Safeguarding and Prevent
It is our aim to ensure every child up to the age of 19 and every vulnerable adult is kept safe. Stockton Learning and Skills Service together with Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council aim to safeguard adults against abuse or neglect and to raise awareness throughout the community to prevent further abuse or neglect and will comply with their statutory duty to promote the Prevent Agenda to protect learners from the risk of radicalisation and being drawn into terrorism. If you think you have been harmed or abused by another learner, member of staff or visitor or if you are a victim of cyberbullying you should report this as soon as possible.
Tell a member of staff what is happening or contact the Safeguarding Team at 07775227534 or by email to l[email protected]If out of hours, please call the First Contact Team on 01642 524552. You can view information on agencies for further assistance.
Equal Opportunities for All
We are committed to providing provision which embraces diversity and promotes equal opportunity. The Service is committed to equality and valuing diversity within its workforce. Our goal is to ensure these commitments, reinforced by the operating values, are embedded in the day to day working practices with all learners, customers, colleagues and partners. Everyone in Britain is legally protected through the Equality Act 2010 and is such our learners will be protected from discrimination, harassment or victimisation based on any of the following characteristics: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion, and belief, sex and sexual orientation. We will promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different backgrounds, faiths and beliefs. We recognise that all learners at some time may need specific support and encouragement to meet their full potential. We will seek to remove barriers to equality of opportunity and eliminate unfair and unlawful discrimination.
If you would like further advice regarding equal opportunities please speak to your tutor or contact our main reception on 01642 527916 and they will ensure a Team Leader contacts you.
Stockton Learning and Skills Service will:
- Provide a learning environment where harassment and bullying is unacceptable behaviour which will be challenged
- Minimise the barriers faced by people using our buildings and facilities
- Consult with all sections of the community about current and future needs
- Produce a range of information about our service available in relevant languages, in large print, audio tape and Braille when required.