


Thank you for all our brilliant years of YES.
Stay tuned here (subscribe below) for our next incarnation.

Search #YxYY online
for scenes from 001-005

Wanna YES+? Learn more




Thank you for all our brilliant years of YES.
Stay tuned here (subscribe below) for our next incarnation.

Search #YxYY online
for scenes from 001-005

Wanna YES+? Learn more

Yes AND Yes Yes

A gathering of...

  • thinkers/futurists/nerds/weirdos
  • voracious consumers of and generators of ideas and information
  • creatives that like to engage in conversation about their creative pursuits & the concepts behind them
  • people comfortable with & excited about their own obsessive interest in their odd corner of the world
  • people on the path to self-actualization, self-awareness and all the goodies that lie therein

Say Yes with Us! 

Following the popular improv mantra "Yes, And..." and honoring the creative brilliance brought to Palm Springs by our attendees each year, we chose the name Yes AND Yes Yes. Read here for the story behind our name.

#YxYY = multiplying the YES!

by teleject bit.ly/11JVutx for YxYY

Ace Hotel

The Ace Hotel in Palm Springs provides an environment where it's easy to say YES.

by veganstraightedge bit.ly/17ahjRf for YxYY

Future YES 

The Radical 5 are taking a short break from our yearly event. Stay tuned here for our next incarnation.

by scapegoat bit.ly/1bibwxY for YxYY

Create & Play

Follow along via the #YxYY hashtag on your favorite social network.


Our Story

The theory was, if you get a group of smart, engaged individuals together in the right place that great things would happen.

Our Story

The theory was, if you get a group of smart, engaged individuals together in the right place that great things would happen.

Calling all geeks, nerds, weirdos, creatives, futurists, thinkers, yay-sayers! You are being invited to say YES!


Our concept was born from a conversation on the patio of the Hotel San Jose in Austin one rainy spring night several years ago.

The theory was, if you get a group of smart, engaged individuals together in the right place that, even in the absence of an organized conference, great things would happen. Read more about YxYY's ever-evolving culture in How To Say Yes.

YxYY was created in the moment, and surpassed all expectations. Come play with us!


The Team

Brought to you by the letter Y and the number 5. (Five rad ladies, that is.)

The Team

Brought to you by the letter Y and the number 5. (Five rad ladies, that is.)

Ann Larie Valentine


Ann Larie is a psychotherapist, activist, vocalist, and writer. Author of the forthcoming book on healthy dating practices, The Valentine Method. Soprano in the SF Symphony Chorus for the past decade. She has spent a lifetime organizing creative events for her friends and community, of which YxYY is the latest!

Follow Ann Larie on Twitter.

Hillary Hartley


Hillary has been an honorary "govie" for 15 years, doing digital strategy—before that was a thing—for more than 30 states and hundreds of local governments (via NIC). Back in 2004, she led the team that created MyPollingPlace.com. It was the first-ever nationwide polling place lookup site, launched during the 2004 November general election. She's currently an official "govie," serving her country as a Presidential Innovation Fellow in DC.

Follow Hillary on Twitter.

Amy Muller


Amy is the VP of Customer Care & Community at Automatic Labs, a “connected car” startup. She is also a co-founder of Get Satisfaction where she served as one of the tech industry's first Chief Community Officers -- back when people asked "What's that?" She helped to create the Get Satisfaction platform and grew the GS customer community as well as the network of communities on the GS platform from the ground up. For the past several years Amy has focused on education, training, content creation, and speaking in the field of online community management, social support strategies and customer relationship building. 

Follow Amy on Twitter.

Willo SANA


The foundation of Willo's work is clarity, courage and compassion–empowering visionary entrepreneurs to birth their big ideas into the world. An internet veteran and serial entrepreneur, Willo's founded several creative businesses, served as co-founder of two startups, produced a video series, and launched multiple e-courses and trainings inspiring ambitious, purpose-driven individuals to thrive in all areas of their lives.  

In addition to coaching, consulting and speaking at events around the world, she is an enthusiastic collaborator who has successfully co-created several epic gatherings, like YxYY, that inspire human connection and celebrate the endless possibilities available to us when we say YES.

Follow Willo on Twitter.

Deb Schultz


Deb is an Internet industry veteran who merges expertise in design, marketing and innovation to bring fresh approaches to business. She is widely recognized for her practical understanding of the dynamics of the social web and its impact on culture, society and business.  She is a sought after speaker and consultant working with both Fortune 50 CEO's and early stage startups. The future belongs to the Tummlers.

Personal tagline: Technology changes; humans don’t.

Follow Deb on Twitter.

Love and Yes from Team YxYY

Love and Yes from Team YxYY

Huge Thank You to all of Our partners
WHO said yes over the years (2013-2017)! 


Thank you for co-creating this experience with us!

Email p[email protected] if your organization would like to partner with YxYY, or if you have a contact for us.