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   Senior Officer — SALES & MARKETING


Sales and marketing are distinct functions combined in some organizations, separate in others. Yet all sales and marketing executives feel growing pressure to cut costs and increase distribution productivity. You also recognize that technology, people and processes have the potential to provide you with a competitive edge.



Marketing executives have to develop the value proposition, keep it fresh and in line with customer demands. This task requires constant feedback from the field representatives (whether direct or manufacturer reps), from the customers, and other constituencies depending on the industry or products. As Mark Twain said, "Supposing is good, but finding out is better." Top marketing staffs require unique talents and must be selected for talent and coached to individual strengths. The DIAR Method™ delivers feedback, talent and strengths coaching.

Sales executives have to design the best sales strategy for their unique challenges and opportunities. You must decide on choosing a direct sales force, manufacturer’s reps, inside sales, strategic alliances, eCommerce or various combinations. You’ve got to have the right sales management team to retain top performers and keep the team on goal. When the strategy is right you need to find the right talent, different talent, for each role.

Your goals include consistent profitable growth, which means controlling cost of sales and maximizing your success ratio.

"Some regard capitalism as if it were a predatory tiger to be shot. Others look upon it as a cow that they can milk. Only a handful see it for what it really is — the strong horse that pulls the whole cart."

Winston Churchill


The DIAR Method™ will assist you in diagnosing current strengths and opportunities; customize solution systems to assure your success; install and train you and your staff in maintaining these systems for your continuous improvement.

The following diagram illustrates Sales and Marketing Senior Officer issues, desired results and the key deliverables of the DIAR Method™.

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