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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
Fire and Fury,
by Michael Wolff (2018)
Trump Revealed,
by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2016)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
by Cory Booker (2016)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

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State of North Carolina Politicians: Archives

    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from State of North Carolina Archives (number of quotes indicated):
  • Alma Adams (11) Democratic House Member U.S. Rep North Carolina-12
  • Bev Perdue (2) North Carolina Former Democratic Governor (2009-2013)
  • Cheri Beasley (18) Democratic Challenger North Carolina
  • David Rouzer (9) Republican House Member U.S. Rep North Carolina-7
  • Deborah Ross (3) Republican U.S. Rep North Carolina-2
  • Elaine Marshall (6) 2010 Democratic Challenger North Carolina
  • Eliot Glassheim (1) Democratic candidate for Senate North Dakota
  • Elizabeth Dole (13) North Carolina Former Cabinet Member (Labor Sec'y) and Senator
  • Garland Tucker (1) Republican Senate challenger North Carolina
  • Holly Grange (4) North Carolina Republican candidate for governor
  • Kay Hagan (10) Democratic Jr Senator North Carolina
  • Ken Spaulding (1) North Carolina Democratic 2016 Gubernatorial candidate
  • Marjorie K. Eastman (15) Republican Senate Challenger North Carolina
  • Pat McCrory (19) North Carolina Republican Governor
  • Paul Wright (14) Republican Senate candidate North Carolina
  • Richard Burr (6) Republican (Until 2004) U.S. Rep North Carolina-5
  • Robert Pittenger (8) Republican U.S. Rep North Carolina-9
  • Roy Cooper (4) North Carolina Democratic Gubernatorial candidate
  • Sandy Smith (20) Republican U.S. Rep North Carolina-1
  • Sean Haugh (6) Libertarian Senate challenger North Carolina
  • Thom Tillis (7) Republican Jr Senator North Carolina
  • Walter Beaman Jones (1) Republican U.S. Rep North Carolina-3
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.

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 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Alma Adams: A free woman must own and control her own body.
    Cheri Beasley: Repeal Hyde Amendment; codify Roe v. Wade.
    Elizabeth Dole: Existing embryonic stem cell research ok, but no new lines.
    Holly Grange: Pro-life; fought to eliminate infanticide.
    Paul Wright: End this American nightmare after 43 years.
    Sandy Smith: The right to life is the most important right.
Budget & Economy
    Cheri Beasley: Invest in infrastructure; support small towns.
    David Rouzer: Fight to cut federal spending & size of government.
    Elaine Marshall: Cuts plus appropriate investments.
    Elaine Marshall: Can't cut our way out of deficit; must grow our way out.
    Elaine Marshall: Send back the same people and we won't get out of this mess.
    Holly Grange: Cut red tape; pass tort reform.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Run our federal budget like we run our home budgets.
    Pat McCrory: Tax & unemployment overhaul helped economic crisis recovery.
    Richard Burr: The answer is: Let's stop spending.
    Richard Burr: Stop spending or we'll end up like Greece.
    Roy Cooper: Fund infrastructure, start-ups, and job re-training.
    Sandy Smith: We're $22 trillion in debt with no end in sight.
Civil Rights
    Alma Adams: Do more to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
    Alma Adams: Do more for civil rights including the LGBT community.
    Cheri Beasley: Will fight to pass Equal Rights Amendment.
    Cheri Beasley: Ensure protections for LGBTQ veterans and service members.
    Eliot Glassheim: Empower women with equal pay for equal work.
    Elizabeth Dole: Discontinue affirmative action programs.
    Paul Wright: Supreme Court allowing gay marriage causes cultural damage.
    Robert Pittenger: No affirmative action in state hiring decisions.
    Thom Tillis: NC's "traditional population" stable while minorities grow.
    David Rouzer: Let businesses effectively compete in global economy.
    Elaine Marshall: When capitalism takes over, we get economic collapse.
    Pat McCrory: Eliminate cumbersome and duplicative regulations.
    Pat McCrory: NC Competes: promote long-term job growth in global market.
    Cheri Beasley: End cash bail, some mandatory minimum sentences.
    Elizabeth Dole: Supports use of federal death penalty.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Law enforcement stretched fighting rise in violent crime.
    Pat McCrory: Celebrate police who come back stronger after getting shot.
    Robert Pittenger: Support the death penalty.
    Robert Pittenger: End parole for repeat violent offenders.
    Sandy Smith: Maximum penalty for horrible crimes like murder and rape.
    Sean Haugh: Moratorium on death penalty; plus alternative sentencing.
    Pat McCrory: Let's Talk It Out: campaign to stop underage drinking.
    Sandy Smith: Let doctors prescribe marijuana, at state level.
    Robert Pittenger: Strengthen penalties for drug-related crime.
    Alma Adams: Fight against vouchers & reckless cuts to public education.
    Cheri Beasley: Reform student loan programs; increase funds for HBCUs.
    Cheri Beasley: For universal pre-K, close funding gaps between districts.
    David Rouzer: Put control of education in the hands of local parents.
    Deborah Ross: Ensure every child has access to quality education.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Time to add civic literacy to our educational curriculum.
    Pat McCrory: Virtual education choice and charter schools choice.
    Pat McCrory: Partner colleges with business to focus on marketable skills.
    Sandy Smith: Vouchers for school choice, at state level.
    Robert Pittenger: Endorses voluntary prayer in public schools.
    Robert Pittenger: Vouchers for public, private or religious schools.
    Sean Haugh: Vouchers for public, private or religious schools.
    Sean Haugh: Voluntary prayer in public schools.
    Thom Tillis: FactCheck: Passed school budget of $23.1B, but no cuts.
Energy & Oil
    Cheri Beasley: Reduce carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2030.
    Elaine Marshall: Opposes drilling off coast due to disastrous risks.
    Elaine Marshall: Big Oil polluted the Gulf, & polluted the politics around it.
    Elizabeth Dole: Release 1/3 of the nation's strategic petroleum reserve.
    Kay Hagan: No tax breaks for big oil companies that give us $4 gas.
    Kay Hagan: Opposed offshore drilling until August compromise.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Capitalize on renewable energy, creating jobs.
    Pat McCrory: Develop offshore resources, plus natural gas exploration.
    Sandy Smith: Let the free market work on green energy.
    Richard Burr: Ending offshore drilling leads to economic disaster.
    Alma Adams: Protect our environment for future generations.
    Paul Wright: Require package labeling to let their citizens know of GMO.
    Sandy Smith: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
    Roy Cooper: Toughen environmental permitting & quality mandates.
    Sean Haugh: Reduce environmental regulations.
    Thom Tillis: AdWatch: Allowed toxic coal ash pollution on Dan River.
Families & Children
    Cheri Beasley: Pass Federal Paid Family and Medical leave.
    Sandy Smith: Supreme Court overstepped by redefining marriage.
Foreign Policy
    Bev Perdue: International dialogue will lead to a more peaceful world.
    David Rouzer: Never cede power that usurps our national sovereignty.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: US must hold China accountable at every turn.
    Paul Wright: Our government action broke post-Cold War peace with Russia.
    Sandy Smith: Support American Exceptionalism.
Free Trade
    Alma Adams: Oppose unfair trade deals that give away jobs overseas.
    Cheri Beasley: Common sense policies on tariffs, expand markets for farmers.
    Pat McCrory: ExportNC: public-private partnership to promote exports.
    Paul Wright: TPP appears to be ObamaCare for jobs and trade.
    Sandy Smith: Expand free trade, but treat U.S. fairly.
Government Reform
    Alma Adams: Rework Voting Rights Act to address voter suppression.
    Cheri Beasley: Congress must act urgently to protect our democracy.
    Deborah Ross: State House leader on ethics reform and election law.
    Elizabeth Dole: Contributing to campaigns is free speech.
    Kay Hagan: Washington experience means putting special interests first.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Will fight for voter ID, American voting machines, audits.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Eliminate oppressive regulations on small businesses.
    Pat McCrory: Appoint people who understand the private sector.
    Pat McCrory: Blamed election loss on massive voter fraud without proof.
    Richard Burr: Government should regulate. with no bigger role.
    Robert Pittenger: No campaign donation limits nor spending limits.
    Roy Cooper: Limit campaign contributions from PACs and corporations.
    Sandy Smith: Protect against fraud, waste, & abuse of our voting system.
    Sean Haugh: No limits on campaign contributions, including PACs.
    Walter Beaman Jones: Citizens United one of the worst decisions in my lifetime.
Gun Control
    Alma Adams: Start by having some common sense gun laws.
    Cheri Beasley: Implement common sense gun safety measures, close loopholes.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Keep guns out of hands of criminals; preserve 2nd Amendment.
    Paul Wright: Right to bear arms is an ancient right.
    Roy Cooper: Allow concealed carry; but also maintain gun restrictions.
    Sandy Smith: Absolute right to gun ownership.
    Thom Tillis: Concealed carry permits for state parking lots.
Health Care
    Alma Adams: ObamaCare has moved us further in the right direction.
    Cheri Beasley: Expand ObamaCare with public option, expand Medicaid.
    David Rouzer: Even before ObamaCare, too much intervention in healthcare.
    Pat McCrory: Healthy NC reform: controls costs & incentivizes providers.
    Pat McCrory: Reform Medicaid based on NC plan, not DC plan.
    Paul Wright: Defund ObamaCare; return freedom to choose doctors.
    Sandy Smith: Strongly oppose ObamaCare.
    Sean Haugh: Guaranteeing medical care is not a government responsibility.
Homeland Security
    Cheri Beasley: Increase resources for veterans, military families.
    David Rouzer: Government needs to cut spending--but not for veterans.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: 10 years of military service included two combat deployments.
    Pat McCrory: Establish state Department of Military and Veterans Affairs.
    Paul Wright: End illegal spying on American citizens.
    Paul Wright: Trillions wasted on war after war.
    Sandy Smith: Obama drastically weakened our great military.
    Cheri Beasley: Pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
    David Rouzer: Pledge to secure the border by a date-certain.
    Elizabeth Dole: Help sheriffs identify illegal immigrants among suspects.
    Elizabeth Dole: Link local sheriffs to federal immigration tools.
    Elizabeth Dole: Crackdown on illegal immigrants who commit crimes.
    Holly Grange: Border is a national security issue.
    Kay Hagan: ID'ing illegal immigrants is an unfunded federal mandate.
    Kay Hagan: Deportation program is an unfunded federal mandate.
    Kay Hagan: Lack of immigration system is why we have unsecured border.
    Kay Hagan: Supports increased border security and opposes amnesty.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: National security not possible without border security.
    Paul Wright: Enforce our already existing immigration laws.
    Sandy Smith: Merit-based immigration; protect American workers first.
    Cheri Beasley: Strong supporter of labor movement, PRO Act.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Expand childcare and maternity leave so women able to work.
    Paul Wright: End outsourcing of our middle class jobs overseas.
    Richard Burr: I voted to extend unemployment three times; that's enough.
    Sandy Smith: Free-market capitalism instead of affirmative action.
Principles & Values
    Cheri Beasley: Established coalition of legal, community and faith leaders.
    Elizabeth Dole: Has spent time in all 100 counties while Senator.
    Elizabeth Dole: Broad experience in Washington & major-league clout.
    Garland Tucker: Letter announcing decision not to run for Senate.
    Kay Hagan: North Carolina needs a work horse, not a show horse.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Her biggest battle was her son surviving infant cancer.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: We need leaders to defend our nation and our values.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Principles before politics; country before party.
    Pat McCrory: Fix our broken economy with new vision and leadership.
    Paul Wright: Halt the de-Christianization of America.
    Richard Burr: Washington has to change; Congress deserves low regard.
    Sandy Smith: Keep God in the public sphere.
Social Security
    Alma Adams: Protect and fund Social Security and Medicare.
    Ken Spaulding: Keep your hands off of our social security.
    Sandy Smith: Privatize Social Security, with protections.
Tax Reform
    David Rouzer: Great civilizations have low taxes & high revenues.
    Elizabeth Dole: Sales tax, income tax, food tax, liquor tax: it's too much.
    Pat McCrory: Cut individual and corporate income taxes.
    Pat McCrory: Fight unnecessary & burdensome federal taxes & regulations.
    Paul Wright: Flat tax of 13%-- instead of current oppressive tax system.
    Sandy Smith: Tax all Americans fairly at the same rate.
    Thom Tillis: Repeal estate tax, except real estate & residents.
    Thom Tillis: FactCheck: Kept sales tax at 3% on yachts & jet owners.
    Bev Perdue: Building infrastructure is a top priority to create jobs.
    Deborah Ross: Grow economy by rebuilding key infrastructure & mass transit.
    Pat McCrory: Stop delaying critical infrastructure maintenance.
    Pat McCrory: Establish cabinet-level Department of Information Technology.
War & Peace
    David Rouzer: Keep military as dominant force for freedom in this world.
    Elizabeth Dole: Precipitous Iraq withdrawal leads to further instability.
    Elizabeth Dole: Mistakes were made, but no precipitous withdrawal from Iraq.
    Holly Grange: Protect veterans and first responders.
    Kay Hagan: End the war in Iraq with a diplomatic surge.
    Kay Hagan: The Iraq war had not made the U.S. safer.
    Marjorie K. Eastman: Disastrous exit from Afghanistan due to career politicians.
    Paul Wright: Strong defense ok, but no war with Russia.
    Sandy Smith: Avoid foreign entanglements; peace through strength.
    Thom Tillis: Don't negotiate with Iran, a state sponsor of terror.
Welfare & Poverty
    Alma Adams: Don't cut food stamps: a hand up, not a hand out.
    Cheri Beasley: We must expand homelessness prevention programs.
    Robert Pittenger: Redirect welfare funding to faith-based organizations.

The above quotations are from State of North Carolina Politicians: Archives.

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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