This document provides interpretations of images from a Biofield Viewer, noting areas of pooling energy, blocked or low chakras, stress patterns, and imbalances that could indicate physical or emotional health issues like digestive problems, breathing issues, muscle tension, sadness or relationship conflicts for the individual scanned. Instructions are given on using the Biofield Viewer for live healing sessions and monitoring transformations during and after healing.
8. 12” Busy body
14” - 18” Busy mind
Guilt or shame driven overdoing
Frustrated non-doing
Outer edge
Bottle fed
Thick energy from edge of field all the
way to the head on both sides - 3rd
Eye & crown chakras
Person has not allowed him/herself
to feel/express sadness
8” Worried about the future
10”-12” Mother10”-12” Father
26” Adrenal26” Adrenal
6” - 8” In a relationship with a lot of arguing
Feeling that we don't have enough time to do everything.
“Faith is knowing you have enough time to do everything you have to do”.
Must be fully present in the present moment to be in relationship
With the divine. Get outside barefoot.
A lot of energy just off left shoulder if depressed or frequently sad.
Lack of early support from mother?
Inability to nourish oneself properly or
making bad choices that don't support our well-being.
Slavery yoke
17. Biofield Viewer interpretation
Chak. V Front top
Focal Point: Heart Chakra,
sadness, grief
Environmental exposure
Symmetry 8/10
Points of interest:
Thickening of bands at torso.
Pooling in cheeks and brow
Outer field: silver and orange are
strong positive colors, well
balanced in this image.
Image Alignment: good
18. Chak. V Back top
Focal point: Pink rings and
pooling mid back
Symmetry: 6/10
Points of interest:
Banding at arms and shoulders
indicative of issue at spine, waist
Outer Field: Yellow indicative of
thoughtfulness, yet sometimes
Image alignment good, cropped
from original
Biofield Viewer interpretation
19. Chakra Viewer Front Close
Focal Point: Pooling rear right
teeth and into lymphatic
Symmetry 4/10
Bright brow centre
Stressed eyes, recommend
eye test.
Alignment good
Biofield Viewer interpretation
20. Chakra View: Front Image
Symmetry is not balanced,6/10
Pooling seen in the upper and lower jaw
can be due to digestive or breathing
problem, most of the time it is because
of dental issues. You have to look out for
associated chakra for finding definite
In this case it may be due to breathing
problem and with digestive issues as his
lung field and solar plexus is showing
low energy.
Irritable bowel syndrome related to
stress leading to irritability of bowel
can be rule out by taking history from
subject as his face pattern and solar and
Naval is showing pooling energy.
21. Brow Chakra: Blocked may be due
to stress or depression
Low energy can be seen in both
sinus area? Cold.
Throat Chakra, low energy pattern
can be seen may be due to thyroid
problem or non expressiveness.
Heart Chakra: disturbed feelings .
Solar Chakra, Acidic tendency of
body may be due to stress.
22. Chakra View-front Leg Image
Knee problem : pooling seen
in both knees ,Rt. Knee is
more affected than Lt. Knee.
Base Chakra shows good
Poor circulation in legs, rule
out blood sugar /varicose
vein problem, even stress
can lead to poor circulation
in legs.
23. Chakra mode-Front view
Biofield energy shows low
energy orange band indicates
stress pattern causing
disturbance of mind and lack
of concentration.
Sinus areas, lung fields shows
low energy indicating
possibility of breathing
problem, needs
Except throat, all chakras are
showing low energies.
Total blockage in heart chakra
may be due to failure in
expressing his feelings.??Break
up with steady relationship
24. Chakra mode-back view
Biofield energy shows low energy
orange band covered with spiritual
yellow band indicates stress pattern
causing disturbance of mind and lack
of concentration.
Stress leading to muscle spasm of
upper/ lower back and neck.
(backach, pain in neck).
Stress can be due to relationship
problem ??non expressiveness.
On physical level it can be manifested
by indigestion, gases, costipation…..
26. Biofield Viewer free online training webinar. Introduce live biofield monitoring into your
practice with this interpretation training and continuing support. 17th September, 2016.
Before healing and self healing During healing and self healing