Just Leave it, when it’s not in your hand
Just Leave it, when you know you can’t
Just Leave it, when you find yourself in a wrong tale
Just Leave it, when you know it gives you nothing but pain
Just Leave It, Just Leave It, & Trust Me
The Magic Will Happen as Things will settle of its own!!!

It was in the year 2011

We had relocation from Delhi to Mumbai. My new rented house in Mumbai was smaller than that of the fully furnished flat at Delhi. Not only undersized but also there was no storage space available in my new house.

So, when the packers’ people unloaded the consignment and asked for the space to keep the unpacked things, I had no idea how to allocate them. Nevertheless, some regular things like refrigerator, Television, sofa etc were unpacked immediately and took their respective allotted places. But a lot of boxes could not get unpacked due to non-availability of space.

Undecided, we finally had to keep them the other bedroom. And it was looking like that of a warehouse. A total mess.  I am a very sorted person. I just can’t be comfortable if things are not organized.  As expected, I was mentally very upset for this. I couldn’t free my mind. Every time I had a look in that room, I would feel very distressed. Clutter is something I really hate.

I felt as if the unorganized thing boxes) had occupied the whole space in my MIND. Every time I look at them, they were quite annoying. I kept thinking how to organize them. I was just unable to get them out of my mind. In fact, I was so stressed that I fall ill and became unwell for a week.

In those days my friend Rachna from Delhi called me up to know my whereabout. Whether we got settled or not. I told her how I was feeling. Then she told me, “Tina, Just Leave It, don’t think so much about it stressing your mind. Things will be fine with time.”

It was difficult not to think about it but there was no option also. I wasn’t physically well too. So, slowly I stopped thinking much about it that time.

Days passed. Then slowly I realized that I have to stop thinking about them completely. Because nothing could be done immediately. I had to stop worrying anyway. With every passing day I started accepting the mess, getting used it. When we resist, we feel difficulty in accepting. #Fact. So probably I had stopped resisting the reality. And it worked.

Later my husband and I decided to go for some storage furniture as per the requirement slowly but surely. Till then, we let it as it is”. I just leave it as it is!!! Later on, everything was fine and nicely accommodated. The boxes were unpacked & certain things were discarded. Rest of the things were kept well organized.

Today when I look at this incident though it appears as a very trivial yet I find it as an “piece” very tactfully scripted by The Universe to teach me a very good lesson. With this incident I understood that Life is like this. We have many things to do. But sometime we don’t have enough resources. At least in particular moments. Again, however smart we are…. we cannot do anything unless we have adequate resources for it…. right!!!

May be sometimes our resources in terms of money, emotion…etc are not sufficient to take care of our immediate need. Sometime this kind of situation arises for a temporary period and may be sometime permanently they remain as it is. However, whether it is temporary or permanent in nature… usually they lead us to keep worrying. Sometimes, in fact we worry because we expect too much out of a situation. External things happen leading to some kind of mess in our life.

But thing is, we need to accept it first, then accommodate and then sort it out, in whatever possible way.

Life is full of desires, dreams and responsibilities. Also, it has some short of missing things in terms of knowledge, time, education or finance. In short… there will be always a crash between requirements and resources. So, whenever there is a collision between requirements and resources it is better to simply “JUST LEAVE IT” and stop worrying about it. Things will take care of themselves. Cool your mind…after all we are not here to do everything at any time nor could we ever do it like that. Isn’t it??


This is my post for Alphabet J written for #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2021 by Blogchatter 

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