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Audubon Everywhere

Allegheny Chinkapin Colorado White Fir Purple Coneflower AmericanGoldfinch Kentucky Coffeetree MexicanWhite Oak ArizonaWalnut FloridaMaple

Audubon Everywhere is the National Audubon Society’s first online convention for our chapter leaders and grassroots advocates Oct 1–2, 2021.

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Times subject to change


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Friday, October 1

Saturday, October 2

All sessions will be recorded and made available to registered attendees following the convention.

Closed captioning in English and Spanish available for the full program.

Open now!


Register now

Introducing Pay-What-You-Can Registration Fees


The base cost to attend our virtual convention is $150. We understand that these are unprecedented times and that our network has faced many challenges over the past year. We are committed to making the convention accessible to all and do not want cost to be a barrier to anyone wishing to attend. We are offering reduced fees to anyone who needs financial assistance – no questions asked. If one of these discounted rates is unattainable, please contact [email protected].

There will also be an option to provide additional funds to help support the participation of someone in need.