National Poetry Series

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The National Poetry Series is an American literary awards program.

Every year since 1979, the National Poetry Series has sponsored the publication of five books of poetry. Manuscripts are solicited through an annual open competition, judged and chosen by poets of national stature, and issued by various publishers. Past judges of this prestigious series include Louise Glück (12th Poet Laureate of the United States), Tracy K. Smith (22nd Poet Laureate of the United States), Ada Limón (24th Poet Laureate of the United States), and Richard Blanco (United States inaugural poet).

The National Poetry Series has also created the Paz Prize for Poetry, named in honor of Nobel Prize-winning poet, Octavio Paz; this award recognizes a previously unpublished poetry book written in Spanish by a distinguished poet residing in the U.S. This award is highly recognized as one of the most important prizes in Spanish languages in the United States. Past winners of this prize include Dinapiera Di Donato by Colaterales/Collateral in 2012 and Cuban-American Carlos Pintado for his Nueve monedas/Nine coins in 2014.



Each year links to its corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:

2023 Field Guide for Accidents Albert Abonado Mahogany L. Browne
2023 Post-Volcanic Folk Tales Mackenzie Schubert Poloyni Donnelly Ishion Hutchinson
2023 The Sky Was Once A Dark Blanket Kinsale Drake Jacqueline Trimble
2023 Playing With The Jew Ava Winter Sean Hill
2023 the space between men Mia S. Willis Morgan Parker[1]
2022 Sweet Movie Alisha Dietzman Victoria Chang
2022 Tender Headed Olatunde Osinaike Camille Rankine
2022 Survival Strategies Tennison S. Black Adrienne Su
2022 I Love Information Courtney Bush Brian Teare
2022 Organs of Little Importance Adrienne Chung Solmaz Sharif
2021 Symmetry of Fish Su Cho Paige Lewis
2021 Ask the Brindled No'u Revilla Rick Barot
2021 Extinction Theory Kien Lam Kyle Dargan
2021 Harbinger Shelley Puhak Nicole Sealey
2021 Relinquenda Alexandra Lytton Regalado Reginald Betts
2020 Dear Specimen W.J. Herbert Kwame Dawes
2020 [WHITE] Trevor Ketner Forrest Gander
2020 Borderline Fortune Teresa K. Miller Carol Muske-Dukes
2020 Requeening Amanda P. Moore Ocean Vuong
2020 Philomath Devon Walker-Figueroa Sally Keith
2019 Little Big Bully Heid Erdrich Amy Gerstler
2019 Field Music Alexandria Hall Rosanna Warren
2019 Fractal Shores Diane Louie Sherod Santos
2019 Thrown in the Throat Benjamin Garcia Kazim Ali
2019 An Incomplete List of Names Michael Torres Raquel Salas Rivera
2018 Fear of Description Daniel Poppick Brenda Shaughnessy
2018 Valuing Christopher Kondrich Jericho Brown
2018 Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers Jake Skeets Kathy Fagan
2018 It's Not Magic Jon Sands Richard Blanco
2018 Nervous System Rosalie Moffett Monica Youn
2017 The Lumberjack's Dove GennaRose Nethercott Louise Glück
2017 Anarcha Speaks Dominique Christina Tyehimba Jess
2017 feeld Jos Charles Fady Joudah
2017 What It Doesn't Have to Do With Lindsay Bernal Paul Guest
2017 Museum of the Americas J. Michael Martinez Cornelius Eady
2016 I Know Your Kind: Poems William Brewer Ada Limón
2016 Thaw Chelsea Dingman Allison Joseph
2016 For Want of Water: And Other Poems Sasha Pimentel Gregory Pardlo
2016 Madness Sam Sax Terrance Hayes
2016 Civil Twilight Jeffrey Schultz David St. John
2015 The Sobbing School Joshua Bennett Eugene Gloria
2015 Trébuchet Danniel Schoonebeek Kevin Prufer
2015 Scriptorium Melissa Range Tracy K. Smith
2015 The Wug Test Jennifer Kronovet Eliza Griswold
2015 Not on the Last Day, But on the Very Last Justin Boening Wayne Miller
2014MonographSimeon Berry of Somerville, MassachusettsDenise Duhamel
2014The Regret HistoriesJoshua Poteat of Richmond, VirginiaCampbell McGrath
2014Let's Let That Are Not Yet: InfernoEd Pavlić of Athens, GeorgiaJohn Keene
2014Double JinxNancy Reddy of Madison, WisconsinAlex Lemon
2014ViabilitySarah Vap of Venice, CaliforniaMary Jo Bang
2013Ampersand RevisitedSimeon Berry of Somerville, MassachusettsAriana Reines
2013TrespassThomas Dooley of New York, New YorkCharlie Smith
2013Bone MapSara Eliza Johnson of Salt Lake City, UtahMartha Collins
2013Its Day Being GoneRose McLarney of Tulsa, OklahomaRobert Wrigley
2013What Ridiculous Things We Could Ask of Each OtherJeffrey Schultz of Los Angeles, CaliforniaKevin Young
2012Visiting Hours at the Color LineEd Pavlić of Athens, GeorgiaDan Beachy-Quick
2012The Cloud that Contained the LightningCynthia Lowen of Brooklyn, New YorkNikky Finney
2012The Narrow CircleNathan Hoks of Chicago, IllinoisDean Young
2012the meatgirl whateverKristin Hatch of San Francisco, CaliforniaK. Silem Mohammad
2012Failure & I Bury the BodySasha West of Austin, TexasD. Nurkse
2011The Apothecary's HeirJulianne Buchsbaum of Lawrence, KansasLucie Brock-Broido
2011Your Invitation to a Modest BreakfastHannah Gamble of Chicago, IllinoisBernadette Mayer
2011Green Is for WorldJuliana Leslie of Santa Cruz, CaliforniaAnge Mlinko
2011Exit, CivilianIdra Novey of Brooklyn, New YorkPatricia Smith
2011Maybe the Saddest ThingMarcus Wicker of Ann Arbor, MichiganD.A. Powell
2010The Lifting DressLauren Berry of Houston, TexasTerrance Hayes
2010StutterWilliam Billiter of Clinton, New YorkHilda Raz
2010Exhibit of Forking PathsJames Grinwis of Florence, MassachusettsEleni Sikelianos
2010The Lamp with Wings: 60 Love SonnetsM.A. Vizsolyi of New York, New YorkIlya Kaminsky
2010A Map Predetermined and ChanceLaura Wetherington of Roanoke, VirginiaC.S. Giscombe
2009Sarah-Of Fragments and LinesJulie Carr of Denver, ColoradoEileen Myles
2009Here Be MonstersColin Cheney of Brooklyn, New YorkDavid Wojahn
2009Burn LakeCarrie Fountain of Austin, TexasNatasha Trethewey
2009Ideal CitiesErika Meitner of Blacksburg, VirginiaPaul Guest
2009The NetworkJena Osman of Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaPrageeta Sharma
2008If Birds Gather Your Hair for NestingAnna Journey of Houston, TexasThomas Lux
2008The Black AutomatonDouglas Kearney of Van Nuys, CaliforniaCatherine Wagner
2008MixologyAdrian Matejka of Edwardsville, IllinoisKevin Young
2008Bird Eating BirdKristin Naca of Minneapolis, MinnesotaYusef Komunyakaa
2008catch lightSarah O'Brien of Brookfield, OhioDavid Shapiro
2007InstallationsJoe BonomoNaomi Shihab Nye
2007SpringOni BuchananMark Doty
2007House Held Together by WindsSabra LoomisJames Tate
2007The CosmopolitanDonna StonecipherJohn Yau
2007Collapsible Poetics TheaterRodrigo ToscanoMarjorie Welish
2006The Scented FoxLaynie Browne of Oakland, CaliforniaAlice Notley
2006Novel Pictorial NoiseNoah Eli Gordon of Denver, ColoradoJohn Ashbery
2006Veil and BurnLaurie Clements Lambeth of Houston, TexasMaxine Kumin
2006VertigoMartha Ronk of Los Angeles, CaliforniaC.D. Wright
2006Nervous SystemsWilliam Stobb of La Crosse, WisconsinAugust Kleinzahler
2005The Resurrection MachineSteve GehrkeT.R. Hummer
2005The Anatomy TheaterNadine MeyerJohn Koethe
2005Teahouse of the AlmightyPatricia SmithEdward Sanders
2005Three, BreathingS.A. StepanekMary Ruefle
2005An Almost Pure Empty WalkingTryfon TolidesMary Karr
2004The WelcomeDavid FriedmanStephen Dunn
2004leadbellyTyehimba JessBrigit Pegeen Kelly
2004PYXCorinne LeePattiann Rogers
2004Starred WireAnge MlinkoBob Holman
2004CorruptionCamille NortonCampbell McGrath
2003Shiva's DrumStephen CramerGrace Schulman
2003CitizenAndrew FeldEllen Bryant Voigt
2003Murder (a violet)Raymond McDanielAnselm Hollo
2003The White TrainJohn SpauldingHenry Taylor
2003Unrelated Individuals Forming a Group Waiting to CrossMark YakichJames Galvin
2002Rhythm & Booze: Poems Julie KaneMaxine Kumin
2002Sanskrit of the BodyW. B. KecklerMary Oliver
2002The Monster Lives of Boys and GirlsEleni SikelianosDiane Ward
2002The Standing Wave: PoemsGabriel SperaDave Smith
2002Tenderness ShoreMeredith StrickerFred Chappell
2001Year of Morphines: PoemsBetsy BrownGeorge Garrett
2001Theory of Devolution: PoemsDavid GroffMark Doty
2001Hip Logic Terrance HayesCornelius Eady
2001Edgewater: PoemsRuth L. SchwartzJane Hirshfield
2001Pure DescentElizabeth RobinsonFanny Howe
2000AnthemJean DonnellyCharles Bernstein
2000That Kind of SleepSusan Atefat PeckhamVictor Hernández Cruz
2000Tremolo: PoemsSpencer ShortBilly Collins
2000Manderley: PoemsRebecca WolffRobert Pinsky
2000AsunderSusan WoodGarrett Hongo
1999Madame DeluxeTenaya DarlingtonLawson Fusao Inada
1999NovaStandard SchaeferNick Piombino
1999Climbing BackDionisio D. MartinezJorie Graham
1999Drivers at the Short-Time MotelEugene GloriaYusef Komunyakaa
1999Renunciation : PoemsCorey MarksPhilip Levine
1998Butterfly EffectHarry HumesPattiann Rogers
1998Atmosphere ConditionsEd RobersonNathaniel Mackey
1998Looking for the Parade: PoemsJoan MurrayRobert Bly
1998Beyond Heart Mountain: PoemsLee Ann RoripaughIshmael Reed
1998So Often the Pitcher Goes to Water Until It BreaksRigoberto GonzálezAi
1997Except by NatureSandra AlcosserEamon Grennan
1997Tales of Muraski and Other PoemsMartine BellenRosemarie Waldrop
1997The Origins of Evening: PoemsRobert GibbEavan Boland
1997Silent Treatment: PoemsLisa LewisStanley Plumly
1997Lost Wax: PoemsHeather RamsdellJames Tate
1996Red SignatureMary LeaderDeborah Digges
1996The Little Door Slides Back: PoemsJeff ClarkRay DiPalma
1996Placebo Effects: PoemsJeanne Marie BeaumontWilliam Matthews
1996The New IntimacyBarbara Cully Carolyn Forché
1996Nine Skies: PoemsA V. ChristieSandra McPherson
1995Leaving a ShadowHeather AllenDenise Levertov
1995ResponseJuliana SpahrLyn Hejinian
1995Crash's Law: PoemsKaren VolkmanHeather McHugh
1995Strange RelationDaniel HallMark Doty
1995The Broken World: PoemsMarcus CafagnaYusef Komunyakaa
1995InfantaErin BelieuHayden Carruth
1994To Give It UpPam RehmBarbara Guest
1994Hummock in the Malookas: PoemsMatthew RohrerMary Oliver
1994The Human AbstractElizabeth WillisAnn Lauterbach
1994Theater of Animals: PoemsSamn StockwellLouise Glück
1993The Other Man Was Me: A Voyage to the New WorldRafael CampoGloria Vando
1993Most Way Home: PoemsKevin YoungLucille Clifton
1993The Landlady in BangkokKaren SwensonMaxine Kumin
1993The Other Stars Rachel WetzsteonJohn Hollander
1993The High Road to Taos: PoemsMartin EdmundsDonald Hall
1992Lost BodyTerry EhretCarolyn Kizer
1992Shorter Poems Gerald BurnsRobert Creeley
1992Debt: PoemsMark LevineJorie Graham
1992What We Don't Know about Each Other Lawrence RaabStephen Dunn
1992My Alexandria: PoemsMark DotyPhilip Levine
1991A Flower Whose Name I Do Not KnowDavid RomtvedtJohn Haines
1991To Put the Mouth toJudith HallRichard Howard
1991As IfJames RichardsonAmy Clampitt
1991Good Hope Road Stuart DischellThomas Lux
1991The Dig Lynn EmanuelGerald Stern
1990Words for My Daughter John BalabanW.S. Merwin
1990Questions About Angels: PoemsBilly CollinsEdward Hirsch
1990Rainbow Remnants in Rock Bottom Ghetto Sky: PoemsThylias MossCharles Simic
1990The Island ItselfRoger FanningMichael Ryan
1990The Surface: PoemsLaura MullenC. K. Williams
1989Terra FirmaThomas CentolellaDenise Levertov
1989Artist and Model Carol SnowRobert Hass
1989The Brother's Country: PoemsTom AndrewsCharles Wright
1989Blessings in Disguise David ClewellQuincy Troupe
1989Stubborn: PoemsRoland FlintDave Smith
1988Green the Witch-Hazel Wood Emily HiestandJorie Graham
1988After We Lost Our WayDavid MuraGerald Stern
1988Black Wings Len RobertsSharon Olds
1988No mercy Lee UptonJames Tate
1988Great Bird of Love: PoemsPaul ZimmerWilliam Stafford
1987A Guide to ForgettingJeffrey SkinnerTess Gallagher
1987Singing UnderneathJeffrey HarrisonJames Merrill
1987The Good Thief: Poems Marie HoweMargaret Atwood
1987New Math: PoemsCole SwensenMichael Palmer
1987The Hand of God and a Few Bright FlowersWilliam OlsenDavid Wagoner
1986Cardinals in the Ice Age John EngelsPhilip Levine
1986Red Roads Charlie SmithStanley Kunitz
1986Junk CityBarbara AndersonRobert Pinsky
1986Little Star: PoemsMark HallidayHeather McHugh
1986Cities in MotionSylvia MossDerek Walcott
1985As Long As You're Happy: PoemsJack MyersSeamus Heaney
1985Saints Reginald GibbonsRoland Flint
1985Local TimeStephen DunnDave Smith
1985Palladium: PoemsAlice FultonMark Strand
1984Wild OnionRobert L. JonesCarolyn Forché
1984The RaftKathy FaganDaniel Halpern
1984Afterwards Amy BartlettGalway Kinnell
1984Silver and InformationBruce SmithHayden Carruth
1984Eroding WitnessNathaniel MackeyMichael S. Harper
1983In the Solar Wind Wendy BattinWilliam Matthews
1983God's Mistress James GalvinMarvin Bell
1983The persistence of memory: Poems Mary FellMadeline DeFrees
1983Black Dog, Red Dog: Poems Stephen DobynsRobert Hass
1982The Greater Leisures Jane MillerStanley Plumly
1982Going On: Selected Poems 1958-1980Joanne KygerRobert Creeley
1982From the Abandoned Cities Donald RevellC.K. Williams
1982The Hands in Exile Susan TichySandra McPherson
1982Corpse and MirrorJohn Yau
1981Accidental WeatherSherod SantosCharles Wright
1981Hugging the JukeboxNaomi Shihab NyeJosephine Miles
1981Second Sight Jonathan AaronAnthony Hecht
1981The Incognito Lounge: And Other PoemsDenis JohnsonMark Strand
1981The Mud ActorCyrus CassellsAl Young
1980GumboGeorge BarlowIshmael Reed
1980The Dollmaker's GhostLarry LevisStanley Kunitz
1980Leaving TaosRobert PetersonCarolyn Kizer
1980So This Is the MapReg SanerDerek Walcott
1980In WinterMichael Ryan
1979Any Body's SongJoseph LanglandAnn Stanford
1979The collected poems of Sterling A. Brown Sterling Allen BrownMichael Harper
1979SilksRoberta SpearPhilip Levine

See also


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