Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
Fire and Fury, by Michael Wolff (2018) |
Trump Revealed, by Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher (2016) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2016) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
Legislative voting records for Georgia House and Senate
 (Click for external website)
Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations from GA legislative records (number of quotes indicated):
- Brian Kemp (6) Georgia Republican candidate for Governor
- Casey Cagle (2) Georgia Republican candidate for Governor
- Ed Tarver (3) Democratic GA-2 Senate Challenger Georgia
- Hunter Hill (5) Georgia Republican candidate for Governor
- Jason Carter (2) Georgia Democratic Gubernatorial Challenger
- Karen Handel (1) Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-6
- Keisha Lance Bottoms (1) Georgia Atlanta Mayor
- Nathan Deal (5) Georgia Republican Governor
- Nikema Williams (4) Democrat U.S. Rep Georgia-5
- Renee Unterman (8) Republican U.S. Rep Georgia-7
- Sonny Perdue (13) Georgia Former USDA Secretary
- Stacey Abrams (17) Georgia Democratic nominee for Georgia Governor
- Valencia Stovall (5) Independent challenger for 2-year special election Georgia
- Vernon Jones (9) Georgia Republican challenger for Governor
OR click on an issue category below for a subset. |
Georgia state legislative voting records, including these candidates:
- GA-R Vernon Jones - Candidate for Governor 2022
State Rep., district 91, 2017-2020 (as D) DeKalb County Executive, 2001-2008 (as D)
- GA-D Nikema Williams - Elected 2020 to U.S. House GA-5
Georgia State Senate District 39, 2018-2020
- GA-I Valencia Stovall - Challenger for Senate Special Election, 2020
Georgia State Rep, 74th district, 2013-2020
- GA-D Ed Tarver - Challenger for Senate, 2020
Georgia State Senate District 22, 2005-2009
United States Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia. 2009-2017
- GA-R - Renee Unterman 2020 nominee for U.S. House GA-7 district
Member of the Georgia Senate, 45th district, 2003-2020
Member of the Georgia House of Representatives, 84th district, 1999-2003
- GA-D Jason Carter - Challenger for Governor, 2014
Georgia State Senate District 42, 2010-2015
- GA-D Gloria Bromell Tinubu - candidate for U.S. Senate from South Carolina, 2020
Georgia state representative, HD-60, 2011-2012
Former candidate for Mayor of Atlanta
Candidate for U.S. Rep, SC-7th district, 2012 and 2014
Candidate for Lieutenant Governor of South Carolina in 2018
- GA-R Karen Handel - Republican Challenger Georgia
Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Georgia's 6th district, June 26, 2017-Jan.3, 2019
26th Secretary of State of Georgia, Jan.13, 2007-Jan.8, 2010
- GA-R Nathan Deal - Governor since 2011
Member of the Georgia Senate, 49th district, 1981-1992
- GA-R Sonny Perdue - Governor 2003-2011
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture since 2017
Member of the Georgia Senate, District 18, 1991 � 2002
- GA-R Brian Kemp - Candidate for Governor in 2018
Georgia Secretary of State since 2010
Member of the Georgia Senate, 46th district, 2003-2006
- GA-R Casey Cagle - 2018 candidate for Governor
Lieutenant Governor of Georgia since 2007
Member of the Georgia Senate, 49th district, 1995 � 2007
- GA-R Hunter Hill - 2018 candidate for Governor
Member of the Georgia Senate, 6th district, 2013 � 2017
- GA-D Stacey Abrams - 2018 candidate for Governor
Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives, 2011 � 2017
Member of the Georgia House of Representatives, 89th district, 2013 � 2017
Member of the Georgia House of Representatives, 84th district, 2007 � 2013
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Sonny Perdue: Require information session 24 hours before abortion.
Sonny Perdue: Establish a stem cell tissue bank from fetal sources.
Civil Rights
Hunter Hill: Apply "religious liberty" to same-sex marriage.
Nathan Deal: Welcome everyone, instead of "religious liberty".
Stacey Abrams: Welcome everyone, instead of "religious liberty".
Valencia Stovall: Welcome everyone, instead of "religious liberty".
Stacey Abrams: Voted YES on criminalizing "up-skirting".
Stacey Abrams: Voted NO on 10-year minimum for assaulting a cop.
Vernon Jones: Approved 10-year minimum for assaulting a cop.
Ed Tarver: Allow onsite testing for drug-free workplace program.
Renee Unterman: Allow onsite testing for drug-free workplace program.
Sonny Perdue: Allow onsite testing for drug-free workplace program.
Stacey Abrams: Allow onsite testing for drug-free workplace program.
Brian Kemp: Broadened prohibition on sex between teachers, students.
Brian Kemp: Vetoed Keeping Georgia's Schools Safe Act: unfunded mandate.
Nikema Williams: Broadened prohibition on sex between teachers, students.
Nikema Williams: Opposed Keeping Georgia's Schools Safe Act.
Renee Unterman: Broadened prohibition on sex between teachers, students.
Renee Unterman: Supported Keeping Georgia's Schools Safe Act.
Vernon Jones: Opposed Keeping Georgia's Schools Safe Act.
Energy & Oil
Sonny Perdue: Commercial clean energy grants for solar, wind & geothermal.
Families & Children
Ed Tarver: Criminalize sex offenders photographing minors.
Renee Unterman: Criminalize sex offenders photographing minors.
Sonny Perdue: Criminalize sex offenders photographing minors.
Stacey Abrams: Sometimes sex offenders get parental consent.
Vernon Jones: Voted YES on criminalizing "up-skirting".
Foreign Policy
Karen Handel: Join state business mission to China.
Sonny Perdue: Lead business & trade delegation to Cuba.
Sonny Perdue: Lead business & trade delegation to China.
Free Trade
Sonny Perdue: Make Atlanta hub for Central America FTAA trade.
Government Reform
Brian Kemp: Require voter ID to ensure purity of elections.
Casey Cagle: Require voter ID to ensure purity of elections.
Keisha Lance Bottoms: Opposes plan for state to take control of Atlanta airport.
Sonny Perdue: Require voter ID to ensure purity of elections.
Stacey Abrams: Exact-match process violates Voting Rights Act.
Stacey Abrams: Stop redistricting voters of color to dilute their votes.
Vernon Jones: Exact-match process doesn't violate Voting Rights Act.
Vernon Jones: Stop redistricting voters of color to dilute their votes.
Gun Control
Hunter Hill: Voted NO on "campus carry;" it won't make students safer.
Nathan Deal: Veto "campus carry;" it won't make students safer.
Stacey Abrams: Voted NO on "campus carry;" it won't make students safer.
Stacey Abrams: Gun-carry license doesn't apply to "campus carry".
Stacey Abrams: AR-15s are not necessary on our streets.
Valencia Stovall: Voted NO on "campus carry;" it won't make students safer.
Vernon Jones: Gun-carry license should apply to "campus carry".
Health Care
Brian Kemp: Supported limited instead of full expansion of Medicaid.
Ed Tarver: Oppose tax breaks for high deductible insurance.
Hunter Hill: Prohibit healthcare plans from covering abortion.
Jason Carter: Let ObamaCare plans cover abortion.
Nathan Deal: Prohibit healthcare plans from covering abortion.
Nikema Williams: Opposed limited instead of full expansion of Medicaid.
Renee Unterman: Require proof of physical impairment in asbestos lawsuits.
Renee Unterman: Tax breaks for high deductible insurance; no aid for insured.
Renee Unterman: Supported limited instead of full expansion of Medicaid.
Sonny Perdue: Require proof of physical impairment in asbestos lawsuits.
Sonny Perdue: Tax breaks for high deductible insurance; no aid for insured.
Stacey Abrams: Let ObamaCare plans cover abortion.
Stacey Abrams: Allow asbestos lawsuits before physical impairment occurs.
Stacey Abrams: Tax breaks for high deductible insurance; no aid for insured.
Valencia Stovall: Let ObamaCare plans cover abortion.
Vernon Jones: Supported limited instead of full expansion of Medicaid.
Homeland Security
Sonny Perdue: US military has kept America free for over 200 years.
Stacey Abrams: Give military base residents tuition & teaching certificates.
Brian Kemp: Check immigration status after minor offenses.
Casey Cagle: Check immigration status after minor offenses.
Sonny Perdue: Check immigration status after minor offenses.
Stacey Abrams: Colleges need not act as immigration enforcement officers.
Vernon Jones: Colleges should not be allowed to have sanctuary policies.
Principles & Values
Hunter Hill: Place monument to Ten Commandments at State Capitol.
Nathan Deal: Place monument to Ten Commandments at State Capitol.
Stacey Abrams: Oppose monument to Ten Commandments at State Capitol.
Valencia Stovall: Monument to Ten Commandments at State Capitol.
Brian Kemp: Work around Federal ban on "no drone zones" at prisons.
Nikema Williams: Work around Federal ban on "no drone zones" at prisons.
Renee Unterman: Work around Federal ban on "no drone zones" at prisons.
Vernon Jones: Work around Federal ban on "no drone zones" at prisons.
Welfare & Poverty
Hunter Hill: Require drug testing for food stamp recipients.
Jason Carter: No mandatory drug testing for food stamp recipients.
Nathan Deal: Require drug testing for food stamp recipients.
Stacey Abrams: No mandatory drug testing for food stamp recipients.
Valencia Stovall: No mandatory drug testing for food stamp recipients.
The above quotations are from Legislative voting records for Georgia House and Senate.
Legislation citations (from news media or state archives):
- On GA-SB6: BFV Law, "Georgia's Senate Bill 6 Addresses Drones," by Lydia M. Hilton, May 6, 2019
- On GA-SB-106: Georgia Public Broadcasting, "What The Patients First Act Means For The Future Of Georgia Healthcare," by Virginia Prescott and Amy Kiley, April 10, 2019
- On GA-SB9: Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "Georgia Legislature broadens ban on sex in high school," by Ty Tagami, April 3, 2019
- Associated Press, "Georgia House backs anti-abortion measure," March 7, 2019
- CNN interviews on Georgia HB731, on AR-15s, (Stacey Abrams), 11/4/2018
- Georgia HB 37 (and several other bills) from 2018 Georgia gubernatorial campaign website (House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams), Mar 30, 2017
- AJC on HB 757, on religious liberty, 4/9/2016
- AJC on HB 859, on campus carry, 3/11/2016
- Georgia HB 772, on drug testing for food stamps, (Hunter Hill & Nathan Deal), 4/29/2014
- Georgia SB 98, on covering abortion, (Hunter Hill & Stacey Abrams), 3/18/2014
- Georgia HB 702, on Ten Commandments, (Hunter Hill & Stacey Abrams), 3/3/2014
- Press release on Georgia HB473, on clean energy grants, (Sonny Perdue), 4/22/2009
- CBPP (Center on Budget & Policy Priorities), "New GA & FL Health Plans Unlikely to Reduce Ranks of Uninsured," by Judith Solomon, 7/1/08
- Georgia State University Law Review on SB1, "Sexual Offenders; unlawful to photograph minors", enacted May/13/08
- eDrugTest.com, "Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Laws," August 2016 update, on SB96 enacted May/24/07
- The Mesothelioma Center, "Filing a Claim in Georgia: Asbestos Exposure", re: SB182, enacted Apr/30/07
- Georgia SB596, on stem cell tissue bank, (Sonny Perdue), 4/14/2006
- Georgia SB 529, on immigration status after minor offenses, (Brian Kemp & Casey Cagle), 3/27/2006
- Georgia SB 84, on voter ID, (Brian Kemp & Casey Cagle), 1/24/2006
- Press release on HB197, on 24 hours before abortion, (Sonny Perdue), 5/10/2005