Kidney failure, also known as renal failure or r...
Vascular birthmarks - a red, pink, or purple ble...
Hematemesis is the vomiting of blood, which may...
The complete expulsion or extraction from its mo...
A colorless liquid that is comparable to serum,...
An autoimmune inflammatory disease of muscle tha...
Arteriovenous malformation (avm): an arterioveno...
Anti-cardiolipin antibodies (aca) are antibodies...
Diabetic retinopathy (die-uh-bet-ik ret-ih-nop-u...
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus; a form of d...
Wilms tumor (also called wilms' tumor or nephrob...
A chronic skin disease that causes persistent re...
Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which your bloo...
The proportion of the blood that consists of pac...
A complete or partial break in a bone.
A follicular adenoma is a benign encapsulated tu...
Medical definition of priapism. : an abnormal, m...
The term is often used by the public to indicate...
Cardiomyopathy is a condition where the heart mu...
It is a serious complication, affecting around o...
Hyperkeratosis is thickening of the stratum corn...
These skin problems persist for life and are col...
Vascular disorders - neuropathy can occur when b...
Hematospermia is the medical term for the presen...
A neurological disorder is any disorder of the n...
Cancer of the gland in front of the neck that no...
Proximal diabetic neuropathy, more commonly know...
Cardiovascular disease generally refers to condi...
Diabetic macular edema (dme) is an accumulation...
Disordered eating can include behaviours which r...
Kidney disease, also known as renal failure or r...
Osteogenes is imperfecta , not one but a group o...
Vascular nevus. A nevus in which superficial blo...
Hemiplegic migraine is a rare and serious type o...
Phenylketonuria (pku) can be defined as a rare m...
Arthrocentesis is a diagnostic test that is perf...
It is also called carcinoid tumour ,(gastrointes...
Diabetic nephropathy (or diabetic kidney disease...
Hypertension is high blood pressure. Blood press...
Anencephaly: a neural tube defect (ntd) that occ...
Commonly, alopecia areata involves hair loss in...
A general term for a group of uncommon diseases...
Hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) is a disease cha...
Abdominal adhesions are bands of scar tissue tha...
The main symptoms are persistent heartburn and a...
Pulmonary edema is a condition caused by excess...