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The youth space strives to become a pivotal place where youth can connect to others, inspire each other and showcase their achievements and efforts towards promotion of mental health as well as other social causes.
We invite Your contributions to youth space
- Send a report on a program or activity you have conducted /organized by yourself in any setting by yourself or along with your peers on the themes of mental health & well being or road safety or any other social cause which is of direct relevance for the youth.
- Pen down your experience of participation in/exposure to any such programs or activity, as mentioned above so as to motivate more youth to engage with similar social causes.
- Share a product that you have developed yourself such as a poem/a slogan/ a picture/ a story/ a street play script/ a video which is educative and inspiring and can be used for community awareness programs by others.
Terms and Conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions for sending contributions to Youth Space:
- The contributions should be within 250 to 500 words and be written in formal style.
- It should include a declaration that the material you sent is authentic, written up by you and that you are within 16- 35 years of age range.
- If you are reporting a program/activity conducted: Mention date, place, institution/s involved purpose of the program/activity conducted, number of participants and general observations about the program. One to two photographs can also be included. Mention your full name, occupation and city.
- If you are sending a product such as a poster/ video/script/story/ /poem/slogan/activity/module, you must clearly declare the full names of all the authors.
- Authors retain the copyright of the material they send. However by submitting your material to this website, you are granting permission to others to use it for their own programs/activities while giving due credit to your authorship.
The Positive Psychology Unit at the Dept of Clinical Psychology will decide about the relevance and appropriateness of the submissions for uploading on the website. The decisions of the unit will be final. The unit may edit the submission for language.If the submissions involve information/material that can be misleading/defaming/ provocative or otherwise judged to be inappropriate it would not be considered for uploading. The Positive Psychology Unit will retain the rights to remove the material from the website at any point of time, using its discretion.
The write ups /submissions in any of the above three categories can be emailed to [email protected]. Please mention “For Youth Space” in the subject- line of your mail. You will be intimated about its suitability for inclusion in the website within a span of about 10 days.