Cracks are a common problem with alloy wheels. Cracks can occur due to an external force (impact or pressure) applied to the rim. Small cracks can lead to slow air leaks. If left unattended the cracks can widen and may cause serious problems. Large cracks can cause very quick air leaks or even prevent you from inflating your tire altogether. A cracked wheel, even with very tiny hairline cracks, can quickly become unsafe to use.
Cracked Rim Welding
Welding of cracked rims is a permanent solution to above problems. Unlike sealing compounds (which are sometimes used as “quick fix” for small cracks to just stop the air leaks) which are temporary, welded areas are strong and prevent cracks from enlarging and becoming a hazard. Experienced alloy welders at Tirehaus can repair your rims and make them safe to use.

Cracked Rim

Crack area prepared for welding

Crack welded

Weld area cleaned up

Repaired area re-finished

Repaired Rim