The WWII Military Jeep Website - Dedicated to restoring WWII Jeeps - the MB, GPW - mfg. by Willys & Ford from 1941 - 1945, and outfitting them with proper parts, accessories, accouterments and militaria. MB/GPW, Slat Grill, "F" Script and other Rare Parts For Sale & Trade. You can post free Want Ads here. Find facts, information, and pictures on the history of the WW2 jeep, restoration, on prototype MA, GP, Bantam 4x4 Army Jeeps, the amphibious GPA, on MBT Trailers mfg. by Willys & Bantam, on the combat and supply role that the G503 flat fender jeep played in the US Army, USMC, USN, and AAF World War Two History. These are the WW2 military vehicles that started it all. Bantam was the first inventor and builder of the jeep in 1940. Worldwide, jeeps are the #1 most recognized vehicle ever built.  My goal, as your Rare Parts Specialist, is to supply you with the hard to find old NOS surplus, original used, new repro, spare part, book, or manuals that you need to keep your restoration going forward. I can help you find answers to your questions in my manual collection. Please come in, turn on the power, and let me help you 'Keep Em Rolling'.

Welcome to: Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII Homepage


QR Code Barcode for: Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII + Brian's Squadron Patches of WWII + Brian's Antique and Army Surplus Store website addresses.
 Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII 
 G-503           U.S.A.       TM-9-803 
1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945
Willys MB      Ford GPW
QR Code Barcode for: Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII + Brian's Squadron Patches of WWII + Brian's Antique and Army Surplus Store website addresses.
You have probably been told that you just can't find rare WWII jeep parts any more.
That's not true!
NOMENCLATURE: You can find them! TRUCK, 1/4 TON 4X4
You can find them right here on the Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII website.
SUPPLY ARM OR SERVICE MAINTAINING VEHICLE : Ordnance  Dept.  or  Quartermaster Corps
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Lists all the Updates and Changes to the Brians Military Jeeps of WWII website. Also any Messages from Me. What's New & Hot If this is your first time here, this button will take you to the Brians Military Jeeps of WWII Help and Navigation page, and tell you about the hidden shortcuts here. Navigation and Help Page
A Fast Loading, No Frills List of Everything I have up on Auction. Fast For Sale by Auction List The Brians Military Jeeps of WWII website pages presented in a Broad Overview Menu format. Website Menu
My Online Catalog of WWII Jeep Parts, AAF, and Militaria for Direct Sale. Online Catalog Price List Complete Table of Contents: A list of the ALL the web pages to be found on The Brians Military Jeeps of WWII web site, presented in a dynamic expandable tree format. Website Table of Contents
Clearing out a large storage area of WWII Jeep Parts and Militaria ~ read all about it. WWII Warehouse
Clearance Sale Flyer
My About Me Page - More information about me and a Side Door Entrance to this website About Me Page
Click Here to get on My WWII Jeep Mailing List and Why you should. Join My Mailing List,
How and Why
My favorite Photos. My Favorite Photos
My Shipping, Return, and Auction Policies Shipping, Return &
Auction Policies
A list of the vehicles and trailers in my Jeep collection. My Jeep Collection
The History of the WWII JEEP and Real way it got it's name. Hint: No, it isn't short for General Purpose WWII Jeep History Pages My Want List: A list of things I need for my personal WWII Willys MB Slatgrill and Ford Script GPW Jeeps. Please have a look and see if you can help me out with any of them. My Want List
Fun Pages with a WW2 Jeep Theme   :)   These pages are code intensive and require 20% longer to load Just For Fun WW2 Jeep Pages Military Vehicle and Jeep Rallies, Air Shows, Conventions, and Club Meetings I have attended over the years. Jeep Events I Attended
Tools, both World War Two Willys MB / Ford GPW Jeep Tools, Spare Parts Kit Items, and Accessories, and Web Tools for the Jeeper. The Jeep'ers Tool Chest
Jeep Restorers Resources
Trophy Room: Awards for website design, car show, ebay, career, sales, etc. Trophy and Award Room
Other Resources on Jeeps, Photo Libraries, Archives, WWII, POW/MIA, War Movies, Veterans, History, WW2 era License Plates, etc More Jeep Restoration & 
WWII Resources
Legal Notices, Credits, and Thanks: copyrights, Q and A regarding permission to copy content, photographs, and text, Thank you's, and groups that I belong to. Legal Notices and Credits
Squadron Patches of WWII Homepage ~ a visual collection of WWII Squadron Patches from Disney, Warner Brothers, RKO and more! Squadron Patches of 
WWII Home Page
Internet Explorer Users Only - This Button adds the Brians Military Jeeps of WW2 website to your IE Favorite Places Folder, so you can come back easily. IE - Add Page to Favorite Places
Customer Hall of Fame Gallery - Photographs of restored, not so restored, and Best of Show World War Two Jeeps and other vehicles and jeeps of other time periods. Customer Jeep Photos Internet Explorer Users Only - This Button sets Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII as your START page when you log on to the internet. IE - Make This Your Start Page
Free Bulletin Boards for WWII Jeeps and MVs.   1) Q+A,   2) Buy / Sell Your Jeep and Military Vehicles.  3) Buy / Sell Your Jeep and Military Vehicle Parts. WW2 Jeep & MV Q&A Bulletin Boards, and Free Classified Ads Join or Visit the MILITARY JEEP WebRing: The Military Jeep webring is a collection of Jeep websites linked together by the Navigator Bar, which allows navigation between the sites by presenting links to the previous and next site in the ring. Please join the Military Jeep Webring if you have a military jeep web page or web site. Military Jeep WebRing
Click Here to send a friend an email about my World War Two Jeep website. E-mail a Friend about this site View the Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII Guest Book and Guest Map. Jeep People from all over the world leave well wishes and greetings. The Sun Never Sets on the Mighty Willys Jeep was a slogan used by Willys Overland early in the 1940's to remind people that 24 hours a day, somewhere in the world there was always a Jeep in use. Today there are still running jeeps scattered all over the world. Please mark your location and leave a message. View My Guest Book & Map
Send me an email E-mail Me Thanks for stopping in at the Brian�s Military Jeeps of WWII website. Please sign my Guest Book Map and place a push pin for your location on our map of the World before you leave. Please be sure to List where you are from.   : -) Sign My Guest Book & Map
   SIGNAL CORPS                                                                                                                                   36475-PHILA-45-01

Please Sign My Guestbook and Map.  It's a lot of work to keep this Web Site up, and I'd like to know if you appreciate my efforts.  Please mark the location you are from with a push-pin on our map of the world and post a message before you leave.
New Feature!
"The Sun Never Sets on the Mighty Willys Jeep" was a slogan used by Willys Overland early in the 1940's to remind people that 24 hours a day, somewhere in the world there was always a Jeep in use. Today there are still running jeeps scattered all over the world. Take a look at the Guest Map to see where some are located today.
Dear WWII Vets, Family Members, Historians of the Second World War, & Collectors,
The passing of Joe Foss & Bill Mauldin and so many other soldier heroes who defended and liberated the free world, is both sad & troubling to me. We are losing a precious national resource at an alarming rate. I can do nothing to stop the hands of time from taking more veterans from us. But I can do my best to save their history & their memories for future generations, so that their hardships, sacrifices, ingenuity, and humor can be remembered. 
DO YOU HAVE ORIGINAL WWII JEEP PHOTOGRAPHS? Please check your photo albums, and those of your family members. If so, please send them to me (email, or USPS) so I can share them with the world.

Do you have any stories, adventures, or anecdotes regarding WWII Jeeps? If so, please go to the NEW WWII JEEP STORIES Bulletin Board to write & post your story for the enjoyment of future generations.
The scope of my web site is WWII Jeeps, so that is the area I seek the most. These jeeps were also used to a great extent in Korea. I have nothing but the highest respect and thanks for veterans of Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Somalia, Grenada, Desert Storm / Shield, and elsewhere, as well as those who serve today. If I get enough responses on post-WWII jeep models of other eras I will add additional sections to the web site. Thank you, Brian

Thank You to all of our Veterans, especially those of WW2
Thank you guys for all that you did, endured, and sacrificed.

THANK YOU To Our Active Duty Armed Forces - Video
( I can't really force you to watch them, but you really should)



1/4 ton 4x4 Truck 
Willys   &   Ford 
   Bantam - Trailer 
1941 - 1945 
Join or Visit The MILITARY JEEP WebRing today! List
Next 5
site is owned by
Brians Military Jeeps
In memory of Bill Mauldin. One of the most famous cartoon to come out of WWII.
In memory of Bill Mauldin.
More Willie & Joe Cartoons
WW2 Willys MB Ford GPW Jeep Capstan Winch roller assembly wanted.
WW2 MB/GPW CJ2A Jeep Capstan Winch roller assembly wanted.

Thanks for visiting!

Please Link To Brian's Military Jeeps of WWII website

There is some content and a few pics on cj2, cj-2a, cj-3a, cj-3b, M-38, m-151 series and other model jeeps. The majority of the information and photographs will be on the MBGPW of the Second World War. Willys is the correct spelling, although they are sometimes seen listed incorrectly as Willy, Willies, Willis, Wilys. It is Bantam, not Bantem, Bantum, or even Batman. : )   Try to avoid the wrong spelling when doing a metasearch.

Job Well Done!
Again US Soldiers and coalition forces went forward one more time to liberate, and defend an oppressed people..
To Our troops: 
Airborne, Cavalry, Armored and Infantry Divisions, the Seal Teams & Special OPs, the Marine Forces, the Navy Carrier Battle Groups, the Air Force Fighter & Bomb Wings, and all other units, and especially to the guys just down the road, The 1st Marine Expeditionary Force from Camp Pendleton - You guys ROCK!     Hoo Ahhh
Thank You Britain, Australia, and Poland! 

Give the troops some support:
Books For Soldiers

Remember those who went forward to help others on 9/11 and every other day ~ Fire, Police, EMS
Remember those who went forward to help others
Fire, Police, EMS
Remember those who went forward to help others on 9/11 and every other day ~ Fire, Police, EMS

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Please don't pirate my pictures or text. Ask my permission.
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