Welcome to UP
With a holistic and deep approach, Upside Down Thinking helps individuals and organizations become more effective in times of change, turning new ideas and knowledge into reality.

We believe that transforming conventional thinking is challenging and uncomfortable but necessary. It's not just about thinking or doing the opposite but about expanding perspectives and creating new possibilities. We go beyond the immediacy and superficiality of ready-made solutions.

Leading change and stimulating creativity have become essential skills. In a world lacking originality and saturated with quick solutions, those who dare to think and experiment in a pioneering way stand out.

At Upside Down Thinking, we transform the ordinary into something surprising. We combine pragmatism and intuition to approach each project in a unique way. Our work is artisanal and creative, without pre-defined formulas.

Discover our services, which range from engaging workshops and lectures to immersive Business Retreats and truly creative consultancies.

Business Retreat
Talks & Workshops
Reflection and innovation require time and space. We offer a unique journey for companies and leaders willing to rethink their strategies and invigorate their ideas through experiences and in-depth discussions on communication, change and creative leadership. Like any meaningful ritual, each Business Retreat is distinctive and unpredictable. Its uniqueness increases the impact, and uncovers valuable insights.
Challenging conventional thinking isn't glamorous, it's laborious. However, it is essential for true innovation. Our lectures and workshops provoke deep and unconventional reflections, exploring topics such as Business Transformation, Creative Leadership, Courage and Change Management. The result? Insights that really make a difference.
Significant transformations often start with a critical insight and a thoughtful perspectiveOur creative consultancy delves into your context with a human-centered and intuitive approach, balanced by pragmatism We work with individuals and businesses, avoiding rigid formulas and focusing on progress rather than fixed plans. Our main areas of expertise are:
• Organizational Transformation
• Creative Leadership
• Conscious Innovation

• Change is difficult: everyone wants change, but few are willing to truly face it

• No magic formulas
: change is not glamorous, it is laborious, and there are no universal solutions that work for everyone

• Emotions at play:
many change initiatives ignore the emotional impact, often resulting in failure

Ana Teixeira
"I had the opportunity to meet Patricia when I returned to Brazil, in 2016, and since then, we have worked creatively and courageously on several projects, all inspiring and reverberating. Patricia is an excellent professional, in-depth knowledge of the universe of large and small corporations, authentic, pragmatic, intuitive and generous. Her incessant search for new things, her sensitivity, integrity and intelligence are remarkable and bring freshness to any organization that wants to implement changes, especially for all innovation projects, where I have seen the concrete, positive, notable and lasting impact of its interventions."

Innovation Strategist and Consumer Insights Leader in the Beauty Industry
Jussara Amâncio
"Patrícia spoke a few times in Vistage groups, with each meeting enabling our members to new reflections and discoveries. Thought-provoking and firm in her purposes, she masterfully points out the limiting points that impede development. Patrícia has theoretical and practical consistency, two skills that anchor her brilliant performance. I highly recommend Patricia's work."

Specialist in collective wisdom
Daniel Mansur Lopes
"I did some mentoring work with Patricia where my initial interest was learning to think differently, out of the box. But I understand that my journey in the mentoring sessions went far beyond that. It was a deep journey into self-knowledge where Patricia, with mastery, knew how to instigate, direct and emerge with much more knowledge and confidence. Patricia is a different, special person, with solid knowledge and who always leads us to reflect, to think differently or the same, but always better."

Management and Strategy
Patricia Cotton is a specialist in Innovation and Creative Leadership, with extensive experience in Communication and Marketing. Throughout her life, she learned that going far away reveals what is close by and that the path is also a place. Patricia is always seeking what she doesn't know. When in doubt, she think otherwise. Or not.

Patricia Cotton is a specialist in Innovation and Creative Leadership, with extensive experience in Communication and Marketing. Throughout her life, she learned that going far away reveals what is close by, and that the path is also a place. Patricia is always looking for what she doesn't know. When in doubt, she think otherwise. Or not.
First things first: let’s e-meet.
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2024 | satyro design