On the Magnum PI episode “Dead Man Walking,” before Magnum (Jay Hernandez) balks at notorious crime boss Osi Shima’s (Eijiro Ozaki) request to find his missing son, Magnum and his friends including Jim (Bobby Lee) play a game of tug-of-war on the beach. Jim/Bobby looks Survivor-esque “buff.” Contestants on Survivor wear Buffs to designate different tribes.

Get ready to see more of Bobby Lee: he’s playing Larry in the highly anticipated movie Borderlands with Cate Blanchette and Jack Black, among other Hollywood movie stars.
Bobby Lee demonstrates on his Instagram that he knows how to get tough. Or at least he knows how to hang around with some tough guys. If Steven Seagal and John Cena gave Bobby some advice for the tug, watch out.
Talk about some muscle…
Magnum PI airs Fridays at 9 pm on CBS, right before Blue Bloods at 10 pm.