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English-Irish Dictionary (de Bhaldraithe, 1959)

This is a searchable electronic version of de Bhaldraithe’s English-Irish Dictionary. The English-Irish Dictionary itself was first published in 1959, and an Appendix entitled Terminological Additions and Corrections was subsequently published in 1978. In this online version, the additions and amendments contained in the Appendix have been incorporated into the original dictionary. Apart from that the original text of the dictionary is faithfully adhered to, other than the correction of some typographical errors.

Note that the Caighdeán Oifigiúil/Official Standard was not available in time to be implemented throughout the English-Irish Dictionary at the time of its publication in 1959 and, accordingly, the spelling and grammar of the Irish versions in English-Irish Dictionary are not wholly compliant with the Caighdeán Oifigiúil. Users should therefore be aware of inconsistencies and are advised to check features such as spelling, gender, conjugation, inflection, rules of syntax etc in more contemporary dictionaries and in standardised sources.

How to use

To look up a word, simply type the word in the search box and click to find the relevant information in English-Irish Dictionary. The entry or entries for that word in English-Irish Dictionary  are given first, followed by any related entries, followed by sample phrases in which the search word occurs under other entries within English-Irish Dictionary. On the right is displayed an index of the neigbouring English-Irish Dictionary  headwords, while a selection of words similar to the search word is displayed directly below the search box.

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