The Three Houses Templates

The Three Houses template is a valuable tool that social workers can use to engage children in meaningful conversations about their thoughts, feelings, and aspirations. This creative and interactive tool is designed to explore three important aspects of a child’s life, represented by three different houses:

  1. House of Worries: This is where children or families can list their concerns and worries. It provides a safe space to identify and discuss challenges they are facing.

  2. House of Good Things: In this house, people can share the positive aspects of their lives. It encourages them to focus on their strengths, achievements, and things that make them happy.

  3. House of Hopes and Dreams: Here, children or families can express their aspirations and goals for the future. It helps in setting targets and working towards a better outcome.

To use the Three Houses template, a social worker can sit with the child and facilitate the process by asking guiding questions or providing prompts. The child can either draw or write their responses in each house, making it a creative and personalised activity.


Template 1 

3 houses social work pdf

Template 2

Free 3 Houses Template Direct Work PDF download

Template 3 (Girls)

Three houses free pdf download girls social work tools toolkit

Template 4 (Boys)

Three houses pdf boys social work tools toolkit

Template 5

Three houses tool free template pdf social work

Template 6

Three houses tool free template pdf social work

Template 7

Free three 3 houses template worksheet pdf social work download

Template 8

3 houses three houses template pdf

Template 9

Three Houses Activity to Print

Template 10

three houses free template pdf printable


The Three Houses Tool Guide

The ‘3 Houses Tool’ Guide is a practical resource for engaging children in child protection assessments through three visual frameworks: Worries, Strengths, and Hopes and Dreams. It provides step-by-step instructions for using the tool, real-life case examples, and strategies for involving parents in collaborative safety planning. The guide emphasises building trust, respecting children’s pace, and integrating their voices into decision-making while offering theoretical insights from strengths-based and solution-focused practices.

The Three Houses Tool Guide free pdf download

The Three Houses Tool Guide 2

This is another comprehensive resource providing guidance on using the ‘3 Houses’ framework in child protection work to gather children’s views effectively. It includes detailed explanations of the three houses: Worries, Strengths, and Hopes and Dreams, and how they can be used to explore concerns, highlight strengths, and envision a safer, positive future. The guide offers practical steps for preparing and conducting sessions, sample questions for engaging children, and real-life case studies illustrating its application. It also emphasises ethical considerations, such as transparency and respecting children’s pace, while incorporating strengths-based and solution-focused practices.

The Three Houses Tool Guide for social workers instructions