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Network Marketing

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Network Marketing-

What Is Network Marketing?

  • Network marketing focuses on independent distributors who market and sell a product to their network of friends, relatives, and contacts. Network marketing is a business model that depends on person-to-person sales by independent representatives, often working from home. Through commissions on the products they sell, distributors make a profit. Often, they’re not employees of the company, but rather independent contractors.

  • Distributors in network marketing organizations often employ three success strategies: lead generation, recruitment, and building and management. There are many reputable network marketing operations, but some have been denounced as pyramid schemes. The latter may focus less on sales to consumers than on the recruitment of salespeople who may be required to pay upfront for expensive starter kits.

  • Lead generation is the process of discovering prospective new customers and clients who may be interested in the product. Recruiting entails bringing customers and business partners to your network. And management and construction are the means by which you train, motivate, and manage your recruits.

  • Network marketing programs have a minimum initial investment, typically a few hundred dollars for the purchase of a product sample kit, and the chance to sell a product line directly to friends and other personal contacts. In the majority of network marketing programs, participants are also required to recruit new sales representatives. The recruits constitute a representative’s “downline,” and their sales create revenue for those in the program above them.

  • When a network marketing organization pays its participants primarily for recruiting others rather than for selling the company’s products, things can get sticky. A network marketing system that generates the majority of its revenue through recruitment may be deemed an illegal pyramid scheme.

  • Due to the fact that network marketing programs are typically free from business opportunity regulation and are not defined as franchises under state and federal franchise laws, you will need to conduct your own research prior to investing.

History Of Network Marketing Companies

History of Network Marketing Companies-
  • During the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s, a great number of new consumer goods were created and needed to be sold. These items were frequently intricate and required explanation to prospective purchasers. Following World War II in the 1940s, the California Vitamin Company (renamed Nutrilite in 1939) and the California Perfume Company helped network marketing gain its stride (now Avon).

  • The California Vitamin Company’s goods were in such high demand that the company’s founder, Carl Rehnborg, recruited independent distributors to increase the number of salesmen. These independent distributors were directed to find new distributors among their networks of family, friends, and clients. Representatives were compensated based on the sales of distributors they recruited.

  • Rick de Vos and Jan van Andel, both former workers of Nutrilite, established Amway in 1959. Amway was founded using the MLM organizational structure and set the path for the establishment of MLM enterprises in other nations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and France. Amway enabled businesses such as Panasonic, Palmolive, and MasterCard to incorporate network marketing into their omnichannel marketing strategies. Since 1989, Amway has sponsored an NBA arena, the Amway Center (and the former Amway Arena) for the Orlando Magic.

  • In the 1980s, the economic landscape of the United States changed. A period of economic expansion coincided with the entry of women into the workforce. As they sought employment that would allow them to make money without neglecting their children and families, these women became prime targets for network marketing organizations. These companies provided chances for women to achieve financial independence without abandoning their families by promoting the advancement of women to positions of authority.

  • At the end of the 1990s, network marketers began to understand how to leverage the Internet’s power. Individual distributors and enterprises were facilitated in their use of social networks by the introduction of online shops and electronic orders. Since the emergence of social media platforms, it has been typical for people in your network to promote businesses such as Rodan + Fields or IT Works.

  • The categories in which network marketing is practiced will continue to expand and evolve alongside society. At its core, though, relationship building will always be the key to network marketing success.

  • However, there are additional factors to consider if you believe network marketing is right for you.

Types Of Network Marketing

  • Network marketing operates on multiple levels. This creates three types of it:
  1. Single-tier Network Marketing
  2. Two-tier Network Marketing
  3. Multi-level Network Marketing
  • Single-tier Network Marketing- You enroll in the affiliate program of a company in order to offer its products or services via single-tier network marketing. You do not need to recruit other distributors, and your only source of income is direct sales. The well-known cosmetics company Avon utilizes single-tier network marketing.

  • Some affiliate programs offer compensation for sending visitors to the affiliate’s website. Pay-per-click (PPC) and pay-per-lead (PPL) affiliate programs are also included in single-tier networking.

  • Two-tier Network Marketing- In contrast to single-tier network marketing, two-tier network marketing requires some recruitment, but compensation is not wholly contingent on it. You get compensated for both direct sales (or traffic led to a website) and direct sales or recommended traffic generated by affiliates or distributors you employ.

  • Multi-tier Network Marketing- Some direct sales companies use multi-level marketing (MLM) to incentivize existing distributors to recruit new distributors in exchange for a percentage of their recruits’ sales. The recruits are the distributor’s “downline.” Distributors also profit from product sales made directly to clients.

  • The well-known multilevel marketing company Amway, which offers health, beauty, and home care products, is an example of a well-known direct sales company.

Advantages Of Network Marketing

  • There are no size limitations on network marketing organizations. This is because corporations can build distribution relationships with a huge number of individuals. Distributors can also collaborate with sub-distributors to boost corporate sales.

  • Since companies have a robust and effective distribution network that contacts clients directly, they do not need to rely on advertising to promote their products.

  • Also influenced by distributor structure are retailer profit margins, which are regarded as expenditures by businesses. These profit margins are transferred to distributors, relieving businesses of their financial burden.

  • Another advantage is that firms now spend less on storage and delivery than they once did. This is because distributors are accountable for these expenses.

  • Because of this system, distributors can profit indefinitely from their business dealings with the organization. They can earn money from their own earnings as well as commissions.

Disadvantages Of Network Marketing

  • It becomes increasingly challenging for producers to estimate production goals. Because they rely entirely on wholesalers to manage customer demand. It could result in over- or under-stocking of products.

  • Distributors play a crucial role in facilitating the delivery of goods and services to final consumers. Because manufacturers are less concerned about this, it may be difficult for them to regulate sales or distribution.

How Does Network Marketing Work?

  • Network marketing is also known as Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), cellular marketing, affiliate marketing, consumer-direct marketing, referral marketing, and home-based business franchising.

  • Companies that engage in network marketing usually develop layers of salespeople, incentivized to recruit their own networks of salespeople.
  1. Those who initiate a new tier (or “upline”) receive commissions on both their own sales and the sales of those in the tier they initiated (the “downline”).
  2. With time, a new tier may emerge, offering more commissions to both the top and middle tiers.
  3. A member’s network marketing earnings are contingent on product sales and recruitment.
  • Any person joining the network marketing team goes through two processes: the first one is training and the other one is sales.

1. Training- After enrolling, the first stage is to become the company’s distributor, i.e., to begin selling the company’s products.

Given that the business involves selling and recruiting distributors, the company you are joining or your sponsor will provide you with extensive product and sales training.

To help you get started with the company, the Company provides you with comprehensive product information and promotional materials, such as advertising materials and Marcom tools.

You will learn, among other things, the complexities of your company’s product range, the quality and safety regulations they satisfy, how they compare to the competition, what queries to expect from customers, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Most firms provide sales training and training to recruit new employees; typically, they plan a brief workshop for this purpose.

2. Sales- You are prepared to begin working once the company has provided you with sales training, product expertise, the appropriate tools and materials, and a startup package. Your sponsor will be accessible during your training and support you in launching your business.

Your sales process will now include prospecting or making a list of prospects, qualifying the prospects, making an appointment with the prospects, meeting them and presenting the MLM business proposal, answering questions and assisting them in making a decision to join the network, and following up with them on a regular basis to ensure a positive decision.

The process continues with them becoming distributors, receiving product training, selling, and being supplied with tools, marketing materials, and a starter kit, as well as being motivated and assisted in expanding their network.

In addition to employing and expanding your distributor network, you will Endeavor to increase retail sales. Creating a list of retail sales prospects comprises your family, friends, neighbors, and local community, as well as your coworkers, your company, and other businesses with which you have established relationships. This is how a straightforward Network Marketing business plan works.

How To Success In Network Marketing?

  • Running a successful network marketing business doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. You can create a breakthrough with a few simple steps – change your story, change your strategy and the rest will follow.

  • Find your passion- Your love and enthusiasm for a product or service motivate you to convey its narrative effectively, which is how you create value. Consider what goods have enhanced your life in the past and what you’re interested in learning more about. Is it Home décor? Cosmetics? When you select a topic in which you have a strong interest, your enthusiasm will shine through.

  • Choose the right company- Enthusiasm is the most important factor for network marketing success, and selecting a firm that fits your passion is equally important. You will need to conduct extensive research to identify a company whose message, story, and products or services inspire you to join its ranks. The network marketing business you choose must also have the following traits:

  1. At least five years in operation
  2. Steady cash flow
  3. Professional development
  4. Established customer base
  • Put your resources to work- Success in network marketing depends heavily on the number of resources you can cultivate. Determine how you leverage your existing contacts, education, and accomplishments to achieve commercial success. There may be dozens of relationships that you can leverage to expand your network.

  • Manage your Mindset- In network marketing, how you see yourself is significantly more important than your strategies. You may have numerous tactics to employ, but if you lack the proper mindset, you will be unable to implement them. However, if you have the appropriate mindset, you can succeed in network marketing even if you have no commercial experience.

  • Prior to engaging in network marketing, you must understand how to generate good emotions and manage your responses to situations. Instead of responding to a circumstance, choose how you’ll feel. When you do this, life happens for you rather than to you, putting you firmly in control. As you learn about network marketing, you will meet numerous obstacles; considering each obstacle as something you can overcome and learn from can help you move on from momentary setbacks.

Is Network Marketing Risky?

Is Network Marketing Risky-
  • Yes, there are risks involved in network marketing. You risk the capital required for beginning expenses, inventory acquisition, and training materials. You will also spend time and money on administrative tasks, order fulfillment, and recruiting new salespeople. To recoup your investment, you must sell a substantial quantity of product. And to continue making a profit, you will need to keep selling more (and sometimes recruiting new salespeople for your downline). Consider whether your network has enough purchasers to satisfy your business’s needs, and thoroughly investigate the network marketing organization prior to joining.

Top 13 Best Network Marketing Organizations

Sr. No.

Companies Name




Modicare Pvt. Ltd.




Natura Cosmetics


LG Household & Health








Forever Living


Amore Pacific






Perfect China

Top 13 Interesting Facts About Network Marketing

  1. The first direct-selling company established is Southwestern Company which started in 1855.

  2. 30% of the top 100 direct-selling companies recorded a positive revenue growth rate.

  3. 56% of the top 100 MLM companies are US-based, followed by 12% in China.

  4. The top 3 network marketing companies based on 2021 revenue are Amway, Natura Cosmetics, and Herbalife.

  5. Amway has an annual revenue of 8.9 billion USD in 2021 and is holding the first position in top direct-selling companies for the ninth consecutive year.

  6. 2 companies achieved the DSN CCR Gold Status in 2022 – MONAT GLOBAL, Perfectly Posh.

  7. California has the highest number of people involved in direct selling – 1,696,202. The state also contributes the highest retail sales – $5B.

  8. 76% of direct sellers in the USA are women and 24% are men.

  9. The most popular product categories in direct selling in 2021 are wellness, cosmetics & personal care, and household goods & durables.

  10. Cosmetics and personal care products contributed 24.5% to annual retail sales.

  11. More than 44.6 million preferred customers and discount buyers are in the US.

  12. Sales need to focus on the younger generation too as they are the future and having their trust in a product means a lot.

  13. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on every business. The majority still have not been able to recover it by even 50% of the COVID.

Swati Gulati- 13angle writer
Swati Gulati



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