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Python Function

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Functions are the most powerful features of any programming language, so much so that you won’t be able to write proficient code without mastering the concept and syntax of functions. So what are functions and what makes them such an integral part of learning how to write code with Python? Let’s dive in.

In order to write functions, it is very important to first understand why they are used. Imagine that you are given the task of developing a calculator using Python.

Your calculator needs to take two operand values and also one of the four mathematical operations – add, subtract, multiply or divide. A user of your calculator could enter any values for the two numbers and could also choose any of the four mathematical operations. The calculator should work for any of these combinations and should always return the correct value to the user.

How can we develop this calculator that can take a wide range of values and could use any mathematical operation? This is where functions come to the rescue.

What Are Functions in Python?

Functions are used when you need to execute a block of code or logic for a wide range of possible values. Functions are used to do a repetitive task by grouping the logic of the task into a function and then just using that logic multiple times with different sets of values. It allows us to write our logic once and use it as many times as we need.

Function usage is divided into two parts:

  1. Defining a function
  2. Using/calling a function

How to Define a Function in Python

  • A function in Python is defined using a def keyword followed by the name of the function, then followed by a set of round parentheses. We’ll see an example below.
  • A function may or may not need an input.
    • Input, if any, is defined for a function using parameters.
    • Multiple parameters should be separated by a comma.
    • Input parameters can be assigned a default value using the equal sign.
  • A function may or may not provide any output.
    • Output from a function should be provided using a return keyword followed by values that need to be output or returned.
    • If there is a need to return or output multiple values from a function, they need to be separated by a comma.

How to Call a Function in Python

  • Functions in Python can be called by using the name of the function followed by round parentheses.
  • When defined, if the function had input parameters, the values for those parameters can now be provided inside the round parentheses while calling the function. When these values are provided while calling the function, they are called arguments.
  • The order in which the arguments are provided should match the order in which the parameters were listed in function definition.
  • If the function definition returns a value or output, it can be stored for future use by assigning the function call to a variable. This variable will be assigned to the returned value of the function.

Python Function Syntax

Code Example
# function definition
def function_name(optional_parameters_separated_by_comma):
    Function logic goes here. Indentation is very crucial to separate
    Function definition from the body of the function. 
        Use indentation to group a block of code together. This indented block of code is different from the previous one. 
    return optional_return_value_1, optional_return_value_2, so on…

# calling the function
returned_value_from_fn = function_name(optional_argument_one, optional_argument_two)

That was a lot of information. It can be challenging to understand this information without having a look at an actual function. Functions are a bit challenging to understand and use if you have never written any code before. To make this much simpler, let’s take a look at a couple of examples in Python starting with a basic function with no inputs or outputs. We’ll then look at something a bit more complex.

Code Example
# function definition - greet_hello_world
# no parameters
>>> def greet_hello_world():print('hello world')# calling the function - greet_hello_world
# no arguments
>>> greet_hello_world()
hello world

The first function we wrote is greet_hello_world. This function does not take any parameters or input and does not return any values as output from the function. All it does when called is print hello world. Pay attention that for every function, we need two steps – defining a function, and then calling that function in the proper way.

Code Example
# function definition - multiplier
# takes two parameters, and returns their product
>>> def multiplier(input_num, input_multiplier):
… 	result = input_num * input_multiplier
… 	return result
# calling the function - multiplier
# needs two argument values
>>> returned_value_from_fn = multiplier(3, 5)
>>> print(returned_value_from_fn)
# calling the multiplier function again - a function can be called as many time as needed
# passing different arguments this time
>>> returned_value_from_fn = multiplier(10, 5)
>>> print(returned_value_from_fn)

The next function we wrote is a multiplier. This function takes two parameters – input_num and input_multiplier. It multiplies both the parameters and stores the multiplication in a variable called result. Then we return the result variable from the function.

Later, when we call the function multiplier, we make sure to pass actual values to both the parameters in the function definition. When these values are passed as part of a function call, they become function arguments. We also called the same function again but now with a different set of arguments. As you can see, we wrote the function definition once but we can call the function as many times as we need.

Code Example
# function definition - power fn
# takes one parameter & returns the squared and cubed value of the parameter

>>> def power_fn(input_num=10):
… 	squared = input_num ** 2
… 	cubed = input_num ** 3return squared, cubed

# calling the function - power_fn
# needs one argument value
>>> squared_returned_value, cubed_returned_value = power_fn(5)
>>> print(squared_returned_value, cubed_returned_value)
25 125

# calling the power_fn function again
# passing no arguments this time
# if no arguments are passed, it will use the default value if any
# provided in function definition, in this case - 10
>>> squared_returned_value, cubed_returned_value = power_fn()
>>> print(squared_returned_value, cubed_returned_value)
100 1000

The final function we wrote is power_fn. This function takes a parameter called input_num which has a default value of 10, if no arguments are provided when calling the function. We perform a power of 2 and power of 3 operation on input_num and store the results in two different variables squared and cubed.

Next, instead of returning one value from the function, we return both squared and cubed variables from the function. We then call the function with an argument value of 5 and we unpack both the returned values from the function into separate variables squared_returned_value and cubed_returned_value.

We call the function again, but this time we don’t pass any arguments. Because the function parameter has a default value of 10 if no arguments are passed, it will work and give us the output of 100 and 1000.

Don’t worry if functions aren’t completely clear yet. Being aware of functions and revising these examples are a great first start in Python.

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