Kl. The first feria [Sunday]. Conversion of the Scotti to the Christian Faith.
Kl. The first prey by the Saxon from Ireland.[AU 434].
Kl. The third feria [Tuesday]. Orosius and Cyril flourished in the doctrine. [AU 435, 436].
Great snow.
Kl. Death of king Bresal Brec. [AU 435, 436].
Kl. The ninth of the moon. Beginning of the Great Circle.
Kl. The twentieth of the moon.
K. The first feria [Sunday]. Secundinus, Auxilius, and Isserninus are sent to help Patrick; nevertheless, not they, but Patrick alone held the apostleship. [AU 439].
Kl. The second feria [Monday], twelfth of the moon.
Repose of Augustine, a learned man. [AU 440].
Death of Maine, son of Niall [Naígiallach], and ... [AU 440].
Kl. The approval of Saint Patrick in the Catholic Faith. [AU 441].
Kl. The fourth of the moon. A comet appeared.