
All requests to reprint work in North America should be sent to [email protected].

All requests to reprint work outside of North America should be sent to [email protected].

If you seek worldwide rights, please submit your request based on the country of origin of your publisher/organization.

Please provide the following information about the work you seek permission to use.

  • Author and title of work requested (please indicate in the subject line and body of your request):
  • Please indicate if the work has been published previously, and if so, please provide the name of the publisher:
  • Please indicate if any edits, revisions, or changes will be made to the work. If the work will be changed, please attach a copy of the work with your edits indicated. If you seek to use an excerpt of the work, please provide the full text of the work, clearly marking the desired excerpt. Please also indicate the approximate number of words of the excerpt.

Please provide the following information about your project in the appropriate category. Please note that incomplete requests will take longer to process.

Books / Textbooks / Journals:
Please provide the following information about your publication:

  • Title:
  • Author:
  • Publisher:
  • Publication date:
  • Number of pages:
  • All formats in which publication will be published (hardcover, paperback, audio, electronic):
  • List price of publication in each format:
  • Lifetime print-run of publication in each format:
  • Territory of distribution:
  • Language:
  • Brief description of the context in which the work will be used in publication:
  • Fee proposed for use of work if permission is granted:
  • If the work has been included in a previous edition of the publication, please indicate, and please provide a copy of the permission agreement for this prior use
  • If publication will be published electronically, please provide the following additional information:
    • The specific format in which the electronic edition will be published (online, e-book, or other electronic database):
    • If the electronic edition will be published online or in an electronic database, please indicate whether the website will be password-protected, and/or whether there will be protections against copying and downloading of the work:

Classroom use/classroom course packets:

  • Title of class:
  • Name of professor:
  • Name of school:
  • Semester/term/year in which the work will be used:
  • Number of students enrolled in class:
  • Format of course packet (print or electronic):
    • If electronic, please indicate whether the database will be password-protected, and/or whether there will be protections against copying and downloading of the work:
  • Please indicate if a fee will be charged to students to purchase copies of the work, and if so, please list amount:
  • Please indicate if other author's works will be included in the course packet:
  • Territory of distribution:
  • Language:

Musical compositions:

  • Title of musical composition:
  • Composer of musical composition:
  • Please indicate if work by other authors will be included in the composition:
  • If you seek permission to perform the composition, please provide the following information:
    • Performance date(s):
    • Name and address of venue(s) for performance(s):
    • Number of seats at venue:
    • Admission price:
    • Please indicate if other compositions will be performed at the event:
  • If you seek permission to distribute the composition in a CD and/or audio download, please provide the following information:
    • Publisher of the CD:
    • Lifetime production run / total number of copies of the CD:
    • Expected number of audio downloads:
    • Release date(s) of the CD and/or download:
    • List price of the CD and/or download:
    • Please indicate if any other compositions will be included on the CD/download:
  • If you seek permission to publish sheet music of the composition, please provide the following information:
    • Publisher of the sheet music:
    • Lifetime print run of the sheet music:
    • Publication date of the sheet music:
    • List price of the sheet music:
  • Please indicate if the text of the work will be included in printed programs and/or CD liner notes for musical composition:
  • Territory of distribution:
  • Language:
  • Fee proposed for use of work if permission is granted:

Readings/Theatrical Presentations:

  • Title of reading/performance:
  • Please indicate if work by other authors will be read/used at the reading/performance:
  • Organization hosting reading/performance:
  • Reading/performance date(s):
  • Name and address of venue(s) for reading/performance:
  • Number of seats at venue:
  • Admission price:
  • Territory:
  • Language:
  • Please indicate if the reading of the work will be a straight, non-dramatic reading or if the reading will be dramatized either by voice and/or gesture, inclusion of props/sets, and/or an adapted script based on the work:
    • If performance will be a dramatic, theatrical adaptation of a script, please provide the professional CV of the director/scriptwriter, and please send a detailed proposal for the production planned:
  • Please indicate if the reading and/or performance of the work will be recorded, and if so, whether you would seek permission to distribute the recordings commercially, or whether they would be recorded only for archival purposes.
  • Fee proposed for use of work if permission is granted:

Please submit your request once, and allow at least four (4) weeks for processing. Please note that multiple follow-up queries will hinder the efficient processing of your request.

Please note, too, that your permission request has not been granted until you have received a formal agreement signed by a member of the Wylie Agency permissions department.