West Texas Plants
About Desert Plants

Dasylirion leiophyllum, �Green Sotol�
USDA Zone 7a (0°F)
Medium sized, grass like clumps of long arching leaves that drape to the ground make this plant a visually interesting addition to a desert garden.   Thin green leaves armed along the edge with small curved teeth emerge from a short central trunk.  It is smaller and less dense than its Arizona cousin.   Heat loving,  drought resistant and easily maintained, it grows to 3ft high and can send up a bloom stalk each year.


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Agave, agave neomexicana, agave neo-mexicana, Mescal Agave, symmetrical rosettes, Agavaceae, New Mexico agave, A. neomexicana, Bluish green leaves, Agave Mescal, Agave parryi, Agave parryi truncate, Parry's agave, cold hardy agave, high country gardens, mountain states wholesale nursery, mountain states, Trans-Pecos and Big Bend of Texas; Chihuahua and Coahuila, Mexico, tropicalcentre, Agave havardiana, Chisos Agave, Big Bend, HAVARD AGAVE, Havard's century plant, Havard agave. Agavaceae, Davis Mountains of West Texas, Agave havardiana, Agave americana , Agave Havardiana Succulent, xeriscape, Agave Parryi 'Camp Verde', gave havardiana. Agave horrida. Agave lechuguilla. Agave lophantha. Agave 'Mr. Ripple' Agave aff. nobilis. 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