Bess is a 22 year old Percheron mare. She's very sweet, and has already given rides to children of various ages and Vicky and Jenny. More pictures of Bess are available.

Photo by Lisa Babcock

Jenny also has 2 new Bashkir Curly horses. Molly is a 5 year old mare, "blue roan" color (if you look closely, you'll see alternating grey and white hairs; but if you step back, she looks blue). Here she is hanging out with Bess.

Cactus Pete is a feisty, 2 year old Bashkir Curly stallion with a red roan coloring. During the winter of 2000/2001, we sent him off to "reform school". Then he came back to the farm. Finally we sent him back to live with his mother in Tennessee... but not before siring a colt with Molly.

On Feb. 21st, 2002, Molly gave birth to a colt, Sandstorm (or Sandy, for short). Sandy is a pinkish tan, much like the color of sandstone. Pictures of him will be posted soon. Back to farm home page.