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Books by and about 2020 presidential candidates
Crippled America,
by Donald J. Trump (2015)
by Cory Booker (2016)
The Truths We Hold,
by Kamala Harris (2019)
Smart on Crime,
by Kamala Harris (2010)
Guide to Political Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2017)
Where We Go From Here,
by Bernie Sanders (2018)
Promise Me, Dad ,
by Joe Biden (2017)
Conscience of a Conservative,
by Jeff Flake (2017)
Two Paths,
by Gov. John Kasich (2017)
Every Other Monday,
by Rep. John Kasich (2010)
Courage is Contagious,
by John Kasich (1998)
Shortest Way Home,
by Pete Buttigieg (2019)
The Book of Joe ,
by Jeff Wilser (2019; biography of Joe Biden)
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Our Revolution,
by Bernie Sanders (2016)
This Fight Is Our Fight,
by Elizabeth Warren (2017)
Higher Loyalty,
by James Comey (2018)
The Making of Donald Trump,
by David Cay Johnston (2017)
Books by and about the 2016 presidential election
What Happened ,
by Hillary Clinton (2017)
Higher Loyalty ,
by James Comey (2018)
Trump vs. Hillary On The Issues ,
by Jesse Gordon (2016)
Hard Choices,
by Hillary Clinton (2014)
Becoming ,
by Michelle Obama (2018)
Outsider in the White House,
by Bernie Sanders (2015)

Book Reviews

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(click a book cover for a review or other books by or about the presidency from Amazon.com)

Winners and Losers
Senate candidates from Virginia

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    Click on a participant to pop-up their full list of quotations
    from Past and present Senate candidates from Virginia (number of quotes indicated):
  • Bob Marshall (4) Former Republican Senate Challenger (2012) Virginia
  • Bob McDonnell (1) Virginia Republican Governor
  • Corey Stewart (34) Republican candidate for Virginia U.S. Senator Virginia
  • Don Blankenship (5) Republican candidate for West Virginia U. S. Senator West Virginia
  • Ed Gillespie (26) Virginia Republican 2017 Gubernatorial candidate
  • Evan Jenkins (2) Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • George Allen (31) Republican
  • Harris Miller (1) Former Democratic challenger (2006) Virginia
  • James Webb (4) Former Virginia Senator; Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Jamie Radtke (17) Former Republican Senate Challenger (2012) Virginia
  • Joe Manchin III (24) West Virginia Former Democratic Governor (Until 2010)
  • John Buckley (16) Libertarian Senate challenger West Virginia
  • John Raese (10) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Mark Warner (11) Virginia Former Democratic Governor (2002-2006); elected Senator 2008
  • Natalie Tennant (13) Democratic Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Nick Freitas (16) Republican candidate for Virginia U. S. Senator Virginia
  • Pat McGeehan (3) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Patrick Morrisey (18) Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • Paula Jean Swearengin (17) Democratic candidate for West Virginia U. S. Senator West Virginia
  • Robert Sarvis (5) Virginia Libertarian nominee for Governor
  • Shelley Moore Capito (7) Republican Challenger West Virginia
  • Tim Kaine (60) Virginia Democratic Nominee for Vice President
  • Zane Lawhorn (1) Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
    OR click on an issue category below for a subset.
 OnTheIssues.org excerpts:  (click on issues for details)
    Corey Stewart: No exceptions for rape, incest, or maternal life.
    Joe Manchin III: Prohibit abortions after 20 weeks; prohibit public funding.
    Patrick Morrisey: Overturn Roe v Wade; stop the pro-abortion agenda.
    Tim Kaine: Planned Parenthood funding is critical part of safety net.
    Corey Stewart: Abortion is a woman's unrestricted righ.
    Nick Freitas: Blames abortion industry for broken homes & criminal society.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Pro-choice, including abortion alternatives.
    John Buckley: Pro-life Libertarian, because life begins at conception.
    Ed Gillespie: I never supported a Personhood amendment.
    Ed Gillespie: Sell contraceptives over-the-counter to avoid Hobby Lobby.
    Ed Gillespie: Opposes abortion.
    Tim Kaine: Increased access to contraceptive coverage.
    George Allen: Define that life begins at conception, but contraception ok.
    Tim Kaine: If life begins at conception, we must outlaw contraception.
Budget & Economy
    Corey Stewart: Opposes federal spending as economic stimulus.
    Corey Stewart: Market-led recovery better than stimulus.
    Nick Freitas: Budgets must come from a place of transparency and frugality.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Create investment banks that will create jobs.
    John Buckley: National debt beggars future generations.
    Pat McGeehan: Real crisis is $17T in debt and future unfunded liabilities.
    Pat McGeehan: The Fed printing money for debt causes inflation.
    Mark Warner: Sequester was stupidest way to cut; shutdown cost even more.
    Tim Kaine: Tea Party's reckless economic policies create uncertainty.
    Jamie Radtke: Congress should have reformed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
    Jamie Radtke: Focus on cutting spending; Allen voted to spend trillions.
    Jamie Radtke: We need someone who is going to focus on cutting spending.
    George Allen: No future debt-limit increases until spending is restrained.
    George Allen: Stimulus spending failed to create promised jobs.
    Jamie Radtke: If we do not deal with spending, nothing else matters.
    Tim Kaine: Reverse the sequester: harmful, across-the-board budget cuts.
    Tim Kaine: I cut state spending $5B while investing in infrastructure.
Civil Rights
    Corey Stewart: Stop brainwashing school children with the Homosexual Agenda.
    Tim Kaine: We're still fighting for full LGBT equality.
    Corey Stewart: Protect Confederate monuments.
    Tim Kaine: Redefine VA as rainbow coalition instead of Unite the Right.
    Corey Stewart: 2017: praised Virginia decision to secede during Civil War.
    Corey Stewart: Strongly supports traditional marriage.
    Corey Stewart: Unfair to condemn only white nationalists.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Worrying about somebody's sexuality is just ridiculous.
    Patrick Morrisey: Disappointed with gay marriage legalization.
    Natalie Tennant: Treat gay couples equally, but no mandates on churches.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Marriage is between a man and a woman.
    John Buckley: Live and let live: support the freedom to marry.
    Ed Gillespie: Maintain state same-sex marriage ban, but leave it to states.
    Mark Warner: Switched to supporting same-sex marriage in 2013.
    John Buckley: Shares home with his same-sex partner.
    Ed Gillespie: Increase share of African-American vote in midterm elections.
    Robert Sarvis: Libertarian platform: allow same-sex couples to marry.
    Ed Gillespie: OpEd: Lobbied for company that paid women 39% less than men.
    Ed Gillespie: Marriage is the legal union of one man and one woman.
    George Allen: Gay judges ok; activist judges not ok.
    Bob Marshall: Blocked gay judge's nomination.
    Tim Kaine: No discrimination against nominating gay judges.
    Tim Kaine: GOP agenda on gay marriage is divisive social legislation.
    James Webb: Supports civil unions; opposes constitutional ban.
    Nick Freitas: Lower corporate taxes will trickle down to workers.
    Nick Freitas: Will fight for tax reform that limits red tape on business.
    John Buckley: I'm for limited government and free enterprise.
    John Raese: OpEd: Sounded alarm in 2010 on international competitiveness.
    George Allen: Encourage corporations to repatriate their foreign earnings.
    George Allen: Focus on small business and job creation.
    Ed Gillespie: Lobbied to restrict class action lawsuits on corporate fraud.
    Tim Kaine: Systemic racial inequities in the criminal justice system.
    Corey Stewart: Stricter punishment for violent crimes.
    Patrick Morrisey: More funding, more equipment, more hiring for state police.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: End mandatory minimum sentencing.
    Corey Stewart: Decriminalize marijuana but don't legalize.
    Tim Kaine: Decriminalize marijuana federally; respect states' rights.
    Patrick Morrisey: Fight opioid epidemic with criminal prosecutions & education.
    Nick Freitas: Environmentally-friendly hemp could be a money maker crop.
    Nick Freitas: Treatment for drug addicts and more rehab centers.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: End the wasteful, harmful, war on drugs.
    Patrick Morrisey: Opioids: we're losing a generation of people to despair.
    John Buckley: Democrats are afraid to touch the failed War on Drugs.
    Natalie Tennant: Federal registry to prevent "doctor shopping.
    Robert Sarvis: Libertarian platform: Legalize marijuana.
    Corey Stewart: Give parents as many choices as possible, including vouchers.
    Joe Manchin III: Limit student loan repayment to 15% of income.
    Joe Manchin III: Vouchers pull resources from schools that need them most.
    Tim Kaine: Allow Pell Grants to cover short-term training.
    Tim Kaine: Fight efforts to divert public funding to private schools.
    Corey Stewart: Vouchers for school choice.
    Nick Freitas: Wants Common Core out of the educational system.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Free college or trade school to all qualified students.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Ensure adequate funding; encourage best practices.
    Ed Gillespie: We spend $12 on safe sex ed for every $1 on abstinence.
    Joe Manchin III: More accountability & more audits in the education system.
    Joe Manchin III: Keep public education infrastructure strong.
    John Raese: Competition is what's good for education.
    John Raese: Allow families a voucher to send kids to private schools.
    Jamie Radtke: Would vote against No Child Left Behind as too expensive.
    George Allen: Lower student loan rates; freeze tuition rates.
    Jamie Radtke: Feds should not be in the student loan business.
    Tim Kaine: More student loan interest cuts; more tuition assistance.
    Tim Kaine: Invest in education--from preschool to career skills.
Energy & Oil
    Corey Stewart: Theory of man-made climate change is a hoax.
    Joe Manchin III: No one is going to stop using fossil fuels for a long time.
    Patrick Morrisey: Led states suing to overturn Obama Clean Power Plan.
    Tim Kaine: Climate change imperils our planet's future.
    Patrick Morrisey: Fought against clean power rules.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Need to invest in renewable energy now.
    Ed Gillespie: Sea levels are rising, but it's debatable what causes it.
    Mark Warner: All-of-the-above approach, including pro-coal.
    Natalie Tennant: All-of-the-above energy approach, with priority on coal.
    Shelley Moore Capito: AdWatch: Fights back against Obama's war on coal.
    John Raese: 2010 alternative energy bill was WV's own cap-and-trade Bill.
    George Allen: If you use electricity, you should vote for me.
    Tim Kaine: Cut subsidies to big oil companies.
    Joe Manchin III: I fought for coal in past & will fight for coal in future.
    Joe Manchin III: EPA regulatory practices unfairly hurt Appalachian coal.
    John Raese: Obama administration has caused decline of coal.
    George Allen: Energy independence instead of cap-and-trade.
    George Allen: Use the blessings of our plentiful American energy.
    George Allen: We are blessed to be #1 in energy resources: so use them.
    Tim Kaine: We are producing more energy than ever; find alternatives.
    Ed Gillespie: Democrats' energy policy is an attack on our quality of life.
    Corey Stewart: Excess environmental regulation costs jobs.
    Tim Kaine: Extreme concern over cuts to EPA.
    Corey Stewart: Fight EPA regulatory over-reach.
    Don Blankenship: AdWatch: Year in prison for contaminating drinking water.
    Patrick Morrisey: EPA exceeds its authority on Clean Water & Cross-State Air.
    Don Blankenship: AdWatch: role of MSHA in mine disaster was covered up.
    Ed Gillespie: OpEd: Lobbied for company that received 50 EPA warnings.
    John Raese: Abolish the EPA & the Department of Energy.
    Tim Kaine: Always work to protect our air, water and land.
Families & Children
    Joe Manchin III: Opposes gay marriage personally, but accepts as settled law.
    Patrick Morrisey: Disappointed with legalization of gay marriage.
    Nick Freitas: Families start before birth and everyone has worth.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Make 6 months of family leave available to all parents.
    Tim Kaine: Teach Safe Relationships: prevent sexual assault.
Foreign Policy
    Corey Stewart: Support American Exceptionalism.
    Don Blankenship: Soft on China if one is related to a "Chinaperson".
    Don Blankenship: Double headline - Already Done.
    Robert Sarvis: Libertarians want less intervention in foreign policy.
    George Allen: End foreign aid to Egypt until they join War on Terror.
    Tim Kaine: Strengthen partnerships with Latin America.
Free Trade
    Corey Stewart: Trump's Chinese tariffs are right on.
    Joe Manchin III: Supports tariffs on China; trade hasn't been good for WV.
    Patrick Morrisey: Supports tariffs on China to gain negotiating leverage.
    Tim Kaine: Trump's Chinese tariffs are killing jobs.
    Corey Stewart: Free trade only if the US is being treated fairly.
    Ed Gillespie: Opposes the Export-Import Bank.
    Mark Warner: Renew Export-Import Bank to support U.S. businesses globally.
    Ed Gillespie: Lobbied to remove tariffs on Canadian softwood lumber.
Government Reform
    Corey Stewart: Opposes regulation of campaign donations.
    Joe Manchin III: Citizens United decision has destroyed this country.
    Tim Kaine: Expand early voting & general ballot access.
    Tim Kaine: Reverse Citizens United; it erodes democracy.
    Nick Freitas: Use originalism to faithfully interpret Constitutional text.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut regulations favoring big businesses.
    Evan Jenkins: Important to keep information secure.
    Natalie Tennant: I learned "make-do" attitude via my upbringing on a farm.
    Natalie Tennant: 18-month investigation into stolen election: 3 convictions.
    Natalie Tennant: OpEd: Suppress voting by requiring change-of-address cards.
    Joe Manchin III: Not more government, but easier government.
    John Raese: I think we need less government.
    John Raese: End the coalition of taking & government control.
    Jamie Radtke: Country's biggest problem is activist judges.
    George Allen: Sexual orientation not a factor in judges' qualifications.
    George Allen: Judges shouldn't invent law or impose their political views.
    Jamie Radtke: Line-item veto to get rid of earmark spending.
    Jamie Radtke: No more blank checks for Congress.
    James Webb: Increasing number of lobbyists is a problem.
    Ed Gillespie: Paid $27M in lobbying fees in early 2000s.
Gun Control
    Corey Stewart: Gave away a semi-automatic rifle in campaign raffle.
    Joe Manchin III: Background checks ok; not no ban on semi-automatic weapons.
    Patrick Morrisey: Keep Washington liberal gun grabbers off our guns.
    Tim Kaine: Ban assault weapons, high-capacity ammo, & bump stocks.
    Mark Warner: Support assault weapons ban plus background checks.
    Corey Stewart: Absolute right to gun ownership.
    Nick Freitas: Unapologetic firm supporter of 2nd Amendment rights.
    Ed Gillespie: Fight UN gun ban treaty, & fight bans on guns or ammunition.
    Mark Warner: Restrict but don't ban high-capacity magazines.
    John Buckley: Freedom to carry AND freedom to marry.
    Natalie Tennant: Vehemently disagrees with Obama administration on gun rights.
    George Allen: Instant criminal records check on all gun purchases.
    George Allen: Endorsed by NRA for record of defending Second Amendment.
    Jamie Radtke: Oppose the Clinton-Feinstein gun ban.
    Jamie Radtke: Second Amendment avoids infringement on civil liberties.
    Tim Kaine: Gun violence causes unbearable pain; stand up to gun lobby.
Health Care
    Corey Stewart: ObamaCare has failed; Medicaid expansion is major disaster.
    Joe Manchin III: Unacceptable to go back to pre-ObamaCare days.
    Patrick Morrisey: Sued to end coverage of preexisting conditions.
    Tim Kaine: Praised Virginia's Medicaid expansion.
    Corey Stewart: Oppose ObamaCare.
    Nick Freitas: Wants all government restrictions taken out of health care.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Medicare for all as part of insurance free market.
    Corey Stewart: Full repeal of ObamaCare.
    Patrick Morrisey: Was lobbyist for pharmaceutical distributors; wife still is.
    Ed Gillespie: Ebola: Impose a flight ban from West Africa.
    Mark Warner: Ebola: screen passengers on flights from West Africa.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Vote for repeal & replace; but work for fixing ObamaCare.
    John Buckley: Less government in healthcare; more individual choice.
    John Buckley: ObamaCare is a Big Government bacterial infection.
    Ed Gillespie: Benefits from GOP resistance to the new health law.
    John Raese: ObamaCare relies on poor business model; use private-sector.
    Natalie Tennant: Supports access to insurance for all.
    Natalie Tennant: FactCheck: GOP says 147,000 lose insurance; really 8,800.
    Mark Warner: AdWatch: Targeted by RNC robocalls for support of ObamaCare.
    George Allen: ObamaCare hurts seniors by taking $700B from Medicare.
    Tim Kaine: Let Medicare negotiate rates for prescription drug prices.
    Joe Manchin III: ObamaCare makes healthcare more affordable for everyone.
    Joe Manchin III: Reform & repair ObamaCare, not repeal.
    John Raese: ObamaCare is the problem, not the solution.
    George Allen: I want to be the deciding vote to repeal ObamaCare.
    Tim Kaine: Inaction was not a solution for healthcare.
    Jamie Radtke: Repeal Obama's health care overhaul.
Homeland Security
    Corey Stewart: Expand the military.
    Nick Freitas: Help our veterans with reentry into civilian life.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Weak Iraq policy let ISIS foment into power.
    John Buckley: National Defense Authorization Act is Big Brother spying.
    John Buckley: Opposes NSA spying & foreign policy meddling.
    Tim Kaine: Budget cuts made us vulnerable to Libya embassy attack.
    Tim Kaine: Let Bush tax cuts expire instead of automatic defense cuts.
    Bob Marshall: Against "don't ask, don't tell" as Navy officer in 1990s.
    George Allen: Military readiness more important than congressional consent.
    George Allen: More concerned with army's readiness than war authorization.
    George Allen: Spending necessary to bolster the military, post-9-11.
    Tim Kaine: All-cuts approach leaves TRICARE & nat'l defense vulnerable.
    George Allen: 52,000 earmarks, but mostly for defense & security.
    Jamie Radtke: Creating Department of Homeland Defense was not necessary.
    Tim Kaine: Troop Talent Act: ease transition to civilian careers.
    Tim Kaine: Open all combat roles to women.
    James Webb: Supports don�t ask, don�t tell rule for military.
    Corey Stewart: Illegal immigration threatens America's security & jobs.
    Joe Manchin III: Give DREAMers a path to citizenship.
    Patrick Morrisey: Lax immigration laws pose a security risk to our homeland.
    Tim Kaine: Comprehensive immigration reform to protect DREAMers.
    Corey Stewart: Oppose pathway to citizenship for illegal aliens.
    Nick Freitas: Supports stronger borders and a merit-based entry policy.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Create swift, secure path to citizenship.
    Natalie Tennant: Secure the borders first, then send illegals to back of line.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Secure the borders first, then comprehensive reform.
    Ed Gillespie: Send migrant kids back to parents in Central America.
    Mark Warner: Send migrant kids back to Central America, after processing.
    John Buckley: Create a mechanism to normalize people already here.
    Robert Sarvis: Liberalize immigration; population growth lowest since 1930s.
    Ed Gillespie: Unapologetic supporter of comprehensive immigration overhaul.
    Tim Kaine: Make it easier for foreign students to get green cards.
    Harris Miller: Tamper-proof ID card; limited enforcement against employers.
    Joe Manchin III: Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $10.10.
    Tim Kaine: Raise minimum wage from $7.25/hr to $15.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Raise minimum wage; tie rate to inflation.
    Natalie Tennant: Raise payroll cap to $240,000; and raise minimum wage.
    Tim Kaine: Close the gender pay gap.
Principles & Values
    Corey Stewart: Keep God in the public sphere.
    Don Blankenship: I'm Trumpier than Trump, despite Trump opposition.
    Nick Freitas: First and foremost a Christian, for liberty and equality.
    Evan Jenkins: A proud ally of our president Trump.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Part of "Brand New Congress" to fight special interests.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Declined to debate with 3rd-party candidates.
    John Buckley: Former Republican state legislator.
    John Buckley: Elected as Republican to VA House; running as Libertarian.
    John Buckley: Cousin to William F. Buckley; long background in GOP.
    Ed Gillespie: Don't let the Left fill the vacuum of minority voters.
    Natalie Tennant: 55-county "Talk with Tennant" tour: represent W.V., not D.C.
    Bob McDonnell: Indicted on corruption charges days after leaving office.
    Zane Lawhorn: We're seeping into era of chaos, as foretold in the Bible.
    Pat McGeehan: Constitutional conservative: pro-life, pro-gun and pro-coal.
    Joe Manchin III: We can only fix things by coming together.
    Tim Kaine: Smash-mouth partisanship is yesterday's politics.
    Tim Kaine: Served as a missionary in Honduras.
    Tim Kaine: Motivated to serve, including missionary work in Honduras.
    Jamie Radtke: Career politicians are part of the problem.
    Ed Gillespie: Planned political reporting career at Catholic U. of America.
    Ed Gillespie: Raised a Democrat; first job with Democrat; switched to GOP.
Social Security
    Corey Stewart: Lifting cap would increase taxes on the little guy.
    Joe Manchin III: Expand Social Security without privatization.
    Patrick Morrisey: Reforms to keep Social Security & Medicare solvent.
    Tim Kaine: Lift cap above $128,000 to make Trust Fund solvent.
    Mark Warner: Opposes privatizing social security.
    Shelley Moore Capito: Raise payroll cap above $200,000.
    George Allen: Raise retirement age, plus options for younger people.
    Tim Kaine: Fight against any privatization proposals.
    George Allen: Raise retirement age & end benefits to wealthy.
    Tim Kaine: Lift the payroll tax cap.
    George Allen: Raise retirement age; more retirement security options.
    Jamie Radtke: Raise retirement age; private retirement security options.
    Tim Kaine: No dangerous privatization schemes for Social Security.
    Tim Kaine: Make Social Security work for today's seniors and future.
Tax Reform
    Corey Stewart: Lowering taxes is the key to prosperity.
    Joe Manchin III: Wealthy corporations got greatest benefit from Trump tax cut.
    Patrick Morrisey: Trump tax cuts mean West Virginians receive bonuses & raises.
    Tim Kaine: Trump tax cuts explode deficit & only benefit the wealthy.
    Corey Stewart: The wealthy are already disproportionately taxed.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Cut taxes for middle/working class.
    Ed Gillespie: Believes in conservative ideas of lower taxes.
    George Allen: Letting Bush tax cuts expire is a tax hike.
    Tim Kaine: Keep Bush tax cuts except for the wealthy.
    George Allen: No tax increases; no defense cuts; no bargaining.
    Tim Kaine: Open to some minimum income tax level for everyone.
    George Allen: Freedom-to-choose flat tax: present tax code or flat rate.
    Tim Kaine: Balance taxes: let Bush tax cuts expire at the top end.
    Tim Kaine: No need for millionaire's tax: just let Bush cuts expire.
    Joe Manchin III: Supports infrastructure investment.
    Joe Manchin III: Overturn FCC repeal of net neutrality.
    Patrick Morrisey: Supports infrastructure investment.
    Tim Kaine: Protect Net Neutrality (equal access to Internet).
    Tim Kaine: Transportation infrastructure spending as economic stimulus.
    Nick Freitas: Government barriers to expanding technology must be stopped.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: Invest $4.6 trillion in infrastructure.
    George Allen: Keep taxes off Internet.
    George Allen: No online sales tax for out-of-state websites.
    Tim Kaine: Force online retailers to collect sales taxes.
War & Peace
    Corey Stewart: Iran continues to be a state-sponsor of terrorism.
    Joe Manchin III: Withdraw from Iranian nuclear treaty.
    Patrick Morrisey: Withdraw from Iranian nuclear treaty.
    Tim Kaine: Withdrawing from Iran nuke treaty weakens alliances.
    Corey Stewart: Avoid foreign entanglements.
    Paula Jean Swearengin: End wars of choice; protect human rights when needed.
    Natalie Tennant: We should consider ground troops against ISIS.
    Ed Gillespie: Keep troops in Afghanistan; military on table with Iran.
    Mark Warner: Keep military action on the table against Iran.
    George Allen: Iran is a threat; prevent getting nuclear weapons.
    Bob Marshall: No US military in Libyan war without congressional consent.
    Jamie Radtke: No US military in Libyan war without congressional consent.
    Bob Marshall: Opposes sending troops overseas without declaration of war.
    Jamie Radtke: Opposes sending troops overseas without declaration of war.
    Tim Kaine: Redefine War Powers to reflect realities of 21st century.
    Tim Kaine: Nuke deal with Iran is dramatic improvement over status quo.
    Tim Kaine: Supported Obama's stopping the Iraq War.
    Ed Gillespie: As Bush spokesperson, defended Iraqi surge & al Qaeda link.
    James Webb: It was a mistake to go to Iraq; said so before Senate vote.
Welfare & Poverty
    Nick Freitas: Cites welfare handouts as major reason for family breakdown.
    John Buckley: Eliminate DOE, HUD, HHS, NPR, FAA, and more.
    Robert Sarvis: Foster a competitive market for community-based services.

    Click for quotations from other sources by:
  • Bob Marshall Former Republican Senate Challenger (2012) Virginia
  • Bob McDonnell Virginia Republican Governor
  • Corey Stewart Republican candidate for Virginia U.S. Senator Virginia
  • Don Blankenship Republican candidate for West Virginia U. S. Senator West Virginia
  • Ed Gillespie Virginia Republican 2017 Gubernatorial candidate
  • Evan Jenkins Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • George Allen Republican
  • Harris Miller Former Democratic challenger (2006) Virginia
  • James Webb Former Virginia Senator; Democratic Presidential candidate
  • Jamie Radtke Former Republican Senate Challenger (2012) Virginia
  • Joe Manchin III West Virginia Former Democratic Governor (Until 2010)
  • John Buckley Libertarian Senate challenger West Virginia
  • John Raese Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Mark Warner Virginia Former Democratic Governor (2002-2006); elected Senator 2008
  • Natalie Tennant Democratic Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Nick Freitas Republican candidate for Virginia U. S. Senator Virginia
  • Pat McGeehan Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia
  • Patrick Morrisey Republican candidate for West Virginia U.S. Senator West Virginia
  • Paula Jean Swearengin Democratic candidate for West Virginia U. S. Senator West Virginia
  • Robert Sarvis Virginia Libertarian nominee for Governor
  • Shelley Moore Capito Republican Challenger West Virginia
  • Tim Kaine Virginia Democratic Nominee for Vice President
  • Zane Lawhorn Republican Senate Challenger West Virginia

The above quotations are from Winners and Losers
Senate candidates from Virginia.

Senatorial winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

U.S. House of Representatives winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

Gubernatorial winners and losers in each state:

AK -  AL -  AR -  AZ -  CA -  CO -  CT -  DE -  FL -  GA -  HI -  IA -  ID -  IL -  IN -  KS -  KY -  LA -  MA - 
MD -  ME -  MI -  MN -  MO -  MS -  MT -  NC -  ND -  NE -  NH -  NJ -  NM -  NV -  NY - 
OH -  OK -  OR -  PA -  RI -  SC -  SD -  TN -  TX -  UT -  VA -  VT -  WA -  WI -  WV -  WY - 

All material copyright 1999-2022
by Jesse Gordon and OnTheIssues.org
Reprinting by permission only.

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Page last edited: Feb 23, 2019