Spirit of Prophecy Heritage Sabbath
Download the sermon resources "The Spirit of Prophecy Connects us to Jesus and the Bible: God Speaks, Will We Listen?" for this special day
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Ellen G. White Daily Devotional for 2024
With God at Dawn is a daily devotional book that was compiled from Ellen G. White’s writings by the Missionary Volunteer (Youth) Department of the General Conference. It was not reprinted in hard copy form because all the readings were selected from other available E. G. White published sources.
Read today's devotional reading...
Prayer of the Lord’s Messenger
This prayer by Ellen G. White is from a morning meeting held at the 1903 General Conference Session in Oakland, California, USA. (Available in 23 languages.)
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Hours of Service:
From 8:30-noon, Lunch Break, then 1:30-5:00 pm, Monday–Thursday.
Research visits are by appointment only.
Tours of the Ellen G. White Visitor Center:
On the half hour between 9:00-11:00 am and 1:30-4:30 pm, Monday-Thursday.
Groups larger than 12 people by appointment only.
Ellen G. White Questions and Answers
- How many children did Ellen G. White have?
- Was Ellen G. White the only Seventh-day Adventist in her family?
- What is known about Ellen G. White's Geneaology?
- Did any of Ellen G. White's Children die during childhood?
- Was Ellen G. White the only Seventh-day Adventist in her family? What about her brothers and sisters?
- Did Ellen G. White Contradict the Bible?
- Was Ellen G. White a plagiarist?
- What are the major themes of Ellen G. White's books?
- What were Ellen White's visions about?
- Were there any eyewitness accounts to Ellen G. White in vision?
- Is the story of Ellen G. White holding up a big Bible fact or fiction?
- Were Ellen G. White and Israel Dammon charged?
- Was Ellen G. White bankrupt when she died?
- Was Ellen G. White a vegan or vegetarian?
- Did Ellen G. White believe in the Trinity or was she Antitrinitarian?
- Did Ellen G. White believe the earth was about 6000 years old?
NEW Ellen G. White's Writings in 155 languages
A brand new experience awaits you when you visit our completely updated EGW Writings Website of the Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White. The site is now available with menu's in 19 languages and books in 137 languages. We have added many new Audiobooks, 228 in English, 104 in Spanish, 100 in Portuguese. We have also added a lot of new Bible and Bible study resources. The new version 1.x website replaces our 11.5 year old original EGW Writings website. It allows you to easily browse, read, search, listen, and share the writings of Ellen White in Czech, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, and Spanish and 157 more languages. Check out the new site. Spend hours browsing and learning its wonderful new tools and resources. We promise you will be blessed.
Visit NEW EGW Writings Website: egwwritings.org
Or visit our Text only search engine, great for computers with slow internet connections: text.egwwritings.org
Or visit our Mobile search engine perfect for mobile devices: m.egwwritings.org
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Visit NEW ellenwhite.org Website
Commemorating 105 years of "Sharing the Vision" to the Seventh-day Adventist church and the world. The White Estate has been promoting the messages, mission, and inspired counsel of Ellen G. White. Visit our new 2021 Website containing tens of thousands of scanned and digitized correspondance, documents, letters, and photographs from the White Estate Archives.
Visit our Ellen White Website. It's an Adventist Researchers Paradise.
Astounding Outreach News 2021 Update
We would like to share an update to a few astounding statistics about the White Estate’s evangelistic / nurturing projects. EGW Writings websites and apps are now available in 157 languages. Almost 200 million visitors used EGW Writings in 2024. Never before have so many visitors searched, read, and listened to Ellen G. White's writings either on their computer or mobile phones. EGW Writings has truly witnessed throughout 2021 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon these resources to influence and change lives for Christ. Read our latest friends newsletter: Friends Letter (PDF)
This increase in visitors using EGW Writings is wonderful news but it has resulted in a financial burden on the White Estate's resources. We rely on your financial support to continue our ministry of spreading EGW Writings freely around the world. If you are able to support our growing ministry, please visit our friends of the White Estate page today: partner.egwwritings.org.
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"The Desire of Ages" by Ellen G. White
This classic book from the pen of Ellen White gives wonderful insight into Jesus Christ's vital ministry of salvation to planet earth. The Desire of Ages presents Jesus as the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. New and glorious light flashes from many familiar passages of Scripture. In vision Ellen White was shown the crucifixion of Christ and the things He suffered. She presents the love of God as revealed through His Son Jesus, His divine beauty, and the extreme sacrifice our Savior endured for each of us.
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Visit our mobile m.egwwritings.org website
EGW Writings Mobile Website with a new modern user interface and search engine; perfect for laptops, tablets, and mobile devices is available.
Adventist Book Center
Purchase NAD Book for 2021
Last Day Events, by Ellen G. White
Purchase Ellen G. White Books, Devotionals, and Children's Stories online from:
Ellen G. White® Estate Website Documents
- Ellen White and Vaccines
- A book review of "Ellen G. White: A Psychobiography."
- One In Christ: Key Principle-based Statements from Ellen G. White
- Christ Our Help in the Great Crisis
- October 16, 2021 Spirit of Prophecy Day / Heritage Sabbath Material
- Ellen G. White's Ministerial/Ordination Credentials
- A Critique of the Book Prophetess of Health
- Ellen White's Trinitarian Statements: What Did She Actually Write?
- New Testament Prophets--Are They Less Reliable?
- The Light Still Shines
- Is The Great ControversyMissing a Chapter?
- The Trial of Israel Damman
- Biblical Basis - Modern Prophet
- Music's Role, Qualities, & Influence
- Visions or Epileptic Seizures
- Last Four Books
Creation and the Revelation of God
In nature we have opened for us the story of His creation—in the beautiful, scented flowers, with their varied and delicate coloring—God gives to us an unmistakable expression of His love
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James Nix - Interviews
Interview 1: James Nix - Talking with People who knew Ellen White: YouTube.
Donate to Help Share Ellen G. White's Writings
The White Estate relies solely on our donation partners to make our multi-lingual www.egwwritings.org website available.
Please visit: http://partner.egwwritings.org and learn how you can support the ongoing development and expansion of the site.
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God's Messenger Meeting Kids' Needs
The White Estate has recently updated this site especially for K-12 teachers wanting to enhance their students‘ spiritual walk with Jesus. There are 38 fully-developed lessons covering the major spiritual topics that face Adventist school students.
Visit the FREE web site today!
NEW EGW Writings v.7.9.10 Software for Apple's macOS 15 Sequioa
Ellen G. White Writings v.7.9.10 for macOS 15.x is now available. A beautiful, easy-to-use, native Apple Mac OS application for: Macbook, Macbook Pro, Mac Pro, iMac, and Mac Mini computers. This software was recoded to work natively on the latest Apple Silicon: M1 MacBook Pro/Max, MacBook Air and Mac mini computers running macOS Sonoma. If you are using an older Mac, please install our previous v.6.6 for older Intel based Macs running macOS Yosemite through to Mojave. EGW Writings version v.7.9.x supports macOS Catalina 10.15, and macOS 11 Big Sur, macOS 12 Monterey, macOS 13 Ventura, macOS 14 Sonoma, and macOS 15 Sequoia. The White Estate has spent 10 years perfecting the EGW Writings software. We put a hours of love and energy into developing this latest version of EGW Writings v.7.9.10 for Mac users. This version will sync your study center with EGW Cloud. (EGW Writings 2, v.7.x for iOS; EGW Writings 2 v.7.x, for Android; plus our new egwwritings.org website. The aforementioned apps all support our EGW Cloud sync of user generated data.) This software is available for FREE from our website or for purchase from the Mac App store. Donations are much appreciated.
FREE: Download of our latest version 7.9.10 of EGW Writings for macOS
EGW Writings 2 v.7.x for Android Phones and Tablets
EGW Writings 2 v.7. for Android has just been released. It features a new bookshelf, EGW Cloud sync, and new reader design, plus much more. The apps user interface (UI) menus now support 16 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, and Ukrainian. In addition the app enables you to download individually or as a group the Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White in 157 different languages. There is a new bookshelf layout available. My Library has been added for books you download. Also a new book reader design and with added features. Also, we now support EGW Cloud, this syncs your study center data between 3 Operating System platforms: iOS, macOS, and Android. (If using the same EGW Cloud account
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EGW Writings 2, v.7.x for Apple iOS for iPhone and iPad
The Ellen G. White Estate has made available EGW Writings app for iPhone, iPad, iPad Pro, and iPod Touch devices in 157 languages. A ton of new resources have been added to the Bible collection section of the app along with a complete complement of Audiobooks for English, Spanish, and Portuguese. So make sure you check all the exciting new resources now available in the latest release. The apps user interface (UI) menus now support 16 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, and Ukrainian. We have update the bookshelf and reader design and features. Also we now support EGW Cloud that syncs your study center data between four platforms: iOS, macOS, Android, and Web. As long as all your devices use the same EGW Cloud account.
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EGW Writings app for Windows 10
This EGW Writings app for Windows 10 enables you to read and search The Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White online or offline via a custom designed app for computers and tablets. The EGW Writings app is available in 131 languages. It works well both with a mouse and on touch screen devices.
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Ellen G. White Letters & Manuscripts with Annotations, vol. 1
This first volume in the series collects every known page of Ellen White’s writing for a 15-year period and puts them in chronological order.
Purchase printed book
Ellen G. White New Pathfinder Honor
Download the honor requirements and materials that was launched at the 2014 Oshkosh Pathfinder camporee.
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Ellen G. White Periodical Resource Collection Vol's. 3, 4.
The White Estate has produced a limited printing of the last two volumes that complete the 4-volume set of the Ellen G. White Periodical Resource Collection. Now available for purchase
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Ellen White Estate : Teacher's Website
Education is important to the White Estate. God gave Ellen White many messages on education that are still relevant today. Visit the Website teachers.ellenwhite.org for materials to share with your students.
Read More…Partner with the White Estate to help accomplish its Global Internet Project
The information below is about something so important, so innovative, and so potentially life-changing, that I just have to share it with you!
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Visit the CWJ Official Web site
The General Conference and the Ellen G. White Estate have launched the largest global book distribution project in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Using the world's major languages, the project aims to distribute 10 books by Ellen G. White, complete with companion study guides, to over two million Adventists worldwide. The church needs your help to make this project a reality. To find out more about the Connecting With Jesus Project or to donate...
Visit the CWJ Web siteEllen G. White® Estate Web site Copyright Notice
Please read our Copyright Notice that covers for all our WhiteEstate, EllenWhite and EGWWritings Websites and apps.