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Waverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

Best in Berkshire - Consistently ranked in
The Top 100 for the past 13 years

Ranked 15th in the UK
out of over 20,000 Primary & Prep schools
Nursery inspected as 'Outstanding'

Waverly Rankings

Welcome toWaverley Preparatory School and Day Nursery

photo of the head teacher and students

Ranked Best in Berkshire and 15th in the UK. Waverley is the top independent Prep and Pre-Prep School in Berkshire.  A co-educational private school for children aged 3 months to 11 years, we offer exceptional academic performance in a warm, nurturing environment. Waverley's small class sizes and single form entry (one class per year group) provide a superb individual education for every child. Inspected as 'Excellent' in the our most recent graded inspection (2022) and with 100% compliance in our 2024 inspection, Waverley is the only school to have appeared in the Top 100 schools consistently for the past 13 years. Of our most recent Year 6 graduates, 78% achieved the highest grade of 'Greater Depth' in their reading, writing and maths SATS papers (compared to the national average of 8%). Our Nursery is also inspected as 'Outstanding'. 

Celebrating Pupil Achievements


Congratulations to


in Year 6

For Achieving

second place in her cross-country race 

A huge well done to Amabel (Year 6) who took part in a Chiltern League Cross Country Race at Cassiobury Park, Watford recently. Amabel ran as part of the Bracknell Athletics Club and placed 2nd in the U11 girls race, out of nearly 50 runners. Amabel has a fantastic record in long distance races and previously won Bronze in last year’s 600m race at the ISA National Finals. Congratulations Amabel! What a brilliant achievement!

Outstanding pass rate for selective grammar and independent senior schools. Our Year 6 pupils move on to an impressive range of secondary schools with Waverley's focus being that children move on to the right secondary school for them. 92% of our Year 6 pupils achieve a place at their first-choice senior school. Many of our Year 6's receive multiple offers from a range of top independent and grammar schools, including  scholarships to their chosen secondary school (read more here). Our results are testament to the combination of modern and traditional teaching methods, small class sizes, single form entry and a warm, caring environment where children thrive. Read 'Why Choose Waverley - 10 Quick Facts' here

A happy, nurturing, family-feel school with a broad, rich curriculum. The priority at Waverley is to challenge every pupil to achieve academic excellence. We recognise that only happy children, who feel supported and confident, learn to the best of their ability. Our ethos at Waverley is to nurture potential, by providing a first-class education in a pastorally rich environment. Our children are encouraged to embrace opportunities to strive for excellence. 

Full wrap-around care, 51 weeks a year. The school and Nursery places great emphasis on outdoor learning, sports and wellbeing. We offer care for all our pupils 51 weeks a year, 5 days a week, 7.30am-6pm via our Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club, all managed by our own in-house Waverley Clubs Team. 'Waverley is more than a school, it is a community, a family', says one parent. 

Easy Steps to Secure Your School Place

If you are interested in your child attending Waverley Prep School, there are 3 simple steps.
1. Apply (No fee).
Visit our our Admissions portal here and complete an Application Form or submit a Quick Enquiry.  

2. Join us for a 1-2-1 Tour.
Upon receipt of an Application Form, if we have a place available, we invite parents to a 1-2-1 tour. 2. 

3. Meet our Head.
Following a tour, if prospective parents would like to move forwards with their child’s application, the family will be invited to meet our Head on a mutually convenient day.

4. Taster Day
If Prospective pupils are invited to spend a Taster Day with us to ensure they are happy and settled in our school.

5. Accept an Offer. Our Admissions Committee considers all applications and allocates our places. We normally have a 10-14 window to accept a school place.  

Quick Enquiry
View fees

muddly stilettos

‘Quietly brilliant...’
‘A superior all-round option...’
‘Outstanding academic results...’

Waverley in Numbers

  • Rewards

    Our school ranking in the UK in 2024 (by Dept. for Education based on our Year 6 SATS results from 2023) 

  • Rewards

    Top marks in our latest ISI inspection (Feb 2024) and inspected as 'Double Excellent' in our last graded inspection (2022)

  • Rewards

    Of our Year 6 leavers achieve a place at their 1st choice secondary school (at a range of nationally and regionally renowned independent, grammar and state schools)

  • Rewards

    Of our pupils working at 'Greater Depth' compared to the national average of 8% (2023 Year 6 pupils)

  • Rewards

    Ranked 'Best in Berkshire' having been in the Top 100 schools consistently for 13 years (based on our SATS results of Year 6)

  • Rewards

    Pass rate for grammar schools (11+ exam)

Our SATS Results vs National Average 2024

Our SATS results ('Achieved' and 'Greater Depth' combined results). Source: Dept. for Education

SATS results SATS results

Our SATS Results vs National Average 2024

Our SATS results ('Achieved' and 'Greater Depth' combined results). Source: Dept. for Education

SATS results

Parents say about The pre-prep School

Year 4 Parent

We just wish we'd found Waverley earlier...

Waverley is a lovely, nurturing school that helped our daughter regain her confidence and enjoy school again. Would highly recommend .

Parents say about The  Prep school

Year 6 Mum

We joined halfway through school but our son felt like he had always been there.

Waverley has a wonderfully caring ethos and values. This secure platform allowed our son to fully focus on his studies in what is an unapologetically faster paced Year 5 and 6.

Parents say about The pre-prep School

Year 2 Parent

Our son loves the school...

We call our son 'Mr Waverley' because he loves the school so much!

Parents say about The  Prep school

Year 6 Mum

Waverley is a fantastic school!

All three of our children have been supported and encouraged to achieve in all areas of the school community which has stayed with them to guide them into secondary school. We are incredibly grateful and privileged that Waverley has, and continues to be, part of  our lives for over 10 years. Thank you. 

isi inspectors say about The School (2024)

Pupils' social /economic education & contribution to society

Leaders support pupils' preparation  for next steps through an engaging approach to target setting and preparation for senior school.

A programme of visiting speakers helps pupils to understand the wider world. For example, police officers speak to Year 6 about how to keep safe in the community and online. 

isi inspectors say about The  school (2024)

Leadership and management, and governance

The Proprietor and Board of Governors provide governance and are well informed about the school's work and performance through regular reports, school visits and committee and Board meetings with senior leaders. 

Governors regularly review the content and implementation of policies to ensure the school operates in line with current legislation. 

isi inspectors say about The School (2024)

Pupils' physical and mental health and emotional wellbeing

Leaders ensure that pupils respect the diversity of the pupil body and share in their peers' celebrations of other cultures.

The 'Waverley Way' encapsulates the values of the school and is embedded in pupils' attitudes. 

isi inspectors say about The  school (2024)

Quality of education, training and recreation

Pupils develop high levels of self-understanding and self-awareness of their learning through the encouraging and supportive ethos in the school. 

The warm and trusting relationships between pupils and their teachers support pupils to be self-motivated and interested in their work. As a result, pupils' self-esteem develops increasingly as they make progress.

Watch ourVideos

World Book Day 2025

KS2 Choir Performance

February Half Term Holiday Club

Welcome to Waverley Prep School


Email our Admissions team Holiday club Our school ranking
and SATS results