Early Bird Tickets
A limited number of Early Bird Tickets are available with a 30% discount. Tickets are available at ₹350 instead of Regular Ticket Price of ₹500. Book your ticket now to avail the Early Bird Offer as there is no time-limit for this offer. The offer will be withdrawn as soon as early bird tickets are finished.
Regular Tickets
The regular price of WordCamp Delhi 2017 ticket is ₹500. Only tickets bought before 31st July 2017 will get the cool WordCamp Delhi 2017 swag.
Individual Sponsor
This ticket is intended for people who recognize that WordCamp is as valuable as more traditionally-priced industry conferences and want to help support the event & the WordPress community in Delhi-NCR region by paying the actual cost incurred on each attendee. You get everything you would from a standard Subscriber ticket plus a sense of satisfaction in knowing that you’re supporting the WP Community in India. Plus, you’ll be listed by name in a section on our website!
Please Note:
- Ticket includes access to sessions, Tea/Coffee and Lunch on Conference day.
If you’re having any issues in booking ticket or have any questions then please email us at [email protected] or call us at 8114463543 , 9899180786.
Basic Terms:
- It is mandatory to carry the copy of the eMail sent to you after successful payment. It must be DIGITAL (on your phone/phablet/tablet/laptop) NO physical print-out is required. Please also carry a valid identity document.
- In case, due to any technicality, if you have not received the eMail; we send a reminder eMail &/or SMS on the day of the event prior to registration time for easy access. Further, if your name is displayed on the Attendees Page, we shall consider it valid.
- Issued Tickets are Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable.
- Only one person shall be admitted against each valid ticket.
- Seats in the auditorium will be available on first-come first serve basis. It is your responsibility to reach on time and take your seat.
- Event ID card: Issued at the venue’s registration desk, as per the event schedule.
- Right of admission reserved by the Event &/or Venue Management
- By submitting the form, you are approving WordCamp Delhi 2017 to send relevant email & SMS communication in regards to the event & ticketing.
- By submitting the form, you are acknowledging that you have read and agreed to the ‘Code-of-Conduct‘.
- The Event ID may contain a QR Code which will have the following info: First Name, Last Name, Twitter (if mentioned), Website URL (if mentioned). You may choose to include the following during the purchase of the ticket: eMail &/or Mobile.
- Disclaimer: Please note your First & Last Name will be publicly visible on Attendees page along with your Gravatar. Also (if mentioned) the Linkedin/Facebook/Twitter Handle & the Website URL will be publicly visible. We may not publicly display any other info submitted in the form, unless indirectly in form of statistics &/or report.