Premier World Discovery Trips

Let Your Imagination Wander As You Consider Traveling To Great Locales
All the hard parts (selecting and booking the best air travel, hotels, and restaurants) are done for you
Enjoy journeying with travel buffs who know the best of the best
In-person meeting info
In-Person Meeting Info
Want to know more about our 2025 trips, and meet a Premier World Discovery representative who can help you choose the best trip for you? Join us for an in-person travel meeting. Thursday, February 6th, 2025, 2pm here at The Spokesman-Review. 999 W Riverside, Spokane, WA.
Attendees must register in advance by emailing advertising@spokesman.com, or by calling (509) 459-5095. We’re limiting the meeting to 30 attendees but can add another time if we fill up.
Have more questions? Please call 1-877-953-8687.
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