Teachers Share Their 25 Favorite GoNoodle Videos

They’re quick, easy, and a whole lot of fun!

Four GoNoddle Video Pictures

GoNoodle has an amazing selection of kid-friendly videos to use in the classroom to energize kids, teach new concepts, and even teach mindfulness. Students love them and teachers love them too! Here are a few favorite GoNoodle videos recommended by the teachers in our WeAreTeachers Helpline group on Facebook.   

Videos to help you teach concepts 

1. Getcha Money Right

Kids will learn all about money values and equivalencies as they sing along to the beat.  

2. Bones Bones Bones!

Perfect for the Halloween season, learn all about the bones in the human body with dancing Mr. Bones. 

3. Round it Up


Rounding numbers is sometimes a tricky concept for kids. This catchy tune explains the rules in a memorable way. 

4. By Bye Buy

 “You’re about to get your mind blown ’cause we’re gonna rap about homophones!” This video demystifies words that sound the same but have different meanings in a fun, high-energy way. 

5. Hola, Bonjour, HELLO!

The whole GoNoodle crew pitches in to teach the many different ways we greet one another. 

6. Banana, Banana, Meatball

The Blazer Fresh guys get kids up and moving as they teach about patterns like “nod, clap, shake your hips, nod, clap, shake your hips!”

7. Don’t Read Like a Robot

Talking about reading fluency has never been so fun!

8. Clap it Out!

Breaking words down into syllables is one of the fundamental skills for good readers and writers. Clap it Out encourages kids to mind the tempo of the words they hear. 

9. Think Like a Scientist


This fast-paced video digs into the steps of the scientific process.

GoNoodle videos to pump up the energy and practice your dance moves

10. Poppin’ Bubbles

Get your kids popping and hopping with this quick, energizing video. 

11. Peanut Butter in a Cup

Pump up the energy in your classroom with this fun round-robin song. And don’t be surprised if you hear kids repeating it on the playground!

12. Dynamite


Get your students dancing along and light it up like it’s dynamite! 

13. Can’t Stop the Feeling!

Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling, featuring the Trolls, is the perfect song to liven up your classroom. 

14. Fresh Prince Theme Song

Play it old school with this modern rendition of the theme song from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. 

15. Jump!

This video will get your students’ hearts racing and lungs pumping. Perfect when you need to let off a little steam or wake everyone up. 

Videos that feel like you’re in a video game

16. Fabio’s Meatball Run

Fabio, the lovable meatball-loving moose, is on the run, delivering juicy meatballs to his grandmother. Follow along as he ducks, dodges, and jumps his way across town. 

17. Run the Red Carpet

Run down the red carpet- dodging, ducking, and striking poses. Then take a breather as you watch McPufferson’s comedy show. Repeat. 

‘Repeat after me’ videos

18. Boom Chicka Boom

The Moose Tube crew heads to the big city to perform this “repeat after me song.” Warning: this one will seriously stick in your head for days!

19. Pizza Man

Make like a pizza delivery man and deliver this call and response video to your students when you want to get them up and moving.  

GoNoodle videos to complement your SEL instruction

20. Rainbow Breath

Practicing rainbow breath will help your students feel alert, calm, energized, and ready for the day.

21. Bring it Down

This video will help your kids learn how to manage their stress levels with a guided mindfulness exercise.  

22. Melting

This centering video guides kids through a series of muscle movements (tensing and releasing) to release stress and re-energize. 

23. On and Off

This guided meditation teaches kids to turn the energy in their bodies on and off again. They’ll learn to use their muscles and their breath to regulate their emotions.  

The perfect lunchtime transition video

24. Lunch!

No slow, messy transitions when you put this video on. This song is a veritable anthem to one of the best parts of the school day: lunch!

Everyone’s favorite birthday celebration 

25. The Birthday Song

The whole GoNoodle gang shows up for this happy birthday celebration!

What are your favorite GoNoodle videos for the classroom? Come share in our WeAreTeachers Helpline group on Facebook. 

Also, check out these Fun Indoor Recess Games for the Classroom

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