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sailing could be a grammatical form of: sail »
New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for sailing »
sailing1, a. 1 Fleet sailing, cabhlach ar muir. 2 Sailing-ship, long seoil. Sailing-boat, bád m seoil. 3 Fast-sailing ship, soitheach gasta.
sailing2, s. 1 a Seoltóireacht f. Plain sailing, seoladh díreach, ar an rumlíne. F: It is plain sailing from now on, tá an bealach réitithe feasta. b Siúl m (loinge). Fast sailing, siúl géar. Navy: Order of sailing, ordú seolta. 2 Seoladh m, imeacht m. Port of sailing, port m imeachta.
Rowing is one thing, sailing is another, is mór idir iomramh agus seoltóireacht.
Nau: Sailing large, ag imeacht le cóir, fairsing.
Mercator's sailing, seoladh m ar an rumlíne.
The ship was under sailing orders, bhí ordú siúil ag an long.
The clouds were sailing by, bhí na néalta ag seoladh leo.
Sailing ship, soitheach seoil.
Sailing the waves, ag treabhadh na dtonn.
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