAFF TRAINING $445 H. ADVERTISING/PROMOTION $450 I. PRINTING/REPRODUCTION $563 J. INSURANCE $1,890 K. OCCUPANCY $5,100 L. OTHER OPERATING $225 M. OTHER EXPENSES $60 TOTALS $103,664 Revenue Statement Amounts From: Parent Fees $65,097 State Subsidies $15,120 Private Foundations $5,000 Fundraising Events $1,200 Private Donations $500 Grants $12,500 Registration $750 CACFP $3,150 In-kind $347 TOTAL $103,664 4
  • 5. BUDGET NARRATIVE (Adapted from Material Developed by Southeastern Pennsylvania School Age Child Care Project) Budget Item Subtotal/Total Budgeted Items with Explanations Amounts Amounts Personnel Summer 1 Director $2,750 x 3 mos $8,250 1 Teacher $12/hr x 40 hrs/wk x 10 wks $4,800 1 Asst. Teacher $8.50/hr x 40 hrs/wk x 10 wks $3,400 School Year 1 Director $3,000/mo x 9 mos x 50% $13,500 1 Teacher $12/hr x 35 hrs/wk x 42 wks $17,640 1 Asst. Teacher $8.50/hr x 20 hrs/wk x 42 wks $7,140 1 Aide $7/hr x 10 hrs/wk x 42 wks $2,940 $57,670 Fringe Benefits Total salaries x 18% ($60,470 x 18%) $10,381 $10,381 F.I.C.A. Medicare S.U.I Workman’s Compensation Health Insurance Consultants Audit (CPAs) $500 Legal $1,000 Dance Instructor $50/session x 20 sessions $1,000 Storyteller $150 x 4 sessions $600 $3,100 Supplies Office Supplies $100/mo x 12 mos x 50% $600 Snacks $5,720 Summer 30 children x 50 days x $2.85 School Year 30 children x 180 days x $.2675 Arts & Craft Supplies 30 children x $10/child x 12 mos $3,600 Games $25/game x 20 games $500 Small Sports Equipment (balls, parachute, jump ropes, $585 Frisbees, etc.) Program Supplies (pencils, puzzles, paper) $20/child x 30 $600 children Locking Storage Cabinet 2 x $395 plus 14% S/H $901 Chairs 30 chairs x $40/chair $1,200 Tables 5 tables x $150/table $750 Rugs 2 rugs @ $150/rug $300 Dramatic Play Supplies (hats, clothes, props, etc.) $750 Science Supplies $500 Legos, Knex, other manipulatives $500 Books 25 books x $20/book $500 Microwave Oven $500 Stereo/CD Player $250 CD Section 20 CDs X $12 $240 $17,996 5
  • 6. BUDGET NARRATIVE (Adapted from Material Developed by Southeastern Pennsylvania School Age Child Care Project) Budget Item Subtotal/Total Budgeted Items with Explanations Amounts Amounts Equipment Ping Pong Table $500 Triple Fold-n-Lock Storage Unit on Wheels with trays $779 Woodworking Project Center $525 Refrigerator $525 3 Tier Locker Set $1,025 $3,354 Travel Field Trips 6 x $150/trip $900 Theater Tickets 34 x $15/ea x 2 performances $1,020 Baseball/Sports Event Tickets 34 x $15 ea $510 $2,430 Staff Training First Aid/CPR 2 Staff x $150 $300 Hot Ideas for Cold Days 2 Staff x $20 ea $40 Beating the Heat 4 Staff x $20 ea $80 Administrative Roundtables 5 Sessions x $5 ea $25 $445 Advertising/Promotion Ads in local paper 4 ads x $150/ea $600 $600 Printing/Reproduction Program Brochures 1,000 copies x $.50 $500 Flyers 2,500 copies x $.025 $63 $563 Insurance Liability $63/child x 30 children $1,890 $1,890 Renovation/Capitol $0 $0 Occupancy Rent $1,200/mo x 25% x 12 mos $3,600 Utilities $300/mo x 25% x 12 mos $900 Phone $200/mo x 25% x 12 mos $600 $5,100 Other Operating Postage $75/mo x 25% x 12 mos $225 $225 Other Criminal History/Child Abuse Clearances (3 Staff x $20 ea) $60 $60 6