Tuesday, 1 November 2011

All set for Coventry Conference

The web site and SL warehouse are ready to be shown at the 'Innovative Research in Virtual Worlds' conference in Coventry later this week. Hopefully we can show the warehouse live in SL but if not Alan has made a short video. See the lower quality YouTube version below.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Warehouse Version 3 demonstrated

Alan Hudson demonstrated the third version of the warehouse this week. He showed Debbie and Chris the basic functionality and the new features and design of this warehouse.

During the discussions a number of changes and enhancements have been proposed which Alan is now implementing. These include, a rest room, more detailed instructions for the user and suggestions for a new look Head Up Display (HUD).

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Version 2 of the Warehouse complete!

Version 2 showing the new layout
The second version of the warehouse has been completed ready for version 3 to be constructed on the new Second Life region Hudson Valley.

Conveyors and packing stations

Version 2 was created to redesign the general layout and develop the scripts and techniques for the final fully functional version 3. Version 2 includes scripting for moving objects, the HUD (Head Up Display) for informing the students of their progress recording scores etc, and atmospheric sound.

Development of Version 3 will now commence. This will concentrate of retexturing the warehouse to make it look and feel realistic, inclusion of racking and walls and roof, and the details of the dangers to be discovered. This will be built on the new Hudson Valley Second Life region.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

First draft of website underway

We are making progress on editing the film and creating the resources..will be planning our dissemination day ...Clipper Logistics are being great partners..can't wait to share the the first full prototype for testing - in the meantime, here is a lovely photo of a truck:)

Friday, 5 August 2011

The filming sequence

We planned each scene out on an individual powerpoint slide.

This was used for the initial 'walk through' with Barry, the facilities manager and health and safety representative

He was able to comment about whether our ideas would work -in the workplace' and so the storyboard was refined before we planned the final filming.

What worked: preparation and planning and the industry 'expert voice' gave the whole day a sense of realism

What didn't work: getting volunteer to be filmed - solution, Alan agreed to put on the clipper t-shirt and wear a high visibility vest

Photo shows Alan kitted out as our warehouse operative for the day; Debbie with her clipboard and Barry advising us

our ideas for filming - will update soon!


Requirements for filming – 2nd and 3rd of August.

Debbie/Alan, for the 3 interviews this is the Idea but we need to agree a script for each.

Interview videos will take place on the 3rd August – when all managers will be present and available! No video to be more than 2 minutes – less if possible!

Interview 1:

A brief introduction by Delme (?)(maybe 1 – 2 minutes) for the introductory web page.

Clipper, one of the world's largest and most successful Logistics companies, are proud to work in partnership along side Anglia Ruskin University and London Metropolitan University to help produce this series learning materials on health and safety.

Here at Clipper we strongly believe in all aspects of Health and safety and we want to help others with there awareness and learning. We will concentrate on 3 areas 1. Operational,
2. Statutory and 3. Safe Systems.

Real’ life scenarios will accompany each of these three educational objects where you have to make decisions based on the activities you have learnt from.

They offer advice and practice activities to enhance the understanding of Health and Safety in the workplace.

We hope you enjoy these packages and that together we can raise the profile of health and safety…

Interview 2:

A brief introduction to the learning object by Lenny(?)

This learning object focus’s on Operational health and safety in the storage and warehousing industry - Accidents in storage and warehousing?

In 2007/08 the storage, warehousing and road haulage industries reported over 10,000 work related accidents to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and Local Authorities.

Why we believe this is a good project... etc

This learning object should take you about 20 minutes and will give you the information you will need to enter the 3D warehouse where YOU will have to make important decisions…

Interview 3:

A general over of health and safety in the warehouse and working environment… (Barry?)

"Health and safety doesn't just happen - you have to work at it on all levels. It has to be part of everyone's working day and not an add-on if we have time..."

People are the main cause of accidents in the work place always be aware of yourself your environment and others around you

-Understand how health and safety affects all staff, in all organisations, all the time

Health and safety is something we tend to take for granted - until an accident happens that affects us or our work colleagues, and then its generally to late.

Being careful and adhering to the health and safety regulations has to become second nature even when we're really busy an preoccupied. The key message is that we have to take responsibility for our own safety, and the safety of others, at all times, every working day. video arts but changed a bit..

Become more safety-conscious for yourself and your colleagues

(video arts)

Remember as soon as you see a mistake and don't fix it, it becomes your mistake…


See Power point for layout of video storyboard.

Hopefully most of the main video will be shot on the 2nd of August, what we are unable to get we will have to try and fit in on the 3rd.

Requirements from Clipper if possible.

Would be good to have Barry (and Lenny if possible) with us at all times.

All Staff should be informed and asked to be on their best behavior incase they are filmed in background, and they should know we are there – health and safety reasons!!!

We would require the help of 2 members of staff for the filming. One would be the main character and in almost every shot. (so someone that is willing and good and available the next day if required) The other person we be in the back ground a bit and doing other things… Filming will go on till late. (We have a bout 50 shots to film)

1. We will be filming in:

· The car park (car parking)

· The caged area

· Outside door

· The main entrance

· The walkway in

· The reception

· The coat hanger area

· Space where lorries load inside.

· Conveyer belt area downstairs

· Packing area

· Lift area

· Upstairs packing area…

· Packaging area

· Hardhat area (need signs)

· Fire exit area

· Fire extinguisher on wall, area

· An area where some boxes are under a sprinkler

· Access to offices for interviews… (Tuesday)

2. Props we need access to :

· Fork lift truck (and driver)

· Manual puller fork lift

· Blue boxes with cling film on to low, ie at bottom.

· Various colour high visibility vest’s

· A large broom

· Large empty boxes, and some flatted ones

· A hard hat

· Someone’s CAR for parking

· Flammable cylinder (with markings on)

Also need to film six people for activity 4.

(something like this, we will need to look more closely at the context etc.)

1. Our main character will be filmed doing one of these:

“Wasn’t sure what to do really… he er… was lying there, mmm you never know what to do in these things, it was very difficult to know what to do, I MOVED A BOX out of the way then I called out for help, and waited, there’s always someone that knows what to do, so I just waited..”

2. The second person from Clipper to do another:

“mmm it was very difficult to know what to do, he was lying there, and he’s my best mate, so I just picked him up and carried him to the first aid room, called Stan and he came sorted him out, and he was fine, you know, I felt a bit worried about it, but, mm, yea he was OK, and yea I felt pretty pleased with my self really, you know it was a bit anguish but it worked all right in the end..”

3. Female?

Well, I did not hesitate; I knew there might be serious dangers around and that I might not be able to tackle them alone, so I called out for help, and while I waited I got within talking distance and ask Pete if he could here me, and told him that help is on the way…

4. Female?

I didn’t know him well really, but I went over to him straight away, and it was a bit awkward, I gently tried to wake him, wasn’t sure of his name, I tried to ask him if he was OK, when I did not get a response I called for the first aid man, Stan to help…

5. Worker?

“Its very difficult not to just dive in, and to help em, when someone’s injured, but.. mmm, well I thought well maybe there’s something else that’s sort of dangerous, and of course I might get electrocuted or something, so I though, mmm, so I looked around to see if anything else could effect me first before I went in, as much as I want to help someone, I didn’t want to get hurt myself…

6. Worker?

I immediately called out for help, and asked for someone to get the first aider, Stan. There was a flurry of activity, and while all this was going on I decided to try and move some of the boxes… I just thought the weight of the boxes could be doing more damage and the best thing to do w