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uphill techniques for off-road runners
Trail Running

Uphill Techniques for Off-Road Runners

ISBN 978-1-905444-41-0

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About the Guide

48 page black and white A5 booklet focussing on the techniques, skills and training needed to improve your uphill running.

For those runners who run and race off-road such as those who compete in trail running, fell running, hill running, mountain running and mountain marathons this booklet is essential reading. Running uphill can be the point where many runners start to flag and feel their muscles begin to seize up, by using the correct training sessions and carefully planning the use of hill rep sessions this can be conquered.

Contained within the pages of this booklet are the keys to such uphill techniques as stride length, foot plant, angle of lean and the use of the hands. Also included is sections on how to condition the body for effective uphill running and also how to construct hill training sessions in particular the use of hill reps and how different lengths and gradients can aid different aspects of your hill running.

Whether you orienteer, trail or fell run, one of the crucial aspects that affects your performance is the ability to run well uphill. All runners know the benefit of hill reps but there is far more to conquering the hills than that.

With the correct conditioning and techniques, running uphill can be changed from your Achilles heel to your most useful tool. This guide will show you how to prepare physically, the techniques to practice and how to construct a training programme that will improve your uphill running.

As the song says, the only way is UP !!!


  1. Introduction
  2. Physical Aspects of Running Uphill
    What Happens When You Run Uphill
    Conditioning the Body for Running Uphill
  3. Technical Aspects of Running Uphill
    Uphill Techniques
    Route Choice
    Angle of lean
    Stride length
    Foot plant
    Stamina/lactic build-up
    Running with a rucksack
    Mental attitude
  4. Training Sessions for Improvement
    Constructing and uphill session
    Putting it all together
    Shallow climb, good running surface
    Medium climb, medium surface
    Steep climb, medium surface
  5. Summary

The Walks

Customer Reviews

What do our customers think about this guide?

Trailrunner Canada website May 2009


WIth all the complex running books on the market, Uphill Techniques for Off-Road Runners is a return to some straight-forward advice for runners. At 52 pages the booklet reads like a handy guide that you�ll be able to get through on your bus ride to work or with your morning coffee. While a bit simplistic for the experienced runner, beginners or those switching from road to trail running will find this booklet helpful in their pursuit of better times and training techniques.

The first half of the book is devoted to the very basics of uphill running, including stretching, proper training techniques and pacing yourself. Experienced runners will be able to browse this section and pull out of it helpful tidbits, while the beginner should spend more time reading each page and understanding the importance of each element of uphill running.

The second half gets somewhat more detailed, focusing on the angle of lean, lactate build-up and variable running surface. The section on �angle of lean� is valuable and although some runners may feel it�s rather intuitive, being reminded of the most efficient running technique can never be a bad thing. Another helpful section is the one on stride length. I think all trail runners at some point have experimented with stride length, asking themselves �too long� or �too short�. Finding the optimal stride length for the hill can be difficult. Shevels provides some helpful hints to achieving this without making it into a mathematical equation.

Runners new to trail running will find this short easy-to-read booklet helpful� in achieving their race goals. Experienced runners will find much of the information familiar, but may benefit from a refresher in the basics of uphill running.

The Fellrunner. Summer 2007

"Uphill running plays quite a big part in a fell runner's life and now the Coaching Off-Road Running series has devoted a whole title to the subject. This 52 page booklet explains in much detail what happens in our body as we head up the slopes and how we best condition it to cope with the demands. As the other titles in the series, this one is easy to dive in and out of yet concise enough to get through in one reading. It is simple to understand and well illustrated."

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