Spouse Visa UK & Civil Partner Visas

UK Visas and Immigration
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Non-European nationals can apply for  a spouse visa to enter or remain in the UK as either the spouse / partner of a British citizen. A similar visa can be obtained if the person in the UK is someone with settled status, refugee status or humanitarian protection.

Settled status is also known as Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR). If you have settled status / ILR it means that you have been given permission to settle in the UK permanently.

I want a UK spouse visa for my wife / husband – what do I need to do?

If you are married to a non-European person, the first thing you need to understand is that your spouse will need a UK immigration visa. For you to successfully get a spouse visa you and your spouse need to satisfy a variety of different UK immigration Rules. The UK immigration Rules change so often that sometimes they change on a yearly, monthly or even weekly basis. This means that the rules are becoming increasingly complex. Even the UK visa application forms are over 100 pages long.

That said, broadly speaking, the criteria includes matters such as suitability, relationship, financial and language requirements, which all need to be met before your spouse will be given permission to come and join you in the UK.

Spouse Visa UK: If I meet all the criteria for my spouse to get a visa, how long would my spouse be able to stay?

If you and your spouse meet and satisfy the criteria you should, be successful in getting a UK spouse visa. ‘Should’, because immigration has globally, become quite political. The political machinery certainly since the financial crisis is far more interested in reducing net migration to the UK. You should though then be able to get a 30 month UK spouse visa / civil partner visa.

One of the most important keys to a successful UK spouse visa application is being able to satisfy the requirements of the UK immigration Rules.

Extensions: Can my spouse visa be extended?

Yes the first spouse visa would be for 30 months. You then will need to apply for a further extension having to meet all the requirements again.

Simply Professional Advice on UK Spouse Visa

Given that UK immigration Rules keep changing it is essential to get the right advice from professionals, quite simply because it is important to get an application for a spouse visa, done properly because otherwise a refusal often has a negative impact on the lives of people. A UK spouse visa refusal also means that the family usually have to stay apart from each other for an unknown period of time.

Often UK immigration visa applications can be quite complex. That is why 4A Law recommend that you use the services of an immigration expert. You can contact 4A Law today for friendly, no obligation advice that is simply professional.

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