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Similar words: suigh · asúigh · dúigh · saigh · sáigh
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súigh, v.t. (pres. súnn, fut. súfaidh, vn. sú, pp. -ite). 1. Absorb, suck. Shúigh an talamh é, the ground absorbed it. Súfaidh an cheirt é, the cloth will soak it up. Tá mo bhróga ag sú an uisce, my shoes are letting the water seep in. Tá an nimh ag sú tríd, the poison is infiltrating it. Súnn an chuilithe isteach síos ina lár iad, the vortex sucks them down into its centre. Ní shúnn a chorp an bia mar is ceart, his body does not assimilate the food properly. Meteor: Tá sé ag sú chuige, the rain-clouds are gathering. 2. Ch: Occlude.
~ an sú as, press the juice out of it.
~ súite, suction-dredge.
Sú na h~, spirits distilled from barley.
~ an sú, an t-uisce, as, press the juice, the water, out of it.
Sú ~e, lemon juice.
5. ~ shúigh, squid.
~ súite, blotting-paper.
~ súite, suction-shaft.
Gan sú ná ~, without sap or vigour.
Níl sú ná ~ ann, there is no sap in it; it is insipid, lifeless, most uninteresting.
~ súite, suction fan.
~ líomóidí, oráistí, lemon-, orange-, juice.
Diúl an ~ as, suck the juice out of it.
~ tobac, nicotine.
~ na heorna, juice of barley, whiskey.
~ na fíniúna, wine.
~ na cíche, breast-milk.
~ a chroí, a uchta, his heart’s blood.
~ crainn, sap of tree.
Talamh gan ~, sapless soil.
Bhain tú an ~ as, you took the sap, the good, out of it.
Níl mórán ~ fágtha anois ionam, there is not much sap left in me now.
~ circe, chicken soup.
~ caoireola, mutton broth.
~ craobh, raspberry.
~ talún, strawberry.
~ uisce, teasa, absorption of water, of heat.
~ bia, assimilation of food.
~ trá, suction of receding tide.
Tá ~ san aimsir seo, the ground dries quickly in weather like this.
~ ribeach, capillary attraction.
Gléas ~ite, suction apparatus.
~ gás, occlusion of gases.
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