Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates |
Crippled America, by Donald J. Trump (2015) |
United, by Cory Booker (2016) |
The Truths We Hold, by Kamala Harris (2019) |
Smart on Crime, by Kamala Harris (2010) |
Guide to Political Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2017) |
Where We Go From Here, by Bernie Sanders (2018) |
Promise Me, Dad , by Joe Biden (2017) |
Conscience of a Conservative, by Jeff Flake (2017) |
Two Paths, by Gov. John Kasich (2017) |
Every Other Monday, by Rep. John Kasich (2010) |
Courage is Contagious, by John Kasich (1998) |
Shortest Way Home, by Pete Buttigieg (2019) |
The Book of Joe , by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden) |
Becoming, by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Our Revolution, by Bernie Sanders (2016) |
This Fight Is Our Fight, by Elizabeth Warren (2017) |
Higher Loyalty, by James Comey (2018) |
The Making of Donald Trump, by David Cay Johnston (2017) |
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election |
What Happened , by Hillary Clinton (2017) |
Higher Loyalty , by James Comey (2018) |
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues , by Jesse Gordon (2016) |
Hard Choices, by Hillary Clinton (2014) |
Becoming , by Michelle Obama (2018) |
Outsider in the White House, by Bernie Sanders (2015) |
Book Reviews |
(from Amazon.com) |
(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)
OnTheIssues.org excerpts: (click on issues for details)
Corey Stewart: No exceptions for rape, incest, or maternal life.
Joe Manchin III: Prohibit abortions after 20 weeks; prohibit public funding.
Patrick Morrisey: Overturn Roe v Wade; stop the pro-abortion agenda.
Tim Kaine: Planned Parenthood funding is critical part of safety net.
Corey Stewart: Abortion is a woman's unrestricted righ.
Nick Freitas: Blames abortion industry for broken homes & criminal society.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Pro-choice, including abortion alternatives.
John Buckley: Pro-life Libertarian, because life begins at conception.
Ed Gillespie: I never supported a Personhood amendment.
Ed Gillespie: Sell contraceptives over-the-counter to avoid Hobby Lobby.
Ed Gillespie: Opposes abortion.
Tim Kaine: Increased access to contraceptive coverage.
George Allen: Define that life begins at conception, but contraception ok.
Tim Kaine: If life begins at conception, we must outlaw contraception.
Budget & Economy
Corey Stewart: Opposes federal spending as economic stimulus.
Corey Stewart: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
Nick Freitas: Budgets must come from a place of transparency and frugality.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Create investment banks that will create jobs.
John Buckley: National debt beggars future generations.
Pat McGeehan: Real crisis is $17T in debt and future unfunded liabilities.
Pat McGeehan: The Fed printing money for debt causes inflation.
Mark Warner: Sequester was stupidest way to cut; shutdown cost even more.
Tim Kaine: Tea Party's reckless economic policies create uncertainty.
Jamie Radtke: Congress should have reformed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Jamie Radtke: Focus on cutting spending; Allen voted to spend trillions.
Jamie Radtke: We need someone who is going to focus on cutting spending.
George Allen: No future debt-limit increases until spending is restrained.
George Allen: Stimulus spending failed to create promised jobs.
Jamie Radtke: If we do not deal with spending, nothing else matters.
Tim Kaine: Reverse the sequester: harmful, across-the-board budget cuts.
Tim Kaine: I cut state spending $5B while investing in infrastructure.
Civil Rights
Corey Stewart: Stop brainwashing school children with the Homosexual Agenda.
Tim Kaine: We're still fighting for full LGBT equality.
Corey Stewart: Protect Confederate monuments.
Tim Kaine: Redefine VA as rainbow coalition instead of Unite the Right.
Corey Stewart: 2017: praised Virginia decision to secede during Civil War.
Corey Stewart: Strongly supports traditional marriage.
Corey Stewart: Unfair to condemn only white nationalists.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Worrying about somebody's sexuality is just ridiculous.
Patrick Morrisey: Disappointed with gay marriage legalization.
Natalie Tennant: Treat gay couples equally, but no mandates on churches.
Shelley Moore Capito: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
John Buckley: Live and let live: support the freedom to marry.
Ed Gillespie: Maintain state same-sex marriage ban, but leave it to states.
Mark Warner: Switched to supporting same-sex marriage in 2013.
John Buckley: Shares home with his same-sex partner.
Ed Gillespie: Increase share of African-American vote in midterm elections.
Robert Sarvis: Libertarian platform: allow same-sex couples to marry.
Ed Gillespie: OpEd: Lobbied for company that paid women 39% less than men.
Ed Gillespie: Marriage is the legal union of one man and one woman.
George Allen: Gay judges ok; activist judges not ok.
Bob Marshall: Blocked gay judge's nomination.
Tim Kaine: No discrimination against nominating gay judges.
Tim Kaine: GOP agenda on gay marriage is divisive social legislation.
James Webb: Supports civil unions; opposes constitutional ban.
Nick Freitas: Lower corporate taxes will trickle down to workers.
Nick Freitas: Will fight for tax reform that limits red tape on business.
John Buckley: I'm for limited government and free enterprise.
John Raese: OpEd: Sounded alarm in 2010 on international competitiveness.
George Allen: Encourage corporations to repatriate their foreign earnings.
George Allen: Focus on small business and job creation.
Ed Gillespie: Lobbied to restrict class action lawsuits on corporate fraud.
Tim Kaine: Systemic racial inequities in the criminal justice system.
Corey Stewart: Stricter punishment for violent crimes.
Patrick Morrisey: More funding, more equipment, more hiring for state police.
Paula Jean Swearengin: End mandatory minimum sentencing.
Corey Stewart: Decriminalize marijuana but don't legalize.
Tim Kaine: Decriminalize marijuana federally; respect states' rights.
Patrick Morrisey: Fight opioid epidemic with criminal prosecutions & education.
Nick Freitas: Environmentally-friendly hemp could be a money maker crop.
Nick Freitas: Treatment for drug addicts and more rehab centers.
Paula Jean Swearengin: End the wasteful, harmful, war on drugs.
Patrick Morrisey: Opioids: we're losing a generation of people to despair.
John Buckley: Democrats are afraid to touch the failed War on Drugs.
Natalie Tennant: Federal registry to prevent "doctor shopping.
Robert Sarvis: Libertarian platform: Legalize marijuana.
Corey Stewart: Give parents as many choices as possible, including vouchers.
Joe Manchin III: Limit student loan repayment to 15% of income.
Joe Manchin III: Vouchers pull resources from schools that need them most.
Tim Kaine: Allow Pell Grants to cover short-term training.
Tim Kaine: Fight efforts to divert public funding to private schools.
Corey Stewart: Vouchers for school choice.
Nick Freitas: Wants Common Core out of the educational system.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Free college or trade school to all qualified students.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Ensure adequate funding; encourage best practices.
Ed Gillespie: We spend $12 on safe sex ed for every $1 on abstinence.
Joe Manchin III: More accountability & more audits in the education system.
Joe Manchin III: Keep public education infrastructure strong.
John Raese: Competition is what's good for education.
John Raese: Allow families a voucher to send kids to private schools.
Jamie Radtke: Would vote against No Child Left Behind as too expensive.
George Allen: Lower student loan rates; freeze tuition rates.
Jamie Radtke: Feds should not be in the student loan business.
Tim Kaine: More student loan interest cuts; more tuition assistance.
Tim Kaine: Invest in education--from preschool to career skills.
Energy & Oil
Corey Stewart: Theory of man-made climate change is a hoax.
Joe Manchin III: No one is going to stop using fossil fuels for a long time.
Patrick Morrisey: Led states suing to overturn Obama Clean Power Plan.
Tim Kaine: Climate change imperils our planet's future.
Patrick Morrisey: Fought against clean power rules.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Need to invest in renewable energy now.
Ed Gillespie: Sea levels are rising, but it's debatable what causes it.
Mark Warner: All-of-the-above approach, including pro-coal.
Natalie Tennant: All-of-the-above energy approach, with priority on coal.
Shelley Moore Capito: AdWatch: Fights back against Obama's war on coal.
John Raese: 2010 alternative energy bill was WV's own cap-and-trade Bill.
George Allen: If you use electricity, you should vote for me.
Tim Kaine: Cut subsidies to big oil companies.
Joe Manchin III: I fought for coal in past & will fight for coal in future.
Joe Manchin III: EPA regulatory practices unfairly hurt Appalachian coal.
John Raese: Obama administration has caused decline of coal.
George Allen: Energy independence instead of cap-and-trade.
George Allen: Use the blessings of our plentiful American energy.
George Allen: We are blessed to be #1 in energy resources: so use them.
Tim Kaine: We are producing more energy than ever; find alternatives.
Ed Gillespie: Democrats' energy policy is an attack on our quality of life.
Corey Stewart: Excess environmental regulation costs jobs.
Tim Kaine: Extreme concern over cuts to EPA.
Corey Stewart: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
Don Blankenship: AdWatch: Year in prison for contaminating drinking water.
Patrick Morrisey: EPA exceeds its authority on Clean Water & Cross-State Air.
Don Blankenship: AdWatch: role of MSHA in mine disaster was covered up.
Ed Gillespie: OpEd: Lobbied for company that received 50 EPA warnings.
John Raese: Abolish the EPA & the Department of Energy.
Tim Kaine: Always work to protect our air, water and land.
Families & Children
Joe Manchin III: Opposes gay marriage personally, but accepts as settled law.
Patrick Morrisey: Disappointed with legalization of gay marriage.
Nick Freitas: Families start before birth and everyone has worth.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Make 6 months of family leave available to all parents.
Tim Kaine: Teach Safe Relationships: prevent sexual assault.
Foreign Policy
Corey Stewart: Support American Exceptionalism.
Don Blankenship: Soft on China if one is related to a "Chinaperson".
Don Blankenship: Double headline - Already Done.
Robert Sarvis: Libertarians want less intervention in foreign policy.
George Allen: End foreign aid to Egypt until they join War on Terror.
Tim Kaine: Strengthen partnerships with Latin America.
Free Trade
Corey Stewart: Trump's Chinese tariffs are right on.
Joe Manchin III: Supports tariffs on China; trade hasn't been good for WV.
Patrick Morrisey: Supports tariffs on China to gain negotiating leverage.
Tim Kaine: Trump's Chinese tariffs are killing jobs.
Corey Stewart: Free trade only if the US is being treated fairly.
Ed Gillespie: Opposes the Export-Import Bank.
Mark Warner: Renew Export-Import Bank to support U.S. businesses globally.
Ed Gillespie: Lobbied to remove tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber.
Government Reform
Corey Stewart: Opposes regulation of campaign donations.
Joe Manchin III: Citizens United decision has destroyed this country.
Tim Kaine: Expand early voting & general ballot access.
Tim Kaine: Reverse Citizens United; it erodes democracy.
Nick Freitas: Use originalism to faithfully interpret Constitutional text.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut regulations favoring big businesses.
Evan Jenkins: Important to keep information secure.
Natalie Tennant: I learned "make-do" attitude via my upbringing on a farm.
Natalie Tennant: 18-month investigation into stolen election: 3 convictions.
Natalie Tennant: OpEd: Suppress voting by requiring change-of-address cards.
Joe Manchin III: Not more government, but easier government.
John Raese: I think we need less government.
John Raese: End the coalition of taking & government control.
Jamie Radtke: Country's biggest problem is activist judges.
George Allen: Sexual orientation not a factor in judges' qualifications.
George Allen: Judges shouldn't invent law or impose their political views.
Jamie Radtke: Line-item veto to get rid of earmark spending.
Jamie Radtke: No more blank checks for Congress.
James Webb: Increasing number of lobbyists is a problem.
Ed Gillespie: Paid $27M in lobbying fees in early 2000s.
Gun Control
Corey Stewart: Gave away a semi-automatic rifle in campaign raffle.
Joe Manchin III: Background checks ok; not no ban on semi-automatic weapons.
Patrick Morrisey: Keep Washington liberal gun grabbers off our guns.
Tim Kaine: Ban assault weapons, high-capacity ammo, & bump stocks.
Mark Warner: Support assault weapons ban plus background checks.
Corey Stewart: Absolute right to gun ownership.
Nick Freitas: Unapologetic firm supporter of 2nd Amendment rights.
Ed Gillespie: Fight UN gun ban treaty, & fight bans on guns or ammunition.
Mark Warner: Restrict but don't ban high-capacity magazines.
John Buckley: Freedom to carry AND freedom to marry.
Natalie Tennant: Vehemently disagrees with Obama administration on gun rights.
George Allen: Instant criminal records check on all gun purchases.
George Allen: Endorsed by NRA for record of defending Second Amendment.
Jamie Radtke: Oppose the Clinton-Feinstein gun ban.
Jamie Radtke: Second Amendment avoids infringement on civil liberties.
Tim Kaine: Gun violence causes unbearable pain; stand up to gun lobby.
Health Care
Corey Stewart: ObamaCare has failed; Medicaid expansion is major disaster.
Joe Manchin III: Unacceptable to go back to pre-ObamaCare days.
Patrick Morrisey: Sued to end coverage of preexisting conditions.
Tim Kaine: Praised Virginia's Medicaid expansion.
Corey Stewart: Oppose ObamaCare.
Nick Freitas: Wants all government restrictions taken out of health care.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Medicare for all as part of insurance free market.
Corey Stewart: Full repeal of ObamaCare.
Patrick Morrisey: Was lobbyist for pharmaceutical distributors; wife still is.
Ed Gillespie: Ebola: Impose a flight ban from West Africa.
Mark Warner: Ebola: screen passengers on flights from West Africa.
Shelley Moore Capito: Vote for repeal & replace; but work for fixing ObamaCare.
John Buckley: Less government in healthcare; more individual choice.
John Buckley: ObamaCare is a Big Government bacterial infection.
Ed Gillespie: Benefits from GOP resistance to the new health law.
John Raese: ObamaCare relies on poor business model; use private-sector.
Natalie Tennant: Supports access to insurance for all.
Natalie Tennant: FactCheck: GOP says 147,000 lose insurance; really 8,800.
Mark Warner: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
George Allen: ObamaCare hurts seniors by taking $700B from Medicare.
Tim Kaine: Let Medicare negotiate rates for prescription drug prices.
Joe Manchin III: ObamaCare makes healthcare more affordable for everyone.
Joe Manchin III: Reform & repair ObamaCare, not repeal.
John Raese: ObamaCare is the problem, not the solution.
George Allen: I want to be the deciding vote to repeal ObamaCare.
Tim Kaine: Inaction was not a solution for healthcare.
Jamie Radtke: Repeal Obama's health care overhaul.
Homeland Security
Corey Stewart: Expand the military.
Nick Freitas: Help our veterans with reentry into civilian life.
Shelley Moore Capito: Weak Iraq policy let ISIS foment into power.
John Buckley: National Defense Authorization Act is Big Brother spying.
John Buckley: Opposes NSA spying & foreign policy meddling.
Tim Kaine: Budget cuts made us vulnerable to Libya embassy attack.
Tim Kaine: Let Bush tax cuts expire instead of automatic defense cuts.
Bob Marshall: Against "don't ask, don't tell" as Navy officer in 1990s.
George Allen: Military readiness more important than congressional consent.
George Allen: More concerned with army's readiness than war authorization.
George Allen: Spending necessary to bolster the military, post-9-11.
Tim Kaine: All-cuts approach leaves TRICARE & nat'l defense vulnerable.
George Allen: 52,000 earmarks, but mostly for defense & security.
Jamie Radtke: Creating Department of Homeland Defense was not necessary.
Tim Kaine: Troop Talent Act: ease transition to civilian careers.
Tim Kaine: Open all combat roles to women.
James Webb: Supports don�t ask, don�t tell rule for military.
Corey Stewart: Illegal immigration threatens America's security & jobs.
Joe Manchin III: Give DREAMers a path to citizenship.
Patrick Morrisey: Lax immigration laws pose a security risk to our homeland.
Tim Kaine: Comprehensive immigration reform to protect DREAMers.
Corey Stewart: Oppose pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
Nick Freitas: Supports stronger borders and a merit-based entry policy.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Create swift, secure path to citizenship.
Natalie Tennant: Secure the borders first, then send illegals to back of line.
Shelley Moore Capito: Secure the borders first, then comprehensive reform.
Ed Gillespie: Send migrant kids back to parents in Central America.
Mark Warner: Send migrant kids back to Central America, after processing.
John Buckley: Create a mechanism to normalize people already here.
Robert Sarvis: Liberalize immigration; population growth lowest since 1930s.
Ed Gillespie: Unapologetic supporter of comprehensive immigration overhaul.
Tim Kaine: Make it easier for foreign students to get green cards.
Harris Miller: Tamper-proof ID card; limited enforcement against employers.
Joe Manchin III: Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10.
Tim Kaine: Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $15.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Raise minimum wage; tie rate to inflation.
Natalie Tennant: Raise payroll cap to $240,000; and raise minimum wage.
Tim Kaine: Close the gender pay gap.
Principles & Values
Corey Stewart: Keep God in the public sphere.
Don Blankenship: I'm Trumpier than Trump, despite Trump opposition.
Nick Freitas: First and foremost a Christian, for liberty and equality.
Evan Jenkins: A proud ally of our president Trump.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Part of "Brand New Congress" to fight special interests.
Shelley Moore Capito: Declined to debate with 3rd-party candidates.
John Buckley: Former Republican state legislator.
John Buckley: Elected as Republican to VA House; running as Libertarian.
John Buckley: Cousin to William F. Buckley; long background in GOP.
Ed Gillespie: Don't let the Left fill the vacuum of minority voters.
Natalie Tennant: 55-county "Talk with Tennant" tour: represent W.V., not D.C.
Bob McDonnell: Indicted on corruption charges days after leaving office.
Zane Lawhorn: We're seeping into era of chaos, as foretold in the Bible.
Pat McGeehan: Constitutional conservative: pro-life, pro-gun and pro-coal.
Joe Manchin III: We can only fix things by coming together.
Tim Kaine: Smash-mouth partisanship is yesterday's politics.
Tim Kaine: Served as a missionary in Honduras.
Tim Kaine: Motivated to serve, including missionary work in Honduras.
Jamie Radtke: Career politicians are part of the problem.
Ed Gillespie: Planned political reporting career at Catholic U. of America.
Ed Gillespie: Raised a Democrat; first job with Democrat; switched to GOP.
Social Security
Corey Stewart: Lifting cap would increase taxes on the little guy.
Joe Manchin III: Expand Social Security without privatization.
Patrick Morrisey: Reforms to keep Social Security & Medicare solvent.
Tim Kaine: Lift cap above $128,000 to make Trust Fund solvent.
Mark Warner: Opposes privatizing social security.
Shelley Moore Capito: Raise payroll cap above $200,000.
George Allen: Raise retirement age, plus options for younger people.
Tim Kaine: Fight against any privatization proposals.
George Allen: Raise retirement age & end benefits to wealthy.
Tim Kaine: Lift the payroll tax cap.
George Allen: Raise retirement age; more retirement security options.
Jamie Radtke: Raise retirement age; private retirement security options.
Tim Kaine: No dangerous privatization schemes for Social Security.
Tim Kaine: Make Social Security work for today's seniors and future.
Tax Reform
Corey Stewart: Lowering taxes is the key to prosperity.
Joe Manchin III: Wealthy corporations got greatest benefit from Trump tax cut.
Patrick Morrisey: Trump tax cuts mean West Virginians receive bonuses & raises.
Tim Kaine: Trump tax cuts explode deficit & only benefit the wealthy.
Corey Stewart: The wealthy are already disproportionately taxed.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut taxes for middle/working class.
Ed Gillespie: Believes in conservative ideas of lower taxes.
George Allen: Letting Bush tax cuts expire is a tax hike.
Tim Kaine: Keep Bush tax cuts except for the wealthy.
George Allen: No tax increases; no defense cuts; no bargaining.
Tim Kaine: Open to some minimum income tax level for everyone.
George Allen: Freedom-to-choose flat tax: present tax code or flat rate.
Tim Kaine: Balance taxes: let Bush tax cuts expire at the top end.
Tim Kaine: No need for millionaire's tax: just let Bush cuts expire.
Joe Manchin III: Supports infrastructure investment.
Joe Manchin III: Overturn FCC repeal of net neutrality.
Patrick Morrisey: Supports infrastructure investment.
Tim Kaine: Protect Net Neutrality (equal access to Internet).
Tim Kaine: Transportation infrastructure spending as economic stimulus.
Nick Freitas: Government barriers to expanding technology must be stopped.
Paula Jean Swearengin: Invest $4.6 trillion in infrastructure.
George Allen: Keep taxes off Internet.
George Allen: No online sales tax for out-of-state websites.
Tim Kaine: Force online retailers to collect sales taxes.
War & Peace
Corey Stewart: Iran continues to be a state-sponsor of terrorism.
Joe Manchin III: Withdraw from Iranian nuclear treaty.
Patrick Morrisey: Withdraw from Iranian nuclear treaty.
Tim Kaine: Withdrawing from Iran nuke treaty weakens alliances.
Corey Stewart: Avoid foreign entanglements.
Paula Jean Swearengin: End wars of choice; protect human rights when needed.
Natalie Tennant: We should consider ground troops against ISIS.
Ed Gillespie: Keep troops in Afghanistan; military on table with Iran.
Mark Warner: Keep military action on the table against Iran.
George Allen: Iran is a threat; prevent getting nuclear weapons.
Bob Marshall: No US military in Libyan war without congressional consent.
Jamie Radtke: No US military in Libyan war without congressional consent.
Bob Marshall: Opposes sending troops overseas without declaration of war.
Jamie Radtke: Opposes sending troops overseas without declaration of war.
Tim Kaine: Redefine War Powers to reflect realities of 21st century.
Tim Kaine: Nuke deal with Iran is dramatic improvement over status quo.
Tim Kaine: Supported Obama's stopping the Iraq War.
Ed Gillespie: As Bush spokesperson, defended Iraqi surge & al Qaeda link.
James Webb: It was a mistake to go to Iraq; said so before Senate vote.
Welfare & Poverty
Nick Freitas: Cites welfare handouts as major reason for family breakdown.
John Buckley: Eliminate DOE, HUD, HHS, NPR, FAA, and more.
Robert Sarvis: Foster a competitive market for community-based services.